• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
  • He perked up, hearing a new kid was moving into the house with Stanford. Maybe he would tease this kid a bit...it was always so fun to freak them out. A floating Triangle! Who would’ve thought.
  • *he looked around the dreamscapes where he had been hanging out at* such nice memories. He was the cause of memory loss, he was sure of it (you can start your role at moving into the house)
  • Ima put up some rules, so if you see some changes it’s just me putting up rules) *will started crying, and bill looked at the crybaby* shut up you big baby! That made will cry more. *kicks bill* get up ya baby!
  • Do you ship billdip) *will cried as bill kicked him* you kicked me! •big baby, bill thought• whatever. Let’s go spy on the new kids! *will stayed there* I don’t wanna! •ugh stupid baby• fine stay here *bill left without him*
  • i ship billdip I just think it’s better because dipper is less confident and bill bosses him around) *spying through the stained glass window, he finds them putting up they’re stuff, getting ready for they’re stay. From all those clothes, they would probably be here a while. He heard crying behind him with a recognisable whiny voice* you left meeeeee *he rolled his eyes* you refused! *will cried* all you do is cry!
  • *will finally stopped throwing his fit, and went back to the dreamscapes pathetically* so pathetic, •he thought to himself• he continued to spy on them, finding dipper the least excited. Mabel was the more confident of them...he’d have to gather more info. *hits head on window* oof!