• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern hollywood arts: main (open!!)


Damien Slater

There were no cries racking his chest, and there was no hurt clenching his chest, and the back of his throat wasn't clogged with swallowed sobs. Nope, Damien was perfectly fucking fine after what had happened. His shaky hand, with cigarette loosely held between his fingers, lifted up to rub at his forehead.

Fuck everyone else. Everyone at this fucking school thought they were oh so fucking great, and that he was just some fucking garbage dumpster bitch that belonged in the fucking alley. As if he didn't fucking belong here alongside them, and because why? What the fuck set him so far apart from everyone else?

He took a drag on the cigarette, trying to breathe out some of his rage. But the smoke was really just serving to make him even angrier than he'd been before.

Slater really didn't belong here, but it's not like he'd ever really belonged at his old school, either. Hell, at least here he could go a while without suffering from bruises and scrapes coloring his skin. Somehow, despite his sharp tongue, he had yet to get into a fucking fight... other than Dalton, but that didn't fucking count. It was, as his mother always said, "just how boys play" or some other dumb shit to defend him being his fucking "brother."

Fuck Dalton.

Always fuck Dalton.

As he was walking, someone stepped in front of him and he stopped, staring in confusion for a moment. Because there in front of him stood a girl that--

Oh yeah, Nickie.

He'd been trying to fuck her before he'd gotten...

Well not hung up on Luci.


Fuck it, whatever.

Bam, there was fucking Nickie.

“Hey,” she greeted. “Taking a load off?”

"Sure," he mumbled. The bitch wanted something -- they always wanted something -- but she was trying to butter him up or some shit before she just got straight to it. Normally, he'd be thinking with his second head and he would be able to put up with this bullshit, but for once? Well... for once, the idea of getting laid wasn't on Slater's brain in the least bit. For the first time in a long while, Damien was just...

Stuck in his own head.

He fucking hated it.

“You know… I, uh…got this little thing to help me do that, too.” She glanced over her shoulder, and then opened up her palm to show what she held. His gaze flicked down to her palm, and then back to her face as she quickly covered it back up. “I just, uh…well, I don’t really know how to do it…and I was thinking, Hey, maybe the cute, lonely guy in the suit over there could help me out a little here? I’ll share, too.”




This was definitely one of his fantasies, though. A hot chick rolling up with cocaine and asking him to share it and show her how to do it, and then he'd show her how to do some other shit (wink, wink), although he wished that this had come when he was in a better mood. When he actually wanted to deal with this kind of shit.

For a moment, Slater just kind of stared at the girl in front of him. Then he shook his head, dropping the cigarette to the ground, and grinding it in with the tip of his shoe.

"Yeah, okay," he said with a sigh and slipped his hands into his pockets. "Where the fuck you plan on doing this, though?" Damien asked as he glanced around them. "Kinda cold out and shit." He said as his gaze came back to rest on the girl in front of him.

Fuck everyone for thinking that he was just some druggy nobody.


Well, fuck them for being right.


Winter Ball

bruh this dude don't have good pictures in suits




ditto ditto

º º code by ditto º º

Emo Fancy

Felix, Slater, Javi, Ez

Kian geminiy geminiy

TL;DR: Fuck this shit.

Auguste let out a sigh of relief as Kian released him from his flesh prison. He then had to understand the Totally Not Pathetic Social Life Kian lived.

Okay, roll call: Felix, a drug dealer. Javi, a drug dealer who hit on him and was kind of a dick… And Damien. Another asshole that Auguste didn’t like. These were Kian’s friends. Wow. The emotional availability in that friend group sounded off the charts.

He also was hoping to all God that Kian wouldn’t question how exactly Auguste knew a therapist now that Kian had stated that he was “too cool for mental health school.”

He was probably too high to think about that. That was good, didn’t need rumors flying around. But he was starting to get an idea that maybe not running the second Kian opened his stupid mouth might’ve been a bad idea.

And with Auguste’s suspicions confirmed, car keys were dumped in his hand.

And a request to drive him home.

Auguste stared at the keys. Then at Kian. Deer in the headlights.

“Ehm… I…”

Danger. Kian was a danger to himself like this. He couldn’t walk himself home. He obviously couldn't drive. And Auguste… Auguste sure as hell couldn’t drive a car - he’d never had to learn.

Auguste couldn’t drive he didn’t even know which pedals did what and what side of the road did Americans even drive on - or was that the British what was happening right now why did Kian decide to cling onto him and not literally anyone else that might’ve looked just a little bit more approachable.

“... no. I.. bike… and ehm…” Silence stretched. “I get a friend. To drive me. When I need it.”

Silence. He didn’t… It was really painting a picture, huh. Knew a therapist intimately, couldn’t drive.

But that left him with a dilemma because what the fuck was he supposed to do now? He definitely couldn’t drive them home. A bike… absolutely not. He didn’t want to walk home because that would be absolutely awful… And he had the sneaking suspicion that if he let Kian go by himself he’d either crash and die or get run over by a car on the trek home. Oh God, what was he going to do what was he going to do they were going to get-

He glanced around. “Ehm… maybe-maybe we should…”

Okay. Okay. This was going to be fine. “Here, mon frere, put your arm around-”

Okay. Okay. He slowly put Kian’s arm around his neck, and then put an arm around Kian’s legs and hoisted him up bridal style. Okay.


This was fine.

Kian was fairly light - or at least for him. And Auguste went out the back to avoid the paparazzi, traveling through the dark halls of the abandoned school.

Somehow, this was less concerning than the fact that Auguste had a very sweaty teenager in his arms and was somewhat struggling to keep his grip.

Eventually, they managed to get into the brisk winter air.

Auguste took a deep breath in and a deep breath out, and slowly placed Kian on the ground. Said a couple of choice words in French as he glanced around. They were away from paparazzi, they weren’t going to crash and die from people trying to leave the ball.

They were in a kind of dark alley where they were asking to get mugged.

It was fine. This was fine. He texted Ez very quickly once they were outside. His mind going everywhere at once as it teared itself apart trying to think of what the fuck was the next thing to do.

Clarity struck as quickly as the panic.

Oops. Well. Hopefully he didn’t make Ez panic too much. He’d apologize later.

If he remembered.

He looked at his new child bff and around at the trash-filled alleyway. “Mon frere, ehm, where-where do you… live…”

That didn’t sound too stalkerish ri- no wait. Kian wouldn’t even be aware of that probably. Okay. Once he got an address, he typed it into Google Maps and hoisted Kian up from the ground by the armpits.

A bit of manhandling in this scenario was alright, right?

He plopped Kian on his feet and started leaving the alleyway in the direction of Kian’s home, holding his hand like one would a parent helping a child cross the street.
code by valen t.

nickie abrams.

Slater was just kind of…staring at her.

She smiled back, her brows pulling slightly upward, as though that would help convince him any more — a little c’mon, Slater, you act like you’ve been fucked up enough by tonight, now help me get fucked up, too.

Help out the charity case in the ugly fucking red dress, please. She’s had a pretty shit night

Finally, he shook his head, dropping his cig and grinding it with the tip of his shoe. “Yeah, okay,” he said with a sigh, slipping his hands into his pockets, and Nickie’s smile broadened in relief. “Where the fuck you plan on doing this, though?” he asked, looking around. “Kinda cold out and shit.”

“Oh, I’ve got you covered,” she said, giving a nod of her head toward Liv’s car and sniffling. Now that the hard part was over, a wave of almost-confidence had come over her: a sort of leave it to me to do everything, you just lay back and show me how to snort coke. “If a car will work?”

It would have to work. She wasn’t about to step foot inside a-fucking-gain, especially not to do fucking cocaine.

If it took that much effort, she would much rather do something slightly more wholesome, like text Hunter a wall of I fucking hate you texts and sob until the morning, where she would be trapped in an endless cycle of self-loathing.

Stop fucking thinking. That was probably the best bet right now, anyway.

(But also…JJ would fucking kill her if she knew she was doing this.)

She started back toward the car, suppressing grimaces because it was not exactly the most comfortable thing, walking back to your best friend’s car barefoot through a parking lot. “I don’t know if the front will have enough room, so…backseat?” she suggested, looking over her shoulder as she opened the back door and stepped inside anyway.

As she settled into the side and watched Slater shut the door, she drew in another deep breath.

I’m really fucking going to do this…

Holding up the bag for him to before she placed the little object on the center console, Nickie looked over at Slater. Up close and illuminated by the overhead door light, dim as the light may have been, she knew that he could see how much of a fucking wreck she looked like. Now wasn’t a time to be fucking self-conscious, though — she was doing drugs with a guy who was basically one of two of her only friends, so fuck it.

“Alright, so…” She looked over at the baggie, and then back at Slater, then back at the baggie. It was kind of cramped in the backseat, so she shifted back to give him a bit of space to demonstrate. “I’ve seen people do it at parties a ton, but…” Her eyes moved back to him as the door light dimmed to nothing. She reached up, feeling for a button and pressing it down. The light came back on, and she gave a soft, apologetic chuckle before glancing back at the bag on the center console. “Just…how…exactly…do you, ya know…” She looked at Slater and stuck a finger to the side of a nostril. “Do it?”


liv's car

red dress

by nickie.​



Winona Winona

º º code by ditto º º

Avery Ohtani

What. Uh. Huh. How. Where. What. I. Uh. Help.

That my friends, was the sound of Avery’s brain shutting down as Bella wrapped herself around his arm and rested her head on his shoulder.

What, what was he supposed to do now? Uh…did he just… stay put? Turn into a statue? Or uh pat her head like a cat? Not that she was a cat or anything but uh… was he supposed to hug her back in this situation? But his arm was kinda stuck in an awkward position and if he asked her to move it that just felt rude but then he – help.

Bella rejected his offer for fun and expressed a desire to go home which just left Avery feeling even more helpless and useless. He had made the wrong suggestion which even if she had taken him up on, he wouldn’t have been sure of what to do to begin with which just made him feel doubly stupid, and she wanted to go home which uh… he couldn’t drive, he was bad with directions and he had no idea where her home was. Maybe it would have been better if someone else less helpless and useless had found Bella, like Casey who always seemed to know what to do or Zeph who was really reliable. He was just…well… not any of those things.

As he started to get lost in the rush of his thoughts, Bella broke the silence between them.

“Nothing ever goes right. There is always something that shows up on a good day to mess it all up.” Oh, was she talking about him? No wait, she was talking about what was making her cry before… right? “I did not even want to come tonight but Kelli and Ronnie were so excited and I did not come all this way to not experience life, you know. Maybe I should not have come at all. They do say you should listen to your gut instinct.”

Listen to your gut instinct
. The word replayed in his head as Bella lifted to look up at him, a soft smile forming on her face as she continued. “But I guess if I am going to have a bad night, having you here makes it not so bad.” The smile widened and his heart pounded. Listen to your gut instinct.

“You really did not have to stay and yet you are still here. You are the best friend I have had in a long time.”
So he had been right, the something showing up to mess up a good day really wasn’t referring to him. In fact she was saying he was making it better. That he wasn’t so useless after all. He was the best friend she’d had in a long time. The best. His brain repeated, his eyes fixed on her grin as her hands intertwined with his, his head dropping a little closer so he could get a better look under the dim lighting of the corridor. He was a good friend to Bella. He could be a good friend, and now that she was smiling instead of crying she looked even prettier than before and his heart was pounding even louder.

Was it ok for him to say, to think, that, that captivating smile on her pretty face was because of him?

“Thank you for being here.” Listen to your gut.

Avery’s body moved before his mind did, his head dipping to close the distance as he gently pressed his lips to hers. They were so soft and warm, slightly wet from the tears and – what –

Avery pulled back in surprise as his brain finally registered exactly what he had been doing. Had he – did he just – so that’s what a kiss on the lips was like – no wait he – oh no. Bella had told him before right? That he shouldn’t just kiss people like that and he just kissed her without warning. And on the lips.

“I – I uh…” he tried to speak but the words wouldn’t come out and so he just sat there staring at Bella, at his friend he had just given his first kiss to.

Why had he done that? And why was his heart pounding so hard it felt like it was going to burst right out of his chest?



fancy pants

song title here

by artist here​

Casey, Zeph


geminiy geminiy

º º code by ditto º º

Spencer Gray

Maggie Darrington. Hers was a face he hadn’t seen since arts fest. Thankfully much like the first time he had bumped into her, she seemed fine, he was definitely worse for wear than the first time they met though. Both mentally and physically as she quickly pointed out.

“Interesting fashion choice. And here I thought I was the bold one.”

His mop of wet hair was hard to miss, especially when it was dripping all over the place, including her dress.

“Sorry about that.” He apologised as he began to shrug off his jacket to offer her then remembered the collar and shoulder were also pretty wet, still it was probably better than nothing. “I had a bit of a battle with the tap,” he lied as he finished peeling the jacket off his back, leaving in just his singlet, “here, it’s a bit damp and the green will probably clash with the orange, but you can have my jacket if you want.” It was a crappy offer which basically summed up what a shitty person he had been all night.

When she told him instead that he had made both her night and her outfit better, well Spencer was thoroughly surprised and it reflected in his eyes. Then again he supposed he shouldn’t have been so surprised. From what he knew of her, she always seemed to be full of surprises, ready to roll with the punches. He meant that as a compliment of course. She could very easily have gotten upset with him and he wouldn’t have blamed her but instead here she was, grinning and even thanking him.

It was a kindness he didn’t deserve but at the same time it also felt very Maggie, like she wasn’t just saying those words to be kind.

Maggie asked him to join her for some fun and then did what he assumed was an attempt at puppy eyes, which brought a small smile to his face. To be honest, he wasn’t in the mental state for fun and he’d probably just ruin the mood and make things worse, just like he had all night thus far. Try to pretend and play the good guy to make up for his past mistakes and then come out on the other side even worse. He should just reject her, offer to make it up to her another day so that he didn’t end up screwing up someone else’s night.

Spencer opened his mouth to say just that, tell Maggie he was very sorry but that he was going to head home and he’d promise to make it up to her another day but then he saw her eyes again, the puppy impression and the bite of the lower lip.

“Can’t you stay a little longer Spence? This is the first date we’ve had in over a month.” Sheryl pleaded, her eyes imploring him as she chewed on her lower lip.

“I’m sorry Sheryl, but the competition is coming up and the guys just managed to get a last minute slot with the instructor. Being able to have a session with him is a huge opportunity and I can’t let the guys down now. I promise I’ll make it up to you. Ok?”

Some promise that was. In the end he never did. He just walked away. He always walked away with some bullshit promise. Always turned his back. But that was the past, Maggie wasn’t Sheryl, he wasn’t the same, he’d keep the promise this time, he’d definitely make it up…

“Alright,” Spencer relented as he tried to hide his reluctance and mess of emotions behind a weak smile, “what do you have in mind?”

just smile and apologise like everything's ok

Winter Ball



by Shawn Mendes​




Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202

º º code by ditto º º
MOOD: being a king

OUTFIT: suit


ditto ditto (Kelli)
TL;DR no
Angel Cervantes
Well, that was a major catastrophe avoided. Angel wanted to be upset with Javi, but he was only looking out for him. The irritable bassist had a funny way of showing it, but he really still was the fun-loving, protective older brother he used to be. Things had just changed. That was all. At least he wanted Angel to have safe sex, which he wasn't, but that was because... well... he wasn't having any at all.

And that was more than okay.

Kelli was so accommodating it was almost hard to clock it as genuine, but any form of doubt would have done the kindhearted girl a great disservice. Angel had no choice but to quit fussing for her sake, or at least that's how he rationalized it. Both of them knew which of the two of them needed more affirmation... probably. Sometimes it was a tough call.

“Hey, your stuff isn’t crap, guy!” Kelli protested with a soft, playful strike on the shoulder. “Don’t even start with that, dude! Legit.” He caught himself about to apologize for self-deprecating, but his Spidey-Sense alerted him of the most likely response. See: what she just said.

She had a voice as soft as satin and melodic like a songbird, one of which few could truly get bored of hearing. Who let her be so coy about it, so indecisive at every work of poetry that escaped her lips? It was a cruel price for her demure attitude, but one she carried well.

"Oh? That's a whole lot of legititude." He couldn't bring himself to say "legitness". Heck no. God no. "You can't throw that around lightly, Kello Kitty." He tilted his head and quirked a brow immediately after, framing his face with a small grin and a chuckling "heh".

“Uhm…” she started, releasing a puff, “I…well, I kinda really had a hard time making friends before I came here."

That one was worthy of a spit-take, but Angel refrained. As utterly unconvinced as a piece of him was, he kept his visual surprise to a minimum. "You're not even being fair to yourself. Nobody besides the cool soccer kids had friends in middle school. And freshman year, well..." He gritted his teeth. Need he explain any more?

Still, she moved closer to her point. “I dunno, it just kinda sucked for a long time…” She fell silent for only a moment, returning to her cheery self in no time. Angel only hoped that this time she truly meant her joy. “But then, like, I came here, and I met all of these freaking dope people. Like, ya know, Ronnie! And Bella, and…” Her smile broadened. “And you!”

"That's sweet," Angel replied shyly, heat filling his cheeks. He could only muster another throaty chuckle; he probably sounded like an empty-headed neanderthal going "heh heh heh" again. He wasn't sure what else to say. To an even greater extent this time, words escaped the thoughtful boy. "I'm flattered I get to be one of those people."

While Kelli stuttered through her explanation, he waited patiently, eyes innocent and without a hint of a clue as to what was coming next.

“Tonight’s been just, like, the freaking dopest, funnest night I’ve had in a super long time, and it’s honestly really just thanks to you, dude,” she said. "So I should really be just thanking you, Angel. So..."

The junior's heart melted. It beat in staggered, trembling thumps, his heart rate soaring and looping like a paper airplane. It was just what he needed to hear.

Her smile somehow shined even brighter. "Thanks.”

"Hey, what are friends for?" he remarked, not particularly needing to say "likewise".

The universe stood still for a beat until Angel knew what he wanted to do. Right beside that food table alongside the edge of the dance floor, he pulled Kelli in for a hug, their joined forms drowning in the glow of the ballroom light.

This was better than the waltz. Dancing was fun, but like this, it felt infinitely more natural, if not more real. Perhaps the fault laid in how sincerely Angel meant every gentle squeeze and every appreciative thought running through his head while they hugged, Angel's eyes closed in a plea to savor the moment just a half-second longer.

He then pulled away, drunk with confidence in the bond they'd forged. "How's that for not making it weird, eh?" He looked around, impressed the ball was still more or less in full swing, though the entire night felt like a mere five minutes. "Before, you used to make me nervous because you're so cool and stuff and I'm so bad with people." He shook his head, reminiscing the near past. "But now, you've gotten so cool I don't even sweat it when I say the wrong thing in front of you." She was chill like that.

He winked. "'Cause you and me, we're tight now."

So stuff doesn't have to suck anymore. The world's only as lonely as you make it.
code by valen t.

Damien Slater

TW: drug use

See, Slater had kinda had this feeling that following Nickie to her car was probably a really bad idea. You know, getting into the backseat of some chick's car that wasn't his date to do cocaine just... didn't really seem like the best way to go about dealing with tonight's issues. If anything, it'd probably make everything worse if he ah... well, if it got out, and Nickie wasn't exactly known for keeping her mouth shut about shit, so...

It was going to get out.

He wasn't even really sure what he was feeling as he followed her into the back of the car, slamming the door closed after him. Nickie was acting all kind of sketchy, like they were doing a drug deal or some sh--

Oh wait.

... Well it wasn't a drug deal.

Could almost be classified as worse than a drug deal.

Least he wasn't making cash off the miseries of others.

“Alright, so… I’ve seen people do it at parties a ton, but… Just…how…exactly…do you, ya know…” She looked at Slater and stuck a finger to the side of a nostril. “Do it?”

Oh good fucking god, he was dealing with someone that had probably never even touched weed, let along cocaine. There was a sigh that escaped his lips as he looked away from her down to the baggie, as if he was still contemplating. As if there was still some kind of chance for him to back out of this shit.

He wondered what his mom would say if she caught him doing this shit, if she knew just how much he'd picked up from listening to her and his dad talk as he was growing up. Would she be proud to see that her son was turning out just like his father, or would tears stain her cheeks as she recalled the day his dad was arrested?

Knowing his mom, she'd probably break into some dumb little thing. "Oh, this is just like the first time your father got me to try cocaine. He was so nice about teaching me how to shove a needle in my arm."

Damien swallowed.

Who knew that a simple dance would plague him with so many thoughts of his parents?

"There's a lotta different ways to do cocaine," Damien started, his voice deadpan as he picked up the little baggy. "You can either, ya know..." he tapped the side of his nose, "but ahh... don't know if you'd do that so well. Plus it can cause nosebleeds and shit, so ahh... you can smoke it, but ahh..." he looked around them, "don't got anything to help with that, same with ya know... shooting up, so ahh..."

He popped open the bag, dipping a finger in to get a bit of the powder on his finger, and then held his finger up.

"Just rub it on your gums."

To demonstrate, he opened his mouth, and rubbed cocaine-coated finger onto his gums like he was brushing his teeth as he held the baggie out for Nickie.

Nothing really got the teeth pearly white like brushing with cocaine.


Winter Ball

bruh this dude don't have good pictures in suits




ditto ditto

º º code by ditto º º
"Focus on me, I'm about to blow them all away"
Stella Bailey
@Steller.Bae has set their status to:
It's the greatest time of year

@Steller.Bae has set their outfit to:
Winter wonder

@Steller.Bae has set their location to:
Winter Ball

@Steller.Bae has mentioned:
Kinni, Beth

@Steller.Bae has Interacted with:
Jordan ( @Melanin-Gxdess ) Zeph ( Winona Winona ) Katya ( qunqun qunqun )
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Standing here with Jordan made one thing crystal clear to Stella... she was ready to get out of here. She'd done what she came to do; made an appearance, took pictures, danced, and mingled. Everything on her to do list was checked off for the night and now she was ready to leave. She didn't want the night to be over, but she was over this part because this part felt like work.

Not the part about getting to spend time with Zeph of course, she loved that. In fact she wanted more of that! She wasn't ready for that part of the night to be over, but being here at the ball just felt like networking with extra steps and so that was still just work. She still had to be on her best behavior because of course any moment could be caught on camera. It was like being at any other big time event or premiere for a movie or something. Sure it was fun to an extent but it's still work.

She wanted to let her hair down pull up this dress and just relax. She wasn't sure what about Jordan caused this. Maybe the fact that it felt like he was already over this and he'd just gotten here.

Her brow rose curiously at his response. A surprise? So he declined coming with his girlfriend to still wind up showing up? Stella didn't understand her guy friends sometimes. Then again she didn't know Kinni all that well. Maybe she'd like a gesture like that. All she knew was the few twitter interactions, the one time they worked together for that fitting, and whispers here and there about her from the grapevine. Even though they were both friends with Beth she wasn't really the type to gossip about her other friends with her. Most of her and Beth's conversations lately had been about...boys.

What they were still teenage girls?

"Yah? Let me know how the surprise goes." she smirked. Was their a tinge of disbelief that it'd go over well? Yes, but as stated she didn't know Kinni the girl might love the grand gesture. Though he definitely had a point once he finally spotted her about leaving before he was spotted. one because it would definitely ruin the surprise, but secondly it would look pretty bad if Kinni spotted her boyfriend who claimed not to be coming with another girl at the very place he claimed not to be. Stella had zero interest in being in the middle of anyone's relationship drama.

"Of course, I'll see you around." She smiled softly and waved before turning to go her own way. There was never wasted time with Jordan and Stella appreciated it. She never felt bad if their integrations were short because they both were straight to the point people.

She walked over to where she'd noticed Zeph was standing by the drinks. Thank god Zeph was so talk and easy to spot in a crowd. Her smile instantly widened as she got closer to him. It was just the natural effect he had on her. Him just being around lifted her spirits and confirmed for her, yah she could spend all night with him and be just fine. In fact? That's exactly what she'd do. She was done "working" for the night. She wanted them to get a chance to just be them. Plus chances are Zeph was ready to dress down too by now.

She took her place beside him placing her hand gently on his upper arm to get his attention, "Hey." She chimed before looking at the girl with him he'd been spending this time with. "Hi, I'm Stella." She offered a small wave towards the girl.

Stella had nothing against her or anything since...why would she? While she never felt a strong urge to befriend all of Zeph's friends (or any...she wasn't sure she was actually friends with any of his friends now that she thought about it) she never held anything against them (except Lin for good reason) especially not his female ones. Should she try more to be friends with his friends? Maybe? She didn't really see why, since the feeling was basically mutual. Zeph to her knowledge wasn't really friends with any of her friends.

You'd think being best friends that merge would happen naturally...but nope. Not to say she's never hung around his friends, remember the fair? The personalities just never stuck.

Normally this would be another one of those times. She'd stand here and let him talk as long as he wanted with his friend and she'd be patient and wait till he was done. However she wasn't feeling very patient right now. No offence, but she was ready to get out of her and have him all to herself. Selfish yah, but it's how she felt and Stella tried to always be true to herself especially when it came to Zeph. She could hope the girl would understand, but truth be told she didn't care much if she did or didn't.

"Hope I'm not interrupting." She smiled back up at Zeph, "But I think my boyfriend owes me one last dance." She grinned tugging at his hand to slowly lead him away from the girl ad towards the dance floor. He could wave and say good-bye because she wasn't heartless, but she was a woman on a mission.

Once they were a little bit away she turned to Zeph and got on her tip toes to whisper in his ear, "What do you say we get outta here? Anywhere except home."
º º code by ditto º º
Last edited:

Kalida Davies

Oh hell yeah, Rowan was way more fucking entertaining in person than just over plain ol' boring video call. Fuck, if they'd been in the same area, all of England would've known their names... probably for all the wrong reasons but hey, beggars couldn't be choosers or something like that.

Lida would've taken the fame however she could get it.

And Rowan being just the absolute mastermind that she was actually had brought alcohol in that big ass tote bag of theirs. There was an excited grin on Kalida's face as she watched Rowan open the-- open t--... oh, Rowan couldn't open the bottle, and instead there was a loud crack.

“Oh, there goes my wrist.”

Lida took the bottle from Rowan, although there was a concerned look on her face. "Bro, do we gotta..." she gestured towards Rowan's wrist, "ya know... need to go to the hospital or...?"

Well, Rowan seemed fine enough.

She shrugged, opening up the vodka bottle with little to no struggle. Yeah, Kalida had gotten so fucking used to opening up jars and bottles and shit for Kei. Her twin didn't have great muscles and shit, but that was fine or whatever. Kalida liked having to help him, even if... sometimes it got a little annoying.

With the top off, she tipped the bottle back, taking a quick swig of the clear liquid before bringing it back from her lips. Her face scrunched up in disgust, and she brought her sleeve up to cover her mouth for a moment as she hacked a touch. Sure, she drank a... well, as much as one could when living with their parents, but that didn't mean she was always able to handle straight liquor, especially something like vodka.

Kalida handed the bottle back over to Rowan.

"Okay..." she said, eyebrows drawing together as she looked around them. "Ah... where do you think a pizza place might be at?"

Woo, benefits to wandering around aimlessly without Google maps!


she doesn't know LA


Five Past Ten
by Blair​



qunqun qunqun

º º code by ditto º º

Zeph Evermore

Oh heck, Katya had actually said yes to his offer of getting drinks. With a smile, he walked away from her towards the drinks table... and then seemed to remember that he happened to be in a cast. Err, well, one arm happened to be in a cast thanks to a little thing called breaking his arm.


His hands still worked, at least, kind of. So his fingers clenched one of the cups, albeit with a bit of difficulty, and he picked the other cup up with his good hand, and then made his way back to Katya. And hey, Zeph didn't spill anything, so he'd say that he was actually doing pretty damn good.

Once he'd gotten back over to Katya, he held the cup out that was held by his broken arm, smiling as she took it from him. Broken arm dropped back to his side, and he brought his own cup to drink. As he was about to speak, someone showed up at his side, and Zeph couldn't stop the way his face lit up.

"Hope I'm not interrupting." Stella said, "But I think my boyfriend owes me one last dance." She smiled, and Zeph basically just melted as her hand took his casted arm and started to tug him away from Katya.

"Sorry, I'll uhh... I'll see you around, Katya, pleasure to meet you," he gave a nod of his head in Katya's direction before he took one last sip from his cup and then tossed it into a trash can as Stella tugged him away.

Once they'd made their way from Katya, Stella stopped to lean up and whisper in his ear.

"What do you say we get outta here? Anywhere except home."


Kind of a weird suggestion if you asked him, but hey, whatever Stella wanted. Of course, he wasn't really sure where they could go dressed up like... well, dressed up as they were, but hey. He was willing to roll with whatever she might want to do because at the end of the day, Zeph just wanted to make his girlfriend happy.

"Yeah, of course," he said with a smile, and his hand found hers, his fingers lacing through hers. Zeph tugged her along after him and headed out of the ballroom, holding the doors open for Stella as they walked along, because he was still quite the gentleman.

"So where are you thinking?" He asked.


the ballroom

snazzy. classy. very handsome.

Uh Oh
by Junior Doctor​


Stella, Katya

qunqun qunqun Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202

º º code by ditto º º
"Goddess of Chaos"
Magnolia Darrington
@Rebel.lia.on has set their status to:
Charming as the Devil and twice as pretty

@Rebel.lia.on has set their outfit to:
Bold as ever (Orange is the new black)

@Rebel.lia.on has set their location to:
Winter Ball

@Rebel.lia.on has mentioned:

@Rebel.lia.on has interacted with:
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His demeanor made her smile and feel a bit warm on the inside. It was nice, cozy even...a bit weird since it wasn't something she felt too often. Maybe because she didn't spend a whole lot of time here with people who were just kind. Not that Josie and the others were nice they were awesome it just their kindness wasn't usually the first thing that came to mind when people described them.

The people she hung around were known for being wild, crazy, reckless, lots of sex and lots of various drugs. They were partiers in a nutshell and there was nothing wrong with that she liked that it's just... Spencer didn't give that same vibe. It was more clam, more steady and maybe that's why she felt the way she did because she lived her life in the fast lane, and right now she just needed some steady solid ground to stand on. To catch her breath if even just for the night.

He started taking off his jacket much to her surprise. It was such a simple gesture, but in her fragile emotional state it meant a lot more then she was willing to admit. After a week of constantly feeling like everyone was out to get her and having hardly anyone in her corner she was drained. Everything felt like a slight, a jab, or shade being thrown her way. She was a fighter, but that didn't mean she wanted to be all the time.

"Hope you won." She giggled hearing his explanation. She wondered what really happened since obviously that was just a charming quip, but if he didn't feel like diving into that she wouldn't pry. She understood especially right now not wanting to talk about everything going on, and she truly didn't know anything about Spencer or what was going on in his life.

She liked him and what little she did know, but she wasn't naïve. She knew they both didn't really know one another and her curiosity wasn't going to override her sensibility. He might need this little break from everything just as much as she did. Or maybe everything was perfectly fine and he just got sprayed by a broken faucet who knows. "If not, I got your back next time." She grinned shooting him a playful wink. She figured keeping things light was the best way to go for both their sakes.

He handed her the slightly damn jacket and she smiled putting it on immediately without a second thought. She didn't care about the dampness...ok she did a bit once it touched her skin because damn was that a lil chilly as it ran down her spine. However after a moment the feeling past and it just felt weird, but not bad. Luckily her long hair was also against the back of her neck for a bit of warmth. Sure this meant that part of her hair was bound to start curling up and getting frizzy soon, but that was a risk she was willing to take.

"Green and orange were meant for each other don't you know? The unlikely matchups are always the best." she joked to hopefully make him feel better about it all so he'd stop apologizing. Really in her mind he hadn't done anything wrong. Being a lil damp was a mild inconvenience at best.

"But uh thank you...really."
She whispered more to herself then to him. He could still hear it of course because she was right in front of him, but it really was more of a self comfort. A reminder to herself that some people really could still be kind to her, and not everyone hated her right now. Plus slips of vulnerability like seemed to be common place when around him for her as much as she didn't understand why. At the Arts fest she felt weird about it, but moved on trying to act like it didn't happen. This time she just accepted it and moved on like it didn't happen.

Their was a bit of hesitation before he answered and she wondered if she'd been right. If he'd started to hear things through the grapevine and wondered if hanging out with her was actually a good idea or not. If he'd said no she wouldn't have been mad at him. Maybe a little disappointed in general, but even that would've been directed more inwardly then at him.

Even once he did answer, she wasn't sure if he was fully convinced. However he'd agreed none the less. If anything all that meant was she would have to make sure he didn't regret it. He'd shown her such kindness and she just wanted to return the favor and show him a good time. "Come with me!" She grinned taking his hand in hers and started walking as fast as she could. She was limited by her dress sadly so she could take off running like her mind originally told her to do.

It took a little while for her to get her barings, needing to stop every once in a while to look around and ponder where she actually was verses where she wanted to be. What it wasn't like she was some super spy that knew the layout of the entire building before arriving. She was so wrapped up in her mind of what she was trying to do that she forgot that she never answered his question.

Only when she finally found a sign labeled kitchen did she finally give him a clue. And by give him a clue she pointed to the sign said 'ah ha!' and took off in that direction.

She was kinda going on a hunch that whole time that this place even had a kitchen because she didn't see a lot of catering suv's outside on the way in compared to how much food was out there at the party. She figured there had to be someplace they stored or prepped some of it in the building. Plan by would've been finding their way to the roof, but she was glad because this was much more fun in her mind.

She peeked into a window to the kitchen through the door to see if there was any staff lurking around. Luckily there wasn't. The place was mostly cleaned up so perhaps they'd gone for the night. Only coming back to grab their dishes that where out and about.

She walked in slowly and only once they were completely inside did she finally turn to him to give her answer from before, "We both love food right? Let's make something together. I'm sure they have plenty of spare ingredients laying around from all that junk outside." She grinned finally releasing his hand. She then walked to the fridge opening it up, "What are we thinking? Maybe a dessert? There some stuff in here for that." She hummed loudly enough for him to hear her.

She wasn't sure if he was still on board with this but of all her ideas, sneaking into a kitchen to cook some sweets is definitely on the more tame end. Still if he decided this wasn't quite his speed she'd relent to something else. After all she didn't want to be the only one having a good time tonight. She turned her head from the fridge while still holding it open to judge his reaction.
º º code by ditto º º

Hunter Drake

“And then they clean them, or at least someone does.”

He couldn’t argue with that point. Hunter was just stubborn and wasn’t the type to be bothered by his suit being wet. He patted most of it dry anyway, but it seemed that Ronnie had spotted parts of it that he somehow missed.

"Come on. You smell like Kool-Aid and Versace."

So that’s what that smell was. Hunter had caught a whiff of it, but he shrugged it off to it being the sweat from dancing so much and the odors from others on the dancefloor.

Normally, when Hunter felt someone pull on his arm, he typically fought back even if it was simply playful in nature. He was a stubborn boy and even with someone like Ronnie, he’d normally fight her on it. Maybe pull her towards him as she tried to pull him …wherever she was aiming for them to go.

But Hunter didn’t do that. He allowed her to tug him away from the dancefloor, the music and the terrible volume that he was almost certain was responsible for why his ears felt like someone took a nice swing at it. By the time they reached one of the refreshment tables, he could hear again. It was a miracle!

Immediately, Hunter noticed a case of water bottles. Ronnie had done the same, but as she proceeded to wet some napkins, Hunter suspected what she might do. Before he could fight it (not that he was going to much), she commanded himt hold still.

He wasn’t sure if he found that hot or not. Either way, he towered over her a few inches as she moistened the spot on his shirt that was the victim of Nickie’s punch explosion. He didn’t know everything that went into cleaning up a suit. He didn’t even know what the suit was made of, but as Ronnie kept at it, only stopping as he felt her hand graze over his chest, he looked down at her. His eyes met hers, his heart skipped a beat and his face was getting only slightly warmer.

That was good, right? She was doing a good job, at least..

“She really got you good.”

“Yeah..” Hunter caught a breath or two of his as he inhaled deeply, only feeling like something was in the air more than the scent of the punch he now could pick up.

"If I lost a guy like you..."

Where was she going with this?

“...I’d be torn up, too.”

“Ronnie..” Hunter spoke in a low, almost breathy tone. He wasn’t sure how to properly respond nor what to say to that admission (?) she just made. Of course, he knew she liked him for…a while. Why else was she always around him? Of course, then he evaded her like the plague and had even hung around the parking lot at homecoming just to avoid having to sit next to her.

Oh, how things change. Now, he was not only at the ball with her as his date, but he actually liked Ronnie in a similar way he did for Nickie. He wasn’t sure if it was the hurt from his breakup that was the reason for his sudden feelings for her, but he knew that had something to do with it.

He couldn’t help but notice that his ginger of a date was quiet, which was awfully uncharacteristic of her. He knew it wasn’t because of anything he said to her. Or maybe it was because didn’t say anything that she decided to look like she was thinking about something important. The way she had her hand over her mouth, Hunter realized that was the telltale sign that something drastic was going on up in that head of hers.

Should I say something?

What if when she made that admission to him and because he didn’t say anything more than her fucking name that he somehow gave her the wrong idea?

Wrong idea about what?

Yeah, that was the question, wasn’t it? How could he give her the wrong idea about anything, especially about them if he didn’t quite understand his feelings for her and what they exactly were. He knew he liked her more than he had ever shown in the past. He asked her to be his date in hopes that he might figure this all out, but Hunter didn’t know. In the beginning, she was an unlikely source that he could vent his frustrations about Nickie and the breakup. Yeah, she had a hand in that but all she ever did was done because she cared for him.

That’s all Ronnie ever did.

She did the things when it came to me because she cared about me.

As he lamented on all of the layers, Hunter came to a conclusion that just made sense. It was time that he let go of Nickie for good and moved on. The constant bouts of bickering they’ve had post-breakup from the conversation they had before his Arts Fest performance, the song he dedicated to her, and the brief encounter tonight didn’t get him anywhere. Meanwhile, here was someone in front of him who always liked him for him. Ronnie never wanted him to change nor ever made him feel insignificant or would ever dump him for a past mistake.


Before Hunter could get another word out, Ronnie’s rosey lips pressed on his. For a moment, he was surprised and felt the urge to pull away just from the shock of it. At that same moment, he hadn't closed his eyes. He was looking at her kiss him blindly. The urge was still there, but second by second, he felt it fade; and with it also came the acceptance of it and he returned the kiss and closed his eyes. He found himself taking her hand, just squeezing it tenderly

At that moment, everything else took a backseat to him and Ronnie.

It feels right

Winter Ball

Back in black

Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)
by The Offspring​

Ronnie, Nickie


hery hery

º º code by ditto º º

kellian phelan

Angel’s smile sent a calming wave through Kelli’s chest. “Hey, what are friends for?” he said.

Kelli had been in situations like this before. Well, not like this like this, because she’d never been in a situation where her ball date dropped a condom given to him by his brother while they were standing over beside the refreshments table after a moment like they’d had, but in a situation where she stood face-to-face with someone who she cared about, feeling as though she owed them a thank you for everything they’d done for her.

But it was different this time. No, not different because of the whole condom debacle — she was readily trying to scrub that detail of the night from her mind, so please don’t remind her. It was mostly because of the fact that Angel…didn’t seem to want anything in return.

He didn’t act like it was a favor he was doing for her. He didn’t act like it was something he’d done out of pity, or for a sort of charity. He’d just…been here. You know. With her.

Because they were friends, you know, and what are friends for?

It was a simple gesture — just a quick little sentence — and Angel probably didn’t think much of it, but it meant a lot to her.

Kelli’s smile softened, her eyes glancing away from Angel as she folded her hands at her front, a wave of relief and contentment washing over her.

Then, she felt a sudden tug of arms around her, and she turned her head to catch a glimpse of Angel as he pulled her in for a warm hug.

She was stunned for a moment, her body rigid. Her heart thudded in her chest, quickening happily. For a few beats, she couldn’t process what was happening, only stand there in slightly shocked silence.

Beneath the glow of the chandeliers overhead, this moment was just like a snapshot from a dream she’d never even dreamt yet. His arms around her, this feeling of warmth in her chest, the solid thud, thud, thuds from her heart that rocked her ribcage. Why was her heart beating like this? Why had she been so nervous to even say as little as she’d said?

Why did she feel so…at ease in his arms right now? Like she was…safe here, with him. Like the universe had stopped around them, like it was just the two of them alone in a room full of people who were nothing more than decoration, like the music droning in the background was the soundtrack to the start of something…different, something new.

She relaxed into his hold, her eyes slowly closing and the smile slowly spreading back across her face as her thin arms wrapped around Angel, her trembling fingers sinking into his coat jacket as she breathed in the scent of cloth and…him.

She could stay like this forever. Legit, she would, too, if you hooked her up to some kinda food tube or something. Gave her one of those twisty straws to suck out of. She could stay here forever.

Angel pulled away, and Kelli’s contented smile broadened on her face. “How’s that for not making it weird, eh?” he asked. “Before, you used to make me nervous because you’re so cool and stuff and I’m so bad with people.”

She couldn’t help but giggle. “Me? Cool?You thought I was that cool? Something about it was kind of flattering to her.

He shook his head, reminiscing the near past. “But now, you’ve gotten so cool I don’t even sweat it when I say the wrong thing in front of you.” He winked. "'Cause you and me, we're tight now."

Kelli felt a blush crawl onto her cheeks. Was this really…? Could it really…?

Oh, heck it. She could overthink it sometime later.

She giggled softly, holding up two crossed fingers. “Tight,” she agreed, nodding emphatically. She slipped her fingers into finger guns, holding them up beside her head and doing a little secret agent pose. “Kelli and Angel, killer duo, till the end,” she giggled.

That sounded really freaking badass.


The rest of the ball was as much of a blur as the start of it was. There was so much dancing that, even now that she laying down on her bed and staring at the pages of her science textbook, she still felt like she was swaying, and her feet, which were used to dancing but not in heels, throbbed to the beat of the last song she’d danced to. Her stomach churned disappointedly from all of the sweets she’d eaten, too, which wasn’t a great feeling, either.

Kelli had caught a ride back to the dorms with a girl from science class. The girl was nice, but she reminded her that Kelli had her final science exam literally next week, and Kelli had, uh…totally not been using Google to help her do every single one of the worksheets up until this point, so she had a lot of studying to do tonight, which was a lot more stress to put her body under.

Still, she couldn’t help but feel like the night was a smashing success. Her mind kept wandering to it, away from the paragraph that she kept reading over and over and over again and to her time spent with Angel Cervantes.

The time spent swaying with him on the dance floor. The time spent chatting with him by the food trays.

The time spent hugging him, feeling completely content.

She could still feel the ghost of his arms around her. When she focused on remembering where his hands had been, she could still feel the exact places where they’d been placed. It sent a little shock through her heart, made her pulse thump, thump, thump a little quicker.

Rolling over, she cast her book aside, laying on her back and staring up at the ceiling with a soft grunt. She crossed her arms over her chest, closing her eyes and drawing in a deep sigh.

She knew the truth; she was freaking crushing on Angel Cervantes.

: )

her dorm


by foxes​



hery hery

º º code by ditto º º

nickie abrams.

Nickie could probably guess the thoughts that were running through Slater’s head right now: This bitch is fucking stupid. This is a waste of my time.

She would agree to both of those statements if he said them aloud, but she was currently more focused on, you know, watching and learning and shit.

“There’s a lotta different ways to do cocaine,” he started, his voice completely deadpan. He definitely thought she was was fucking stupid. “You can either, ya know…” He tapped the side of his nose. “But ahh…don’t know if you’d do that so well.” That was probably an insult, but she breezed past it for the sake of drugs. “Plus it can cause nosebleeds and shit, so ahh…don’t got anything to help with that, same with ya know…shooting up, so ahh…”

God, she said, trying not to get irritated or impatient, it feels like I’m watching a shitty informercial: Steps to Becoming a Brainless Whore 101.

He popped open the bag, dipping in a finger, and then he held up his powdered finger. “Just rub it on our gums,” he said.

What? That didn’t fucking sound right. Was he, like…playing her here? Being a jackass? She’d never seen anyone do that kind of shit before.

As if to ease her confusion, he opened his mouth and began to rub the powdered finger along his gums, like he was brushing his teeth with it.

When he held the bag out to her, she looked between it and him, unable to coat her suspicion with any other sort of emotion. Apprehensively, she took the bag, slowly dipping a couple of fingers in. Cocking her head at Slater, she started her fingers toward her mouth. “So…you…just…” She tapped her gums, and then drew in a sharp breath.

Fuck, if you do it and it works, there’s no going back.

fucking YOLO.

Releasing the breath, she started to follow Slater’s instructions, slowly rubbing her gums with the powdered substance, using her fingers like a brush. Her eyes grimaced closed. It was not a fucking pleasant experience.

Finally, when she felt like she’d done enough, she looked down at the bag. “Is that…” She closed the bag, running her tongue along her gums. Shit tasted like fucking chemicals. “It?”

She sat for a few moments, then she ruffled the bag a little bit, her brows furrowing together. It took, like…a minute, right? A minute or something?

All she wanted to do was feel good. When did that fucking happen?

She couldn’t control a little bit of agitation leaking through. “When does it start to fucking work?” she asked. “I thought it was an immediate, like, sort of jolt or something, but, like, I don’t really, like…feel anything.” Her pulse drummed in her veins. “Like, does it, like, take a second or something? Like, am I supposed to, like, get a, like, jerk of something? Does it, like…I mean, it’s been, like, a minute, right? So, like, do I take more, or…?”

She breathed out a sigh, opening the bag again. “You seemed pissed off. I should probably just shut up.” The blunt words left her mouth before she could really catch them. With a sigh, she rolled her eyes at herself. “Yeah, sorry, I’m probably no help with, like…what’s probably been, like, a totally shitty night for you already.” She gave a little giggle, adding, “And my offer of, like, coke? Probably not much help, either. Like, that’s hardly a payment, and that probably doesn’t make whatever shit’s happened tonight for you any better, anyway. And me talking about it is probably pissing you off even more.” Her thoughts were coming quickly. “You know, I had a pretty shitty night, too. You don’t want to hear about it, I’m sure…”

She bounced her heel slightly against the floor of the car. Her thoughts were kind of racing. When she finally realized what she’d said, her eyes moved over to Slater. In the low light, she couldn’t make out that many details of his face. Still, the details she could see…

Has he always been this fucking hot?

She gave him a little grin. “You know, I think it’s kinda funny,” she said. “In an ironic sort of way. You and me, like, got so dressed up so fucking hot for a night we thought was going to be so great, only to wind up, like, pissed off and doing, like, drugs in the back of a car that, like, isn’t even mine.” She laughed, shaking her head. “I mean, like. It’s not really haha funny, but you’ve got to, like, laugh to, like, keep from crying…”

Her brows knit together for a moment, and her eyes moved back over to him. “But, you know…like, this might seem, like, really random to you, like, this whole…interaction. Like, just, like, random girl who you’ve seen pretty much only when she’s crying comes up to you and asks her to help do drugs. It’s, like, so fucking surreal, and not in, like, a good way, right? But…I mean…honestly? I’m really glad you were here.” She gave a soft chuckle. “I mean, the only thing sadder than, like, doing drugs in the backseat of your best friend’s car after a shitty fight at the Winter Ball is doing them alone and also probably hurting yourself or some shit, so…I really appreciate it.”

With a soft sigh, she wiggled slightly closer to Slater, running a hand through her hair. “But you probably don’t really care about how much I appreciate it. Like, honestly, like…” She looked over at him, grinning slightly. “You probably don’t give two shits, like, and I probably, like, wouldn’t either, if I was pissed off from…something that I didn’t want to think about that this girl kept mentioning.”

Resealing the baggie in her hands, Nickie tucked her legs beneath herself. She tossed the bag at the center console, looking over at Slater. “I think I could help a little bit with that frustration, though…,” she said, her eyes trailing down his jawline as her hand reached up to touch at the collar of his shirt as a smile slowly spread across her lips. “You know…as a little thanks for everything you’ve done for me…”


liv's car

red dress

by nickie.​



Winona Winona

º º code by ditto º º
"Cause my time is very pricey"
Ciara Luna

@Lunar.Eclipse has set their status to:
Oo La la

@Lunar.Eclipse has set their outfit to:

@Lunar.Eclipse has set their location to:
Winter Ball

@Lunar.Eclipse has mentioned:

@Steller.Bae has Interacted with:
Majid (@AkuTheWolfOkami )
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
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The nights events seemed to just get better and better. Every second she spent here re-affirmed that she'd made the right choice in coming to LA and was NEVER going back home unless it was on some worldwide tour or something. Her naturally impossibly high standards just got even higher somehow.

As they made their way inside after all the photos she wondered if he was so good at all that because he was born for the spotlight like herself or if it just came with so much practice from being born into it. Either way she liked what she saw, and she was positive she was going to like the headlines tomorrow seeing her face in magazines was a thrill for her. She'd get giddy reading all the things they'd say weather they be true, or just ridiculously silly. Couple speculation ones however where her favorite.

She noticed a few familiar faces in the crowd from Twitter icons and Instagram which was nice. She thought about maybe later in the night coming up with an excuse to mingle around just a bit. Get her toes wet so to speak with giving people a real first impression. After all she look fantastic tonight and anything she would wear to school after this would pale in comparison for a while. At least until she starts getting some paid gigs.

She'd have to play that plan by ear tho since the last thing she should probably do is offend Majid by dipping out on him to talk to other people. Then again he seemed so far to be keeping the super nice and friendly vibe, so he might not even mind. He might wanna mingle a bit himself. Which honestly he totally should. While she did love having his attention all to herself, she also knew herself. It'd become suffocating and he was too valuable of an ally right now for her to risk getting annoyed with so soon.

She smirked once he answered her question, "Now you're speaking my language." She took his hand excitedly to walk onto the dance floor. What else do you expect when you ask a dancer to dance? Now she did set her expectations low when it came to dancing with others who weren't trained dancers. After all this wasn't some performance piece it was just some casual fun. Nothing too exciting or breathtaking.

She had a nasty habit though if she was TOO bored while dancing with someone inexperienced she would either start leading (turns out a lot of guys don't like when a girl does that. She blames the fragile ego and all) or just drops their hand and walks away to find something more entertaining. Both were probably bad ideas in the grand scheme of things, and considered rude. She just usually didn't care about being labeled rude to someone who bored her.

At least with the leaving she'd give Majid a polite excuse. He'd earned that much she supposed. Maybe something like she was thirsty, or hungry, or her feet hurt...probably thirsty cause it was too soon to be complaining about her feet.

Honestly though she hoped it wouldn't come to that. She knows no body is perfect, but her fingers were crossed that this wasn't the area he'd drop the ball in. "Do you dance often?" She asked curiously to gage if her hopes where in vain or not.
º º code by ditto º º
Last edited:

Damien Slater

He shouldn't have put out his cigarette because as he leaned back in the seat to wait for the cocaine to fucking it, the bitch beside him wouldn't stop fucking talking. Normally, he'd have been able to put up with her bullshit for the sake of potentially getting laid, but tonight...

Tonight, he didn't have the fucking patience. He just wanted a cigarette back between his lips to calm his nerves, and he wanted to be in his car on his way home, and he-- he-- ... he wanted to go back, and he wanted to tell himself to not even come to this fucking fucked up fucking ball shit.

Damien had known that it was going to be bad, but he hadn't known how fucking bad it would be. He hadn't thought that he'd end up punching one of the only people on his side, and he hadn't thought that his date would end up hating him, and he hadn't thought that he would end up hear doing cocaine with some needy ass chick.

His numb, dead gaze tore away from looking at the baggie of cocaine between them to instead look at her face. She was fucking thanking him for... for what? For what he'd done for her? Damien hadn't done shit for this girl except apparently teach her how to fuck up her life. He'd, what, taken her out for ice cream once, comforted at lock-in, all so that he could try and get his dick wet, only to fucking fail.

Really, he shouldn't have been too surprised that this was where he'd ended up. And hey, he'd had every intention of playing the long game until this chick gave into him, and... it seemed like it was actually working.

He didn't care too much if it did or it didn't.

But now his gaze traveled down from her gaze to her lips, which were still garbling nonsense, and Damien figured fuck it -- what was the worst that was gonna happen? He'd get rejected, slapped, told that he wasn't fucking "real" and that he was a worthless fucking asshole?

Been there, done that.

Didn't scare him anymore.

So without really thinking, Slater leaned across the backseat of the car and pressed his lips against Nickie's, his hand coming up to rest on the side of her face.


Winter Ball

bruh this dude don't have good pictures in suits




ditto ditto

º º code by ditto º º

nickie abrams.

Slater’s lips against hers weren’t soft. His movements weren’t gentle. It all felt a little bit too hasty, a little bit too much like Nickie had skipped a few chapters in her own story as she reverted back to her old ways, the senseless, desperate-to-feel good dance of her lips against a boy who was probably only using her at the moment as an escape of his own.

It didn’t feel victorious, didn’t feel sweet as Nickie kissed him back. There was no sense of accomplishment she felt, as things heated up, beyond getting that fucking stubborn third button on his undershirt undone. But as the drumming in her veins and the restlessness in her chest became an overwhelming sensation and every touch bloomed into a cascading sensation, that didn’t fucking matter; she was past the point of being fucking picky, with these drugs in her system and this overwhelming urge to escape what the night had revealed to her.

Nickie and Slater, of all goddamn people, were fucking in the back of her best friend’s car after doing fucking cocaine, of all goddamn things. If she was anything but mindless right now, she’d lose her goddamn mind.


Liv had trusted her with the car keys for the night. At this point, Nickie doubted Liv was going to be riding back with her, anyway.

She was glad that she had a place to do her coke and have her fuck, she guessed.

“Shit,” Nickie muttered, reaching a hand up to her ear as they searched for clothes in the darkness. “I lost a fucking earring…”

She was still riding the high, though she was on the downward slope, and the almost numbness that settled in after their sex. She was hardly feeling anything at all.

That was the aim; she’d met her goal. For however long that had taken, and however long she could keep up this current status, she felt a numb sort of kinda-normal — and hell, even a little bit upbeat.

As she gave up on finding the earring and struggled to at least vaguely tug on her dress in the light streaming dully through the fogged up windows, she glanced back over at the shadowed boy. She smiled slightly at his figure. “Hot,” she commented thoughtlessly.

He was a really good friend. Showing her how to do the drugs. The whole sex thing. Even though he was pissed the whole time and obviously probably didn’t want to be there, he still, like…

She didn’t know. Everything felt kind of light right now, either thanks to the dick or the drugs. There was just a big part of her that was filled with admiration for him.

(Slater has touched a landmine. We’ll see how this goes.)

Nickie ran a hand through her hair, mussing it in an attempt to make its wet disarray look purposeful. Sending Slater an easy smile that felt genuinely happy, she gave a little giggle. She felt like hugging him or something. Running her hands through his hair, curling up to him. That would end the night greatly.

Then she remembered that she wasn’t at her place. They were instead at a Ball after a shitstorm they were trying to forget. Both of them. It was nothing but some mindless relief for the two.

Still, as a little thanks for everything, she leaned over to give his cheek another kiss.

“You’ll call me later, won’t you?” she asked, her brows knitting together hopefully as her lips formed a small pout. “Or, like, text me, yeah?”


liv's car

red dress

by nickie.​



Winona Winona

º º code by ditto º º


  • mood

    overwhelmed and a little jealous

Once again Nikolai couldn’t do anything without the back talk. Between all the squirming and fighting,

Fuck you
It’s my summer shade.

Funny. Nikolai could’ve laughed if they weren’t trying to maintain their guard.
“Well, it’s December dumbass.”
Though it wasn’t winter yet, the solstice wasn’t for another two days. Close enough, Rikki should have his shit together.
“I’ll take you to get color matched at Sephora next time.”

Finally her “date” stopped his whining and let Nikolai finish the touch up. Not their best work, but good enough.

’Next time’ I’ll bite your finger off.

Was that any way to speak to your beautiful date, Rikki? Kids these days.

“I’d like to see you try,”
Nikolai could just hold their hands out of reach. Take that Rickster.

The new social stress demanded a drink. Give it, man.

You should say please.

“Since when did you care about pleasantries?”
Because Rikki was so well known for his manners.

The alcohol offered some release from the thoughts that ran through Nikolai’s mind. To hell with high school drama and petty fights, he was going to have a good time.

Upon standing once again, they overheard Rikki’s grumbling. He’d do that until Nikolai bought him those drugs. Then it would be ‘oh wow this is fucking great’ and ‘thank you so much Niki you’re the best.’ In due time, for now, he could bitch as much as he wanted.

As the pair neared the building, all the noise got louder. Loud music was fine when Nikolai controlled it, but everywhere else, not so much. They dug their nails into their palms, doing all they could to avoid getting overwhelmed. It was fine, they were with Rikki, and they’d have fun together. No big deal.

And the voices, all the yelling and chatting and flirting. Good god. Just when Nikolai thought it might be too much, Rikki nudged them with his shoulder. Reacting too fast, they stopped half way to grabbing onto him. The small touch was just enough to allow her to refocus, it was just them and Rikki, two bros hanging out.

Is it too late to go back?

Still complaining? That was just like him.

Nikolai didn’t know what kind of answer he expected.
“Neither of us can drive now.”
They were sure if they let him, Rikki would walk the whole way. He was stubborn like that. But she wasn’t going to put the idea in his head.
“You’re stuck here with me.”

A soft smile returned to Nikolai’s lips just before Rikki’s eyes met theirs. Had he been… staring? No. This was Rikki they were with. A pal. A good friend. Best bud. Rickster. Lil Rick. Not someone they’d been trying to pick up. Just an innocent look. Then why did he still look away?

Nikolai didn’t need the reminder.
“I have something in mind.”
No elaboration yet, just a quick glance at their phone. No confirmation from Javi yet. Surely the two of them could pass the time while she waited.
“You’ll love it.”
Rikki didn’t love anything, but drugs came close.

With a look around, Nikolai gathered their barings. Most people were partnered or grouped up. Some were even already onto the drama portion of the night. Wait- Nikolai squinted. Was that… Ash? Yikes, they’d have to check in with her tomorrow. Poor thing looked too sad for a party.

Other than that it was mostly couples. Something Nikolai had always been uncertain about. At least most people were dancing and having a good time. Even Oates. That one hurt a little more than it should’ve. Didn’t matter, the point was everyone was more into this than her. Nikolai stuck out like a six and a half foot tall sore thumb.


Their eyes stayed on Rikki as he looked off into the distance. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the need to fit in, but their hand reached out once again, this time not immediately pulled back.
“Dance with me.”
It wasn’t a question, but they’d easily let him turn it down, even if it did make them look boring as all hell.

“I didn’t bring you here just to stand around and hate everything.”
Might as well not have asked him then. But who else would’ve showed up with Nikolai no matter what? Dance Rikki, it’ll be fun.



♡coded by uxie♡

winter ball

WITH: Cappie

MENTION: Cami, Eli, Casey, Mik.​
Chanel Clairmont
— A Little Bit

He noticed her eyes.



Everyone noticed her eyes. They were eyes.

Why did her heart skip a few times at the mention of it?

It was ridiculous.

He was ridiculous.

His terrible– yet clever puns were, the little comments he continued to make that made Chanel Clairmont– The Chanel Clairmont blush.

It just didn’t make any sense!

Chanel needed to tie logic to things, to have a reason for something.

And the fact that he just had a tendency to make her feel— good despite all the conflicting things that continued to run through her brain.

She always over-planned, over-worried, over thought every single situation that’d been happening these past few weeks and the only thing that’s gotten her mind off of any of it—

Was him.

And that didn’t make sense.

What was the reason?

How could someone be so… amazingly and stubbornly complex that Chanel couldn’t figure it out?

She figures everyone out!

Maybe Cappie to most people was an open book but most of the time he was just so forward and honest that it sent her mind into spirals already,

It was rare for her not to be blatantly lied to, not to deal with mind games she’d already won, dramatics that she had to deal with.

But there was no game.

He just wanted to spend time with her with no ulterior motive.

And say what you’d like but that alone to Chanel was the most complex thing she’d ever have to figure out.

He was stalling.

Chanel rose an eyebrow but didn’t say anything more and followed him to the snack table. He knew she liked the cheap cookies, of course he remembered.

That couldn’t surprise her at this point.

“Even if you did go with your sister to the ball,”

She looked at him as they reached the table, punch, cheap cookies and hors d'oeuvres alike.

“I still would’ve wanted to dance with you and hang out with you. If you’d wanted me to.”


She wanted to ask why but Chanel didn’t. Was it because she was afraid of the answer?

The most he would’ve said is that he enjoyed her company, a repeat of something she’d said before.

She knew him enough to know he’d say that, but hardly knew enough to understand him.

Perhaps that was the downside to getting to know someone new? People alike always had expectations for the ones they liked. Chanel isn’t saying she likes him…


She was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

People who had expectations made the worst mistake they ever could’ve.

She’d know.

Chanel was the girl with expectations once and it ended in exactly the way those things always do.

It’s the thing she was protecting Cami from, attempting to derail Casey from, doing her damndest to stop Mikaela from making the wrong choices in men—


‘A wounded deer leaps highest.’

“… I don’t know whether or not I should thank you for that. But for what it’s worth… I would’ve wanted to.”

She smiled but it was weak.

How could something so simple like mentioning her eyes set her in a spiral? Two cups of punch were poured for them and the blonde took a hold of the plastic cup, glancing over at Cappie and attempting to distract herself from the thoughts that were actively trying to ruin the night.

“I suppose I’ll find out if real high school punch is better than it is on sets.”

She rolled her eyes as they put two cups together see-through plastic cups together, making the faintest and most pathetic sound of a clink.

“I’m not saying cheers.” Chanel told him, lifting the cup to her lips and taking a sip.


It was disgusting!

Fabulous. Just how she imagined.

She had an idea it was already spiked so this wasn’t surprising— at the very least they could’ve chosen better liquor to spike it with.

“Mm— not doing that.” She shook her head, placing it back onto the table and taking the jelly-filled cookie.

Obviously she broke it apart and ate the half, Chanel had manners she wasn’t going to stuff a whole cookie in her mouth and be deemed a terrible date!

Granted… this wasn’t a real date.

And no, she wasn’t disappointed about that fact so don’t ask.

“My aunt loves these, she used to bribe me to do her dirty work with them— or stay over much to my mother’s dismay.” She told him, overlooking the party and watching… all these people barely dance… at a dance.

High school was very different from film.

Everything was touched on and nothing at the same time, it was odd.

Chanel dusted her hands off and allowed them to rest at her side, barely noticing the close contact between her and her not-date.

The pair brushed hands and Chanel immediately spoke at the sudden realization of the contact.

“I—… have to go freshen up so, I’ll… be…”

She took a step away, gesturing towards the hallway.

“Back… yeah. I’ll be back.”

Chanel left Cappie and headed towards the women’s restroom.

Jesus, what was she doing?

She doesn’t do this! Chanel doesn’t do awkward, she isn’t awkward, she isn’t nervous, she isn’t worried, and she most certainly isn’t crushing so take that thought and shove—

“He just used her name? Dude, I swear— fucking smart idea. Everyone knows the only way to get…” The boy’s voice faded as Chanel walked past, not caring much for gossip around the school.

Rumors only started because people paid attention to it!

High school 101: Nobody is your friend.

Chanel knew that and the closest she’s ever got to being a student was a few roles.

She walked into the bathroom, making her way to the sink and narrowly avoiding bumping into a trio of girls.

"He's a good actor, but like-- isn't she a big deal or something? I don't get why she'd willingly work with him."

Again, Chanel paid no mind to them.

Until they called her out by name— that is.

“Uh, Chanel— right? Obviously, you’re…”

The taller girl beside the one speaking glared over at her, crossing her arms and immediately interested in the conversation at hand.

Meanwhile, Chanel just had a compact of press powder in her hands, completely bewildered why these girls were making such a pathetic attempt to converse.

“Can I help you?”

“Can you?” The brunette laughed, and Chanel merely blinked.

Teenage girls.

Could they get any worse?

“We actually had a question…”

“If it’s about an audition, I’m afraid I can’t get you one.”

Oh, she could.

Chanel just didn’t want to.

“No! It’s about the video.”

“What video?”

“From art-fest.”


The look on her face had only gotten more confused, the trio obviously took note of this and the shorter one exclaimed.

“I told you it wasn’t her.”

“What are you talking about? What video?”

The silent one tapped a few times on her phone and handed it to her, Chanel cocked her head to one side as the video played for a few seconds.

Their play?

She wasn’t aware it was uploaded.

“I thought you would’ve known, it already has like a—“

She flipped the phone, scrolling a bit down.


A million views?

“Art Fest: Robert Frost mini-play with Chanel Clairmont.”

“Yeah, I mean the camera is a little far but that’s you, right? Unless he just used your name—“

There it was.

The other shoe.

Chanel handed the girl back her phone, pocketing the makeup compact in her clutch and walking out of the bathroom.

She knew it.

She caught sight of Cappie talking to the guy who— of course, was talking about the video.

It all made sense now.

She didn’t want to make a scene, she was originally going to walk past him but something stopped Chanel in her tracks and she put a hand on his shoulder.

“Excuse us.”

The guy he was talking to put his hands in in defense, laughing a little when he turned around and headed back towards his friends.

Chanel wasn’t even angry.

Okay— that’s a lie, she was fuming.

“Is that what this was? Is that what all of this was? You were just using me? A million fucking views, Cappie?!”

Chanel didn’t usually curse, so when it happened it was kind of a big deal.

Or— she was just really emotional in that moment.

Like now.

“Was it just a lie? Was tonight a lie too? Just to make sure your buddy gets Cami for tonight?”

Like I said, Chanel needed reasons for things.

Logic and all.

So… here she was.

Making up her own reasons to make herself feel better.

“That’s why you asked me to dance, right? What’s funny is, I would’ve been okay with just the video part of it all— what was it you said at Arts Fest? I couldn’t possibly understand right? What it was like to struggle being an actor or something along those lines,”

Yeah, Chanel didn’t really… forget anything when it bothered her.

She could definitely hold a grudge.


“But you didn’t even tell me? Is this what that whole… heartless comment was about too? You just thought, ‘oh, she’s a cold-hearted bitch.’ It wouldn’t matter if I just took advant—“

Chanel changed her whole direction on the argument, gaining looks from people around them.

“You saw an opportunity and took it, right? I guess I can’t blame you, hope the five minutes of fame was worth it.”

Chanel barely even gave him a chance to reply before she moved to walk away.
code by valen t.

OUTFIT: Casually Queer

LOCATION: Some street corner


Lida Winona Winona
Pronouns Currently: She/Her

So, like, Rowan was totally good at navigation, alright? Really good with star maps (astrology birth charts were, like, basically the same thing) and all that stuff. Probably could’ve been a pirate in another life, livin’ on the high seas.

Aye aye, cap’n.

However this was Los Angelos and her totally real totally not astrology based knowledge of the stars and navigating using them and the wind were completely offput.

Y’know. Light pollution and all that. City livin’

Another problem with the whole navigating like a pirate using the stars and the wind: Rowan was a light weight and currently she’d drank like…

Two swigs of vodka.

Sooooo yeah. Super tipsy right now. Feelin’ the alcohol, baby.

Speaking of which: Rowan’s cheeks were getting flushed as the sophomore felt all kind of warm and fuzzy from the vodka.

“Uh… Y’know what.” Rowan glanced around, the time-share braincell working overtime. “I think it’s… this way.”

She pointed in a random direction and started walking that way before Lida could stop her. This was America after all - an American city to boot. From what she knew from a totally reliable source (teen drama movies) if they just walked in one direction they were bound to find a pizza place eventually.

That’s how America worked. Yep.

She made another fantastic decision by drinking another gulp of vodka before passing the bottle back to her travel buddy.

“... so, like, pineapple on pizza.” Rowan said, glancing shifty eyed over at her roomie. The most controversial of topics here - absolutely fearless in the things they brought up. “... what are your thoughts.”

Yes, if you were wondering, this was going to be a dealbreaker question for their friendship. “... I ABSOLUTELY will be judging you on your response by the way.”

Rowan continued walking in her straight line, by the way. Totally not drifting just a little bit off to the side.

The entire debate that Rowan started was immediately side tracked because. Oh. My. God.


Rowan ran through a park like a dog without a leash and immediately went to the very climbable tree.

Yes, by the way, people going about their business just trying to take a walk through a park were looking very oddly at the drunk teenager attempting to wrap their scrawny little noodle limbs around the branch of a tree in order to pull themselves up.

“Mossy baby” Rowan cooed as she did the totally normal thing of petting the Spanish moss that hung from the tree.

Yep. Totally sober.

… What were they setting out to do to begin with?
code by valen t.
MOOD: Slightly Disappointed.

OUTFIT: mmm fancy



Zeph Winona Winona
Stella Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202
TL;DR Goodbye~

Katya tilted her head just a little bit to the right as she watched Zeph’s lips moved. Adorable, wonder what little small talk cute conversation he was going to bring up next. She was absolutely enraptured - and not even in the sarcastic way.

She genuinely wanted to see what he had to say, he seemed fairly regular - fairly normal for all intents and purposes. And she didn’t encounter that fairly often. The rich and powerful tended to each have their own neurosis that were… interesting to figure out. For example, there was the “weird naked statue” guy, the “exotic pet collection” guy, the “topiary of tigers and only tigers” guy. List went on and on.

That was what Katya had been raised on - the rich and powerful. So, being able to talk to someone fairly regular and normal was… novel, to say the least. Novel in a way that endeared her just a bit to the conversation at hand where she might usually roll her eyes and be bored.

A shame that his girlfriend decided at that moment to make an appearance.

She gave the girl - Stella - a slight smile as she approached. Here to actually interact with your boyfriend now? Fair enough, fair enough.

Another little smile and a wave as they left - yeah, that’d be suitable enough for now. She shouldn’t look too pleased - or too disappointed. Might send the wrong message to the two of them.

Katya turned and gave another cursory glance across the ballroom. Her sister was still nowhere in sight. She turned back to the crowd of people and decided to go on then, and disappeared into the crowd to return to exchanging pleasantries until her sister decided that she’d had enough and wanted to leave.

The highlight of the night, though, was definitely making a new little “friend.”

Alright Zeph Evermore, consider yourself having gained a new ally.
code by valen t.
"Focus on me, I'm about to blow them all away"
Stella Bailey
@Steller.Bae has set their status to:
It's the greatest time of year

@Steller.Bae has set their outfit to:
Winter wonder

@Steller.Bae has set their location to:
Winter Ball

@Steller.Bae has mentioned:
Lin, Katya

@Steller.Bae has Interacted with:
Zeph ( Winona Winona )
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The girl didn't seem to care much that she was taking Zeph along with her. not that she expected her to care, or would've cared even if she did. just it was always nice when things went smoothly.

Zeph seemed a bit surprised by her request. To be fair...it wasn't your typical Stella response. As stated before Stella liked it when things went according to plan, and when things were organized, and well right. She had a pristine image and reputation to uphold and spent a lot of time preserving and cultivating it. So for her to on a whim say something like that was...different.

Here's the thing...it had dawned on Stella that just maybe she should try a bit harder to branch out of her comfort zone. Zeph and Lin had become such fast friends, and Zeph was so willing to do so much with him till the point he actually got hurt, and Stella the entire time couldn't wrap her brain around why. None of that seemed like the Zeph she knew...well not to that extreme at least.

So why? The only answer she could come up with (without just asking Zeph because she was kinda scared it'd come across as jealous and she was NOT jealous of Lin.) was that it was because Lin was wild, spontaneous, and well...fun. Fun in a childish way, but maybe that was the point? Which would explain why Stella just didn't get it.

Stella never really felt like she had a "childhood" by normal standards. The key thing between them is the fact that since Stella never felt she had one, she didn't miss it. She didn't want what she'd never experienced and most people around her were in the same boat so she never even got to see what that would be like to miss it. Zeph wasn't like that tho...maybe he did.

Seeing his cast right now it hurt her heart, and honestly if he never hung out with Lin again she'd be all too happy. But if Zeph didn't have Lin, then he'd be missing out on the parts of Lin that drew him towards the boy in the first place. He deserved that part. So for at least one night (more if she can manage it of course) she wanted to try and give him that. Give him at least a bit of that fun spontaneous side he got from hanging out with Lin, just with less danger and criminal activity.

She could be...silly. Once they were out of the public eye of course. Reputations still had to be considered because her mother was still a hawk and she really didn't need to give her any MORE reasons to think Zeph was a bad influence on her. Ha can you imagine. Someone in this world actually thinks ZEPH is a bad influence. Insane.

She let him lead the way out as they walked hand in hand. There were noticeably less photographers around now, but she figured that was because they were stalking around waiting to see who didn't leave with who they came with or other sneaky secrets they could snatch on film. Once they were outside she took out her phone and she ordered an Uber. "I know just the place." she beamed up at him. "It's a surprise!" She chimed leaning up to peck his cheek lightly.

Was she doing this right? This whole spontaneous thing? It sure felt like a lot of work to be random. But she just punched in the first thing that came to mind weather it made sense or not. She figured they'd just have to wing it and make it work. No biggie right?

"I hope you don't mind getting your suit a bit dirty. Don't worry I'll have it cleaned if it's too bad." She assured him. He'd taken the time to really dress up tonight and she appreciated that more then she could say. So she wanted to make sure those efforts weren't in vain. Plus she'd need to get her dress cleaned by the end of this too. Luckily it was very thin and easy to pick up.

Being LA and one of the hottest places to be tonight the Uber didn't take long at all to arrive. They got in and then they were off. It took everything in her not to spoil the surprise too soon. It was kinda her natural instinct to just blurt out whatever was on her mind to Zeph especially if they were all alone. Even with her keeping her lips sealed, as they got closer to their destination she was pretty sure he could figure out where they were going.

Venice Beach boardwalk.

See different! Now she's pretty sure the idea popped into her head cause it seems like something that would happen in a music video, but hey baby steps to this whole being wild thing. Now the beach closes at Midnight, which was only like an hour and a half away, but she figured that'd be good enough. They'd just spent the last like 3 hours socializing and dancing, an hour and a half to just wind down and hang out with one another before heading home would be fine.

She wanted a little privacy with him before going back to either of their places because of roommates. Hardly anyone was at the beach this close to closing time and especially on a night like tonight. She thanked the driver and hoped out the car grinning from ear to ear as she made her way back towards Zeph.

She took off her heels to hold them in one hand and offered him her free hand, "What do you say? Do you wanna build a sandcastle?" She sang the last bit to try and sound like frozen. "It's doesn't have to be a sand castle." Poorly, but she tried.
º º code by ditto º º


  • mood

    get that bread

"Oh my gosh! Thanks for the sub BTSstan37!”
Rox usually didn’t stream so late, but this good face of makeup wasn’t going to be wasted on some dumb dance. She preferred to sit in her pink gamer chair, in light up cat headphones and a black tank top. This game wasn’t even good, but it gave her the most viewers.
“That’s all the time I have today but I stream every Saturday and Sunday at 12pm est!”
And camera off. Rox’s body immediately relaxed in the chair, posture slumped as she set down the controller. Sixty dollars wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t enough for a new pair of Demonia’s. Far from enough.

“Am I getting bad at the vulnerable girl eyes?”
Rox sighed, swiveling her chair toward the bed, where she thought Lillian should be. Instead she saw a pile of clothes and accessories. She supposed it was that time. With another dramatic sigh, she took off the headphones and grabbed her makeup bag. The base was decent, but her general style of makeup didn’t fare well in the world of rich gamer boys. The price of selling out.

Dropping the bag onto the vanity, she went to dress herself. Nothing too loud for once. Rox had found that there were never any dresses that matched her personal style and were fancy enough for this sort of thing. She’d chosen to settle for a black off the shoulder piece. At least she looked good with what little it did for her nonexistent curves. She smoothed it out before returning to her makeup.

Rox’s face was a blank canvas and she intended to paint it as such. In front of the vanity mirror she gently examined what she was working with. The dress was black, so the world was her oyster. However, she’d prefer some color with that. Color needed a strong base. Her hands dug through the bag, but even after dumping it out came up empty.
“Babe have you seen my concealer?”

Ever reliable Lillian showed up with the liquid in hand as well as a compliment.
“Says the ten in front of me.”
Her eyes darted over her girlfriend for another couple seconds. She was gorgeous. Rox had been skeptical about this whole dance thing. It was just a dumb excuse to get drunk. Something she didn’t need. But Lillian had been dead set on going. The things Rox did for this woman.

“I’ll be a bit,”
Of course she would. Being on time was never Rox’s style. Oh well, the least she could do was make this monochrome. A bright yellow would stand out in the crowd. She brushed the eyeshadow over the center of her face and a bit under her bangs. Cute, but it lacked much flavor. She got a little carried away with the eyeliner, but what was one more star. Finished off with mascara, eyebrows, and lipstick, and it only took thirty minutes. Iconic. There was no more she could do to avoid the event.

“You sure you don’t want to just watch a movie in bed?”
She’d been sure the last five times, but maybe this time Rox could get her.

people i dont like


♡coded by uxie♡
MOOD: Awkward.

OUTFIT: Look Ma I'm Tryna Look Good


Kinni @AkuTheWolfOkami
TL;DR I see nothing.

Bailey, despite their grumblings about their date’s choice in men, was actually having a pretty good time. Their date was having a good time, they were actually having fun for once. All in all, something that’s actually good. Hooray! Winning.

“Thank you, you’re a whole lotta fun as well.” They smiled at their date as they glanced around.

They were feeling awfully parched right now. “Hey, I’m gonna get a drink, you want one?”

Regardless of Kinni’s response, they smiled and stepped away, ducking through the throngs of teenagers in order to get to the beverage table.

Just some water. All they wanted was a cup of water.

See, Bailey wasn’t quite used to things that probably should’ve come naturally to them, being the teenager they were. Things like “relaxing” and “having a good time with friends.” Those kinds of things were rough.

It was nice, on the off chances that they could actually hang out and be a social person. Coming out of their little hidey-hole of an office… A good break from routine.

When they turned around, after getting something to drink, they saw their date talking to their boyfriend.

Now, knowing that that shit show was about to occur, Bailey made a very wise decision:

Don’t interfere, not even a little bit.

So, they quietly turned right back around, and minded their own business like the couple weren’t most likely going to have a huge fight in public. No sir, don’t mind them. They were just going to… mysteriously vanish after going to get a beverage.
code by valen t.

Tilly Phoenix

The number of seconds Tilly spent waving at Mike was not only causing an internal deterioration of her confidence that this wasn't totally embarrassing, but the girl also couldn't bring herself to stop despite everything in her begging her to stop waving like it was the only thing she could do at this moment. Not to mention it was chilly and, of course like the idiot that she often thought of herself as, Tilly had forgotten to grab a jacket.

Wait, she didn't bring a jacket.

Just another example of her idiocy.

"Ey babe—"

She didn't even register Mike moving, let alone finding time to roll down his window as she saw him hang partially out of the comfort of his car, smirking (or was it a grin?) at her. Thoughts of internalized idiocy and why-was-she-here-to-begin-with were soon replaced with subtle musings about what she may or may not paint later tonight in honor of his jawline.

Yeah, so she had a thing for men with impressive jawlines. One of her many weaknesses that somehow aligned with her poor excuse for a tolerance for physical labor.

"Oh..hey!" She finally responded.

But she was still waving. Why am I still waving?

"Fancy meeting you here. This is your car? It's nice! STylish! And from the pain in my knee, quite sturdy!"

Aaaaand why wouldn't it be sturdy? It's a car.

"—Didn't think I'd be seeing you again so soon. You must be a fan."

"Who me? A fan?" Suddenly, Tilly's rambling demeanor took a detour straight into Nervous City as she laughed in a way that reflected that change. "Oh, you mean 'cause it's cold out? Yeah, I totally get that!"

Did tilly actually think he meant a fan like the kind you plug in and let blow air in your face? No, probably not but it was the only thing she had to go off of. She had so many thoughts running around in her head right now (all about Mike, of course), but they were clouding any form of common sense on the horizon and, honestly, Tilly needed something to find focus. She had a problem with that, after all.

It's why she painted (among other reasons). It's why she needed something to fixate on that didn't talk, look, and practically existed like he was something only fairy tales hyped up. A regular old Prince Charming or some other vague figure with defined features.

"Come to grab a drink with me?"

Well, not exactly... The truth was that Tilly needed air from the crowded space in the ballroom because she couldn't get Mike off her mind and here she was talking to him and he was offering her a drink.

"Sure! I can drink!" She responded almost immediately. Like it was the first thing she had thought of that could actually be said in front of...anyone.

Of course, it should be noted that Tilly seldom drank, but what she did or didn't do often became completely dependent on who she kept as company. With the right influences, she would be acting like herself. But, if her emotions and crowded thoughts and the hopeless romantic in her was to be around...danger, then let's just say that Tilly wasn't the Tilly Eli or Gen might know.

Most of what Mike said after that went unheard by Tilly. She saw Mike gesture towards the passenger side, which she got into as soon as she could, trying not to slam the door. But it was one of those old-timey cars. Her dad had one. He was a collector of such things and those old cars had heavy doors. Even when Tilly trod with care, the way it slammed shut couldn't be avoided.

And when it did, she jumped like it was a jump scare in a horror movie (she was spooked easily).

"Sorry.." She looked at Mike with an apologetic look before, like the first time they talked (and also the first time she met him), Tilly got lost in his eyes. She didn't know if they were brown, hazel, or maybe some unique shade of brown like sienna, but she found herself just...in awe. He asked her something, to which she just said "yes".

Wait, what did he say? What did I say yes to?

"You kinda look like one of those fuckin' types to go to those...middle school no-alcohol rallies. Ya know, the ones where they toss out neon green footballs stamped with 'DRINKING KILLS' and sings parodies about alcoholism."

Truth was, Mike was right. She did go to those rallies. She never got to throw those little footballs around because her and any kind of physical activity that she have control of or wasn't able to do at her own pace was pretty much begging for death. They were always fun to go to, though. She had fond memories being with some of her friends and enjoying some of the activities.

"I went to a few of them, but I don't know what they have to do with—" Tilly was cut off when Mike extended what looked like a flask in his hand.

And then she put it together. What she said yes to, what those old rallies had to do with anything.

"Give it a try, babe."

She didn't know if it was his voice, his eyes selling what he said, or her curiosity, but Tilly took Mike up on his offer.

As she unscrewed the cap and her lips to the flask, she looked at Mike one last time. She didn't say anything, but she just said a silent Hail Mary and took a quick sip.

And holy crap did it burn!

Mike was right! It did taste like shit. Tilly didn't like to curse, but that pretty much summed it up, though there were a few notes — past the burning ones, that is — that actually wasn't all that bad, but her throat burned so much that she found it difficult to get past it.

Still, she did it. And after she took one extra small sip for good measure, she handed it back to its owner, her eyes still closed and her face having a very sour, almost disgusted expression on it. "You weren't kidding, huh?" She coughed and laughed and then coughed some more.

She actually spent a good ten seconds or so after she gave Mike his flask back coughing and almost gagging as she prayed to the god above to make the burning sensation go away. All the while she was doing this, Mike began asking why she was here in the first place. She knew he wasn't being literal, but generally why she was outside. Part of what he said was kind of the truth. She may have felt the night was over, but not because of the reasons he gave.

"You seem distracted, something on your mind, babe?"

You could say that.

"Sorry. Just wasn't ready for that burning aftertaste."

She didn't know if it was her thinking he had found a way to live rent-free in her head or if he was just naturally observant. Maybe they weren't mutually exclusive, because Mike was right...is right. She had been distracted ever since he introduced himself to her. She wasn't able to get that encounter out of her mind, regardless of the fact that she had a date who was still waiting for her to come back after she had gotten some air. She could have gone back to Kayla and not have stepped into Mike's car, but she wasn't able to think straight ever since she met him.

And here he was offering an ear to her.

What should she say?

"Okay, well maybe that's not just it." She looked at him once more, biting her lip and breathing out slowly. "I, uh...I'm just not sure. My...friend is waiting for me inside. You saw her when we met earlier. And I told her I needed some air. So maybe I should get back to her..." The uncertainty came through in her voice, but Tilly made no actions. She just looked down, watching as she fiddled her thumbs in her lap. In the front of her mind, she wondered why she didn't say Kayla's name nor that she was her date and in the back of her mind, maybe there was something telling there and it was screaming at her to just get out of the car.

But Tilly couldn't find it in herself to do that.

She'd look up at Mike. "My name's Tilly, by the way," she blurted out. "When we met earlier, I didn't get a chance to tell you. It's Tilly. Short for Matilda. You can call me Matilda if you want, but Tilly's fine too..." She had meant to look back down, but looking at him...again just kept her there and she bit the inside of her lip, still wondering if this was a mistake staying here.

In absolute awe

Parking Lot (inside Mike's Car)

Bashful in Pink

my ted talk
by mxmtoon​

Mike, Kayla


ditto ditto

º º code by ditto º º

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