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Fandom Harvest moon: Through Famine and Sunshine OOC

I wanna hear Marc give all the guys dating sim descripyions like he did the girls.

maybe as he meets em, next post will do so for our fancy well spoken handsome friend eh?
hah I just made an unnecessary post where I interact with no one
mainly because florence is an antisocial kiddo
anyways uh

How big is this town?
How's it styled?

because I'm imagining like an animal crossing square,
cobbled steps and compact-ish yet spread-ish
like the main stuff and commerce area is closer together and the houses are kinda distributed out unevenly

But at the same time
I'm imagining the kinda sparse Harvest Moon square
the houses are moderately close together, near the shops, and the farms are farther out with the nature

hah I just made an unnecessary post where I interact with no one
mainly because florence is an antisocial kiddo
anyways uh

How big is this town?
How's it styled?

because I'm imagining like an animal crossing square,
cobbled steps and compact-ish yet spread-ish
like the main stuff and commerce area is closer together and the houses are kinda distributed out unevenly

But at the same time
I'm imagining the kinda sparse Harvest Moon square
the houses are moderately close together, near the shops, and the farms are farther out with the nature


Come and notice how Heather killed a flower again
I read third week on the first post, was I wrong?
Nope that was the picnic...

Fug, ignore that part until I can fix it, tad busy, will try to post whenever.
I've always loved the Flower Festivals.

Friendly warning - Eden loves spinning and twirling his dance partners through the air. 'Tis the dance of his people.
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Just a quick question, does Sunshine Village ever have any tourists? Or like any pretty sightseeing spots? Like date sites in some of the games?

I mainly ask because we have an inn. Also, because I like pretty nature places.

Also, noticed we don't have a doctor or vet. Hope flu season is merciful.
seems monster hunter has it's claws in me... gonna.. be abit XD
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Just a quick question, does Sunshine Village ever have any tourists? Or like any pretty sightseeing spots? Like date sites in some of the games?

I mainly ask because we have an inn. Also, because I like pretty nature places.

Also, noticed we don't have a doctor or vet. Hope flu season is merciful.
A little bit. Sunshine village is almost pretty isolated like i said in the interest check. People can hardly find the village. Their aren't much tourists. If there are then they could be just travelers who just stumbled upon. I haven't mapped out the geography of the entire village but i'm getting so stay tuned.
Platypus Platypus As for the crops, my friend. We aren't too limited. As long as it's reasonable why it can grow on that particular season, prefectly. Remember. The weather sunshine village is slightly cranked to eleven especially at fall.
Mama Sunshine is the opposite of how Adam described her. Adam would describe her as a "creepy, omniscient dwarf hag."
jesus... ya'll really are moving pretty fast... I'm rather used to very relaxed posting schedule myself :/
jesus... ya'll really are moving pretty fast... I'm rather used to very relaxed posting schedule myself :/
Heh, so am I. I think my fastest is like 2 posts a day. But average 2-3 a week.

But I think this is more of that initial thrust most rps have in the beginning. I mean it'd be great if it could maintain a good pace, but most likely it'll slow. Especially during midterms and exams. Like, maybe I can post again tonight, but maybe not tomorrow as I have an essay this weekend.

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