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Sounds like a trap. Dont take the bait RFA. Dont take the bait.
It's not a trap, I'm not Astolfo...

Okay so here is more information that I'll most likely repeat later.

1. I'll probably start the thread and post it here and PM all of you sometime either Friday or Saturday. I'll most likely be on my Computer at both times but it's up to you 4 to decide what time you want.

2. Leveling Up:
a. HP will always be maxed out, I am here to tell a story and mediate a game and not kill you. (Until the final 2 fights (The Final Hoard of the Dragon Queen and then Rise of Tiamat)) That doesn't mean I won't punish really bad decisions.
b. At the beginning you all are going to level up a few times before you hit the end of "episode 1". You're going to instantly get your HP and any extra Spell Slots (and Ki) and a refresh of any abilities used that require a short rest. Otherwise your class abilities will have to wait until a long rest per the rules. If you level up after episode 1 similar to this, the rules will still apply.
c. When/If your character hits their level where they "Choose a path", which I think will be level 3 for everyone besides the paladin, if you know which path you're going down please let me know so I can explain it story wise. (For example if Junn the Ranger picks beast master, I can put in the story how he meets his beast friend and or give it to him before the story starts.)

3. Combat: Since we are using this site and I can clearly see your rolls. I'm going to post each of the Monster's AC and depending on the importance of the Monster/Character their HP so you can do more without me. I.E. a Kobolds AC is 10 and HP is 5. If you decide to Attack one and roll the D20 and it's an 11, you can go ahead and roll for damage, lets say you do 6 damage. Killing it. You can make your Killing blow description and possibly do something else depending on how your character is built and where we are in the story. Obviously, Main Villians you're not finding out their HP.

Any Pets will move at the Same Initiative as you do, I may roll initiative for you all to save time. All bad guys of the same type will move at the same order. (Like all Kobolds will Move, All Humans will Move) and only big baddies will have their own.

Critical Hits: Will do max double damage as in if you roll a 1d12 for damage it will do the max die damage which is 12. Doubled, 24. Add any Modifiers 24+str or dex or etc.

4. Since I've been watching a lot of RPG Horror Stories I want to make this clear. You're not allow to break the rules of the site, which means any 18+ XXX content/Actions will only be glossed over. You as a player cannot force actions on another player even with die rolls (I.E. You can't seduce a PC if the PC doesn't want it to happen, but you can lie to them and make them believe in the lie.) I'd rather you not partake in PvP but I won't stop it if it makes sense. (I.E. if the Rogue is Chaotic Evil and the Paladin is Lawful Good, that's a fight that I might let happen depending on the situation but I won't allow a player kill another in their sleep because reasons.) If you feel strongly against something that pops up, please let me know via PM so I can either gloss over future events that has it or eliminate it entirely. (I.E. Slavery, Discrimination, Gore, etc, etc)

5. If you have any questions about the rules or anything like that PM, I'll answer as fast as I can.
If you any questions just pm me.
a. HP will always be maxed out, I am here to tell a story and mediate a game and not kill you. (Until the final 2 fights (The Final Hoard of the Dragon Queen and then Rise of Tiamat)) That doesn't mean I won't punish really bad decisions.

How by the book/sandboxy are you planning on running this AP btw?
Gameplay wise as in combat; for the most part by the book. I do rule of cool so if it's possible and cool I'll allow it.

Story wise it depends on Ya'll. If you don't follow the story or feel like doing things not in the book I'll improv.

If you have played this Adv or know what's going to happen... There will be added characters of my own and possibly added outcomes more based on Ya'll than me.

So, while I would like you to stay on or near the path... All roads lead to Rome, eventually.
Thanks for letting me be a part of this everyone.
Yeah. Just super busy with work the past few days. Going to eat and then post before I go to bed tonight I promise.
Can this thread be repurposed as an OC? I think that would be economical.
Also busy this weekend, but I should get this Paladin sent off after work today.

Also, y'all see that UA that came out? Fucking wack. Adds craptons of options and I'd recommend our Monk and Ranger take a peep since it enhances those classes pretty majorly.
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Bit late. Already submitted my sheet. Ive downloaded that edition just in case.

Im gonna try the code i found for rolling dice.



Been forever since ive employed bbcode. Must be out of date.

Ill try a different one:


Okay... Can i have some help here?


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Well, not really. The monk’s new stuff comes in during second level unless you wanted an expanded monk weapon arsenal.
Bit late. Already submitted my sheet. Ive downloaded that edition just in case.

Im gonna try the code i found for rolling dice.



Been forever since ive employed bbcode. Must be out of date.

Ill try a different one:


Okay... Can i have some help here?[roll]1d20[/roll]


When it comes to rolling dice on this site. You will have to post. Then edit, there should be an option for dice to be rolled.
btw should I assume I’m gucci to post since I sent in my sheet or should I wait until a formal go ahead?
I'm at work and I'm not going to open the sheet until later, go ahead and post. If there's an issue with your character sheet we'll talk about it in the PM. Also it's the first post, I doubt you're going to use any of your abilities from a few miles away from the action.

Which I will post a picture of the town after you all post.... ( Junn Junn )
Thanks Syvvaris. I found the dice roll feature. Took me long enough.

btw should I assume I’m gucci to post since I sent in my sheet or should I wait until a formal go ahead?

You're Gucci? I'd like a discount on your fancy apparel.

Edit: I got bored and went ahead and posted again. How's my writing?
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