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Fandom Harvest moon: Through Famine and Sunshine OOC

Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

If it's okay to ask, is there a particular guide to the crops and their seasons that the rp follows? I'm asking because looking through a few of the many harvest moon games out there, some of the crops and their seasons deviate a bit. I just want to know if there is a standard to consider when posting.
Cool, cool, cool.

Also, feel free to tell me if Eden's eccentricity annoys any of you. I can tone it down whenever. He just lives by the phrase 'Hakuna Matata'.
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre

If it's okay to ask, is there a particular guide to the crops and their seasons that the rp follows? I'm asking because looking through a few of the many harvest moon games out there, some of the crops and their seasons deviate a bit. I just want to know if there is a standard to consider when posting.
Not much really but we are following Harvest moon 64's crop season guides.

Not too sure if you saw my other post, but would it be okay if Eden acted as the MC/Announcer for some of the Festivals/Competitions we may have? If you have another character in mind or anything, that's cool too. Just figured that I'd ask.
Sure, why not. I don't see anything wrong with that. Johnny will just assign your Character on a particular event he sees fit.
So, a quick question for ya'll, would anybody imagine anything needing repairs or possibly a new bit of furniture? Perhaps a leaky roof?
So, a quick question for ya'll, would anybody imagine anything needing repairs or possibly a new bit of furniture? Perhaps a leaky roof?
Not really, The mayor's office is built to survive the most toughest of natural disasters. As for mama sunshine's... Not really. She improvises and fixes her own stuff, most of it.

I wonder who will be the lucky character to encounter mama sunshine first. I can't decide.
So, a quick question for ya'll, would anybody imagine anything needing repairs or possibly a new bit of furniture? Perhaps a leaky roof?
Snow may need a new fence for the sheep. Bo Peep keeps getting lost. Not sure how since no one has actually seen her hop the fence, but she's getting out somehow.
Snow may need a new fence for the sheep. Bo Peep keeps getting lost. Not sure how since no one has actually seen her hop the fence, but she's getting out somehow.
three things to do today~! I was worried I'd be floating about >.<

I'll have him find a note to hismelf in his pocket to remember to fix the fence.
Snow may need a new fence for the sheep. Bo Peep keeps getting lost. Not sure how since no one has actually seen her hop the fence, but she's getting out somehow.
b l a c k .
m a g i c .

I mean there were fairies in animal crossing
might as well have magical sheep

yes I said animal crossing and not harvest moon because my memory's bad

also Wasted Ink Wasted Ink your writing style is beautiful oh hecketh i'm in love
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b l a c k .
m a g i c .

I mean there were fairies in animal crossing
might as well have magical sheep

yes I said animal crossing and not harvest moon because my memory's bad

also Wasted Ink Wasted Ink your writing style is beautiful oh hecketh i'm in love
But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?

Eden secretly gets his speech patterns from old Shakespeare books. Shh
Took two full buckets of tar just to seal up that roof, but he did get to spend some time around town while doing so, he lvoed when jobs let him stick around town and have an eye on folks passing by. Its almost right uncanny how many beauties there were in town. Kai had that professional beauty that you could respect, Mae was a bubbly kind of cute, Heather was somebody you just couldn't help but like, Snow was fun to be around, she kinda had that teasing motherly personality you couldn't help but feel flustered when she starts playing with yea, Ange was pretty darn cute to...

There was also the guys....

Oh I so wanna hear about this! ;)

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