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Realistic or Modern Hero's Betrayal - OOC

hes one of my best boys, hes awful and dramatic

im too straight to say that
I suck at timing, because I have the main thread ready now. So...
Anyone want me to wait for another half hour or so before posting or should I just post it now?
No one is too straight for that.
amen brother

i also cant be too straight for ramuda either

this short, two faced cute little snake. stole my heart.
the funniest thing is that, before the anime came out, id actually named him 'ren' in my playthrough, because i fucking well love that name. im so amused by that.
lol, I always named him 'Akira' because I thought that was just a badass name. Later on I found out through fanfiction that that was the fan name. I found it really funny.
lol, I always named him 'Akira' because I thought that was just a badass name. Later on I found out through fanfiction that that was the fan name. I found it really funny.
change his canon name to akira ren, make both sides of the name battle happy

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