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Fandom Gundam Build Fighters:NEXT

“Before my battle against whoever the challenger is,or after?”

Jing asked as he shook his head in disapproval as Elizabeth did not listen to his warning.
"Preferably before." Elizabeth said, putting another piece of chicken in her mouth. "Hot!"

-Illya's Mansion, 11'00 PM-

Illya sat in her room, looking at the Destiny Strike Raiser, focused. Shia would be in the living room, asleep sprawling out on the couch. Hibiki herself was around the house somewhere, checking the place out. Of course, Hibiki had gotten permission from Jing to spend the night, but Illya found it a little different, having people sleeping her house after being alone for a while.
The Next Day....

Being the first to wake up,Jing prepared breakfast for everyone as usual,this time remembering that Hibiki wasn't with them (Who's the one preparing the meals in Illya's house though?).


Ikazuchi was the second to wake up,still looking a little tired as she yawned,exiting her and her sisters' bedroom.

“*Yawn* Goood Mooorniiing.....”

“Ah,Ikazuchi,we're having pancakes today-”


In just a split second,the energetic sister was immediately fully awakened,her eyes shining with enthusiasm as she looked at Jing with a bright smile.

“Yes. Could you go wake the others up? I don't want the pancakes to get cold by the time its served to them.”

“Yeah! Leave it to me!”

Ikazcuhi dashed back into her sisters' room,where Jing could hear her waking Akatsuki and Inazuma up.

Einzbern Mansion
In the kitchen,Hibiki was (coincidentally) preparing the pancakes for Illya,Shia and herself. Some time of observing Jing do the demonstration in addition to a few hands on experience was enough for her to know what to do.

“Should be done in a while...”
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-Einzbern Mansion-

Illya walked into the kitchen, in her Blue button up pajamas (Hibiki borrowed the Pink ones she liked.), hearing something sizzling. She noticed Hibiki was cooking breakfast, and would greet her. "Morning Hibiki." She said, although, she sounded slightly tired.
“Morning. Is Shia still sleeping? Pancake's nearly done.”

Hibiki asked as she coated the top of the pancakes with maple syrup.
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Illya looked behind her. Her older cousin was still asleep, still wearing her cat hoodie. "I'll go get her." Illya said, before turning around and walking up to Shia's side. She would gently touch her arm with her right hand and move it gently. "Shia? Could you wake up please?" Shia would wake up screaming as she slugged Illya in the face, eyes closed. Illya fell back onto the ground, rubbing her face. "Ouch. What gives?" Shia would then open her eyes. "I had the worst dream..... My boyfriend broke up with me and was dating Fumina behind my back." She looked around, and noticed Illya sitting on the ground, running her own face, glaring. "Um.... Sorry." Shia told Illya.

-Two minutes after-

Illya sat at one side of the table, taking a bite out of her stack of pancakes with a fork. She had one hand on an ice pack against the cheek that was bruised from Shia's fist. For someone who doesn't practice martial arts, Shia can sure deliver a right hook.

Shia decided to clear the silence up. "So, you sure you can manage the test run without Trans Am for now?" She asked Illya. "I can. Besides, I can just use my newtype ability to stay a few steps ahead if needed." Illya replied.
“Come to think of it....I still haven't figured out which upgrades I could implement onto Novus.”

Hibiki was already finished with her meal.
“Aside from that.” Hibiki spoke as she examined her Gunpla. “Other than the sound disrupt system,I get the feeling that Novus is pretty lacking in terms of capabilities. ”
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"Maybe Hiro has a suggestion. I can ask him when we see him." Illya then took the Ice pack off her cheek, no longer hurting. She looked at Shia. "I'm guessing you will be leaving soon." Shia nodded. "I need to go speak to my manager in person. He said something about getting replacements before I left, but unless they are as skilled as my brother and our other team mate," Somewhere else, a certain red head from yesterday sneezed. "I doubt we can even advance."

Illya smiled. "I wouldn't be too sure about it."


Elizabeth was at the door, waiting for the others to be ready to leave. A knock at the door could be heard, as Elizabeth opened it to see Hiro, waiting.

"What are you doing here?" Elizabeth asked. "A little birdie told me you guys were going to Iori's Models today. Is it true that Setsuna F. Seiei is going to be there?"

Elizabeth looked at Hiro suspiciously when he said that. "Were you spying on us?" "Listening in actually." "You would make a horrible spy, you know?" "Why would I ever want to be a spy? All they do is run around blowing each other up trying to take the other's suitcase!" Hiro objected, angry.
"A veteran spy would have a time of their life criticising that idea. That aside,do you want some pancakes,Hiro? I accidentally made more than expected."

Jing asked. There was a dish that was untouched,and was still partially coated by the maple syrup.
Hiro asked, "Where's Hibiki? She isn't with you guys?" "She spent the night at Illya's place. She'll be back today though." Elizabeth answered. Hiro replied, "Oh, so there's a problem with me, but not her?" Elizabeth put her hands up as if she was stopping a block in front of her from crushing her whole body. "That wasn't what I said."
"As I recalled,Illya said something about her parents not wanting her to bring any males to her home. So I'd say it is not that she doesn't trust you,but very likely her doing what her parents told her."

Finished with dishes being cleaned,he slunged his duffel bag over his shoulders,looking at Akatsuki,Inazuma and Ikazuchi.

"Well then,let's go."

Minutes later,in Iori's Model Shop
Inazuma was at the table,sketching the designs of a Gundam (with a skill which would've made a professional concept artist/sketcher's jaws drop to the ground). Ikazuchi and Akatsuki were both looking at the Gunplas made for display,while Jing's phone rang and he went outside to receive it.

"Sorry,I'll be back in a while."

The doors opened as he exited,walking out of sight as he received the call.

I wonder how he somehow manages to fake a "ringtone".....

Kotori thought as Elizabeth took out her Gunpla,where Hiro analysed the design of the Incarnation of the Devil's custom build.
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Sei was at the counter looking at the door. "I hope he is up for the challenge." Elizabeth would reply, "You can wait. I need to fight him first." Hiro looked at Elizabeth. "Didn't you already do so?" "No, he was holding back."

The door bell chimed as Illya, and Hibiki walked in. "Illya! Your awake!" He said happy that one of his best friends was finally out of the coma. "Indeed I am." Illya said. She then looked around. "Where is Jing?"

"He went out, but will be back soon." Elizabeth said. "Why would he be out right now?" Elizabeth would reply, "Because he is S-" Hiro put a hand over her mouth, keeping her quiet. Elizabeth struggled for a few seconds, before Hiro took his hand down. "What was that for?!" "Don't spill the beans. Let her figure it out on her own." Sei answered.

"What is going on....?" Illya asked, as the door behind her opened.
Illya looked back,where she would eventually find herself seeing the battler from the night she fought Sei and Kotori at the same time:Setsuna F. Seiei.

"Excuse me."

Setsuna walked past Illya,his eyes looking at Elizabeth behind the visor hiding his face.

"I accept your challenge,let us start the battle now."

He spoke in a firm,no-nonsense and aloof manner,pretty much the contrast of the way he spoke as his actual identity.
Elizabeth nodded. "I'm not going to hold back. You should do so too."

-Battle Room-

The field generated was space, but had some asteroids scattered about as well.

"Elizabeth Kyoujin, Gundam Dante Lucifer - Evangelion! Launch!" The purple gunpla took off, Sword bayonets in hands. Illya noticed that the Lucifer had two red Lance like objects on the waist in the hilts.
“00 QAN[T],Setsuna F Seiei,Launch!”

Unlike back then when he was still relatively active,00 QAN[T] had a new design,bearing similarities to a 3rd party Metal Build model.
(Minus the Full Saber Armament)

“Let's begin,Elizabeth Kyoujin!”

00 QAN[T] flew directly towards Dante Lucifer,its GN Sword V readied to end its wielder's opponent.
Elizabeth activated an SP slot as the Dante Lucifer sprouted Angelic wings on its back. The speed increased to that of Trans Am, as it circled to behind the Quan[T], firing its Bayonets in rappid succession.
As if it knew what Dante Lucifer was going to do from the beginning,Setsuna had his Gundam evade from the rounds being fired at it,retaliating with the GN Sword V in its rifle mode as 00 QAN[T] fired directly at the Sword Bayonets as it got nearer towards its opponent.
Instead of backing away,00 QAN[T] flew forward swiftly before the Bayonets could fully be swung down. Getting dangerously close to Dante Lucifer,the GN Sword V switched back to its Sword mode as Setsuna attempted to impale Dante Lucifer quickly.
The Lucifer jetted back and to the side, the lower right arm being sliced off in the process. Elizabeth looked at the Quan[T], saying, "You haven't won yet." The Lucifer's right arm had the wings fly into it as the lower arm was replaced by a glowing Prosthetic. It then used its intact arm to toss away the Bayonet Sword, to draw the left red Lance. It suddenly opened up in the center, the bladed halves puling back slightly as white light eminated from between the space.

Hiro recognized what the Lance was as soon as it activated. "No way, that's the same weapon type as the finishing technique my Barbatos Omega uses." He said, astonished.
Illya looked at Elizabeth, her face was of anger. "Why..... Does she look angry?"

A voice soon answered. "Because its a fight she was wanting to have for quite a while." Illya turned her head to see Reiji also looking at the battle, his sun glasses covering his eyes. "Elizabeth needed to prove she can still be considered a strong Fighter, which is why she requested to fight Setsuna in the first place."

Illya looked at Elizabeth, understanding the issue. "Like me when I fought Sei and Kotori."
Here it comes......I should get ready to use "that" the moment it nearly hits QAN[T].

00 QAN[T] got into a defensive stance as it kept its guard from Dante Lucifer's weapons. Setsuna knew that if he messes up the timing,things could potentially go south for him.
Elizabeth would shout, "Go, Lance that pierces the heavens! Cassius Spear!" The Dante Lucifer trusted the Lance, sending a wide arc of Multicolored energy towards the Quan[T]

Hiro knew that would be costly. The possibility of evading that attack is 50/50. And if the Dante Lucifer has no access to another power source, it will quickly shut down within minutes.
00 QAN[T] didn't move an inch,much to everyone else's worry. However,just as the Cassius Spear was seconds away from hitting Dante Lucifer's opponent,00 QAN[T] vanished into several small GN Particles,managing to avoid the attack completely unscathered.

He quantized at the last second!?
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