• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern hollywood arts: main (open!!)


Hunter Drake

To his surprise (a pleasant one at that), Ronnie had taken the lead as Hunter allowed himself to be dragged to the dance floor. Contrary to the popular opinion about him, he wasn't typically the following type, but something about just finding himself in Ronnie's grasp, the way her eyes met his in that brief moment before she whisked him off where the music was its loudest.

He was a sip and a half into his own punch before he could feel the electric beat consume him and the energy that was an intriguing mix of raw and refined. He didn't know if it was just the way that Ronnie was making him feel right now, the beat from the band playing, or the punch. It was hard for Hunter to maintain a focus that wasn't Ronnie Crosby.

Sure, the fight he had with Nickie was enough to bring anyone down and especially for someone so one-step-forward, two-steps-back like Hunter. Maybe the reason why he wasn't sure what to think was, despite everything said, he had a guilty conscience about everything. Or the apology that he should have given her had come moments too late.

Hunter forced himself to not think about it right now. Here he was with someone that actually wanted to be with him. She was smiling at him, taking small sips of the punch he brought for her, and having the time of her life. Who cared if he was a bit of a dick to Nickie? Who cared that he should apologize? She was in the past, right? Right.


With a smile and a more genuine rhythm building in his feet, he let himself have fun even if he just he to shut off everything else that had to do with he last five minutes spent with his ex. Ronnie was happy and that's all that really mattered to him right now.

"I'm, like, totally loving the punch too."

As he was in his own head, Hunter didn't realize he blocked out whatever ROnnie was saying. He might've recalled her moving her lips, but for obvious reasons, he didn't necessarily hear her. Or maybe it was the loud beat. REgardless, he smiled wide. "I'm glad! It's really good, right?" He shouted back at her, feeling his groove becoming less rigid the more he just let go of certain things.

"What're you thinking about?"

The honest answer wasn't necessarily the one he should let slip through his lips. Then Hunter considered the alternatives. He didn't want to ruin the moment by saying he was thinking about how mean he was to Nickie, so instead he looked at his date and how hot she looked in her dress and how her hair just looked so fiery under the lights. It was like the universe was telling him it was okay to fib. Nobody had to know the whole truth of what was going on in his head.

"About how hot you look tonight!" He shouted, curling his lips into a smirk.

"That as a pretty nasty fight."

And then the fight was mentioned.

And then Hunter lost all surface-level veils. He didn't want to talk about it, but Ronnie was going on a bit of a tangent.

"She can be so mean. I'm sure whatever she said wasn't true--"

Thinking about everything NIckie said about her and Dei, the things she implied, the way she said it...Hunter wished those weren't true, but they were. He knew that and as much as he knew Nickie liked the attention and the spotlight it came with on her, there was no doubt in his mind that everything she said was a fact.

And his response was less than stellar. Denial and embodying what it meant to not react was his go-to. Usually he would have erupted at her, but Hunter didn't do that. It was only after it was all said and done did he say horrible things to her and nearly immediately regretted it.

"Maybe you're right. I mean, it's Nickie after all. She lies for attention." He had no idea why he just said that but the longer it was out there, the more he just let it be.

Feeling her hand on his sleeve, Hunter kept his eyes on Ronnie.

"Sorry about your suit. Do you need to wash up?"

Hunter shook his head. "Don't worry about it; it'll be fine. Kinda feels nice if I'm being honest. All the rockstars get their nice suits wet, right?" He huffed in an almost triumphant laugh as he kept moving his body with Ronnie's.

Forget and have fun

Winter Ball

Back in black

Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)
by The Offspring​

Ronnie, Nickie


hery hery

º º code by ditto º º


Niamh Foster

mood : flirtyyy

location : winter ball

mentions :

interactions : june, ollie

“And you’re the damsel in distress are you not?”

Niamh laughed. “Does that make you my Prince Charming?”

Ollie arrived with a voracious energy that Niamh was immediately drawn to. It was apparent that Ollie was comfortable; she seemed acclimatised to the over-the-top shenanigans of the ball, and her pant suit earned an admirable nod from Niamh for sheer black sheep value. She could appreciate a person who was very much of their own kind, who stood out against the background noise. Ollie was hot. Niamh suppressed a smirk from spreading across her lips.

The two girls exchanged smokes and quips about the ridiculousness of the Ball, laughing at the paparazzi and the overly-drunk freshmen stumbling about the place. All the while, Niamh was conscious of June’s presence beside her, unmoving against the brick wall. Niamh felt a pang of guilt, like she’d neglected her social responsibility of engaging with her. Get it together. she thought, reprimanding herself. You met the poor girl not even 10 minutes ago and already someone else has swung your attention. Don’t be a dick.

“This is fun and all, but who wants to go inside and eat some grub?”

June, who had been mostly silent since Ollie’s arrival, suddenly turned to Niamh, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. “There’s a snack table?”

Say no more, Niamh thought. Friends who feast together were good friends indeed. So, the three of them slipped back inside and dodged through crowds of teenagers to the food and drink. Ollie and Niamh, red-eyed and somewhat ravenous, started grabbing hors d’oeuvres and chipolata sausages, revelling in their taste. They threw their heads back in fits of giggles as they made their way through the dishes, dropping thick dollops of clotted cream and pastry crumbs on the floor around them.

Niamh’s eyes glanced upon June and lingered on her for a moment. The small brunette picked at a bowl of chips, occasionally letting her gaze wander out to the couples on the dance floor. Niamh sensed her innocence and gauged that the girls impressionability was likely to be high. How tempting.

In a spur of the moment decision, Niamh picked up a strawberry dipped delicately in a fine chocolate layer. She held it for a second whilst June’s eyes met hers, before leaning into the space between them. She held the strawberry towards her, their gaze unfaltering. Sheepishly, June leaned in, and bit the strawberry held between Niamh’s fingers.

Niamh could have died right then. She was having fun. Ollie was hot, June was cute… she was spoilt for choice. She’d never been able to just, do that before, and be reciprocated. These girls had her feeling some kind of way. She was feeling… spontaneous.

º º ... code by ditto ... º º

Remi P. Michel

Time. He knew it was a human construct and didn’t exist. Many things were human constructs though. It didn’t change how they affected his life.

So as time dilation made the time between Maggie leaving and Amy’s arrival seem like a decade, he fiddled with his hands, resisting the urge to grab his phone. So when he looked up and saw that Amy was approaching, he was able to offer a smile as he approached.

Hey Honey, you miss me?

Of course he missed her. She was always on his mind. She was the only thing that he ever thought about. He wasn’t sure if he should tell her all of that, or if that would be off-putting or not. So he took his time and just responded like her normally would.

“Every second we were apart.”

Smooth. He wasn’t intentionally trying to be smooth; he was just giving his natural response to her question. He would have done that no matter the situation between them.

“You look beautiful, but that’s not a surprise.”

Remi took a slow breath as he turned himself to make sure they were facing each other. He moved his hands around her back to grab her hands, and squeezed them tightly placing them in front of him. He leaned down and kissed her lips gently, before pulling away.

“I’ve been looking forward to this all day.” He admitted, making sure that he never broke eye contact with her. He wanted to be clear that she was the only thing that he was focused on. He knew things could play on her insecurities and he wanted to be sure that he didn’t allow for them to creep up on her.

“You owe me a dance by the way, I don’t want you to forget that part. You’re my Cinderella.”

Int'l Players Anthem

by UGK, Outkast

clothes for the collab

Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202 ish a collab
mentions mentions mentions

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ahlivia richardson
Junior - Lit - 17
winter ball

stassi AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

Ahlivia had been enjoying the short conversation she was having with Mick. Sure, it may have sprung up because she needed emotional support but that didn't matter. She had met a new acquaintance which mattered just a little more. She was all for making new friends and branching out. It didn't matter that she should be focusing on the ones she had currently. If an opportunity arose for her to meet new people then she was always willing to take it.

Catching Stassi in the distressed attitude she was in had happened completely by chance. A break in contact between her and Mick had resulted in Liv making a double take. Normally she had been so well kept - emotionally and physically. So to see her in such a state had been a complete shock.

She wasn't able to focus on the conversation she was having with Mick, her eyes often drifting away towards her direction or her thoughts. It was clear her mind had become preoccupied and once she hadn't been able to completely focus she put her hand out.

"Hey, I'm- I'm sorry. I need to check on my friend."

Liv turned to walk away before remembering she was being rude - she should tell him bye first.

"Thanks for this! I'm sure we'll see each other around in school, yeah?"

In typical Ahlivia fashion she smiled at him and walked away not even leaving a small bit of opportunity for him to respond. Her next task was simple - get to Stassi and away from the flashing cameras and nosey eyes.

"Stassi," she softly approached, making her presence known before she touched her. "Hey, let's go to the bathroom, yeah?"

The moment the two of them were away from prying eyes Liv checked under the stalls to make sure they were alone. How awful would it be if anyone were to hear and started spreading the information around?

"What's going on?"

coded by natasha.

felix rian emmerson

Maeve took Felix’s waiting arm. “I’m absolutely ready,” she said. ”Let’s enjoy the night as much as we can.”

His grin spread wider. “With you? I’ll enjoy it even more than that,” he chuckled, givin’ her a wink as he began to walk with her toward the grand front entrance.

Speaking of the grand front entrance…this place was really over-the-top, didn’t ya think? If he didn’t know better, he’d think this was one of the events that his dad was supposed to be attendin’, not a, ya know, Hollywood Arts Winter Ball. They sunk a lotta money in this thing every year. He’d forgotten just how much they spent on a night that most of the attendees would probably remember as the night they conceived Mommy Blog material in the Baroque-style bathroom or, ya know, got blackout drunk off of vodka they’d brought in a Walmart flask, which he guessed were endeavors fun in their own rights but weren’t really the kinda thing you needed a high-class area for, ya know. What he meant was, well, it wadn’t exactly a night deservin’ of such a classy place, but hey, ya know, if the big people wanted to spend their money that way, he couldn’t really complain, ya know.

He’d enjoy it, at least.

Felix whistled through his teeth, lookin’ up at the high, crystal chandeliered ceilings of the venue as he held the door open for his date. “You sure we got the right place?” he joked. “Looks more like they gave us the address for Buckingham Palace more’n’ a high school dance spot,” he chuckled, takin’ Maeve’s arm again and lettin’ the door fall shut behind them. There were little pops as they walked further in, and he glanced over to see a little cluster of paparazzi.

They were probably desperate, small-scale online tabloid employees let in by the school to make the students feel like they were really gettin’ places in the world and to make the night feel all special for the underclassmen, but hey, any publicity was good publicity, ya know? So they could feel free to plaster his good-lookin’ mug on any site they so pleased.

He shot them a wink as he stepped into the ballroom, jokin’ to the girl on his arm, “We’re totally gonna be on the cover of The New York Times come mornin’.”

The music inside the ballroom was blaringly loud, as he expected. Onstage was a live band, which was pretty neat. He grinned, wigglin’ his shoulders offbeat to the song that was playin’. “This place looks pretty…what do they say nowadays? Lit?” Felix half-joked, grinnin’ over at Maeve, and then he laughed and cringed, shakin’ his head and liftin’ a hand up to half-heartedly shield his eyes in (mock) shame. “Please act like I never said that,” he chuckled. “Erase Felix: Hip Dad Version from your memory, like ya did, uh, Felix: Slutter Version and Felix: Bad Boy Version.” He let out a laugh, droppin’ his hand down to a level where Maeve could grab it. “Anyway…shall we, uh…” He gave a little wiggle. “Bust down?” he asked, and he followed it up with an immediate, “Ah, please act like I didn’t say that, either.”

With a chuckle, he stepped out onto the dance floor with a cowboy-ish swagger in his step, and, in an attempt to get his date to laugh, the boy, grinnin’ toothily, began to do the one of the few dances he knew to the bass-heavy pop song: a line dance.

Felix dramatically grabbed ahold of an imaginary giant belt buckle, tippin’ his imaginary ten-gallon hat at Maeve before lookin’ down to his shoes. Pretendin’ to be weighed down by heavy spurs on hefty cowboy boots, he one’a those fancy line-dancin’ steps to the left, crossin’ his legs over one another in a labored manner. Left again, then to the right he went, his eyes focused down on his feet. He looked up at Maeve for approval, grinnin’ widely.

Gosh, he couldn’t help but think, ain’t she a cutie pie tonight.

He was allowed to think that, ya know, in as thick of a Southern accent as he wanted to. Tonight, she was his date.

Did that mean somethin’ this time, beyond bein’ buds? Well, maybe the night would decide that.

With a final spin, Felix flipped out two finger guns toward Maeve, winkin’ and clickin’ his tongue on what he thought was the last beat of the song. The drums kept goin’, though, so he held the pose for a couple of seconds, stiflin’ chuckles.

“Drummers,” Felix joked with a laugh as he dropped the pose and started back to Maeve. “Always tryna steal the spotlight, tsk, tsk.” In mock disdain, he shook his fist at the drummer onstage. “Fuck you, guy — can’t you see I was busy bein’ a walkin’ stereotype to impress this hot chick?” He let out a laugh, grinnin’ back at Maeve. “Psh, whatever,” he said, wavin’ an uncarin’ hand at the drummer, who definitely couldn’t see him.

Just as his feet came to a stop beside Maeve, the drums kicked back up at a much slower tempo.

The grind doesn’t stop, huh? he joked inwardly, but the breathless boy still slowly grinned. “Well hey, howdy, hey, if it ain’t a slow song, right on cue.” His eyes slinked slyly over to Maeve, and he chuckled. “That was just a warmup for the real showstopper. And now, the moment you’ve all been waitin’ for…”

Takin’ a deep bow, Felix looked up at Maeve through his eyelashes. With a grin, he offered her his hand, this time to be her dance partner. “Shall we dance, Miss Ackerman?”

hot date

the ball

you belong with me-e-eee you belong with me

take a slice
by glass animals​



@Stardust Galaxy

º º code by ditto º º

Majid Al Khalifa

She was beautiful. Not that he doubted she would be, but she was beautiful and his date. That was what surprised him. He didn’t lack any self-confidence; he was very confident in himself. There was just something to be said about the cultural differences even just between Toronto and Los Angeles. He was struggling with some of the adjustment while trying to navigate making sure the developing friendships he did have weren’t because of his status.

The flight time was nice, she seemed impressed though if he was being transparent, his intention wasn’t to impress. He just might have been a little out of touch. He was seriously just trying to get more flight time in and well also show Ciara a side of him that she might not have gotten to see otherwise.

He wasn’t just an emir; he was someone who was chasing a career. Both music and flight. He was a man despite what his father implied off handedly.

When the flight landed and they moved towards the entrance of the ball, the flashes of the cameras were almost blinding. This was a western thing apparently. He experienced the same thing in Toronto, and on his tour with his uncle too. It wasn’t necessarily a new thing, considering his status and all, but the consistency of which it occurred was something new.

He was trained for this though, and it seemed that Ciara naturally fell in line with his motions. They hadn’t practiced this, but they were perfectly in sync.

They moved through into the ball, and he looked around, not to try and see what the ball was like, but instead to see if he could spot if Zara had stuck to their agreement. No security inside of the ball, and so far, he really hadn’t seen any of the usuals and if someone was in there, they were pretending to be a pretentious Los Angeles teenager.

Well that was exciting! What's up next for us?

He managed to readjust the glasses on his face as he considered the question at hand. The next logical step would be for them to dance, wouldn’t it? Is that what happened at these kinds of events? He had frequented balls and galas before, they were a very common occurrence, but this very much was ….childish…compared to the ones he was used to being apart. This had to be a good thing, right? He didn’t have to focus on manners and all of that, he could just be a teen, right?

“Care to dance with me?”


by Majid Jordan

Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202
mentions mentions mentions

º º code by ditto º º

Mick Murphy

It didn’t bother him when his new friend had to dash off, it seemed like she was doing her best to take care of a friend in distress. He would do the same, so if anything that was a positive to know that the new person he just met was such a loyal friend.

It was pretty good timing too he had to admit. Because as she was moving away he had gotten a text from his girlfriend letting him know that she was there.


Was his text back to her as he did that little peek everywhere thing people tended to do when they were looking for someone. It was kind of strange that almost all humans did it though it wasn’t a direct part of their evolutionary history. Or perhaps it was and discrediting modern times as not being a contributive factor to evolutionary adaptation was a bit of foolhardy stance to take.

Later, Mick. We’ll have that esoteric debate later.

He picked his phone up off the table where he had rested it subconsciously after reading her text and started to move through the crowd of people. Mick wasn’t particularly tall and it didn’t help that Ximena was a bit short, but he would do his best to filter through this crowd to find her.

It didn’t take too long before he was standing in front of her and offered one of his goofy half smiles that he did when he was in awe.

“Wow, Mena…you look…” he trailed off as he used to a hand to motion at her entire body, “Amazing. I like the dress that picked you out. ”Amazing…uh more than Amazing actually um.” Admittedly he wasn’t the smoothest person on the planet, and he never claimed to be.

He did have to admit as he looked at his girlfriend, that it was nice to be at the same school as her now. He would have probably been her date tonight regardless, but it was just nice to be around her. Less of a drive for him for them to hang out, and besides, they spent a lot of time dancing together so now that they were in the same department it meant that they could use the studio at school. Less driving around.

He didn’t hesitate, taking her hand and kissing her cheek, “Uh.. tu es bonita, amor? “ Ah yes, his horrible Spanish makes an appearance again. Ever since they moved to California, his father had put Mick into Spanish tutoring to be able to adjust to the population of his constituents. Mick had learned a good bit, but he was much better at understanding it than speaking it and even that was limited. It still seemed that he had learned much more than his father, which annoyed him, because wouldn’t it be more important that he learned it? Or was he only focusing on the rich people again and sending Mick and his mother to mingle with the poor people? He did that in Boston to, but it worked fine then because they were all Irish, Boston Natives.

Ocean Avenue

by Yellowcard

just a regular suit

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess
mentions mentions mentions

º º code by ditto º º
Isabella Dupont
@bellaissima has set their status to:
baise ça, baise-le

@bellaissima has set their outfit to:
mon beau jardin fleuri

@bellaissima has set their location to:
hallway outside of ball

@bellaissima has mentioned:
Casey, Chas

@bellaissima has interacted with:

@bellaissima has tagged:
Xed Xed
Bella really just wanted to be alone.

This was all so pathetic. The Winter Ball was supposed to be fun, verging on sickeningly sweet with the playful touches of young lovers and dazzling smiles from across the room at the person you could only wish noticed you. Bella was supposed to have spent the evening with her friends in confident skin and an all too expensive dress, worry and darkness far from her mind.

Instead she sat alone in a hallway, warm tears drizzling down her rouged cheeks as she buried her face from view in her crossed arms sitting atop her propped up knees. All of that emotion over some stupid boy.

He wasn’t worth her tears. At the end of the day, the two hardly knew one another. They’d been in scarce contact for a few months but Bella had only resigned to even being associated with the blond a few weeks ago, finally giving in to the idea that maybe the boyish musician wasn’t so horrible to be around. Bella knew that he was in a relationship, albeit a rather ridiculous and fake feeling fling, so there shouldn’t have even been an inkling of thought regarding the possibility of them being together.

Casey, as far as Bella was concerned, was fickle. He was self absorbed and childish, a boy unable to maintain seriousness for more than a second at a time. He was a fool for thinking that Chas truly cared, thoughtless in the way he simply laughed at Bella’s confession. In a split second, Bella had opened herself up to him and he simply turned her away. In a moment, Bella remembered exactly why she had stopped falling for people. Unfortunately, the gates were open leaving her spirit exposed. With his laugh came a pain that Bella had tried to cover up many times before, though it was usually self-inflicted.

Bella wouldn’t be so foolish to make that same mistake again.

She didn’t need him. She didn’t need anyone. People like Casey were always a disappointment, a fruitless object of affection that always left Bella hurt.

Fuck him.

“Bella?” A voice called out, the shuffling of footsteps causing Bella’s entire body to tense. No one was supposed to see her like this. “What are you doing out here? Are you crying?”

Bella remained unwavering as she struggled to figure out what to do. Her knee-jerk reaction was to snap and let the venom drip from her words as she commanded the voice, whom she had placed as Avery, away from her. Such a soft person could be easily deterred with a cruel remark and a glare of tear-reddened eyes. Avery would leave her alone just like she wanted.

Avery knelt before her, his reassuring voice laced with sincere concern, if not verging on a genuine panic. Immediately, guilt ran through her system at the very thought of pushing him away. Some ‘great’ friend she was.

“Don’t cry. It’s a happy night and uh, you look prettier without tears, really pretty so…” Avery continued, though his statements caught Bella entirely by surprise. He’d never been one to mince his words, at least from Bella’s limited experience with him, but even this was a new sort of open. “Are you hurt? Did you get injured somewhere? I should call for help. Just hang on ok, I'll be right back!”

Bella had no time to think, instead reaching a hand out to grab Avery’s wrist with an iron grip. Her head shot up from her arms, suddenly not caring about the puffiness of her eyes or the blotchiness of her cheeks. Bella really wanted to be alone, that much would have been obvious, but having the entire school know that she was in the hall crying over some half-baked idiot of a boy would have simply been the end of her.

“Wait!” Bella exclaimed suddenly, her hand still wrapped around Avery’s wrist, grip slowly loosening with each fleeting second. Her other hand reached up to wipe away the dampness from her face, a few blinks to clear her eyes of the mist that had once shrouded them. Bella didn’t consider herself a woman of many talents, but stopping tears from flowing in a time of exposure was absolutely her headliner. “Don’t go. I am… I am okay.”

She knew that wasn’t convincing. The tears were no longer flowing but her face read embarrassment and pain. Having shown the emotion to Avery, it was too late to turn him away. Instead, she gently released his wrist and dropped her arms to her sides, slowly shuffling over to make room for him by her side against the wall with a pat against the marble tile beneath them.

“It has just been a long night, that’s all.” Bella spoke slowly, trying desperately to stall the shake in her tone. A half-hearted laugh bubbled from her throat as she pulled her knees towards her chest for some sort of comfort. “I said some things that maybe I should not have. I think I lost a friend over it.” A soft sigh fell from her lips. Fuck, Bella felt stupid. “Whatever happened, it is my fault. I really should not even be upset by it.”

A few silent seconds passed between the two. Bella couldn’t speak, too focused on steadying her breath to form coherent syllables. All the while her chest forcefully rose and sank with each tired inhale and exhale, Bella was painfully aware of the person next to her. Eventually, Bella felt calm enough to tilt her head slightly to the side to finally look at Avery, the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

“I am okay, really. I promise.” Bella reassured in some sort of attempt to ease the concern from his features. Seeing him so worried was disheartening. “You look lovely tonight. Go out there and enjoy yourself. You should not be here with… whatever I am right now.” The confidence leaked from Bella’s voice in perfect time that the smile slipped from her face. “We both should not have a bad night.”

º º code by ditto º º
Ezra Gray
@EZGoing has set their status to:
lowkey conflicted but we won't talk about that

@EZGoing has set their outfit to:
daddy's yacht energy ngl

@EZGoing has set their location to:
outside the ball

@EZGoing has mentioned:

@EZGoing has interacted with:
Casey, Chas, Tori

@EZGoing has tagged:
Winona Winona hery hery ditto ditto
Ezra fought the devious grin that threatened to mar his concerned expression. Look, he was genuinely concerned at the display of true emotion on Chas’s part. Actually, Ezra was concerned about his own reaction too. He didn’t like that strange worry that nipped at the inner corners of his mind, the strange hollow feeling in his stomach as Ezra reminded himself that he was the reason for all of this pain.

"If I was really such a people pleaser, then everything wouldn't be crumbling right before my eyes. Don't you think?" Chas muttered, wiping the genuine smile right from Ezra’s face.

He didn’t really think that, did he? Surely not everything was as bad as Chas saw it. He had all the money and attention he could want. As much as Ezra hated to admit it, Chas had the talent and star quality to back up all the confidence and bravado he toted about with him. There was, Ezra supposed, a possibility that none of it was real.

There was that stupid feeling again. Ezra wanted it gone.

"Hey, babe. Sorry, got a real distracted with ah... Bella."

Right. Goldilocks. Ezra had no time to respond or to let his thoughts even process before the little blond imp weaseled into his mind, a scrawny arm wrapping around Chas’s shoulders. One of Chas’s hands came up to rub Casey’s arms. Ezra scoffed, though he quickly cleared his throat to cover it up. Fucking fake, that’s what that all of that was.

"Did she like the flowers? That was a long time for grabbing drinks." Chas spoke, though the speech felt like a break of the typical rehearsed drawl of his words. Ezra’s eyes flitted between the two, trying to decipher fact from fiction between the looks and the touches at the bitter twang of Chas’s voice. "I told you that you could go see her. Ezra here's been keeping me wonderful company. And he was just leaving."

Ezra’s arms crossed over his chest, suit jacket wrinkling at the constriction of the grab of his hands and the strain of muscle against fabric. He took a moment to contemplate what to do next.

Ezra had seen enough between Casey and the little French chick to make him genuinely angry, more so than usual when it came to the musician before him. There was more than enough of a perfect opportunity to fuck with the guy’s head, really make him regret what he had done. Ezra was somewhat a master of psychological warfare and, let’s be honest, Casey deserved it for practically cheating on his boyfriend while he was in the same damn room.

But then Ezra’s eyes fell on Chas’s face. He’d been through enough already. Now wasn’t the time to make things worse, not after Ezra had already caused him turmoil.

“Yeah, I was just leaving.” Ezra echoed, his eyes somewhat glued to Chas’s face waiting for some sort of reaction. “Seems I’ve kept your lover company a little too long while you were off galavanting with some other girl. It’s about time I take my leave.” Ezra laughed, clapping Casey on the shoulder as he passed. Fingers gripping Casey’s shoulder rather tightly, Ezra pulled Casey slightly towards him as his voice lowered to a dark anger. “Maybe I’ll say hello to Bella on the way out. She must be good for you to be so scummy as to cheat with your boyfriend in the same room.”

Ezra released his grip from Casey’s shoulder, patting him rather harshly twice where he had just grabbed. Then, with one final smile to Chas, Ezra dipped his head in parting. “Have a lovely night, you two.” He spoke with a disturbing calm before disappearing back into the crowd.

The rest of the night went rather smoothly. Soon enough, the fake couple was far from his mind as he danced with groups of inviting people and dined on overly expensive food free of charge to himself. He even went out of his way to befriend some random guy online, bantering back and forth until eventually, Ezra found himself walking out to meet this guy by his car.

The Ball had been fun enough for the time being, but now there was something far more interesting at hand.

"Well well well," Ezra spoke smoothly as he approached the girl before him, "if it isn't Victoria. Where's your hot date that you were boasting about?"

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Casey Clairmont

Now, this probably came as a total surprise 'cause Casey was always real on top of everything, but uhh... he was real confused right now. Like really, really confused. First, Chas was saying all about how Ezra was courting him, which didn't make much sense to Casey, 'cause as far as Ezra knew, Chas was dating Casey, and you couldn't court someone already in a relationship. That just wasn't how stuff worked, right?

Chas' hand rubbing at Casey's arm kinda made the boy's little heart do a little skip in his chest. It didn't really make too much sense to him, 'cause like, Chas wasn't his real boyfriend, so it wasn't a real sign of ooh la la, I'm comfortable in your presence, right? But he was ahh...

Too much going on tonight, after the whole Bella thing, for the peppy boy to think too much on it.

"Did she like the flowers?" Chas asked, "That was a long time for grabbing drinks."

Casey blinked down at his boyfriend.

"Yeah, she liked 'em alright," Casey answered pleasantly enough. Not like he really understood that Chas might be hurt by him giving flowers to both of them or something, 'cause it'd just been a real nice friendship-y thing to do. Handing out flowers to people who wouldn't get 'em otherwise.

"I told you that you could go see her. Ezra here's been keeping me wonderful company." Chas continued. "And he was just leaving."

"Oh," Casey blinked over at the stupid head. "Well, bye."

“Yeah, I was just leaving.” Ezra said. “Seems I’ve kept your lover company a little too long while you were off galavanting with some other girl. It’s about time I take my leave.”

Casey's eyebrows creased together at that, 'cause he was pretty sure that was a real bad word that meant like... wink wink or something of the sort, ya know.

As Ezra passed, his hand clasped Casey's shoulder and he was yanked slightly away from Chas and closer to Ezra. “Maybe I’ll say hello to Bella on the way out. She must be good for you to be so scummy as to cheat with your boyfriend in the same room.”


"She'd probably like that, she's kinda lonely," Casey answered peppily enough. "Tell her I said my bad and sorry if you do, thanks." Yeah, he wasn't letting Ezzy get under his skin tonight. Nope sirree.

After Ezra had walked off, the smile that he'd tried to maintain so that stupid Ezra wouldn't realize that there was anything really going on in his little head but happiness and sunshine and butterflies fell into a frown as he released his hold on Chas and moved so that he was in front of the shorter boy.

"You good?" he asked again, and then his eyebrows drew together in an angry expression of rage. "Ezra didn't hurt you or something, right? 'Cause if he did, I... well, I can't fight 'em, but I gotta... I gotta..." he patted his pocket, "I gotta lighter and he's got a car and I... I can make it go boom."


Yes this was Casey trying to be caring.



look he has a fun tie

Stuck Like Glue
by Sugarland​


Chas, Ezra

geminiy geminiy hery hery

º º code by ditto º º

victoria shantel sterling​

If you ate enough cheddar jack cheese cubes, they started to taste mildly like plastic, Tori had come to realize, and not in an exactly pleasant way, if she was being honest, though she didn’t know how you could really say that anything that tasted mildly like plastic was pleasant. Or maybe you could. Who knew. And, uh, was it just her or did this punch have, uhm, notes of, uh, pineapple in it? And was that a hint of melted ice cream she sensed? Mm, it must’ve been gourmet punch. Delicious. It tasted almost as though it was fresh from the vine, except, uh, it was, you know, punch, and—

God, okay, fine, Tori would admit it: she was struggling. A little — a smidge. Not much.

…Okay, fine — a good, solid bit. She was struggling a good, solid bit to keep her wits about her, keep herself entertained, and not lose her sanity. But that was normal for a dance, so could you blame her? Honestly, you couldn’t even act like you hadn’t been in the same situation as her before, at least mentally. Seriously.

…Okay, look, say what you would about her standing by the sidelines, giving the occasional nod of the head to the music and avoiding any and all eye contact as she worked down a massive tray of mostly-gone-thanks-to-her cubed cheeses and sipped her thirteenth glass of punch (not that she’d been counting), but the cheese was good company. Ya know, at least it wouldn’t leave her. Plus, it was pretty dark back here. Also, it was busy enough that people would probably just think, when they came back to get refreshments, that she was just like them and was only here for a few minutes, sampling some cheese before she headed out to cut a rug.

Yeah. There was, like, no way that they would know that she’d been here for the past hour and a half, standing in her pinching high heels and wearing off most of the lipstick she’d worked so hard to get perfect, and it was better she be back here than on the dance floor — uh, for her sister’s sake.

R-right. You know, the last time that she tried to dance around the house, her sister said her moves were mom moves and called them lame — which, yeah, Beth didn’t have a sense of what was lame and what wasn’t lame, but it would be embarrassing for her sis nonetheless, and, like, no, Tori didn’t really care whether or not Beth was embarrassed of her in general, one night of caring about it wouldn’t hurt.

Plus, she didn’t even, like, like dancing. Well, uh…okay, so fine, dancing was fun and all, and she enjoyed it while she did it…but you know, she was in heels, and as great as her moves would be in them and as hot and as sexy as she would look while doing said moves, she did have a normal human body and normal human feet, which meant that she would have, like, gigantic blisters on her heels and aching foot arches if she danced in them. And, like, yeah, she could’ve taken her heels off, but why would she? She’d blown so much money on them that she needed to get some good wear on them, so either she didn’t dance and avoided all, uh, injuries, or she danced and injured herself so badly that the good impression she made on everyone around her was ruined.

So…yeah, she’d just stand here, thank you very much.

She sighed as she finished running through that argument in her head. Yeah, that would work to appease anyone who didn’t believe that she didn’t mind being here at the dance alone. That was a totally foolproof argument to decimate the people like Mikaela who would judge or tease her for being here alone and expect her to be all embarrassed. L-like, no, she wasn’t embarrassed. She was just, like…

She blinked hard to cut off that trail of thought, trying to keep herself from thinking about her current situation by sipping her punch and attempting, once again, to analyze the flavors within it.

Of course, it was then that a slow song kicked on, and her heart gave a little drop, distracting her from her self-distraction as her eyes shifted to the dance floor. She watched in pained silence as the smiles around the room brightened. Boys took girls’ hands, girls took boys’ hands, girls took girls’ hands, and boys took boys’ hands in a hormone-choreographed dance. Hands found hips and shoulders, and bodies began to sway slightly off-tempo to the singers’ crooning.

She focused on one blonde girl’s face. The girl could’ve looked like Tori, if you squinted hard enough. Except she was smiling, ya know. And she was looking up at the tall, dark-haired date she had, her eyes sparkling with the light of a dream come true.

That could’ve been you.

Her heart squeezed, and she looked away, feeling a lot weaker than she had before she’d looked out there. She breathed out a deep sigh, turning her eyes to the stage and focusing on her breathing. In, out. It was fine. She was fine. She was completely unfazed.

At least the cheese can’t leave me, she reminded herself, staring at the fog machine and reaching for another cheese cube.

Her hand only found air.

Confused as to why the same place she’d been reaching for cheese at for the past hour and a half wasn’t the same place the cheese was, Tori looked down at the — what the fuck? Looking around in heartbroken offense, her eyes found her treasured friend refreshment table number eight being wheeled away in a line of other refreshment tables.

Even the cheese fucking left me, she thought, blinking.

Then it hit her, just how fucking sad this whole situation was — that Tori had somehow emotionally attached herself to fucking cheese instead of being out there on the dance floor having the night of her life with the boy of her dreams.

That did it. That was enough to send a weight falling down on her shoulders. Tori’s eyes suddenly welled with tears.

“Stupid,” she hissed beneath her breath, blinking away the tears and turning to rush toward the door. Her arms moved to hug herself, her head ducked. “This is fucking stupid anyway.”

The lights, the dresses, the suits, the music, the food, the fucking dance floor, and the love. It was all fucking stupid anyway. She didn’t care. She didn’t care, she didn’t care, she didn’t care.

But she couldn’t think that hard enough to convince herself it was true, and as she headed toward her car and yanked her keys out of her purse, she couldn’t help but wonder, God, why can’t that be me? Why can’t I just fucking be one of them?

Why can’t I be one of the girls who doesn’t have to fucking try so hard?

Her manicured fingers were quivering by the time they found her door handle. She whipped the door open, and the corsage on her wrist scratched her arm. Fuck, she’d bought herself a fucking corsage?! Why the fuck had she done that? She ripped it off of her wrist, throwing it as hard as she could into her passenger seat before dropping herself into the driver’s side. She slammed her door shut as hard as she could.

Her heel tapped against the gas pedal, and she was reminded of how much effing money she’d spent on rhinestoney rinky-dink shitty footwear that she’d never even fucking use again. It made her eyes well up with tears again. In a burst of anger, she reached down for her heels. “My stupid…” She grabbed ahold of her shoes, throwing them at the passenger side door. “Shoes!” When they landed with a loud clunk! against her window, her brows knit upward. “My stupid window…,” she whined, her tantrum losing its power as tears brimmed her eyes so much that she couldn’t make out any details of her scenery.

In the muddle of her thoughts, one managed to reach out to her: You’re not going to fucking cry at your senior effing Ball, Victoria. You worked too hard on your makeup for that shit.

After a moment of holding her breath as the tears bubbled at her lower eyelid, she closed her eyes gently. Two tears escaped. She drew in a deep sniffle.

Three fucking hours, she relented, drawing in a deep breath and putting the knuckle of her thumb against her forehead. I worked three fucking hours on my makeup. Too effing hard for anymore of that shit.

She forced in another breath, focusing her attention on her breathing. In…out…in…out… Slowly, she opened her eyes, glancing at herself in the rearview mirror as she exhaled from her o-shaped lips and curled the fingers of each hand one-by-one around the wheel.

That was it. That was all she was going to mourn the loss of tonight. She was just going to go home, take a photoshoot in her room, and go to bed. She wasn’t going to think about how much tonight sucked or how much she sucked any fucking more.

With a deep breath, she grabbed her keys from her lap and started them toward the ignition, but she was interrupted by a thought: Elizabeth.

Oh shit, that was right, her little sister was here.

No, she reminded herself, sighing and relaxing her muscles as she bitterly shoved her keys in the ignition, she’s got a date who can drive her home. She doesn’t need you.

That date, though, was Michael Reid.

Mike plus gathering does not equal sober, she sighed internally, and then she gave way. Fine. Fine, Mom Instinct, I’ll stay, but the second that Beth starts to fuss at you for staying, just know it’s all your fault.

Look, she wouldn’t stay for too long. She’d stay and watch — from a distance — to make sure that Beth at least go to Mike’s car safely. You know, so she knew she didn’t get kidnapped. Then, if things looked iffy with Mike, only then would she go up and, ya know, get her sister.

Right. She would just stay in her car until then.

…It was hot in here, though, and she didn’t want to waste her battery.

Popping open her door, Tori placed a bare foot on the pavement. She glanced around, trying to debate if it was safe enough to get out of her car or not before she decided it was fine. It was dark enough that she wouldn’t be seen hanging out here alone, and she had pepper spray in her bag if anyone tried anything. With a deep breath, she stepped out into the darkness, slamming her door shut and moving to lean against her car.

In her periphery, she saw something that made her jump slightly, and she turned her head to further investigate.

She froze.

Her mind screamed, JUMPINYOURCARANDSLAMONTHEGAS, but, unfortunately, she was rendered completely unable to move by the site of him.

With wide eyes, she took in the sight: his tall, muscular figure, his dark hair, his blazer, his carefully pressed white shirt, his wide grin. It would’ve been something out of a dream (or, ya know, maybe it was something out of one of Tori’s dreams, but she’d never admit it), seeing Ezra in formal wear, looking hotter than fucking ever, and coming toward her — if it wasn’t a dark parking lot, ya know.

SHITJUSTGETGOINGHE’SGOINGTOSTARTTALKINGTOYOURUN, her brain yelled, and she was finally able to unstick her limbs.

Unfortunately for her shame, though, she was only able to look away and turn her shoulder before Ezra spoke to her.

"Well well well," Ezra said, his voice smoothandreallyfuckinghottonightfuck, "if it isn't Victoria. Where's your hot date that you were boasting about?"


Tori felt her face light up like a flame. She prayed it was dark enough that he couldn’t tell.

Did she look okay? Could he tell that she'd, like, lost a couple of tears? Her hair wasn't wild, right? And her dress looked fine?

Sloooowly, she turned her shoulder back to Ez. For a second, she just stared at him again, searching for her words. Words? Words, words, what were words?

NO, NO, NO, she couldn’t be that way in front of Ezra. Cool, calm, collected, Tori. COOLCALMANDCOLLECTED.

Tori put on a smirk, chuckling. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Ezra,” she said, crossing her arms and leaning against her car. Her eyes widened slightly as she crossed her ankles, reminded again that she was wearing no shoes, but she chuckled again to play her realization off as nothing in hopes that he wouldn’t notice. “Why do you ask?” She cocked her head at him, narrowing her eyes teasingly. “What, are…? Heh, are you going to go in there and try and duel him for my hand in dance partnership? Unfortunately, I, uh…” She chuckled. “I think that’s kind of illegal, so looks like you’re fresh out of luck.”

Lame joke, she criticized internally, feeling her face heat up more. Moving on…

She suddenly remembered the whole ”want to go to the ball with me” exchange they’d had. Ya know, where she never outright rejected him nor accepted him because she had a really pesky feeling that, uh, he was probably not serious, because why would he be? No one had ever, ya know, asked Tori out before except, like, on a dare, and Ez was Ez. Even as, like…in the cloudsy as her head was, Tori was well aware of, uh, ya know, how much of an impish ass Ez kinda was, and how really, really unrealistic her daydreams were. (Obviously, she still did deeply hope they would happen…but she knew that it was far more likely that anything remotely resembling them was a joke.)

“I think the more pressing thing is yours,” she said. Great save, she complimented herself, though she felt a twinge of jealousy. Internally, she crossed her fingers that the answer was no, but she still kept going, a playful smirk on her face. “Did you find a date to mend the broken heart left in my wake, Sir Twenty-Nine?”

Why the hell did you ask it like an 1800s schoolgirl?

She was really putting the Victoria in Victorian maiden with that talk.

Though she would’ve loved to leave it at that, she couldn’t help herself from adding a little teasing, “Or are you here alone, too?”

(She, of course, didn’t realize she’d let the word too slip.)

; D

outside the ball

a dress

be nice to me
by the front bottoms​

beth (many times), mik, & mike


geminiy geminiy

º º code by ditto º º

MOOD: ... Fine. Completely fine.

Flower Dress, very classy, very Nellie.

winter ball

WITH: Cappie

MENTION: Cami, Eli, Casey.​
Chanel Clairmont
— A Little Bit

Chanel wasn’t a blusher. It was significantly difficult to get the blonde’s cheeks a bit reddened. But… it happened anyway. Maybe it was possible to play it off as makeup.

She was used to compliments. If anyone could be used to compliments– it was Chanel Clairmont.

“Thank you, you look…”

Her gaze gave him the quickest of once-overs as if she was confirming it before she spoke.

“Great too.”

Sometimes, only sometimes does she wish she was a brainless teenage girl with nothing but boys on her mind.Maybe then she’d know what to say– how to respond in a proper manner.
Everything about Chanel was ‘proper.’ But Cami was definitely the social butterfly in the family.

It was nice to talk about other things that didn’t involve careers, auditions– to talk about something other than business.

To hear about his stories.

Hear about him.

She found herself with the smallest smile on her face as she listened.

"Please say something about yourself before I tell another weird, life-threatening personal story, or what other colors you want your room to be."

Something about herself?


“A grey sounds nice? Maybe?”

Oh, Chanel didn’t have anything interesting to tell him.

He already knew so much about her in such a short time.

Chanel obviously couldn’t tell him anything that didn’t involve her career. Sometimes, she felt like all she was, was just an actress.

She didn’t tell him that, though.
He seemed to be a fan of that old sitcom she was on.

So, Chanel told him about the everlasting feud between her and her co-star, the girl who had played her sister.

Not a lot of people knew about that.

Not many at all, actually.

But there was a deep hatred there, although telling the stories again had made her laugh instead of fume, so maybe Chanel was over it.

Probably not, but the stories surrounding it was funny.

Like that one time Casey had convinced Chanel it’d be a good idea to set her script on fire. It was a really, really, bad idea but hatred got the best of her that day.

That aside, somehow the topic of her siblings came up and she rambled on about how Casey made up this… really weird version of a pinky promise. Thumb promises were a very big thing with the triplets.

And it was so disgusting that it involved a spit pact.

She laughed at this too, but it was entirely serious!

Thumb promises were only made in the most serious situations. Partly because it was the only thing Casey took seriously, but slowly over-time the triplets began to rely on it for their own promises to each other.

She adjusted herself, the smile on her face slightly fading as their proximity became closer.

But Chanel wasn’t nervous or anything.

She… actually felt comfortable.

But that wasn’t entirely shocking. Chanel was pretty comfortable with Cappie first-meeting.

“So… if I remember correctly, you had something to tell me.”

Oh, of course she remembered.

A girl like her never forgot anything. It was a blessing and a curse to have everything set in stone in her brain.

“Or admit, out loud.”

Why did she want him to admit that she was his type?

Ego boost?

Maybe. Chanel could get a small ego boost anywhere. All she had to do was open a tabloid or two and they’d be raving about her outfit from a premiere a year ago.

But she wanted the satisfaction from him.

“Although, I suppose you could lie. I could pretend that the conversation never happened… as repayment for tonight.”


She was joking, okay.

A little hard to tell whenever she was doing that.

Chanel was the latter of;

‘You’re kidding.’

‘I don’t kid.’

Yeah, she was that serious.

It was rare to see this side of her. To see the girl underneath the fame. The secretly insecure overthinker as opposed to this… great actress who always had her head on straight.

“You didn’t have to… offer to take me.”

Once Cami decided she was going with Elias, Chanel wasn’t going to go at all.

Partly because she was upset about her siblings’ choices in dates, but also because…

She didn’t think she’d have anyone to enjoy it with.

Chanel, for the first time– possibly, can admit she was wrong.

“But… I’m glad you did.”

I don’t think I would’ve said yes to anyone else.

code by valen t.
ximena reyes
sophomore - dancer - 16

mick - AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

Ever since Ximena had moved to LA and started attending Hollywood Arts she felt... Out of place. She wasn't an LA native, she wasn't rich like most of the kids - hell, her parents weren't even big names. She was just a ghetto girl from Texas, dancing to try and make a better life for herself and her family. But even that was how people saw her - ghetto, not dancing - she wasn't willing to pay attention to it.

Ximena knew who she was and what her purpose here had been. There were days it would get to her and she would both hear and see the things that would make her snap. Usually Mick was there to hold her back and chastise her after, which she didn't like. He would make her feel bad about snapping - she was trying to control her temper - and she didn't like feeling bad for going off on people. In her opinion, if someone ran their mouth off about her they deserved whatever retaliation she was about to give.

Which mostly resulted in her getting loud or nearly punching someone in the face.

But she was trying to be better - for both herself and for Mick.

Mick had been something new for her to try. Other than the fact that he was white, he was also the son of a politician. She'd never dated someone so high profile before and to be honest, it was a lot. Her fighting and arguing would have to be kept to a minimum and she would have to be on her best behavior when she was around his parents. It wasn't easy, but the promise of him going to the studio with her to dance gave her some sort of incentive.

"By the entrance...?" She responded, unsure of how to explain. Technically there were two entrances - the one outside and the one inside - and she wasn't sure how to describe it. She figured he had been inside when she texted so she moved somewhere they would be able to see each other.

The moment she looked up from her phone her eyes caught his and she immediately smiled and waved to him. She watched him walk over and when compliments seemed to trip him up she let out a small laugh. It was probably one of her favorite things about him - that he wasn't as smooth with compliments or other things. It made him seem more sincere when he complimented you or said something nice.

He took her hand and she gladly let him, returning his kiss with two of her own on both cheeks. There was a lipstick mark that she worked to get rid of with her thumb, whilst he tried his hand at Spanish. "Eres muy bonita, mi amor. You were close and that's what matters," she said, patting his chest. "And thank you. Te ves muy bien, very handsome."

"So, what's first? Dancing, drinking, eating? I think I have some energy left in me."

coded by natasha.




Her mom would often call her that. It was a way of making her a junior with the bastardization of her middle name, Kimberly. It was her mother’s first name and Kinni absolutely hated being called Kimberly. So, it sort of worked out. She wasn’t too fond of being called Kimmy either, but the saving grace for her was that at least Kimmy sounded like it stemmed from her Polynesian or Japanese roots.


Her mother rarely called her anything else. And she usually only called her name when she had a criticism. Her room wasn’t neat to her standards. She hadn’t done well on a test. There was never a good job or a congratulations.


She couldn’t stand that name! Don’t you dare call her that name. She was nothing like her mother. Yet, here she was at a ball upset at a boy who wouldn’t bite the bullet for her and be her date.


This was the exact situation her mother had been in when she did try to make it work with her father. He had been resistant to bend to her mother’s needs, a free-spirited nomad who did what he wanted. So despite the many times she needed him by her side at her balls, or events as she tried to climb in rank in the Marines…..he was nowhere to be found.

Yeah, that sounds great.

That brought her back to Earth. She hadn’t realized that she had spaced out so badly, but her insecurities tended to do that to her. She needed to focus.

She followed Bailey to the dance floor where they shared a light-hearted dance. It was relieving if she was being honest, very relieving. She was having fun with Bailey and was very grateful for them joining her to the ball.

She chuckled a bit at Bailey’s awkwardness, in a friendly non-patronizing way (as much as that could be) before offering her a smile, “You’re doing great! I’m having so much fun.”

Her words were genuine and for a second, she forgot about Jordan. For a moment the insecurities that ran rampant through her mind most days disappeared and everything else ceased to exist. It was just Bailey and Kinni.

Kinni, not Kimmy.

Kinipela, not Kimberly.

Getting the chance to be herself and not have to worry about any external pressure was the most amazing feeling in the world right now.

“Thank you, Bailey. I adore you.”

♡coded by uxie♡

  • how she's feeling...

    zooted - out of her mind


Junior(18)- Model - Golden Goddess


She had been so out of it she barely processed that her name was called before someone touched her. She jumped a bit, startled but quickly eased up when her brain had finally finished processing everything.

She turned her head to face the person who approached her and It realized it was Liv so she managed to relax a little instead of the façade she was prepared to put on for anyone else.

Hey, let's go to the bathroom, yeah?

For a moment the Russian noble questioned if she had a choice in this. Not so much if Ahlivia was giving her a choice, but if it was beneficial for her to NOT go to the bathroom as she was struggling to maintain her composure.

So as she found herself in the bathroom staring in the mirror as Liv checked the stalls, she couldn’t help but grow frustrated at how she was looking.

“Katya would eat this up.” She said in Russian, mostly to herself.

She tossed the hat that completed her ensemble to the side and was finally able to view her complete face and her hair. The make-up was still perfect. The hair was still perfect. She hated this. She really hated this. She hated having to be perfect all the time. Not being able to make a mistake just because of the family she was born into.


What's going on?

She turned her attention back to Liv and took a slow breath. Stoic Stassi was gone.

Maybe it was the faux security of the bathroom, but finally tears began to stream down her face. The warmth was unfamiliar to Anastasia so much so that she raised a hand to touch her face and look at the water on the tip of her nails in confusion. Tears? They were new.

“I’m just so stupid and I shouldn’t have kissed Jace, I’m just I don’t know. I feel like I’m so alone and that I don’t have anyone. I can never please my father, I have a sister who tries to tear me down every chance she gets. And did I mention I kissed Jace and he lost it on me? I know I was wrong but Jesus Christ Liv…can someone love me back for a change? “

♡coded by uxie♡
Kian Phelan
@lockandkian has set their status to:
fuuuuuuuuuuck yooooooou

@lockandkian has set their outfit to:
I broke my jacket

@lockandkian has set their location to:
who gives a shit

@lockandkian has mentioned:

@lockandkian has interacted with:

@lockandkian has tagged:
Winona Winona
It could have been anyone that Kian ran into. There were hundreds of students at this ball, both from Hollywood Arts and other high schools in the area. There were hundreds of people that Kian wasn't desperately trying to avoid, hundreds of people that would pass their silent judgement on his widened pupils and jittery talk before moving on and leaving him to his own devices.

Instead, he ran into fucking Damien Slater. Just fucking peachy.

And then, of course, Kian had to make it all worse ten times over by opening his stupid mouth. Why did he even speak? He should have just left while he was ahead. Damien would have been pissed either way but at least this way, Kian would be safe from the initial carnage.

"Fuck you -- she's right there," Damien’s voice snarled, echoing around inside of his head. His voice always did come off a bit sharp when Kian was high which, if we’re being honest, was more times than not.

Hands met Kian’s chest and shoved him backwards. Kian didn’t feel the pressure or pain of Damien’s palms against his muscle, instead feeling as if he was being jerked backwards. Feet stumbled underneath him as Kian clumsily grappled for a hold onto something, anything to keep him from falling. Vision swam before him, Damien’s familiar face distorting and stretching this way and that in a kaleidoscope of indiscernible swirls while Kian gained his balance and stood back up.

“Well, yoooooooou’re in a bad mood tonight.” Kian dragged on, raising a hand to motion to the friend in front of him. “Calm doooown Damien, it’s all tooootally okay.”

Kian was right: it was okay. Everything was somehow peaceful despite the anxiety that he knew was coursing through his veins, out of sight hidden blissfully by the concoction of pills and powders. Somehow, the world felt calm.

"Are you seriously fucking high right now?"

Damien’s voice pulled him back to the present, the tired heart in Kian’s chest giving a hefty thump of guilt. Right, he was supposed to be “sober”, Damien knew him to be sober. Well, he had previously known Kian to be sober. It really didn’t take long for his friend to figure out that Kian had fallen ever-so-gracefully from the sobriety wagon, even less time to go ratting him out to his sister. Thankfully, Kian had done an excellent job at throwing Kelli off his scent with false promises and reassuring words. Sure, Kian felt bad about lying, but this wasn’t a habit, he wasn’t addicted again. This was fine. He could get high a few times and still be okay.

Everything was okay.

Damien’s face came back into focus and Kian stared at it as his only anchor point of sanity, trying to keep the rest of the swirling world out of sight and out of mind.

No, everything was not okay.

“Fuck you, Damien.” Kian scoffed, taking a shaky step forwards to push Damien right back. “So what if I am? Doesn’t fuckin’ matter to you, does it?” Kian laughed, the sound bitter and hurt. “Damien Slater doesn’t care about anyone but himself! Not like you care about me or whatever I’m using. That would require Mr Damien Slater to,” Kian ducked and popped back up, smoothing his hair back from his face, “pull his abnormally shaped head out of his obnoxiously tight asshole!”

Kian burst into a fit of laughter at his own words, wrapping an arm around Damien’s shoulders for support as his ribs ached and a pain somewhere deep inside his skull began to thrum like a bassline.

“Relax, man, I’m like totally fuckin’ fine!” Kian reassured, patting Damien on the chest a few times before regaining his balance and shifting back to his feet. “Not that you’d care anyways. Noooo you’re too concerned with your date that isn’t even here right now to actually care about your best friend.” Kian’s face screwed up as if he had sucked on something sour, eyes clenched shut in time with the closing of his calloused fingers into tight fists. “It’s always ‘oooh you’re high Kian’ or ‘ooooh you’re such a piece of shit Kian’ or ‘I fucking haaaate you Kian’. Well,” Kian took a step back and promptly raised two tall middle fingers directly in Damien’s face, “fuuuuck YOU buddy! I don’t need you. I have lots of friends. I don’t need you and your sex mania and your stupidly pretty face. I don’t need any of that. You aren’t even REAL, Dames. Not one BIT of you is REAL.”

Kian let out another deranged laugh, wolfish grin pulling at the corners of his lips. “You never cared about me. You only care about looking like the good guy to care about anyone. No matter how much anyone cares about you, you don’t care about them. You never wanted me, you only want whoever’s gonna fuckin’ put out, you selfish, ignorant, entitled ASSHOLE!”

Kian slammed two more hands into Damien’s chest, his own lungs rising and falling in an attempt to catch up from the lack of breathing throughout his ridiculous monologue. His hands reached up to grab the sides of his skull, the thrumming of pain growing louder and louder with each passing second.

Fuck his head hurt.

Without looking up, head still buried in his hands, Kian let out a heavy sigh that seemed to crack halfway through. “Why do you always fuckin’ do this to me, man? Why do you hate me?”

º º code by ditto º º

Mick Murphy

Hearing her applaud his Spanish, despite it being wrong, was relieving. Their relationship was easy when it was just about them two. Their dynamic was pure and it was easy. It didn’t seem like they had to think about anything or wonder what the other person was thinking. There were very few missteps that occurred and when they did, they were able to talk it out.

It was nice to know that she could cuss and yell at everyone, but when it came to him she would talk things out. Yeah sure they were only sophomores in High School, but he could say that he really enjoyed their relationship and hope it lasted as long as possible.

He smiled at her compliment as he looked around the ball. He was happy to be there with Xi, but if he was honest if he could hit the football field and run some routes with Remi, he would take the opportunity. Just like he knew if X had a big performance to prepare for, she would do the same thing.

That was also a big reason that they worked so well. They never held each other back. If it was to further their dreams, it was rarely an explanation needed. It was always “I understand babe, go get em.” Or something of the likes.

So, what's first? Dancing, drinking, eating? I think I have some energy left in me.

He returned his attention to her with a smile, not even bothering to answer as he led her to the dance floor. Their dancing started out light, friendly almost as if they were resisting letting themselves go as Mick was sure the rest of the dancers were, but the urge was there. Their chemistry was undeniable, even in dancing, so it didn’t take long for them really get into the swing of it.

At the end of the last bit he smiled with his arm around her waist breathing a bit heavier than usual and staring into her eyes. She was beautiful. She was always beautiful, “I love you Xi….”

Wait…..did he just say that?

Ocean Avenue

by Yellowcard

just a regular suit

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess
mentions mentions mentions

º º code by ditto º º
Elias Johannes
@elithegreat has set their status to:
if you're reading this: chanel is probably gonna kill me

@elithegreat has set their outfit to:
blue velvet

@elithegreat has set their location to:
the ball

@elithegreat has mentioned:
Irish McLovin

@elithegreat has interacted with:
Ash, Cappie, Cami

@elithegreat has tagged:
Winona Winona 0k_mang0 0k_mang0 jasmyn jasmyn
Eli didn’t know what to feel. Rage? Disappointment? Anxiety? Hollowness? Nothing? The flurry of emotion within him was impossible to discern, every other thought whisked clean from his mind the second he made contact with the concrete stairs beneath the trio.

Part of Eli was glad that Gen wasn’t here to make things significantly worse, throwing away all logic in the presence of the activated Big Sister Mode that often popped out whenever one of their siblings was hurting. The other part, significantly smaller though just as strong, wanted Gen to be here to slash that little asshole’s tires.

What? Eli was pissed and honestly, after all the turmoil Trevor was causing, it was the least he could think.

He hated when Ash was upset. To be honest, Eli hated when anyone was upset, but somehow Ash always seemed to strike a nerve that made everything more sad. There was something about the way her face fell whenever there was trouble, as if she had been expecting it to happen and was not shocked but rather disappointed. The sadness behind her eyes, the way her frame withered away from confidence to nothingness, it all pushed Eli ever so slightly closer to his own emotional edge.

"That sounds... awesome. Umm... yeah, he was just like... I don't know, he showed up all drunk, and umm... well, crossed, actually, and like... I dunno, he was just... mad about umm... Newt and Lucky, and I just..." Ash let out a heavy sigh. Eli’s arm wrapped tighter, another hand reaching up to push her hair away from her face. "I'm like... totally fine, though. Promise."

Eli couldn’t help the softest laugh that shook his frame, his arm never once leaving Ash’s shoulders. “Come on, sis. You’ve known both of us long enough to know that saying ‘I’m fine’ isn’t convincing. You don’t have to be ‘fine’, you know. What Trevor did absolutely sucked, you’re allowed to hurt because of it.”

Eli gave her another quick squeeze before letting her go, giving her some space to cool off in the night air. Hands clasped together between his knees, Eli simply sat in the quiet of his two companions while Ash mulled over whatever thought was racking her brain. The only time he raised his eyes from the dark pavement was to look over at Cappie, exchanging a silent concern and understanding for their mutual friend.

"Umm... thanks. Thanks for like... that, you know, I ummm... sorry, I ah... no, like, you two should ummm... you know, go back to your dates. I'm umm..." Ash looked over her shoulder towards the parking lot, likely towards Trevor as well. Eli’s jaw tightened at the very thought of the idiot driving home several shades of crossfaded. At least Ash wasn’t with him. All Eli could hope was that Trevor wouldn’t hit someone else’s Ash on the way home in his intoxicated stupor. "Umm... I'll be fine, and I got this, I just need to umm..."

Eli looked over to Ash, head tilting as he waited for her words. Never could he have anticipated what she eventually spoke. "I'm gonna go, ahh... I'm gonna go break up with him, and then find my date, so... I'll see you two back in there?"

Eli blinked a few times, a sound that felt somewhat like a “huh?” echoing from his lips as he looked Ash over, trying desperately to find the genuineness in what she had said. When no lie made itself present, Eli stood up and offered his hands out to Ash to help her up, then to Cappie to do the same.

“Whatever you feel you need to do.” Eli spoke calmly, adjusting his jacket with a little hop in place in front of Cappie and Ash. “We’ve got your back no matter what.”

He was really trying his best not to be excited. Eli was of the firm opinion that, respectfully, no hormone riddled, sweaty, unshowered, untamed, far too handsy teenage boy would ever be good enough for Ash. They were always too stupid, too rude, too cold, too clingy. They always wanted something that Ash wasn’t, tried to sculpt her into Mrs Dream Girl only to turn around and abandon her when their efforts became fruitless or when the goings got tough. Trevor, like the long line of historical nimrods that Ash had found herself infatuated with over the years, was absolutely no different.

Unfortunately, as much as Eli really disliked the little Irish fellow, Ash really seemed to like him. That’s why it was so much worse to see her in pain like this. It didn’t matter what Eli thought at the end of the day, these were her feelings being played with. He was just happy that she was respecting herself enough to stay away from the little asshole.

“Come on,” Eli smiled, offering an arm out to Ash, “Cap and I will walk you back inside.”

Eli on one side and Cap on the other, the trio made their way back up the stairs and towards the door. Eli held one open as the other two stepped inside, and then for a pair of girls coming in smelling faintly of alcohol and tobacco, and then for their clearly stoned dates. Eventually, bellhop duty was over and Eli jogged ahead to meet back up with his siblings.

“Alright, you go do what you have to do. You can do this, Ash.” Eli reassured with soothing confidence, a brilliant grin on his lips and two comforting hands on her shoulders. “Remember, Cap and I are just a text away. You need us and we’ll be there before you can hit send. Pinkie promise.” Eli took Ash’s hand and interlaced his pinkie with hers, gripping it tightly as the confidence behind his smile faltered to almost a sadness. “We’re right here if you need us.”

With one final hug to Ash, and of course to Cappie whom Eli had felt rather awful about leaving out of most of the comforting, Eli gave a final nod to the pair and made his way back into the main ballroom in search of his date. There was an immense wave of surprise as he spotted Cami in the crowd, another wave of guilt rushing over him as he made his way over.

“Cami! I am so so sorry about that.” Eli apologized quickly, eyebrows furrowing with the concern. “Family emergency. Ash needed Cap and I, she’s okay now. Either way, I am so sorry that I just up and left you. Truly.” Eli looked down at the laugh and let out a sort of helpless laugh. “Wow, I’ve really gone and screwed up tonight, huh? New record for worst behaviour, I think.”

º º code by ditto º º

Damien Slater

He wasn't fucking fine, and the more he tried to act like he was fine, the more disgusted and pissed off that Damien got. His lip curled back in disgust, and there was an annoyed shake of his head as he glared at Kian and watched him try to regain his balance. Fucking pathetic -- that's what he was.

“Relax, man, I’m like totally fuckin’ fine!” Kian reassured, and he patted Damien in the chest, which just pissed him off again. “Not that you’d care anyways. Noooo you’re too concerned with your date that isn’t even here right now to actually care about your best friend. It’s always ‘oooh you’re high Kian’ or ‘ooooh you’re such a piece of shit Kian’ or ‘I fucking haaaate you Kian’. Well,” Kian took a step back and promptly raised two tall middle fingers directly in Damien’s face, “fuuuuck YOU buddy! I don’t need you. I have lots of friends. I don’t need you and your sex mania and your stupidly pretty face. I don’t need any of that. You aren’t even REAL, Dames. Not one BIT of you is REAL.”

His nostrils were flaring, and his hands formed into fists at his side. He ground his teeth together, and he was trying to fight the urge to send his fist through Kian's fucking stupid ass fucking fucked up face. It's all he wanted to do -- end this shitty fucking friendship right here, because no matter what he fucking did, Kian always had a fucking issue with him.

But there was something holding him back, and Slater didn't really know where it was coming from -- care or some shit for the fucking addict in front of him? Or... not wanting to ruin Luci's perfect stupid fucking Winter Ball night, even though he was fucking miserable, because this wasn't the kind of place that he belonged--

“You never cared about me. You only care about looking like the good guy to care about anyone. No matter how much anyone cares about you, you don’t care about them. You never wanted me, you only want whoever’s gonna fuckin’ put out, you selfish, ignorant, entitled ASSHOLE!”

Kian's hands slammed into Damien's chest and he stumbled back, but caught himself easily enough.

“Why do you always fuckin’ do this to me, man? Why do you hate me?”

Damien didn't fucking hate him except for right fucking now.

With one hand, Damien reached out and pulled Kian's hands down and away from his face.

"Kian..." he started.

And once Kian's face was exposed...

Damien punched him.

"Fuck you," he snarled, and slammed his hands into Kian to shove the mother fucker away from him. "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. You're a literal piece of fucking shit. I'm not the fucking issue here and you need to stop fucking lying about me. I'm more fucking real than you. At least I don't pretend to be something I'm not. If you're so real, why don't you go tell fucking Kelli what you've been doing and--"

A hand gripped his shoulder and Damien turned around, ready to punch, until he realized it was one of the chaperones for tonight's Winter Ball.

"I'm going, I'm fucking going," he snapped, yanking his shoulder out from underneath the dude's fucking hand. He held a middle finger up towards Kian, although he wasn't sure if the mother fucker would see it, and then he headed out of the stupid fucking Winter Ball.

He didn't care. Dumb ass dance, anyway.


Fuck this, fuck this, fuck this.

He was too angry for his fucking hands to work. His fingers were trembling as he struggled to untie his fucking tie, and when he finally got it undone, he tossed it to the ground beside him as he let out a heavy, exasperated sigh, and he leaned back against the building that the shitty Ball was being held in.

Slater wasn't even sure what he should do now -- he wanted to fucking leave, find a party to go get fucked up at, but he'd been Luci's ride here, and... he didn't really want to abandon her.

There was, in some deep undiscovered recess of Damien's psyche, a part of him that did care for the girl that he'd left behind in there. Beyond more than just a quick fuck, because if it'd just been for a quick fuck, then why would he have allowed her to play dress up with him? Try and turn him into something he wasn't?

It was fucking bullshit is what it was.

His hands balled into fists again.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of someone approaching him, so Damien turned his head to the side to see who the fuck it was, and there was an annoyed laugh that bubbled out of his chest when he saw what bitch it was.

"Wow," he said, his voice dripping with venom as he pushed away from the building to face her. "What the fuck are you doing out here?" He spat. "Come to bitch at me for ruining your shitty fucking Winter Ball night? Or maybe checking to make sure I didn't get blood on your shitty fucking suit?"

He let out an amused snort, shaking his head.

"Just... fuck you. Leave me alone."


Winter Ball

bruh this dude don't have good pictures in suits



Luci, Kian

@Stardust Galaxy geminiy geminiy

º º code by ditto º º
ahlivia richardson
Junior - Lit - 17
winter ball

stassi AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

Stassi wasn't okay. That much was super fucking obvious, but what Liv couldn't figure out was why.

Tonight was supposed to be some big, magical night where everyone enjoyed themselves. They got to play dress up and dance and just overall have a good time. Granted, Liv wasn't exactly having the most fun at the moment - thank you anxiety - but it had started to look up when Mick came around. So she felt bad that Stassi wasn't having fun.

What made it worse was the fact that she was crying. Ahlivia wasn't exactly the best at handling tears - her own or other people's - so she had no idea why she'd sprung into action in the first place! Maybe because it was her friend and she wanted to check on her. Whatever the reason she had bunched up a bunch of tissues from a nearby stall and handed it to her with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, if I had Kleenex I'd have given you that instead," she said, making her way onto the bathroom sink. It was unladylike - her process - but she wasn't worried about that. Stassi had already been tall and now that she was wearing heels she was even taller! Liv's neck would've been sore from looking up at her, so climbing onto the sink where she would have a bit more height just made sense.

Once settled she listened to Stassi explain to her why her night was bad and once she got to the part about Jace she gasped.

"But he's your boyfriend, isn't he? Why would he be upset unless- what, he doesn't like PDA or something?"

Liv shrugged her shoulders, trying to wrap her mind about the whole thing. If she were dating someone she wouldn't get upset that they'd kissed her in public. In fact, she'd welcome it. Physical touch is her top love language after all. It didn't make sense that he would act that way but she figured something had happened that she didn't know about. Still, whatever he had done she didn't think it warranted to make Stassi cry and then leave her alone as her boyfriend.

Leaning over, Liv placed both of her hands on Stassi's cheeks and wiped her tears away with her thumbs. With a friendly smile on her face, she shook her head.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't think like that. I mean, who cares what our family's think right?"

The fact that Stassi had been a Russian Royal and that it absolutely mattered what her family thought hadn't crossed her mind. Growing up in a household with two moms who let her practically do whatever she wanted she never really had to deal with the strict criticism. Sure, her parents would give their honest opinion - sometimes unsolicited - but they never added pressure to her life like Stassi's must-have. She was one of the lucky few with such loving and understanding parents and there was never a day she didn't think about this.

"Thousands of people love you," she said in response to Stassi's desire to be loved. "I love you."

Despite the tears having stopped running down her face, Liv hadn't removed her hands. Subconsciously, her thumbs stroked her cheeks and she didn't necessarily have any sort of desire to drop her hands.

"You're an amazing friend and an amazing person, and you- you just-," she shook her head, trying to find more words of encouragement but she was preoccupied.

Her heart was beating fast for some reason and she couldn't tear her eyes away from Stassi's face. Liv's brain couldn't explain what was happening and just remained in a state of confusion for a moment. Her body, however, had begun to act on its own and moved forward...

"Yeah, so like, after this, I totes think we should go to Exchange LA!"

The sound of the bathroom door bursting open and hitting the wall sent Liv's brain moving again, her hands dropping to her lap and she created distance between herself and Stassi. Two blonde girls had walked inside, discussing what they were going to do after the ball. They'd interrupted... Whatever the hell was just going on and instead of looking at her, Liv continued to look at her hands.

"Um... So do you feel a little better?"

--------end of code-------[/comment]
coded by natasha.
ximena reyes
sophomore - dancer - 16

mick - AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

Though her body was already starting to feel sore, Ximena wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to dance. Whether it was with her boyfriend or even alone she was going to step on a dance floor. Dancing started out light, with the two of them just gently swaying to the music and talking about future plans - what they were going to do after, New Year's plans, and even the ski trip. It hadn't been in explicit detail simply because they had time, but it was something to talk about in the meantime.

Their moves then started to pick up with the music and though they were trying to hold themselves back from showing their professionalism, more advanced moves had begun to show. Maybe it wouldn't make sense to other people how they were dancing to all parts of the songs - beat, rhythm, and lyrics - but Ximena and Mick had been in their own world.

And that's how it normally was when the two of them danced together. None of the outside world or its problems mattered and if she could she would just dance forever. The chemistry that continued to show translated to their body movements until they started moving in sync. Ximena had never had a dance partner - let alone a boyfriend - who connected with her on such a level.

During the third song, Ximena was starting to get hungry. She'd only had breakfast earlier that day to prepare her for the performance but that was hours ago. Thankfully the music and chatter filling the air would mask her grumbling stomach. For the next few minutes, all she could think about was food and where they should go to eat after.


Tatsu Ramen?

Oh, but El Coyote had the best street tacos and elotes!

Just thinking about Mexican food made her mouth water and just as she was about to suggest they go to El Coyote afterward, he said something.

Except, he didn't just say something he just told her he loved her.

"I love you, Xi."

Ximena stopped dead in her tracks and the smile that was on her face had slowly begun to fade. Not because she hated the idea or anything but because she was surprised. Really she shouldn't have been, especially when they'd been dating for a year now. Most people said those three little words within a few months, but Xi had never felt compelled to say something like that. She'd felt an immense amount of love for him, and did love him but saying it didn't feel real.

"I- whoa. Shit. That's... Pretty fucking heavy to say while we're dancing?"

Realizing that's probably not what she was supposed to say she covered her mouth his her hand and shook her head.

"Fuck, I mean- I didn't mean to say that out loud. What I meant to say is like... Ya know... I love you too."

coded by natasha.
"Goddess of Chaos"
Magnolia Darrington
@Rebel.lia.on has set their status to:
Charming as the Devil and twice as pretty

@Rebel.lia.on has set their outfit to:
Bold as ever (Orange is the new black)

@Rebel.lia.on has set their location to:
Winter Ball

@Rebel.lia.on has mentioned:
Josie, Lucky, Remi, Damien, Ash

@Rebel.lia.on has interacted with:
Spencer Xed Xed
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Magnolia Darrington was dangerously sober. What does that mean? It means her mind is even more dangerous of a place for herself when she's sober and emotional. Between all the drama between her friends and even foes the past few weeks it's a wonder she isn't constantly high. Ok well she actually is usually constantly high and being doped up and hooking up have been exactly how she's coped with everything. Don't think that's healthy? Join the club.

The problem is that's been her crutch, but tonight she didn't have her crutch because she started off the night with Remi. You know one of the few decent influences in her life so she tries to be even 1% a better person for them because she loves him. Yah well that influence was now probably off slow dancing with someone else and so she was now alone, with her thoughts...sober.

She needed something, anything. A drag, a blunt, a flask, a pill, anything to dull the pain. Anything to ease her mind and calm her rising anxieties. She wasn't picky she'd even take a person. Anyone.

Ok maybe not anyone. Damien had been a real dick lately, and while normally she'd run to Lucky...she knew that needed to stop being an option because Lucky was determined to burn every bridge he'd ever made it seemed and she was just slow roasting. She knew hanging on any longer to that would be to be like a witch being burned at the stake but without being tied there. No she was tied their, just instead of physical rope it was emotional bonds.

She didn't want to be picky, but Lucky and Damien had to be off limits.

In fact you know who she wanted? She wanted Josie. She had no idea where she was other then she was supposed to be with Trevor. She wanted to find her, but if she was with Trevor chances were with her lucky Ash would be around too and she didn't need another fight tonight. She didn't need to add anymore stress or drama on her best friends shoulders because she didn't deserve that. She didn't deserve this bullshit. Maggie was a hot mess and the best thing she could do for the girl was to stay away for a night. All she really could do when she was around was help distract her by getting fucked up and she couldn't even manage to do that for herself right now let alone Josie too. She couldn't face her empty handed.

Josie deserved better then that, better then her. Maggie's heart was aching in so many ways, so she wanted nothing more then to find something to numb it all. To drown herself in something or someone; submerged in a beautiful, disastrous, distraction.

This was technically still just a dance full of horney (mostly rich) teenagers, so finding either one shouldn't be too hard.

Yet since she left Remi's side time seemed to drag. Mere minuets felt like hours without something to keep her mind occupied. She tried her best flowing through the crowd of her peers to seem like she was same ole Maggie. A mask that displayed nothing but big smiles, flirty winks, and empty laughter. Beneath it though with every shallow interaction with people who were the equivalent of NPC's to her right now she was disconnected...disinterested.

How do you feel too much, yet not enough all at the same time?

She was jerked from her thoughts when she bumped into someone...someone wet? Why was she now slightly wet?

She felt his hands grab onto her in an attempt to make sure she didn't fall. No wandering hands in any of the wrong places which was kind. Not that she'd have minded in her state of mind if he was hot enough and not an extreme ass hole. Looking up to see who the gentle damp giant was...and honestly? Laughed.

What are the odds that this man would bump into her first when she was on a natural high, and now at a natural low. Maybe sobriety was the key to always running into him? However he did seem the type to want to stay sober so she wasn't sure but she was beginning to think the universe didn't want her to get high tonight. Which fucking sucked because she REALLY wanted to be crossfaded outta her mind right now.

Maggie shook her head with a shadow of a smile painting her lips, "I'm fine, your fine." She explained softly. "It's fine. I like to think of it as you always pop up right on time." She hummed. Truth be told he kind of did. Last time he was exactly what she needed him to be without even realizing it. She wondered if he could bat two for two tonight.

It wasn't until he pulled his hands away that she remembered that they were wet, just like his hair was oddly enough. "Interesting fashion choice. And here I thought I was the bold one." She teased playfully before looking down at herself. She noticed the few spots of her orange velvet dress were now darker from the water droplets. She didn't care though. It was just a dress, and the more it stood out the better. I mean why else wear an orange strappy dress if not to be different and stand out?

She simply waved off his apology, "Nah, if anything you've made both better." She finally let her natural grin curl to her rose petal lips as she spoke. Something about him was doing it again. Making it easy to speak, easy to feel herself without feeling bad about herself. He was an odd one for sure.

"But if you feel like making it up to me, I've got an idea for some fun for both of us!" She chimed clasping her hands together with a mischievously giddy grin. "Please?" She asked with her best puppy dog eyes and a light bite of her lower lip.

Now most people who knew Maggie would be VERY worried about any suggestion she made, but before you jump to conclusions as well Maggie also knew her audience. She wasn't going to ask Spencer to do anything wildly uncomfortable, and she hoped that he knew that. Or at least hoped he would put a bit of faith in her not to lead him too far astray.

She wouldn't blame him if he didn't...most wouldn't and unlike when they first met he's now been around and might have heard about her reputation a bit more now. Not to mention her lil beef with the HA angel Ash on social media which of course has probably ruined her reputation even more.

She didn't want to think about that right now though. Not about Ash, not about Lucky, nothing. She wanted to think about nothing, and she hoped he was just the guy to help her do that. Especially if she was going to stay dangerously sober tonight. Which mind you was NOT the plan, but Luck didn't seem to be at her side (Figuratively or literally).
º º code by ditto º º
Dangerously Soft
Amethyst Jones
@If.U.Seek.Amy has set their status to:
Just breathe

@If.U.Seek.Amy has set their outfit to:
Dressed to impress

@If.U.Seek.Amy has set their location to:
The Ball

@If.U.Seek.Amy has mentioned:

@If.U.Seek.Amy has interacted with:
Remi AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami
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Remi had a way of being able to do both rise her anxieties like no other, but also instantly quell them like no other. She chunked it up to that's how lots of people described their significant others. Can't live with them, and can't live without them. just another bittersweet double edged sword in her life. She wondered if that's jsut how life is, or if something was wrong with her to make it to where that's just how HER life is.

The smile that flashed on his beautiful face the moment their eyes met was breathtaking, and suddenly it was hard to remember why she'd been so nervous in the first place. All thoughts of Maggie or any other girl he might have talked to recently was non-existent.

His reply didn't nothing but make things worse for her already racing heart. Her blush deepened as she got close enough to hear him. He was so smooth in his speech and it made her melt to think that... just maybe he did mean every word. Despite what his cousin might say, or how similar he was...she wanted to believe in him. With a magnetic smile like that, how could she not?

"Thank you Honey. You look magnificent, truly awe-inspiring." She chimed pecking his cheek softly. Was it a subconscious thing that it was the same place Maggie just had? Maybe. Probably. Even if the mind forgets sometimes the body doesn't.

Cause her mind? Her mind was on cloud 9. Feeling his arms wrap around her even just slightly made her feel special and warm. Letting him lead and bring her hands in between them before placing a kiss on her lips that she gladly returned. How did he always know just what to do? How did he have such a strong spell over her? Never once breaking eye contact, never once letting her feel alone or like their was anything else in this world right now outside of the two of them. It almost took her breath away.

"Same here. I've missed you. I feel like we haven't talked in ages." The words slipped out before she had time to collect her thoughts. It's not like he'd been gone some big extended period of time. It probably sounded weird and clingy for her to say such a thing, but with everything that happened lately, and with her awkward trip to the dance...it was the truth. She never wanted to lie to him. She wanted nothing more today then to be by his side and spend this night with him. She wanted that most days, but tonight especially. It felt so much like a real date, like they were really officially together. Like he was really all hers and hers alone.

But she wasn't. Mind you she was well aware of that fact that was because of her own choices. She didn't dare put any of that blame on him. It was difficult juggling how she felt things should be vs how she knew they needed them to be. The difference between wants and needs. She wanted him dearly, but she needed this space desperately. She needed to just be her own for a bit. She needed the freedom to if she did break down the only person she would hurt is herself. The only person her possibly fucked up choices could effect was herself. She didn't trust herself right now, so she couldn't and wouldn't endanger him with that.

Her smile widened at his reminder that they were supposed to dance together, "I think I can spare more then just one." She giggled interlocking their hands, "I'd much rather be your Evangeline. Cinderella only has till midnight." She hummed.

She had actually a lot of issues with the story of Cinderella, but that was for another time. She felt The evening star Ray falls for in Princess and the Frog was much more fitting. Truly in love, but just too far away right now. She was mentally and emotionally out of his reach even if she was physically there. He could see her, he could hold her...but he couldn't join her just yet. But she was confident that he would one day. That she'd be ok and healed and everything would be just right for them, and that's how they'd stay forever. She really could imagine a forever with Remi.

She just hoped he felt the same and was willing to wait.

As if on que one of her favorite songs began to play, "Shall we?" She smiled slowly moving her hands from his grasp to wrap around his neck. Until then? This would have to do. These special kodak moments in time she could lock away in her mind for when the rough times and the insecure thoughts rose up and he wasn't in front of her to subdue them.
º º code by ditto º º

Avery Ohtani

Bella grabbed his wrist and Avery winced at the suddenness and force with which she grabbed it. “Wait!”

Her grip on his wrist loosened and he did as she commanded, body turning back around to face her.

“Don’t go. I am… I am okay.” Was she? But she’d been crying and, well at least now that she wasn’t all curled up, it looked like she wasn’t actually injured after all and Avery felt relief at the knowledge. For a brief moment.

He almost left an uninjured, crying girl all on her own. How mortifying. “I’m sorry.” He apologised as his eyes flickered about, his mind racing. What should he do now then? For starters he shouldn’t leave but what next? Should he give her snacks? But he didn’t have any on him at the moment? A handkerchief to wipe her tears? No but his was all damp from when he wiped his hands earlier. He was completely unprepared and helpless. This was the worst. For now should he just sit down? That seemed like a better than just standing around and doing nothing. At least it would give Bella assurance that he wasn’t going to just run off and leave her alone right? And she just pat the floor next to her? That was a sign for him to join her, right?

So not really knowing what else to do, Avery just sat down next to Bella and listened.

“It has just been a long night, that’s all.” A long night, that meant that she’d been having a rough time at the ball right? But why, why would she be having a rough time on a night like this? Had someone made her miserable? But why would anyone do that? “I said some things that maybe I should not have. I think I lost a friend over it.” Things she shouldn’t have? What things could she have possibly said?

“Whatever happened, it is my fault. I really should not even be upset by it.”

“But you are upset.” He blurted out and then stopped.

This was all too confusing for Avery to process. Bella was such a kind, nice person, what could she have possibly said to lose a friend? And why was she saying that she shouldn’t be upset when she was? Were you only allowed to be upset under a certain set of circumstances?

I am okay, really. I promise.” She was crying and hurting and yet saying she was the one at fault and that she was ok, even promising that she was. It was a lot for Avery to try and make sense of and his brow furrowed further in confusion. Nothing she was saying was really making sense to him. Especially her promise that she was okay when she had been crying.

“You look lovely tonight. Go out there and enjoy yourself. You should not be here with… whatever I am right now. We both should not have a bad night.”

See? She even admitted that she had a bad night and yet she was claiming she was ok and asking him to go and all of that just baffled Avery even further.

“Don’t promise that you’re ok when you’re not!” He exclaimed, voice louder and harsher than he intended. “I- sorry, I- I didn’t mean to shout,” he waved his hands frantically in front of him in apology, worried that he might have made things worse, “but uh, we’re friends right? Friends are here to help each other and uh, you shouldn’t, you shouldn’t lie to your friends. Not that I’m calling you a liar or anything! But um…” his face reddened with each word as he tried to gather his thoughts, completely frazzled. Oh man, this was so much harder than they made it look in the shows and books he’d seen and read and to make matters worse his mind was blanking and he couldn’t remember anything specific from any of them that could be of help in this moment and so he just rambled on hoping he was still making sense, “you’re crying and crying means you’re hurting and I’m your friend and I want to help you so… I’m not going.” He declared with far more confidence than he actually had. Still, swallowing back his nerves, he doubled down, trying to look as certain as he could muster. “I’m staying here and then we’re both going to have fun so that we both a good night!”

A bold declaration from a clueless teenager who honestly had no idea what to do or how to turn this night from good to bad. And the declaration didn't change the fact that he only had a damp handkerchief and no snacks or sweets.

Uh quick think think think uhhhh


fancy pants

song title here

by artist here​



geminiy geminiy

º º code by ditto º º
Last edited:
MOOD: wifey

OUTFIT: gold

Nickie, Kelli, Bella, Jace

natsukashii natsukashii (Hunter)
TL;DR no
Veronica Crosby
Ronnie tossed her hair to the side, peering into her date's eyes with an air of expectancy. He wasn't biting, which sucked because if she trashed Nickie any more, her sweet, loveable charm would begin to wear. At least the got a compliment out of him, though.

Hunter budged a little, something of which surprised the redhead a tad. "Maybe you're right. I mean, it's Nickie after all. She lies for attention."

"Ha!" Ronnie blurted, stifling the giggle that ensued.

Understatement of the century.

Hunter was a funny guy. A real lady killer, but just like the rest of Hollywood Arts' most uncleanly guys. She eyed the wet patch on his suit, making half an attempt not to seem like she was staring right at it while they danced. "Don't worry about it; it'll be fine," he assured, "Kinda feels nice if I'm being honest. All the rockstars get their nice suits wet, right?" He had to be kidding.

"And then they clean them, or at least someone does," the gold-adorned girl quipped, giving Hunter's sleeve another tug, "Come on. You smell like Kool-Aid and Versace." With a warm smile, she led the boy out from the heart of the crowd, her heels clacking against the shiny ballroom floor.

Hopefully Kelli and Bella are getting as much drama and action as I am...

The two stopped at another one of the famous drink tables, only this time there was a case of water bottles beneath it. Ronnie set her cup down on the table then helped herself to a water bottle, grabbing a wad of napkins from the side to form a thick, papery towel. She wet it a little, then looked up at Hunter. "Hold still," she instructed, sitting him down and then following suit.

With a gentle touch, she dabbed at his suit jacket and shirt, catching another whiff of the punch's sickeningly sweet aroma. It was fruitier than, like, Jace West or something. The girl's dainty, pale hands stopped at his chest, waiting just a few seconds to catch his heartbeat. Her fingers curled a little, holding him with the longing she'd been keeping in ever since she laid eyes upon the singer with enough guile to sink a small boat.

"She really got you good," she commented with a chuckle, taking her time in the process. It was like they had all the time in the world, nothing and nobody to wait on. There was a certain peace to being the victor in a war spent only lurking behind the scenes. Ronnie had worked far too hard and waited far too long to let this all go to waste. Even from the start, she knew it would all somehow lead to this day.

Her hand stopped again, this time lowering from the boy's chest. The only thing functioning in her body was her shrinking pupils staring right back at him and her heart that raced a mile a minute. "If I lost a guy like you..." Her breaths were slow and deep, but only because she was pacing herself. "...I'd be torn up, too."

That line is so going in my next song!

Title the album "On the Hunt", then name the first track "Punch-Drunk Passion".


With a start, Ronnie sat the red-stained super-napkin on the table, then rested her elbow on her thigh to support her head on her palm. Her knuckles covered her mouth while she stared pensively at Hunter, narrowing her eyes as if in deep thought. She was reading him, but all the words were in another language. She'd done everything right, yet the last hurdle had yet to be overcome.

Here goes nothing.

The freckled girl sat up straight with her legs crossed, maintaining her eye contact the entire time. He had to be thinking what she was thinking. That's how romance works. That's how dates and high school and guys and girls and everything work. All the rules were saying it, so it was as good a time as any...

And right that moment, Ronnie closed her eyes, leaned forward, and planted her lips on Hunter's, her rouge lipstick sealing the kiss.
code by valen t.

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