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Generic Superhero RP Title

"No, you're never a burden," Aaron said. "I love you, so that means I'm always happy to be with you and support you." He pulled away a bit to kiss Leo's cheek.
"No. I'm always nervous for you when we go on missions, but I'm not going to cage you. If you want to go with and you're ready for it, then you can go," he said.
"Well, you can always stay here whenever you want," Aaron offered. He sat down next to Leo. He was still considering renovating Leo's apartment for him.
Aaron said, "They were allowed to choose to go out if they wanted, yes. But it's just til tomorrow afternoon. Don't get too excited, but there's a rumor that we all could be free most days of the week. Maybe only come to the compound three days a week."
“Wait, really?” Leo’s eyes get big. “That would be awesome! I’d much rather have a work schedule than be trapped there all the time.”
"Of course, but it isn't quite to my level yet," Aaron said. "Once it is, I'll do my best." He wrapped his arms around Leo's waist.
Leo shakes his head. “I’m not. You are,” He says.

Erik and Kenzie are at a Goodwill as their first hang out outside of the compound. Kenzie is taking Erik shopping so he doesn’t have to keep wearing government issued clothing. Erik leaves the car with his heart pounding.
"Maybe we both are," Aaron said, cutting off any games of Leo's.

Kenzie guided him in and took him to the men's section. "What size shirt do you wear?"

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