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Fantasy Freelancer Files (Red vs. Blue)

Calm down, remember who Oregon is. You know her mindset the best, you know what she would be wondering.
I know. I guess I'm just not in the writing mindset right now. And not being able to think clearly makes me all the more aggravated.

Screw it. The post is up. I'll try to make up for it later.
Don't worry Church, I know exactly how you feel X3 I call that the good old Writers Block.

I hate it xD

And lol, I also hate when that happens Shadow
I don't usually suffer from writers block, mostly because I go running for about an hour every day where all I do is brainstorm about a lot of things. Role plays are one of those things. So, I get a lot of ideas that I usually throw out the window, but some of them are useful. I came up with Oak in his entirety on one of those runs.
That's cool. I wish I could do that. When I run, I sometimes think about stuff. But I mostly don't remember anything.
[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]That's cool. I wish I could do that. When I run, I sometimes think about stuff. But I mostly don't remember anything.

When I have to think about something, I have to run. I have two times where I can think; running and listening to music. Usually, if I have to do something more than a little dialogue in a role play such as this one, I'll put in my headphones and space out for a couple of songs. That, or I'll hook my dog up and I'll let me drag me around for an hour for some fresh air. There's an obvious change in the way I think about while I'm doing these two things, as usually the music method works for Nebraska and the running method works for Oak.

And by space out while listening to music; I mean daydream. Put myself into my character's world for a while. It helps me relax. (Z_Z)
Yeah, I was planning on be productive today too. But since the rain here hasn't stopped since we arrived last night, and the snow is slushy and sloppy, skiing is a hard no. We are even in far northern Idaho, for heaven's sake. It should be snowing like it usually does when we come here, not pouring raining. It's so depressing.


[QUOTE="Shadowborn Omen]When I have to think about something, I have to run. I have two times where I can think; running and listening to music. Usually, if I have to do something more than a little dialogue in a role play such as this one, I'll put in my headphones and space out for a couple of songs. That, or I'll hook my dog up and I'll let me drag me around for an hour for some fresh air. There's an obvious change in the way I think about while I'm doing these two things, as usually the music method works for Nebraska and the running method works for Oak.
And by space out while listening to music; I mean daydream. Put myself into my character's world for a while. It helps me relax. (Z_Z)

That explains your talents in writing, then. I can only sometimes do that. Most things can't stimulate my thinking. That's one bad thing about me. If I can't think about the story while typing, nothing helps. And it reflects in my writing. Usually, though, my character having other characters to interact with in through more than just voice helps a bit.
For me I either walk around, take a shower, go on swings, do something else, or with whatever I'm doing, think like my character. Like dishes for example. How my character act doing that xD or something as simple as sleeping. I would lay there in different positions thinking of what position they would take, if they were in pain from a injury, what they would be thinking, ehat they would dream of so on so forth

Ooo or music. some times I create a character based off a song I hear~
You kidding me? Your characters and writing are amazing already Church X3 I think I need to take notes from you LOL

Really it's how much I like my character that depends on how much effort I put into them. Usually it's a process.

Right now Ohio and Mich are in the beginning stages, the starting to think that way.

I really have only one character that I go full out on xD (One where I'm currently thinking of making a rp with)
So, I was going to write something about how I don't feel like your characters were any worse than mine, but now after seeing something I want to write about it.

My dog walked up to the door like he wanted to go outside, so I opened the door. He walked out and laid down (which he usually does inside, but it's probably because it's a nice cool temperature outside or something, whatever), so I looked back at my computer. About 30 seconds later I looked out and he is completely out cold from the run I took him on. I'll take a picture in a minute to show you guys, it's hilarious (at least to me).
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Thanks, Mockingbird. I don't always agree with that, but still, thank you. What helps for me is that my characters are almost always exactly like me. There are just a few things different between me and my characters. Oregon, for example, is slightly more nervous than I am, and becomes stressed a bit more easily. Only a bit, though. I still become scared stupid easily. And I am highly sarcastic, but that hasn't shown up in Oregon yet because she hasn't talked to many people. And she tends to be less sarcastic when she is scared, while I always resort back to sarcasm. Oregon is also taller (I'm only 5'5"), and is a bit more coordinated than I. But I gave her my exact same fears, same appearance, mostly the same personality, same relationship, and same physical ailments (those were described for her exactly from how I acquired my physical ailments, what happens with mine, and how I deal with them. I added them because why not. Besides, I will be able to accurately rp with them).


[QUOTE="Shadowborn Omen]So, I was going to write something about how I don't feel like my characters are any worse than yours, but now after seeing something I want to write about it.
My dog walked up to the door like he wanted to go outside, so I opened the door. He walked out and laid down (which he usually does inside, but it's probably because it's a nice cool temperature outside or something, whatever), so I looked back at my computer. About 30 seconds later I looked out and he is completely out cold from the run I took him on. I'll take a picture in a minute to show you guys, it's hilarious (at least to me).

Oh my god. That sounds adorable.
It took him, no exaggeration, 30 seconds to get to this point.

Sorry for the unclear window, he had a mud fest while I was at the store earlier. xD

Light typo in my one message that I changed; I meant your characters aren't any worse than mine, not the other way around.
Ooh, the conversation seems fun. I have a lot of down time in the week, and usually spend it taking long, enthusiastic walks to a wide variety of music, from ACDC all the way down to Metallica. Damn I have range. But yeaaah, I usually think of different things I could do with characters in role plays I participate in then, or general situations and how he or she would react.

Unusually I end up editing my train of thought when actually posting; I swear, it takes me three-four times to retype a post before getting it to a point where I somewhat like it. So bothersome.

I would like to go on record for saying I am not comfortable with calling Huntrey "Hunt". In fact, even Huntrey seems too personal and hence forth, I will be adding on miscellaneous titles to further distance myself from him.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Ooh, the conversation seems fun. I have a lot of down time in the week, and usually spend it taking long, enthusiastic walks to a wide variety of music, from ACDC all the way down to Metallica. Damn I have range. But yeaaah, I usually think of different things I could do with characters in role plays I participate in then, or general situations and how he or she would react.
Unusually I end up editing my train of thought when actually posting; I swear, it takes me three-four times to retype a post before getting it to a point where I somewhat like it. So bothersome.

I would like to go on record for saying I am not comfortable with calling Huntrey "Hunt". In fact, even Huntrey seems too personal and hence forth, I will be adding on miscellaneous titles to further distance myself from him.
I just want to take a moment to point out Metallica is my favorite band.
[QUOTE="Shadowborn Omen]I just want to take a moment to point out Metallica is my favorite band.

They're fairly awesome. I was into them a lot four-five years ago, when I was a freshmen. Sort of burned myself out on 'em with how often I'd listen to the Black Album.

Ever listen to Iron Maiden? They've got to be my favorites now.
TheAncientCenturion said:
They're fairly awesome. I was into them a lot four-five years ago, when I was a freshmen. Sort of burned myself out on 'em with how often I'd listen to the Black Album.
Ever listen to Iron Maiden? They've got to be my favorites now.
I've heard of them, but I couldn't name any of their songs, I've never really listened to them exclusively.
[QUOTE="Shadowborn Omen]I've heard of them, but I couldn't name any of their songs, I've never really listened to them exclusively.

That's a shame, they're an older band. Sort of metal, but not the thrash metal most would associate with the genre today.
TheAncientCenturion said:
I would like to go on record for saying I am not comfortable with calling Huntrey "Hunt". In fact, even Huntrey seems too personal and hence forth, I will be adding on miscellaneous titles to further distance myself from him.
I have a bunch of nicknames for Hunter, and he has to deal them all. Lol. He does like most of them, though. But I must say, Hunt is not one of the names.

And my favorite band is a tie between Trocadero, Jonsi, and Awolnation. And John Powell has absolutely beautiful music.
TheAncientCenturion said:
That's a shame, they're an older band. Sort of metal, but not the thrash metal most would associate with the genre today.
I like Fear of the Dark by them
I love Jonsi's music, especially Sticks and Stones, Go Do, and Where No One Goes. I doubt those songs would interest you guys, but I love them so much. Jonsi and John Powell made the music for both How To Train Your Dragon movies, and both those movies are definitely tied for my favorite movie ever, of all time (mainly because the friendship between Hiccup and Toothless reminds me of myself and my Brown Swiss dairy cow named Maisy, who is my greatest friend in the whole world. Also, it is just an amazing story...and Hiccup reminds me of myself. A lot). So I can't help but love the music for it. It's also so beautiful.

Awolnation is an awesome band that my brother introduced me to, and they made the song Sail. I can't really pick a favorite song of their's, either, because they all sound amazing. Their music seems like it would match your taste more.

Then, we all know about Trocadero. I tend to love a song for its sound and connection to stuff I like. That's why I love Trocadero, Jonsi, and John Powell.

I'll have to check that band out. Mainly because that band name is probably one of the most original names I have ever seen.

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