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{Gilmore and KneelingAngel} As a Werewolf

(It happens )

She glanced at Clay and sighed. Alex looked at her pups and yawned. She was tired. She looked at her pups and nuzzles them." What about Dallas he wasn't here the night my pups we're wanted by Lucifer's pack member." She said and looked at clay an sighed. She lay back and looked at her pups as they nuzzled into her and she smiled She kissed them. She looked at Clay, she sighed." I hope Darren calls soon I am tired and the pups need there rest." She said.

Jeremy looked at his son. He had a dark look on his face." You mentioned pups and Lucifer not good. I mean congratulations on the pups. May I see them. I am sure Alex will be with them and not let them out of her sight. So tell her to bring the pups down. We also need to have a meeting all four of us. Lucifer is not a wolf to mess about with. Also see if you can get Jerome here immediately." He said an nods to Darren to do a he has asked.
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Darren listened to his father and nodded. "Yes father." He said and walked out the door to go get Alex, the pups and Clay. He knocked on the door and stepped in. "Alpha wants to see the pups." He said with a small smile. He didnt want Alex to know too much about Lucifer, he didnt want her freaking out. He mind linked Clay to get Jerome here, alpha wanted to speak with him. Clay nodded silently and let Alex leave with Darren before he went to find Jerome.
Alex glanced at her husband to be and clay. She knew they had said something. However she wasn't sure what. She gave Culle. To Darren and took Killian she loved her boys they we're so big. She walked down towards Jeremy and smiled when she saw him. He walked over hugging her gently they are beautiful Alex. Congratulations both of you. They are a blessing to the house." He said she nods and kissed the baby in her arms. " strong lads now go on you need rest and so do they." She said gently.
Darren smiled and kissed Cullen's head when the baby was given to him, they had gotten so big already. He led Alex with Killian to his dad and watched them interact. Darren looked at his father a little bit worried, he didn't want to lose his pups, he had to know more about this Lucifer wolf. They had to sit down in the morning and figure out what to do with all of this.
Alex smiled as Jeremy cooed over her boys. She still wouldn't let any one besides Darren hold them. She how ever was glad that Jeremy was back. She looked at Darren and sighed. " thank you but I have to get the little buggers to bed." She said. She kissed her children and excused herself with Darren. She sighed and wen to her room. She set the boys down and kissed Darren." I love you." She said.
"I'll be right back." Darren said and looked at his father and Clay before heading out with Alex and the kids. He kissed her back and smiled. "I love you too babe." He said and nuzzled into her. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her nose. "I have to go back for te meeting, lock the door when I leave, okay?" He said with a small smile. He didn't want to leave her, he hadn't left her side in so long but he had to figure out with his father and Clay this whole Lucifer thing. "I'll be right back." He said and kissed her before leaving to head for his father's office.
Alex looked at Darren worried as they walked back and he said he be right back. She looked at the pups and then Darren. She nods and kisses him. She sets the twins down and locks the door when Darren left. She was worried so she got ready to hide the twins and phase. She heard another voice Jerome. She sighed he had been helpful even with her pups.

Jerome showed up and looked up to Lex's window. He walked into the pack house and sat with the others he nods to Jeremy " hello sir welcome back." He said
Darren looked up as Jerome walked in. He didn't like the guy a whole lot, but yet he trusted the wolf more then most at this time. At least he was respectful to the Alpha of the pack so Jerome might not be too bad. He hoped Alex was okay being alone. "So now that everyone's here. What will we do about Lucifer?" Clay asked and turned to look at the others.
Ahh a anxious pup here now let me see. In the old days a pup like the two of you would grab the elders some tea and scram so the elders could speak. Now go on grab us tea and Darren make sure those full breed pups are safe." He said. He looked at Jeremy waiting for the other two to leave. Jeremy nods for them to go. When they have left Jerome sighed." Some one has woken the ancient Lucifer. Our father. He is after a this pups and to destroy all wolves he thinks will not be loyal to his cause in the long run before he shows himself as I is for told. Brother we can not let this happen we must stand. Those pups are the only thing that could save our necks in the long run only thing strong enough to fight the monster that is unleashed into our world." Jerome said." Father will come and he won't be happy with us." Jerome said

Alex sat glancing at the door. She held her boys close she was scared slightly. She didn't want to loose them.
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Darren glared at Jerome and started growling at him, but Clay stood up and grabbed Darren before he could do anything before dragging him out of the office. "Let go." He growled and struggled against Clay's arm. "I'll kill the bastard for looking down at me like that." He snarled. Clay just rolled his eyes and sighed as he dragged a growling Darren back to his room. "Delivery." Clay said as he knocked on the bedroom door. "Someone ordered a pissed off wolf?" "Shut up Clay!"
Alex stood up and answered the door and looked at Clay." What happened?" She asked him she was confused. She let both in and went to sit with her twin pups. She nuzzles them and looked at the two." Okay one of you need to speak up." She said looking at them. She was not sure what had happened by it had to do with Jerome she was sure.
"Nothing." Darren growled and pushed himself out of Clay's arms. "Just that piece of shit dares to look down on me like I'm some pup. I should rip his head off." He growled. Clay just rolled his eyes and sat down next to Alex. "Nothing too bad." Clay said with a small smile and looked at the pups. "How're they doing?" He asked and smiled at the twins. "They're so active for being so young." He smiled at her.
" I am sure Jerome beat you to it. Relax he has had years and is stuck up just ignore it." She said and watched her pups move about in her arms." They are good just active as all heck. I am not looking forward to them crawling or walking they will get into everything." She said. Killian let out a small shriek. He started whine." Whats up little man where do you think your going." She asked him and he wiggled about. She handed him to Clay to take as Cullen started up as well." Oh yeah taking after killian" she asked and lifted Cullen and he smiled kicking his legs in the air above her. She laughed when he did. " my good boys." She said.
Darren was pacing from side to side in front of the door, growling like some dog. He was so pissed off at Jerome, but the sound of the twins made him look at them and calmed down a little. He took a deep breath and sighed before he went to sit down. Clay handed him Killian which made him calm down even more. He nuzzled into the baby and kissed Killian's tummy. Darren smiled softly as Killian hugged his face. To think that anyone wanted to hurt such precious made him more angry. He wanted to take that Lucifer guy on, he didnt care that Lucifer was a ancient, Darren would have the wolfs head in his claws.
Alex laughed and kissed her boys." My little babies." She smiled." They turned out so well practically inseparable. They look like you a lot just have my eyes." She said. Alex really enjoyed her babies. She nuzzles Cullen, she fed Cullen first then Killian she smirked and watched as they started to fall asleep after being fed and burped. Cullen fell asleep in Darren's arms sucking his thumb while Killian slept in Alex's arms sucking on his fist." Let them Darren they are just babies" she said when she saw him move to take Cullen's thumb out. She let her kids do what they pleased as babies. No use in scolding them. She sighed and leaned back her son was warm and smelled sweet. He was making her tired.
Darren sighed and let Cullen be, it was gonna be hard to get rid of their bad habits once they got a hang of it, at least that's what he though. He was getting tired as well, though he was still pissed off at Jerome for all of this. He rubbed his eyes and yawned as he leaned back against the wall. He held Cullen close and rocked him softly. He was glad that they had gotten a little older, now they could be held by him for longer periods at a time before getting too cold. They were still sensitive, but not as sensitive as when they were born.
Alex curled up with Lillian and sighed. She closed her eyes as she started to pass out. She yawned and looked over at Darren."coming to lay down?" She asked him. She was still tired the twins kept he up often. Darren would help when he was about but often it was just her and the twins. She saw Cullen shake and looked at him with a frown was her pup cold or getting sick.
Clay stripped and shifted before he went to lay down by the door like a guard dog, he was the back up incase something went wrong. Darren nodded and handed Cullen back to Alex when he started shaking. He went to lay beside her and sighed tiredly. He yawned slightly and thought, he had a shiver go up his back. He didn't like the feeling and put him a little on edge.
Alex fell asleep wrapped around her twins. She nuzzles into Darren and sighed as she yawned and fell asleep. She woke in her dream and started to run along the hall's looking for Darren and the twins. She stopped when she saw an unfamiliar wolf."Hello Alexandria welcome home can't wait for you to kill again." The voice said. Alex woke and breathed out she looked around the room was dark. Her body shook as She looked down at her twins an over at Darren
Darren groaned and slowly stirred in the middle of the night to see Alex sit up straight. He looked at her and wrapped his arm around her waist. "It's okay." He mumbled tiredly and tugged at her shirt lazily. "It's just a dream.. Come snuggle with me." He mumbled and closed his eyes again. Hopefully sleeping in his arms would make her feel better.
Alex breathed and went to lay into her husband to be she sigh and shook off the dream. Though it was bad. She couldn't believe it. She finally fell asleep and woke in the morning. She sighed as she looked for her sons. She sat up and panicked."Darren." She said and saw him walk out with her two sons. She sighed and layed back.
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Darren woke up in the morning to the twins moving about. He moved them before they could wake Alex, she needed her sleep after that nightmare. He decided to give them a bath since they could use it. He was just done and dressing the boys when Alex woke. "It's okay, babe, I'm right here." He said and gave the babies warm clothes on so they wouldn't be cold and handed them back to her. They immediately moved closer to her and snuggled into her warmth.
Alex breathed easier seeing her sons and husband to be. She sighed and closed her eyes a minute her heart was racing she needed it to stop. She slowly opened her eyes when he placed the twins next to her. She looked them over and smiled."they smell good guessing you gave them baths." She said and kissed her children. She knew she have to feed them that was for sure they we're still restless. She nuzzles the babies and sighed seeing them safe."mommy will be right back." She said softly. She had to go to the bathroom and brush her teeth. She let Darren lay near them while she did what she could. She even showered finally.
Darren had places the boys on the bed and changed into his wolf form, hoping he could fool the boys for a little bit that he was Alex. He didnt want them to be cold and his wolf form was a little warmer with his fur and all. He nuzzled into them and let them play with his tail to distract them until Alex came back. He didnt want them to start crying in hunger. Alex had been taking such good care of them then he sometimes forgot herself and then of course the whole Lucifer thing. He hoped it would all be over soon.
Alex showered in warm water. She sighed and walked out. She put on sweats and a sweat shirt. She walked to the closet and grabbed boots. She looked as her sons whimpered they we're hungry Cullen spotted her and cried out. She picked him up and kissed him." Okay you first Mister. She fed him then Killian once both we're fed and burped she smiled"come on let's go walk outside for a bit. She was tired of keeping her boys locked up and herself.

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