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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Graded [Frontier] Infection of the Flesh


Leader of the Conmanist Party
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. Check the links above to learn more about it.

What to expect out of character: 4-5 day posting cycles. If you cannot post within the time period communicate or you might get skipped. Ask any and all clarifying questions you have in the discord, plot or otherwise. When using secondary skills please mention them in your post. Additionally, please link your character sheet in your post format somewhere, and place any abilities at the bottom of your post with the cooldown. For ease of recap, please provide a tldr; of your post highlighting important actions/interactions. Players can make multiple Out Of Combat actions, but do not go overboard. In Combat the 3 action Economy is in effect. Ability cooldowns are also in effect at all times.

Time: 8:00 a.m.
Weather: Frigid Downpour, Thundering skies with dark clouds.
Location: Northwest Ryke, A forest path

Lucius Gallicus

Zahrah: Evolve to a higher Race
slifer37 slifer37 EMIYAman EMIYAman Elvario Elvario Tellussoil Tellussoil Valkan Valkan Develius Develius


The day was a roiling mass of rain and thunder, a tremendous downpour of icy rain that fell in sheets thick enough to obstruct the vision of anyone in the open. The thunderstorm had come out of nowhere from the night before, as if the capricious gods had decided to curse the small band of travelers working their way towards the forest village. The constant smack of water against the canopy above them in the deluge made it nigh impossible to speak without shouting. The dirt path that lead towards their destination was a soupy mess of thick earth that clung to boots and threatened to root in place any who stopped for long. Through whatever means the group had come together for a contract that had started at the edge of the forest. Now the group trudged along in the pouring rain to reach the starting point of their journey.

A village had sent out a request for someone to come out and deal with a monster problem that was plaguing their village. The paper that had proffered the significant reward had stated that a mysterious monster had taken a beggar, two hunters, and a child already. No remains had been recovered and not only did the village want the monster dead, but they wanted the remains to be brought back for a proper burial. The village had taken a collection to put up the funds necessary to hire someone capable of doing the job. Spearheading the efforts was a strange man who spoke with oddly accented common. A centurion of Rome named Lucius Gallicus found himself at the front of the group, his five legionaires behind him. The hobnailed sandals he wore made for poor footwear in the rain as the mud spattered his ankles and feet, but he marched on without complaint. When he'd first met the others in the group he'd briefly introduced himself to the others as a mercenary taking work in the Ryke and he'd explained the details of the contract as he knew them.

As the group moved along the forest path towards the village the rain very gradually began to slacken to a light drizzle. Conversation, earlier impossible due to the significant din, was once
again possible for the adventurers. Not far from where the map said the village was the group came into a small clearing in the canopy where a wagon and several tents were set up near the road. A fire underneath an awning was burning cheerfully and a pot burbled wafting the cold air with a delicious smell of stew. Tending to the pot, bone dry underneath the canopy, was a stocky man with a bushy blonde beard and eyebrows. The beard was so long that he had comically tucked it into his belt. On his head was a blue chef's hat, though it was clear that he was bald underneath. A collection of knives, spoons, tongs, spatulas, and spices in little bottles hung off a belt and bandolier, as if the cook was planning on taking his culinary skills into battle.

The man was sat on a log mumbling to himself and stirring the pot with a wooden ladle in one hand while running his hand through his beard with the other when he noticed the group enter the clearing. He jumped up from the log and spun to face them wielding the large wooden spoon like a club. "No further strangers! State yer names and business." For his part Lucius was glad that the rain was letting up as he stepped into the clearing, though he was still cold, and his caligae were covered in the clinging mud. He decided he wouldn't take the lead as he looked meaningfully at the others in the group. He was more soldier and leader than talker and so he hoped someone else would be able to better handle this diplomatically. The map said they were close to the village, so he figured they should try and get directions. Also the fire under the awning looked quite cozy in the cold drizzle.
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Zahrah Fiore


Mentions: conman2163 conman2163 | Rowan slifer37 slifer37 | Nachtum EMIYAman EMIYAman | Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil | Arkham Valkan Valkan | Jebidiah Develius Develius

After their latest outing to meet up with Tiefy again, they'd been going around the rest of Ryke for a while. After all, it was clear that the darkest-dankest and dangeroust forests was where the fun was at in Ryke. Clearly they needed to explore more forests in order to further their happiness research.

Luckily enough, the weather was amazing. After all, they recalled how cosy it was when it rained! Although, oddly enough, they didn't feel cosy. They just felt soaked, soggy and cold. How peculiar!?! Did rain not bring the happiness they thought it did? Their precious cotton got all muddy as well. What a waste! That said, shared burdens were lighter, so when they found some other marching through these soggy and muddy forests, they'd gleefully joined them in their struggles against mother nature.

The sighed they walked in on was a rather fun looking one~ To make it even better, the chef asked them to introduce themselves. Now, that was a thing Zahrah had gotten rather good at! Come to think of it, they hadn't really introduced themselves to their fellow adventurers either, had they? Now was the time to go!

“Why, hello! Greetings to you, honourably bearded chef of the forest! And greetings to you to, fellow adventurous with whom I've marched through rain and high mud! I'm Zahrah Fiore, a researcher of happiness, Redcliffe contributor, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour of Shiku no Mura and beloved by birds! I'm also pretty good at psychology and performance, if I do say so myself~~” As they introduced themselves, they gave a deep and theatrical bow, to the chef of the forests and their fellow adventurers alike.
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Arkham Koenig

While Arkham's trip to the mountains proved to be somewhat entertaining, it was time to actually get some work done. Conveniently enough, a bounty for a monster found its way to his hands. Needless to say, he was swift to meet with the rest of the group who would partake in the hunt of the monster. He didn't get much of a chance to say much, as the inclement weather proved to be rather uncooperative on that regard. Arkham wasn't quite the social butterfly, but at least knowing the names of his teammates would be nice.

The relentless rain weighed on his body, as it turned the road to a rather rough one to traverse. So once it started to fade away, turning to a pleasant drizzle, Arkham's mood already went up. Not long after, the aroma of a quite well seasoned stew reached Arkham's nose. He wasn't particularly hungry, but he surely wouldn't turn away from a bowl of it. A small campfire with a rather peculiar cook was the source of it. He didn't seem to be quite happy at the sight of travelers, asking for their purpose.

Arkham was ready to explain, but the pink haired... lady? man? whatever, was quick to answer first to the old man. That said, they didn't quite answer the question. They just introduced themselves in a rather... flourished way. Foreseeing that may not be enough to satisfy the likely local, Arkham cleared his throat and spoke up next. "Greetings. My name is Arkham Koenig. Our group is here because we were tasked to slay a monster terrorizing a nearby village. Do you know anything about such a thing, sir?"



| conman2163 conman2163 | Elvario Elvario | Valkan Valkan | EMIYAman EMIYAman | slifer37 slifer37 | Tellussoil Tellussoil |

Jebidiah felt... like he had the worst case of deja vu.

Here he was... sauntering down the muddy dirt path through the drenched forests underneath a barrage of pattering cold rain. He was here under contract of a very familiar-sounding quest. A mysterious monster roamed the lands unseen - viscious, cold-blooded and merciless - killing anything and everything it could get its hands (er claws?) around. Not a single soul of the four confirmed missing persons have been recovered; nor have any of their remains, whether they be in tact or in pieces, thus fire. The local villages in this part of Ryke had every right to be terrified by these disturbing events (as they should be) and naturally wanted the monstrous killer dead, including the retrieval of the missing bodies. So instead of doing it themselves, they called upon a bounty placed upon it in hopes a few kind souls would go kill their problem for them. Essentially, this was a monster hunt.

And it hadn't been Jeb's first go at one either.

The last one he'd been on had he and two other fellas travel to a private island to take care of a monstrous pest problem. But despite running into that wretched beast once and forcing it to flee, their trail would be left cold and they'd never see or hear from it again. The mission was a failure; but at the very least they saw it. They'd promptly tell the staff of what they've seen, be given a minor compensation fee for coming here, and be sent back to the mainland. Whether or not the creature had simply hidden deep in the woods or decided to fuck off into the ocean and leave the place after seeing it was unmatched by fire and fury, he knew naught. He only hoped someone found themselves in more fortunate circumstances to finish what they started.

If they hadn't... well, perhaps it would be the perfect time to have Jebidiah to settle an old score. Even if it wasn't that horrid pale creature he saw that night, putting this one out of its misery would be enough to redeem himself in his eyes...

As Cassidy. Not as Jebidah. Not as George. Not any other of his other alias. But as the individual present to that unholy abomination.

And like with every other public outing for someone living in a region of anti-undead folks, he had to cover himself up once more from head to toe. With thick hefty clothing, wrapped around layers of bandanas and scarfs; topped with a pair of tinted sunglasses, he always came prepared for moments like these; wind or shine. This time he even bought some fine cologne and doused some on, just to throw off any keen-scented folk who 'have them good sniffers on em'. But with the rain now soaking his attire to the bone - which was unnaturally heavier to him then usual, much to his annoyance - he questioned how affective it was going to be. Then again, rain does tend to tamper with scent anyways, so it was hopefully be fine.

Eventually, Cassidy would come around the bend see a few people conversing just down the path. The most notable of them were the group of armed Roman soldiers. It was certainly a sight Jebidiah had only seen in old textbooks back in the land of the living, never believing that he'd see ancient soldiers of 50AD in the flesh. Rather intriguing really. Though he questioned if they REALLY were the real deals, or if they were just one of them history nerds playing make believe and acting as them. The two other figures were less flashy - with a silver haired man and a pink-haired woman who seemed to really like babbling on about... well whatever she was talking about.

That being said, she looked... vaguely familiar. He must've met her briefly sometime in the past... but couldn't quite tell where and when.

Didn't matter.

He began approaching them quietly, sticking to the side of the road near the cover of trees, trying to listen. He wasn't quite sure what the situation was, but he was nonetheless wary; keeping a bony finger close to his Six-Shooter. Though it wouldn't take long to figure out their motives; with the silver-haired man explaining to the guards that they were on the same quest that the skeleton was in. His rattling bones relaxed slightly upon this revelation. Looked like he wasn't going to be alone on the mission. Though that would also depend how the Roman soldiers take their presence. Were they friend... or were they foe? He quietly moves forward, trying to get a better ear on them.

He'll reveal himself once he hears enough information...
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Rowan Thorn
Rowan left the inn she was staying at and saw how shit the weather was, making her groan. This was not weather she was going to slog through by herself, as she had magic perfectly suited to get through this weather. So she cast a barrier around herself, changing the climate of the barrier so it was a comfortable warmth in comparison to outside, tightening it to her body so she could move comfortably enough, making the barrier permeable enough so she could breath through it. At least in this monster-hunting endeavor she would hopefully get money and new friendships along the way, as she had lost touch with many of those she had adventured with previously. The group would see her join in, coated in a barrier that was tight to her skin, allowing for easier movement while also staying clean and dry.

No one else had asked her to cast magic on them, otherwise she would have given them each a barrier of their own. In a battle, she would have immediately cast magic on them, but this was some terrible weather that she didn't want to get soaked in. So while everyone else was becoming soaked, she was comfortable and warm, the mud and cold weather, going through it with more ease then the others as she was protected from the harsh climate. Though if anyone else asked, she would tack on a barrier to them as well, as she could easily cast magic on all of the members of their monster-hunting group.

Rowan would let Zahra speak, before adding more on at the end of the being's sentences, aiming for politeness and charm when talking to the older man. "Sir, we would be honored if you would would give us directions to the village. We mean no harm, we just wish for directions." Hopefully, the man wasn't a monster or something, but just a man who was cooking a stew that smelled quite wonderful.

  • Personal Wall Barrier/Dome- C Magic, C Barrier, C selective, Range D, Energize D, Duration D, Targets D, AOE E, Control Environment F -C Grade (In this scenario, the Grade being used is D grade)
Noelle Nichi
With: conman2163 conman2163 ~ Elvario Elvario ~ Valkan Valkan ~ EMIYAman EMIYAman ~ slifer37 slifer37 ~ Develius Develius

It was a dreadful day. Noelle was walking along the forest path. Completely getting soaked by the rain. She was on her way to Stone Forest village for a monster hunting contract. She needed the money so she could pay her tuition fees for school. through the adventurers' guild, she found this contract. And she was short of cash again as she always seems to be. The money from this hunt will get her out of financial problems for a while. Or at least in theory, it should.

Normally the little mermaid had no problem with the rain. Water was sort of her element after all. But this combination of water, cold and turning the road into a muddy mess that felt uncomfortable for her bare feet to walk through was a bit of an annoyance. Luckily for her, her belongings were safe and dry inside her bag. That was one worry less on this journey.

Another rumble of thunder was heard in the sky. Noelle became a little bit nervous. What if the lightning would strike and hit her or one of the others in the group? But thinking it over a bit she remembered that as long as they were beneath the canopy of trees the chances of the lightning hitting any of them was slim. Still chance was still there.
The weather started to clear up a bit which made it possible again to hear and see what was up ahead. Noelle had no idea where and how far they were in the forest. Nor how far it was to the village. All she knew was that as long as they remained on the path they would reach the village eventually… or someone else in the group certainly had to know which way they had to go right?

The group arrived at the small clearing. Noelle was walking a bit at the back of the group so she saw that the others greeted a stranger. "Wait… a stranger out here with this weather? How lucky of us" if she was any bit more cautious one might suspect something was not right here. But as she was tired, wet and in general a kind person she welcomed the thought of finding another person out here.
People started to introduce themselves to the forest cook and ask for directions while Noelle was trying to wring out a bit of the water from her dress before she too approached the strange old man. "Greeting mister sir forrest cook" she said and she performed an eastern bow before the old man " My name is Noelle. Noelle Nichi. I’m with the Ryken Adventurers Guild. We are on our way to Stone Forest village and it would be a blessing if you would be able to point us the way" she said and gave the man a warm smile. That was when she smelled the stew the man was cooking. Noelle’s stomach started growling, reminding her that due to budget problems she hadn’t had a good meal in days.
fb263613f12a8fad2cc281c9b9c46f60.jpgHis heavy boots stomped onto the mud. Slightly sinking into the wet earthy mass, further smearing the already worn leather. Its original matte black long since faded by extensive travel. The pouring chilled rain was the chief cause of the moist dirt staining him. In a word, Nachtum was exasperated. The torrential downpour constantly obscured his vison with his own slightly long hair falling over his face. Forcing him to pull it back every few seconds. Not to mention how cold it was; Nachtums only pair of clothes being unsuited to such a wet climate. At best he would be nursing a cold for some time after this latest undertaking. He almost wished he was back in the dry heat of the desert. But the fact of the matter was that his constitution was simply too weak to handle any particularly fierce weather. And this would likely remain the case till the day he died, so he suffered through it anyway. Nachtum had long since accepted this fact of life since coming to this continent. If nothing else the enchanted blade he kept ever in his grasp could ensure he could at minimum survive the stress of travel.

As a an exile from his home he didn't exactly have the resources to survive in this land. The chief among them being money. Unfortunately his skill set was quite specialized. Much of what he was taught as he was brought up was geared to a specific role that didn't lend itself to making ends meet. The only lucrative thing he was good at was fighting. So thats what he did, and if he could do some good with it then all the better. That what's led Nachtum or Nacht as he preferred to be called, on this latests Daemon hunt. Though here they were called Monsters.

The group of gathered monster hunters who accepted the request travelled together in the rain. Some taking the weather better than others. The man at their head seemed just as foreign to this land as Nachtum was. But the difference between them was apparent, as this Lucius guy at least had his onw people with him. He seemed to be a commander of some type sporting armor, a rather elaborate headdress on his helmet, and oddly enough sandals. Nachtum found some satisfaction that at least he had the better footwear, though despite that fact Lucius showed no apparent issue with the weather. Something Nachtum couldn't help but envy. Though the general wasn't the only one who handled the rain well. And one in particular Nachtum had actually met before. He slightly leered at the pinkette Zahrah. Memories of their last meeting going through his mind. Zahrah's overly cheery and seemingly ignorant nature bothering the introverted and more pessimistic Nachtum. This time was no different as Zahrah smiled and kept a positive look despite being just as soaked as himself if not more so. While he didn't know their true nature as a Construct. Nachtum had made a point to avoid them, not necessairly because he didn't like them. But more so that his mind told him that Zahrah would be more trouble than they're worth and only rope him into complicated situations. He simply couldn't see himself meshing well with so outgoing a person, cute or otherwise.

The worst of the rain did eventually wane down to a more comfortable level. Even if Nachtum still had more in common with a wet dog than not. While the noise level had greatly reduced allowing for conversation Nachtum kept to himself opting not to speak. Walking into an open clearing they were met with a roaring fire and the smell of food. Something that immediately caused his mouth to salivate and his stomach to churn quietely. Realizing just how hungry he was. Unfortunately standing over the fire was a particularly ornery old man who reacted to them with suspicion and shouting. Something Nachtum couldn't particularly blame him for.

Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately if you asked him. Zahrah ever the people person spoke up attempting to defuse the situation. Even he didn't quite understand the full breadth of Zahrahs tirade and many titles they apparently had. The group mounted their defenses trying to explain themselves. All the while Nachtum merely stared at a blonde girl who a part of their group and seemed to have sort of localized environment shield around her body keeping her dry. To say he was jealous was obvious. Nachtum imagined their sudden appearance and talking was overwhelming for the old man. So after they had said their piece Nachtums only addition was a simple, "What they said." His words were somewhat awkward and was the only moment he had spoken during this journey.

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. Check the links above to learn more about it.

What to expect out of character: 4-5 day posting cycles. If you cannot post within the time period communicate or you might get skipped. Ask any and all clarifying questions you have in the discord, plot or otherwise. When using secondary skills please mention them in your post. Additionally, please link your character sheet in your post format somewhere, and place any abilities at the bottom of your post with the cooldown. For ease of recap, please provide a tldr; of your post highlighting important actions/interactions. Players can make multiple Out Of Combat actions, but do not go overboard. In Combat the 3 action Economy is in effect. Ability cooldowns are also in effect at all times.

Time: 8:00 a.m.
Weather: Frigid Downpour, Thundering skies with dark clouds.
Location: Northwest Ryke, A forest path

Lucius Gallicus

Zahrah: Racial Evolution
slifer37 slifer37 EMIYAman EMIYAman Elvario Elvario Tellussoil Tellussoil Valkan Valkan Develius Develius

The cook seemed to be slightly mollified by the words of each of the travelers, particularly when it became clear that they were from the Adventuring Guild, but he still took the time to examine each one in turn. He wanted to keep them at an arm's length until he got their full measure. The girl? Boy? Thing named Zahrah seemed harmless enough. He wasn't certain what all the titles meant, nor did he understand what psychology was, but he did know that Hero was a good title to have. Then there was the silver haired one named Arkham. He seemed nice enough. The other two were a blue haired girl who was curiously barefoot in the rain and mud and another one who neglected to say their name but was apparently dry despite the rain that had just been pouring down. They didn't say anything he hadn't heard from the others, but he understood that they likely wanted to also appear nonthreatening.

Dropping his wooden ladle to his side but not inviting them closer he spoke. "Well then, ain't often we find other folks on contracts like these. I'd feel a bit more safe around ya'll if you had a contract you could show me though. You should have one from the guild right?" His words were still tinged with a bit of suspicion. Without a word Lucius stepped up to the man while drawing a contract from an oilskin pouch on his belt. He handed it over for the cook to examine and stepped back. For a moment the cook examined the contract before nodding to himself and then folded it back up and handed it over to Lucius. He gestured to the tree stumps around the fire underneath the large awning. "Come in out of the rain and make yerselves at home. Apologies for holdin' ya'll at arms length but I didn't think we'd see any folks else from the Adventurer's Guild." Lucius for his part moved with a speed that belied the discomfort he hadn't been showing in the rain to sit under the awning. His men stayed under the heavy cover of a couple nearby trees with broad leaves. Once everyone was situated underneath the canvas cover he spoke again. "Soup anyone? Must be cold out there and somethin' to warm ya'll up would probably do ya'll some good right 'bout now." He spoke even louder for a moment. "Even you there in the forest. Might be a good time to come out and say hello." The cook maintained an excellent poker face even as he revealed the presence of the other adventurer. As the adventurers moved closer they would more clearly be able to pick out the delicious smells coming from the pot and find that the awning they were under had kept the ground bone dry, interior pleasantly warm from the fire, and eliminated the smoke. Those with at least [Magic F] or [Perception F] would be able to pick out that there was almost certainly some sort of enchantment on the awning to allow it to easily rebuff the inclement weather, but it would take closer examination to find out what it was. As people accepted or declined the soup the cook would pass it out before taking his own log at the fire again.

Settling down the cook spoke once again. "Well the name's Hitsverg, i'm the cook of the Raven adventuring team. We're out here on the same contract." The man gestured around the fire. "Since ya'll are here too I got some good news and some bad news. Good news is that the Village ain't too far away, maybe a little less then half a league. Bad news is the village is deserted and at least partially burned. My team came out here a day ago on the same contract. They've been scouting the sight out to make sure that there ain't anything fishy going on before we move in." Hitsverg seemed anxious as he looked at the road the other adventurers had followed. "I ain't seen my team since they came back briefly to update me, and that was damn near ten hours ago. I'm startin' to get worried but I ain't the fightin' type so I haven't gone to check up on 'em."
Zahrah Fiore


Mentions: conman2163 conman2163 | Rowan slifer37 slifer37 | Nachtum EMIYAman EMIYAman | Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil | Arkham Valkan Valkan | Jebidiah Develius Develius

Nobody in the group seemed to pay too much attention to their introduction, but that was alright. Instead, they'd just introduce themselves further! It was a flawless strategy! Arhkam was their first victim. “Oh my, mister Arkham Koening, you totally look like you're one of those fancy members of a K-POP boy-band! You totally got the perfect looks for it~ I don't suppose you sing and dance though? Still, I bet you could make the ladies swoon by looks alone!”

They were also looking at the blonde (Rowan). “Ah, your golden-blonde hair such a great natural charm to it~ Your magic also seems to be really cool and useful~ You've got, like, the most amazing luxurious raincoat ever!”

They turned to Noelle afterwards. “Ah, but you, ma'am, somehow seem equipped to handle the weather naturally! Perhaps it's just my intuition trying to make wrong estimates, but I'd dare say you are in your element, mud excluded~ Besides, it's great to meet such a cultured individual! Your bow gave it away~”

That's when they recognised the other. “Oh my! I think I know you! Has anyone ever told you that you're the splitting image of a handsome game or anime protagonist?” They replied, checking out Nachtum from up closer. “Definitely more of the silent type that is brooding right until they can say something really cool~” They nodded to themselves, satisfied with their analysis.

That's when they heard another being called out of the wood-works (Jebidiah). “Muahaha! No need to be shy, what the chef said! We're all friends here, right?” They happily called out to them as well.

Right, with that out of the way, it was time for business! The only one they hadn't extra-introduced themselves too was the Roman soldier-looking man, who'd been dealing with the chef. Now was the time to approach the both of them. “No thanks, soup will just make my insides feel as soggy and wet as my outsides~” They politely refused the offer of food. “Oh my, that sounds rather bad!” They replied upon hearing about the lost team. “We'll go check up on them, right?” They asked the rest of their group.
Arkham Koenig

Arkham silently observed as the Roman-looking soldier gave the contract to the peculiar chef, which in turn became more open and inviting. The novice bounty hunter was quick to non-verbally accept the offer, sitting on a stump covered from the rain, subtly shaking off some of the water off of him before doing so. "No need to apologize, I'm sure you had your reasons" Arkham stated, still getting water off his hair.

"I'll have some, thank you very much" He wouldn't pass on soup that smelled that good, especially when he was cold and a little hungry. As he had his bowl of soup, he attentively listened to what the chef had to say. He raised an eyebrow when the chef called out someone in the nearby woods. Sure enough, he spotted part of a figure in there. He thought of reaching for his sword, but if this person was hiding, he was likely not able to take on that many opponents at once, so he continued working on his soup.

As he finished his bowl, the chef, Hitsverg, was done with his tale. And it was not a pretty one. "Say, did they mention anything about the monster in their report? Or they didn't get the chance to see it?"

It was then that Zahrah spoke up again, but this time Arkham was their first target. Wait, K-Pop!? How does someone of this world know something from his own? Arkham was silent for a moment, before chalking it up to coincidence, something that just happened to be similar in this world. "I don't sing nor dance, no..." Before he could say anything else, Zahrah took turns to throw weird compliments everyone's way. Anime character being one of those. Just what was this... person?

They had a point though. "The deal was to hunt the monster. It's likely their absence is involved with it, just like the villagers we were tasked to find. A few more people to find doesn't change things much, really, so might as well."
Rowan Thorn
"My apologies, sir. My name is Rowan, and it is lovely to meet you, as well as smell your cooking, which smells absolutely delicious. I would love a bowl of soup. " Rowan would reply to the Raven's chef politely, as it really was the best way to start any interaction, or continue said interaction.

In terms of Zahrah, she would take the comments in stride, just giving a thanks in reply, mainly because she seemed to give everyone these sort of comments, seeming akin to breathing for them. Though, she wasn't about to go into a full-depth explanation about her magic, so she would let Zahrah talk, letting them soak up all of the attention onto themselves, which would allow her to focus and do her job of protecting the others better.
Rowan decided to trust the cook, accepting the bowl of soup and sitting next to Arkham, which, if she had to admit it under pain of torture- looked the hottest of all the group. Though, maybe she was really thinking those kind of thoughts because she was lonely. She had traveled far and wide, but it would be nice to either travel with, or have a home with someone waiting for her to go to. But that was later's problem. Right now she had to focus on the mission.

Shit, there was a random person following them! In reaction to that, she cast magic at the others in the group, granting each of them their own personal barrier, in case the figure in the bushes decided to attack, now that it had been spotted. Each other member of the group and the cook would be surrounded by an E grade barrier, although Arkham's would be the only one who would be warm, as the barrier gently warmed his soaked form with its basic Control Environment woven in to the enchantment.

"We can definitely check on the others of your group, bring back news of how they're doing or leave them " Rowan would agree with the others, as the situation could be dire for the other members of the chef's crew. They could always reunite the missing members with each other, if they were ok and not in dastardly trouble.
Personal Wall Barrier/Dome- C Magic, C Barrier, C selective, Range D, Energize D, Duration D, Targets D, AOE E, Control Environment F -C Grade - (E Grade )



| conman2163 conman2163 | Elvario Elvario | Valkan Valkan | EMIYAman EMIYAman | slifer37 slifer37 | Tellussoil Tellussoil |

Listening into the muffled conversation, whilst spying on both side's movements and demeanors, it became clear that the legion wasn't a threat. Or at the very least, didn't show it. Though just as he was about to gather his things and approach on the lonely road, he must've accidentally stepped on a branch or a pile of exceptionally crunchy leaves earlier when he was getting in closer, for one of the keen-sighters Roman guards had called him out. Jebidiah froze dead in his boots, locking eyes on the soldier in question giving him a stalwart poker face. The others would've no doubt been alerted to his presence; one of them even putting a magical barrier out to protect em.

Shucks. His overly cautious nature had backfired on him

He paused for several long seconds, worried that they were going to attack, but all they did was continue giving out that delicious soup to the other members.

A darn shame he couldn't have any. Or... he could. But it would be rather problematic for someone who doesn't rely on substance, physical nor liquid.

Cassidy rose his hands as he approached, making sure he didn't give the wrong intentions as he stepped into the proximity of camp. "Howdy there," he addressed calmly in his gravelly, whisky-brewed voice, with a hint of jest to ensure he gave a better impression, "Mighty sorry for my eavesdroppin'. Wasn't sure if ya'll Romans were a buncha friendly chums... clearly ya'll are." He'd hear the familiar pink-haired woman laugh at his misfortune, but assume they were all friends. Now she... no wait, he? Them? Jebidiah swore he remembered hearing that person was one of em crossdressin' individuals back at that one camp. Though that wasn't Cassidy speakin'. As far as THIS INDIVIDUAL knew, they were a stranger. Nonetheless he tipped hat at Zahrah.

He also understood that Rowan folk's worry and her quick thinking to activate those barriers. Couldn't blame her for that. He simply gave his arm out, as if to put her at ease. Or at ease enough.

He tipped his hat as he took out the guild contract from underneath his hat, presenting it to the folk. "Cassidy B. Flint. Part o' the monster huntin' team." he addressed formerly, "Pleasure to meet yer acquaintance..." He looks back awkwardly at the guild members, "And... reacquaintance with some of ya'll" With that now out of the way, he slowly proceeded to sit down near the others. He sat alone on one of the tree stumps, but was close enough to feel the warmth of the fire. When offered soup, Cassidy would simply wave his hand. The cook would introduce himself and tell them of the situation regarding the village, the potential sighting of the monster, and how they hadn't heard back in nearly 10 hours. That confirmed they were on the same side. Obviously given their mission, with Zahrah, Rowan and the silver-haired man, Arkham, already in support of helping to find the missing men alongside the villagers.

The cowboy nods in agreement. "Might as 'ell. Lets hope those poor bastards hadn't been mauled bare by whatever the 'ell that's out in these parts. Let alone find the damn thing in the first place..."
Noelle Nichi
With: conman2163 conman2163 ~ Elvario Elvario ~ Valkan Valkan ~ EMIYAman EMIYAman ~ slifer37 slifer37 ~ Develius Develius

The forest cook seemed to calm down a bit after most of them introduced themselves. Something Noelle was glad about. It would be really unfortunate if the man turned out to be bad and they had to fight him. Not that the man had a lot of chances to win given the size of the adventurers group. But still. It was preferable if things could be resolved without the use of violence.

The centurion man showed the cook the guild contract. In the meantime, Noelle’s attention was drawn by the pinkish person. They looked like a girl. But something doesn’t feel right. But that was not important. The pink knight was commenting on everyone Noelle included. Noelle smiled when the knight mentioned her being “cultured”. "Thanks miss… not often people notice that… or at least mention it" She said scratching the back of her head slightly embarrassed.
Then that wonderful word was uttered by the cook, Soup.

Noelle hasn’t eaten in a good while. So the prospect of free food was one she wasn’t going to skip. She took her spot around the fire. "Thank you for the food" Once she got her bowl of warm soup she started to devour the soup like a hungry piranha. It tasted as good as it smelled and Noelle could easily eat another bowl or two.

She listened to the cook, who introduced himself as Hitsverg of the Raven adventurers team, as he gave the group his story of how he came to make soup here in the forest. It sounded really disturbing to hear that the village was in ruins and that his team hadn’t returned for about ten hours now. Could this be the monster’s doing? But there was something strange about this. The contract stated that only four people had disappeared. To now suddenly have the whole village to be destroyed.

Noelle nearly choked on her soup when the blond girl named Rowan suddenly cast a barrier on everyone in the group in anticipation of a mysterious follower. It took her a good moment but Noelle was able to regain her breath. The stranger decided to hide no longer and revealed himself to the light of the fire. The man introduced himself as Cassidy. And by the things he said he was already acquainted with some in the group. Noelle thought the guy was weird with the way he was talking. But in general, he looks like a good person.

People agreed that they should look for Hitsverg's missing team members while they would look for the monster and the missing town folk. Noelle does agree with them. If they were trying to track the missing people a squad more would not be that much more work. "Uhmm… I-I say we should go to the village first. It’s where Hitsy’s team headed to. A-and I want to confirm what Hitsy told. It being deserted and partially burned down and all that. Maybe if it is related to the monster we can find some clues there. She said as her gaze turned towards the road that would lead towards the village.

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. Check the links above to learn more about it.

One Memer skip.

What to expect out of character: 4-5 day posting cycles. If you cannot post within the time period communicate or you might get skipped. Ask any and all clarifying questions you have in the discord, plot or otherwise. When using secondary skills please mention them in your post. Additionally, please link your character sheet in your post format somewhere, and place any abilities at the bottom of your post with the cooldown. For ease of recap, please provide a tldr; of your post highlighting important actions/interactions. Players can make multiple Out Of Combat actions, but do not go overboard. In Combat the 3 action Economy is in effect. Ability cooldowns are also in effect at all times.

Time: 8:00 a.m.
Weather: Frigid Rain, Skies with dark clouds.
Location: Northwest Ryke, A forest camp

Lucius Gallicus

Zahrah: Racial Evolution
slifer37 slifer37 EMIYAman EMIYAman Elvario Elvario Tellussoil Tellussoil Valkan Valkan Develius Develius

The cook thought on each of the questions asked him by Arkham, and he nodded. "They found some strange tracks that circled the entire village on their initial inspection. It almost looked like somethin' was half dragging itself through the forest. I don't suspect that there will be a lot of traces left with the rain pourin' down like it was. Still ya'll might find something if ya look around. No confirmed sightin' of the monster though, so i'd be careful if'n I were you." Hitsverg made his rounds about the camp and refilled soup as people requested it. Particularly the five roman legionaires who were looking soaked to the bone in the corner. He found the nickname of "Hitsy" by someone he barely knew to be interesting, but he didn't comment on it. Overall he looked pleased. "Well, i'm glad ya'll wandered along to help. I'm certain that with all of ya'll out there my team will turn up in no time. You'll be looking for four folks in particular. One is a high elf mage, her name is Trucy. Then there's Jeffery, the human ranger. Next is Jalsverg, she's also human but she's a cleric. Last is Hardzberg he's a dwarf axeman. Ya'll know 'em when ya see them, they're all wearing kit you'd expect from combat adventurers. Like I said last I knew they were going to bust into the village to take a look. They said they wouldn't get into anything they couldn't handle, but here we are. If ya'll can come back with any news i'd appreciate it. There's different supplies all over this camp so feel free to take whatever ya need." Hitsverg gestured at three crates stacked near the wagon, and the back of the wagon itself. The party would have to look inside to see anything else.

"In the meantime, ask me any other questions ya'll might have. I'll try and give ya any information i've got."
Zahrah Fiore


Mentions: conman2163 conman2163 | Rowan slifer37 slifer37 | Nachtum EMIYAman EMIYAman | Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil | Arkham Valkan Valkan | Jebidiah Develius Develius

Zahrah was shocked to learn that Arkham didn't sing or dance. “With a face like that, you definitely should~” They replied. Luckily enough, the man otherwise agreed with them. “Indeed! Let's find all the people!” They happily supported the suggested approach.

To their surprise, when were suddenly uncloaked into a barrier. They looked at the new shiny and cheered in surprise. “Whoo! That's cool!” They turned to Rowan. Clearly the fact that they praised Rowan's barriers before made her want to share them with the others. That was amazing~ “Thank you so much for giving me a shiny raincoat as well, even though it stopped raining, it's still totally fashionable and awesome! It's like we've all got matching outfits now, right?!? That's super neat!” They'd go in to give Rowan a big 'ol hug as thanks, were Rowan to let them do so.

They'd turn their attention to the skelebro next. “Oh my, that accent, that name! You're like one of those cowboy folk from old western movies! I loved to save those on my harddrives and analyse them! It's so fascinating how they can be violent yet happiness inducing! Oh, oh oh oh oh, can you say the line! The line.. Yes!” They were getting themselves hyped up about something, then leaned in in an attempt to whisper something to Cassidy. “Please say, 'it's high noon' and then draw your weapon real cool-like! I've always wanted to see that happen in person!” Their whisper wasn't exactly quiet.

The blue-haired girl was up next. “That's tragic! How could people not notice such a pinnacle of good upbringing? Shameful!” They clearly made their statement! This girl's cultured behaviour going underappreciated was crime for sure. They tilted their head. “Hitsy, who's Hitsy?” They probably missed something. Namely that it was a nickname for the cook.

It got a bit more serious again, in as far as that was possible for them, which was not very far, when they turned their attention to the cook once more. “Oh, something dragging itself around? Oh my! That sounds like one of those grotesque zombie-monsters you'd see in a horror game!” They nodded to themselves. They had good knowledge on those.

“Oh my, that sounds like that trio from Lord of the rings, a human ranger with an Elf and a Dwarf! Well, I guess your group has an extra human~” They loved those movies, perhaps even more than westerns. If only their cotton brain could remember more of the extended editions they'd once saved upon their drives. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. “Supplies? Oh, I want rope!” They said, as they'd dig through the crates to find some rope. That was all they could come up with. Either it'd be useful, or it'd be fun. Both were good.

As they were looking, they even spotted some other useful items. Like metal spoon and some light-giving broaches! They'd happily pocket those as well.
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| conman2163 conman2163 | Elvario Elvario | Valkan Valkan | EMIYAman EMIYAman | slifer37 slifer37 | Tellussoil Tellussoil |

Cassidy's skull twitched as a cigarette craving suddenly kicked him in the teeth. While he very much wouldn't mind a smoke, the rain would make things difficult. He'd just have to wait until the storm subsides to subdue his kick. Dwelling on that conundrum, the pink haired "gal" would turn to him a chatter a storm. But instead of lassy things like favorite make up, favorite foods, boyfriend troubles and whatnot, they were talking about him. Apparently they were familiar about the "cowboys" of those "old" western movies that they saved on their "harddrives". The rugged man cocked his head curious, almost making an audible crack as his vertebrae loosen. Jebidiah knew of the old western films they spoke of, that is indeed true. What they claimed were old were pretty new to him prior to his death; and despite some MAJOR inaccuracies compared to how life was back in his day, he happened to enjoy them. A great way to pass the time; especially if an empty remote theater or nickelodeon had a couple western film reels laying about.

But what in tarnation was a "harddrive"? Must be a "future" thing from those "science-fiction" movies...

They kept going though, not giving Cassidy a chance to ask, as they reminisced about how "happy" and "violent" they were. Then their eyes began giddying up, and asked for him to "say the line". "W... What line?" Cassidy asked, genuinely puzzled. They would lean in and whisper something in his ear, to say "It's High Noon" and to "draw your weapon real cool like". Cassidy paused to let that register in his head. It was... a very peculiar request. Nevertheless, "High Noon" was a quote he was familiar with; not something spoken too much in life, but he noticed in the films that they were a pretty common phrase.

"Mighty peculiar request," Cassidy replied lightly, giving a light chuckle, "But if ya insist." Slapping his knee, the cowboy gets to his feet and stretches his old bones out as if to warm up. This time Zahrah could hear a few bones popping into place, but being muffled by the amount of clothing it shouldn't be much cause for suspicion. He gave time for a "dramatic pause", his back facing Zahrah in that iconic "draw" pose; arms out and hands hovering over his holster. Then a few seconds later, almost as if on que, a bolt of lightning flashed overhead as Cassidy whips around like a cracking bullwhip, drawing his revolver and posing iconically as he aimed - but not fire - at a tree nearby.

"It's Hiiiiigh Noon."

Que the rolling thunder! Cassidy made sure to emphasize his drawl with that quote, as seen in the movies. He then proceeds to sit back down. "Happy?" he asked, "Now don't go pesterin' for more less you can afford sparin' a dollar per request."

With that Cassidy continued listening as Hitsverg lain out the four party members that they were to find, hopefully alive. There was Trucy, the high elf. Jeffery, the human ranger. Jalsverg, the human cleric. And Hardzberg, the dwarf axeman. All would wear a kit that made them recognizable. Sounds all well and good to him. The folks even offered to take some supplies should they need any from the crates nearby. The cowboy decided to take a look, seeing if anything could be of use. A little bit of rope wouldn't hurt for wrangling; a torch to light the way; and some extra rags if he needed to patch any loose or damaged clothing up. He doubted that these Roman Legionaries had any bullets on hand, so he wouldn't bother actively searching them.

And indeed, he'd find the first thing on his list; two 15 meter long ropes. Useful for wrangling or getting down a deep gully or so. He also finds a hammer and twenty steel rock climbing anchors, which... also were good for scaling down gullies or climbing mountains. Could be useful. There were also three metal forks and a ladle. He will leave the ladle; but take the forks. Cassidy puts the equipment in his inventory before setting off.
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Noelle Nichi
With: conman2163 conman2163 ~ Elvario Elvario ~ Valkan Valkan ~ EMIYAman EMIYAman ~ slifer37 slifer37 ~ Develius Develius

Noelle was not going to say no to another serving of Hitsverg’s delicious soup. The little mermaid eagerly accepted as the cook filled her bowl up again. "Yummy!!! Thanks for the food!" Noele again consumed the food with great vigour. It tasted almost better the second time. As she was enjoying the soup Noelle listened to Hitsverg as he told what his allies had reported about the monster and subsequently about the allies they were to look for. A high-elf mage, a human ranger, another human, this one a cleric, and a dwarven axeman. By the sound of it, the group should be able to hold their own. It was disturbing that they also suddenly vanished. And the things about the monster tacks circling the village were also something to keep in mind.

Zaharah again grabbed Noelle’s attention as she was being talkative again. "Nah It's fine. It’s not that uncommon to see a beastkin like me around here so somewhere I can understand people not paying much attention to it" Noelle said as the pink girl mentioned people not acknowledging her mannerisms. Noelle chuckled seeing Zaharah not getting who “Hitsy” is. "Hitsy" Noelle said as she pointed to the cook " I found his name too hard to remember correctly so I guess it turned into Hitsy in my head at some point" She said slightly embarrassed before she realised she had said it out loud. "I-I hope I didn’t insult you or anything. I-I didn’t mean to be rude or anything. It’s just… Sorry!!" She said flustered towards Hitverg hoping he wasn’t going to be mad at her for giving him such a stupid nickname.

Luckily the attention was drawn away by the cloaked man as he did a little cowboy skit saying it’s high noon in a cool way. "So cool!!!" Noelle said excitedly and gave Cassidy a round of applause. It was nice seeing something that broke away from the severe tension of the hunt.
That reminded her. Hitverg said something about them being free to take some supplies from the crates. Noelle knew that could be useful as she skipped to the aforementioned crates. "Let's See... What can I find" she said under her breath as she stared to look for any foodstuff she could snag along. Who knows how long they will be out there looking for the monster? It would be terrible if they would run hungry and need a snack while having nothing with them to snack. Or is that just her? And if there was no need for snacks during the hunt then she had gotten herself some free food for the future.
Rowan Thorn
Rowan ate her fill of the soup, finding it to be tasty and amazing. "Thank you, Hitsverg." Rowan would tell the cook, looking appreciatively at the chef for the job well done. If possible, she would pack some soup for later, in case she got hungry again and couldn't come back for more food, as it tasted good, even when it wasn't warm. She would wait and see how Valkan responded, considering her thoughts of how cute he was were more distracting than she cared to admit.

"It can be a raincoat, but it's specialized for protection, and you can breathe in it. But these are free, and can mitigate some damage." Rowan said a little awkwardly, as Zahrah hugged her. IT was clearly awkward for Rowan, but she let it happen, even giving Zahrah a few pats on the back in response, as she didn't absolutely hate it.

"A damn good job, Mr. Flint. Very western. That's very catchy. If you want to make more money, just say that in front of others." Rowan would compliment Cassidy, giving a hearty clap at how positively interesting his "high noon" sounded. She wasn't quite sure how she knew how western the man sounded, but it was as if a lot of the references the non-natives made would make a surprising amount of sense to her, though she didn't know quite why. Even Zahrah's lord of the rings comment seemed to not be strange, like it was for other natives. "I apologize for thinking you were suspicious." She would tell him, giving the western fellow a barrier of his own in response, similar to the other's, giving it the heated portion of it to let the man dry.

"I do not think anyone minds you being a beastkin." Rowan would assure Noelle, hoping that her words would assuage any fear the girl had of being ostracized, like in other parts of the world. Here, they were friends and allies. She did not know the girl, but she seemed nice so far.

Rowan would take some items from the crates for herself, leaving some for the others as well, as it was always good to get free items, like more snacks, lights, extra snacks to take on the road, a knife things to make life easier and more comfortable if necessary, or generally things her powers couldn't really help her with, like general outdoor survival items, as if she was going camping or hiking. So she picked up a torch, the tinderbox,, and the fileting knife. She would help if possible, as her abilities could do just more than barriers- if any of the group were hurt, she could get them back to a healer or to Hitzverg, if no healing could be done for said missing team members.

Personal Wall Barrier/Dome- C Magic, C Barrier, C selective, Range D, Energize D, Duration D, Targets D, AOE E, Control Environment F -C Grade - (E Grade )
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Arkham Koenig

Arkham found himself a bit surprised when a barrier enveloped him, and so did the rest of the group. In the end, it was for naught, as the gun-wielding fellow that came out of hiding apparently was also on the mission. Regardless, the warmth it provided was appreciated. He turned to the source behind it, the lady sitting next to him "Thanks, I appreciate it. Cold like this sure won't kill, but it's still nice to be out of it."

People, including Cassidy, their new teammate, continued to agree with looking for Hitsverg's group as well. This was nice, the crew seemed to be mostly on the same page, which would make things easier for everyone.

Arkham nodded along and took note of Hitsverg's answers, acknowledging them with an "I see." He also took note of the brief description he gave of his team.

Before Arkham could go to the boxes to see if he could find anything of interest, he noticed Zahrah's tirade of otherworldly references. But much like their compliment thrown his way, he ignored it. It was starting to mess with his head, and he didn't like it. Instead, he nodded to himself as he checked the boxes Hitsverg offered for potential useful tools for the task ahead.

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. Check the links above to learn more about it.

Two Memer skips. Nachtum has been left behind at camp.

What to expect out of character: 4-5 day posting cycles. If you cannot post within the time period communicate or you might get skipped. Ask any and all clarifying questions you have in the discord, plot or otherwise. When using secondary skills please mention them in your post. Additionally, please link your character sheet in your post format somewhere, and place any abilities at the bottom of your post with the cooldown. For ease of recap, please provide a tldr; of your post highlighting important actions/interactions. Players can make multiple Out Of Combat actions, but do not go overboard. In Combat the 3 action Economy is in effect. Ability cooldowns are also in effect at all times.

Time: 8:00 a.m.
Weather: Frigid Rain, Skies with dark clouds.
Location: Northwest Ryke, A forest camp

Lucius Gallicus

Zahrah: Racial Evolution
slifer37 slifer37 EMIYAman EMIYAman Elvario Elvario Tellussoil Tellussoil Valkan Valkan Develius Develius

From here on in every decision you make could have a definite impact on the outcome of the mission. I highly encourage you to speak with your team members and coordinate your actions OOC. It could mean the difference between walking into something blindly or with the knowledge to handle the situation. Ask any and all question you have for me OOC.

After the crew of adventurers collected their supplies they set off. Among the group they had grabbed a collective forty meters of rope in several coils, twenty climbing anchors made of steel, a spoon, a tinderbox without flint or steel, three magic lantern broaches, one torch, and a steel filleting knife. Nachtum elected to remain behind to guard the camp while the rest of the group set off once again trudging north through the mud. As they walked through the woods on road towards the village the trees seemed to grow thicker around them, at times intertwining to grow a dense canopy that seemed to stop most of the rain but created a near wall of wood to either side that would prevent them from leaving the path. The ground beneath their feet grew firmer until they reached a point about a quarter league in at which point it turned to cobbled stones laid neatly with a drainage ditch on either side that kept the road dry. It was an unusual trait for a village road so deep in the woods to have but not out of the ordinary. It was likely even a pleasant surprise ot the adventurers. The result of the treed canopy and cobbled road came to make the path feel a lot more developed than one would expect and they would begin to warm up and dry out even more despite the continued drizzle above.

The party would walk for another quarter league before they reached a gate. It was broad, almost four meters in width and eight meters tall, easily stretching to where the tops of the trees began. It was made from thick oak timbers that likely came from the same trees that surrounded them, studded with metal and well anchored to two large black hawthorns that intertwined at the top to make a snugly fitting frame for the gate. At the top ran a bristling network of the very hawthorns that gave the gate trees their name, and anyone with any magically attuned senses (F or higher) or a perceptive gaze (Perception F or higher) would be able to determine two factors. One, something strange was going on with the gate aside from the obviously magically manipulated trees that made up it's frame, and two that there was no easy way they would be able to get over or open it. The front was smooth like most gates and had no way to open it from the outside. It was likely designed so that in the event of a bandit attack they would be able to easily shut the gates and wait out the attack. There was however a small bell to ring outside the gate, and a wooden slot set into one side of the gate. This was clearly to make it easy to see who was coming into the remote village.

The area outside the gate was eerily quiet. No birds chirped and no small animals scurried along the forest floor. Aside from the slight patter of the rain overhead all was still. To either side of the gate was an unnaturally thick network of hawthorn trees that grew intertwined and spread out like a wall in either direction, forming what was likely the forest village's own protective palisade. The trees were so close together that one could barely stick a hand through even if the thorns of the trees had been stripped away, but a network of the thick nettles that gave the tree their name made it impossible without risking injury on the points. Each of the trees also grew tall enough to easily double the size of the already large gate trees. The astute adventurers among them might realize that it would be difficult for a child to wander off unnoticed given such a formidable defensive network existed for the village. Despite all this anyone with good perception (perception E or greater), or any nature skill might realize that the trees looked sickly. Their branches were sparse with leaves despite the obvious health of the forest around them and the small berries that populated the flowering branches were rotting on their stems.

To either side of the network of trees that had corralled them along the road here there was a hole about large enough for a large fully grown human adult to be able to step through. A closer examination of each of the holes would reveal they had been hacked through by someone with exceptional strength. The first time someone looked at the hole there would be a wet squirming sound as something rapidly disappeared into the side of a damaged tree trunk. It would be so fast that whoever looked at it wouldn't be able to quite understand what they were looking at. Looking through the holes revealed a gap that showed off extensive forest in either direction. In an area that should have been densely populated by forest creatures not so much as a squirrel could be seen. Curiously on the other side of the left path through the thicket there was indications of something being dragged along the ground. Some sort of irregularly shaped object had made a large indent in the moisture softened soil.

Overall it was unclear which way Hitsverg's team might have gone. While ringing the bell might be a good idea, the question was what the team's choice would be. The five centurions stayed at the back with Lucius who took up the rearguard, watching keenly for anything that might be trying to sneak up on them.
Zahrah Fiore


Mentions: conman2163 conman2163 | Rowan slifer37 slifer37 | Nachtum EMIYAman EMIYAman | Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil | Arkham Valkan Valkan | Jebidiah Develius Develius

They were absolutely, totally, over the top delighted when Cassidy fulfilled their request so completely and utterly brilliant. They jumped up and clapped their hands. “That was perfect! Exactly like that! Wonderful! Dazzling! Totally worth every dollar I have if I had any, but I think they use Rykes here!” They replied with all the glee of a child seeing their favourite movie star. It made them wonder, so they got close to use [Appraise C] on him and see if he was a celebrity that was also living the Isekai life!

As if imbued with the wisdom of the ancients, they nodded at Noelle's explanation. “Of course, of course! Nicknaming can be very good for happiness! A brilliant move!” They declared.

They were equally fascinated by Rowan's explanation of the raincoat. “That's so cool! They do all that and look cool on top of it!?! You should try to sell them ore something! I bet people would pay for them. You'd be the most brilliant raincoat maker in like, ever!” They nodded to themselves, proud of their brilliant ideas. They'd soon feel the pats on the back. “Oh~ Is this one of those manly back-pat things? Don't worry, I calculated that hugs are good for happiness even without it and I'm practically made for it!” They stated, as Rowan would feel their cotton-based body was rather [Soft] and squeezable.

Zahrah's looting of the crates went perfectly well. They had all the important things. Some light-giving broaches, a spoon and aaaaallllll the rope. “Look at how much rope I've got!!!” They called out to the others with a lot of enthusiasm. “This will be great!”

The peculiarity of having a cobbled road type in a forest was lost on them. In fact, pretty much everything around was lost on them, for they lacked the senses and perception to pick up on details. “This place looks cool!” They declared, as their gaze was drawn to the man-sized holes in the canopy. “I want to go through~” They stated, figuring it might be a fun hole to enter. They changed their mind upon hearing the sounds. “Actually, they sort-off of sound wet and squirming and gross...” They were no longer sure if they'd want to go through.

They turned around to the others. “So, what do we do next?” They asked, more than happy to leave command to another.

Ce CD 0/2
Arkham Koenig

Arkham sighed, as he found nothing in the boxes left that he could actually use. Too little, too late, he supposed. He then quietly walked along the muddy path to the village in silence, occasionally rubbing one of his temples. K-pop, anime, Lord of the Rings... Zahrah's choice of references really made Arkham really unsettled. More than he led himself to believe initially. His life as Hans used to feel so distant, but Zahrah made it so that his previous life, and most notably, his death, felt more present than it had been in a while.

As the path became more noticeably built, Arkham looked around over his mild headache, noticing how the trees formed some sort of peculiar wall of sorts around the road. The swordsman wondered if this was natural or artificial, because it could be quite a bit of work along with the great work they did with the road.

Eventually, the group arrived at an even more peculiar sight. A door. Big and tall, lined with trees that realistically couldn't be easily breached. Arkham stopped rubbing his temple and sighed yet again. "Wonderful..." he said to nobody in particular, seeing as the whole situation was suspicious. Locked door, no signs of animals nearby, the tree wall looked sickly, and there was the hole from which a gross noise. It made Arkham reach for his sword's hilt. "The hell was that?" he said as he stared over Zahrah's shoulder into the hole, trying to make out what made that noise. Deep inside though, he knew it wouldn't be that simple.

He was definitely agreeing with the pink knight. The tunnel seemed like a risk, so that left the door and the trail. "I wonder how the door is closed if there's supposedly nobody left inside..." As he spoke, Arkham cautiously pushed the door with all his strength [A Grade] to check if it would budge. Regardless of if the door opened, he would comment "I'd say we check whatever was being dragged. Seems recent enough to be worth pursuing."
Rowan Thorn


Zahrah felt especially soft when Rowan hugged and patted her, which felt…nice, to say the least. The pink-haired person had a point, as the rush of endorphins were nice. She knew people from the past and made acquaintances with them, but hadn’t gotten to really know them well enough to visit them and hug them. She was self sufficient, but the hug was enjoyable, as Zahrah was soft and squishy in the right way, like hugging a large stuffed animal.

Rowan surveyed the problem before them, not liking the look of the dark tunnel. She liked being outside better, as there were more ways to escape- especially with what she could do with her barriers. "I agree with Arkhan. The tracks suggest someone went that way. The hole is just asking for trouble." Rowan replied, now seeing what the lights and the torches were for. She made a note to herself to get the ability to give off her own natural light, which would be a boon for her eventual mobile home business she planned on making with her barriers. But first, they had to live through this challenge, by being smart and sticking together. Though, even though Arkhan was cute, it wasn’t her reason for agreeing with him. His face looked nice, but she wasn’t going to really show interest in him unless he showed some sort of sign that he would appreciate any form of affection. The warmth was a one-time thing.

“Though if it’s an issue, and someone could survive possible fall damage, we can try to go high above the trees, if anyone is interested. I can build a pair of stairs that someone could climb to see if they can see over the trees.” Rowan would throw out as a suggestion, as having as many options as they could would be the best course of action.

She refreshed everyone's barriers with stronger ones, just to make sure they were ready to go, and if they were surprised attacked they wouldn't be caught unaware, especially since they didn’t know how powerful the outside threat was to their party. IF seasoned warriors were taken by surprise, then they could definitely be ambushed. Besides, the barriers she had put up weren’t the most long-lasting, which meant she would rather be prepared than not. But either way, she would follow the majority on this decision, and would definitely not go off by herself.

Action 1. Personal Wall Barrier/Dome- C Magic, C Barrier, C selective, Range D, Energize D, Duration D, Targets D, AOE E, Control Environment F -C Grade - (E Grade)



| conman2163 conman2163 | Elvario Elvario | Valkan Valkan | EMIYAman EMIYAman | slifer37 slifer37 | Tellussoil Tellussoil |

Did he say dollars? Cassidy would grind his teeth at letting out that minor slip of the tongue. Not that it really mattered since they had originally appeared to have come from Earth as well, even if it was at some point in the future, but still something he was usually careful in managing. Then again, who else other then Earthlings would know the concept of a dollar anyways, or even care to use such currency? No matter. Though as he clicked his teeth, he found Zahrah beginning to lean awfully close towards his face. He quickly cocked his head the opposite way, lighting up a cigarette as if something else had gotten his attention. That was close.

Even with his mask and bandana obscuring most of his face, he somehow had forgotten to apply fake eyeballs into his sockets.

This was something he quickly did just as they were heading out, taking advantage to step out for a moment to put in two bluish-green eyeballs. He made sure to keep them lodged in by applying some clay to make them look as if he was squinting. And just in case, he even applied two fake bushy eyebrows to further sell the illusion. It wasn't a truly convincing look if one was to look right in his face, but from a distance it worked good enough. If anything, Cassidy's stare looked somewhat as if he had been owed a fistful of dollars by some poor unlucky shmuck for months.


The stroll through the dark and gradually thicker forest, for the most part, had been uneventful for the gunman. While it became more ominous and somewhat spookier the further they continued along, Cassidy seemed to show little to no anxiety towards his surroundings. In fact, given his low-light vision as an undead, it looked as bright as it was when they were at camp. And while the trees did contort into odd overgrown shapes, he sensed nothing too out of the ordinary here. They were probably in some old-growth forest that had been untouched or untamed for eons. Nothing too concerning stood out to him for the moment.

Though eventually, Cassidy and the others would eventually come across a closed gate leading to their destination. By now it had been dead quiet, almost unnaturally so aside from the faint rain overhead. Still the cowboy's nerves were fairly reserved, though would understand anyone else being on edge. And now they had to figure out how to get in, given that the gate was locked shut. The only thing it had going was a bell they could toll if they so dared. But to either side, a carved hole would lead further into the forest; giving potentially two other routes the missing team might've gone through. It was a coin's toss in which hole they should enter, provided the posse decided to go either or.

However, one thing was certain. Cassidy and the others would hear a disturbingly wet, squelching noise coming from one of the holes. "What in the god damn...?" Cassidy wouldn't have time to peak at whatever made those terrible sounds, but he could rest easy knowing he wasn't crazy as he pointed his revolver at the hole in question. This immediately put the others in an uncomfortable state of unease. He tried to glare through the tunnel with his Dark Vision hoping to see further in, though even he wasn't to keen to enter the lair of an unknown creature without a battle plan. Further more, the left side of the path had marks that seemed like someone or something had been dragging some large object on the ground. And they looked recent. Curious. At this point they now either had to choose to ring the bell to get inside or follow the drag marks further down the trail.

And according to the silver-haired man Arkham, after attempting to budge the door, he suggested that they follow the tracks. Rowan would second this, as well as throwing out the idea to scour through the tree canopy instead to see if they can spot anything of note. Cassidy gave a moment to weigh his options before speaking up.

"Aint hurt nobody to get a high vantage view of our surroundins," he stated with a confident tone, "Though I wouldn't wanna test how these 'ere sticks n' stones may break me bones on the way down if I can avoids it. So less someone's stiff 'nough to hammer the mighty fall," He then looks back at the marks leading down the trail, "I do be mighty curious regarding whatever be draggin' across these 'ere parts. Maybe we see an alternate way inside, instead o' tolling the bell and risk markin' us as chicken dinner."

Noelle Nichi
With: conman2163 conman2163 ~ Elvario Elvario ~ Valkan Valkan ~ EMIYAman EMIYAman ~ slifer37 slifer37 ~ Develius Develius

Noelle searched through the crates for foodstuffs. Sadly none were to be found which was a bummer. But she did find an umbrella, a torch and a cute straw hat. Although it was not what she intended to find, she was still happy with what she found.
With everyone stocked up on whatever they found in the crates, it was time for the group to head out to the village. Noelle opened the umbrella she had found and held it above her to protect her from the rain. As they left, Noelle noticed Cassidy had stepped away from the group for a moment to do something. "You ok?" She asked the cowboy wondering what it was he was doing. Due to the hat and the umbrella she was holding she couldn’t fully see what he was doing. But she did notice it was something with his face. Most likely he just rewrapped his scarf to hide his face again. Still, this piqued the little fish girl's curiosity "You got some sort of skin problem that you are hiding your face?... or are you just shy that you hide your face?.. Whatever it is there is nothing to be ashamed of. Can't say for the others. but I won’t judge you no matter how you look" She said enthusiastically trying to comfort the man. "Now no time for standing around. We got a monster to catch!"

The walk to the village was nice. Her umbrella kept Noelle decently dry. It was still muddy and cold to her feet. But fortunately, the muddy road turned into a nice cobblestone one as they got closer to the village. The trees also became thicker and thicker as they got closer to a point where they formed a covering canopy that blocked out the rain. Noelle could have closed her umbrella then and there. But she felt cute holding it so she kept it open just a little longer. This dense forest wall that they were now surrounded by really gave Noelle the creeps. And with the thickness of the canopy as it is described it was also blocking out the bit of morning light that the clouds haven't blocked already. Scary.

The group arrived at the closed gate. At first sight, there seemed to be no one there. And it was then that Noelle noticed the silence. "Why aren't there any forest sounds? There should be sounds of birds and other things… but I hear nothing" she thought as she closed her umbrella and held it like it was a bat. Ready to swing it if her nerves allowed it. She walked closer to the trees at the right side of the gate and looked at them. They were so close together that you could easily call them a wooden wall than a row of trees. a big, thorny wooden wall.
Although she doesn’t have the perceptive abilities to be completely certain she did notice the little berries looked a bit mushy and mouldy on the stems. She quickly went back to the rest of the group just in time to hear that wet squirming sound coming from the hole they were examining. "EWWW!! That sounded gross" Noelle was half happy she heard something living was still around. Although by the sound alone she could not say what it was. But it was still moving. Yet she was not eager to find out what it was as it sounded gross.

Rowan came up with the smart idea to create a vantage point for someone to look ahead. Only there was one little problem with that. Noelle looked up. They were essentially in a wooden tunnel with the thick tree canopy above and the tree wall to both sides of the road. So unless someone had the same strength and cutting tools as whoever made those two holes there was no vantage point to be made nor reached. And if they could get above the trees there was no guarantee that they would see anything of the village anyway. Then there were those tracks past the left hole. It was an indication that something had gone past here recently. But to follow it so blindly into the forest while there obviously was something not right going on with the absence of any life in the area. Then Cassidy reminded Noelle there was that bell next to the door. Although his comment that ringing it might attract something dangerous. It could also alert anyone in the village that they were there and they could open the gate for them.
She did remember what Hitsverg said that his team had reported about the village being in shambles now. But how could they have sent out the monster-hunting request if it was already destroyed? And besides. Even if ringing the bell would attract unwanted attention. If anything then wanted to reach them the only way would be through the closed gates, the road they were walking on already or else it would be through one of the two man-sized holes in the tree walls. It is better than being out in the open between the trees where anything could attack them from any angle.
Noelle knew what she was going to do as she spun on her foot and walked over to the bell. "HELLO!? SOMEONE THERE!? WE’RE FROM THE ADVENTURERS GUILD. WE’RE HERE FOR THE MONSTER HUNTING JOB!... HELLO!?" She shouted as she rang the bell. The others might not agree with what she did. But sometimes the best solution was the easiest. And if nothing comes from it they could always follow the drag marks. Once she was done ringing the bell Nolle took a step back and closed her eyes. Using her [Heightened sense [hearing] F] together with [Focus F] she tried to hear if there was any sound around that would indicate something was coming their way. Being if from past the gate, or the forest.

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