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Harmony in the World

"I'll let you two alone..." Tegus' sad said as he walked downstairs. Tegus was in his room, still feeling uneasy.
"U-Ungh... A-Ash...?" Tegus asked, looking over to the door. His fangs were throbbing but he didn't know why.
Ash noticed the look, and pulled him forward, so that she was laid on the bed with him on top of her. She tilted her head to the side, "Have a go" She said softly
"Are you su--" Tegus was going to ask Ash but he but in anyways, drinking her blood. He had his full before letting Ash go, licking up the excess blood on Ash's neck and his lips.
Ash's eyes closed in pain when he bit, flinching. As he drank she felt herself go dizzy. She was rather glad when he pulled his fangs out, and as he licked the blood from her neck, "B-Better?" She asked, a slight slur to her voice
"Y-Yeah... I-I'm sorry... I d-don't know what c-came over me..." Tegus apologized, shifting back to the edge of his bed.
Ash placed one hand on the still bleeding bite, and went to pick up a bottle, returning, "When you uh...feel the need to...drink"

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