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Fantasy Forsaken Dawn Guild OOC Chat

Don't be too hard yourself it could just be the device you have it on, for example the color of my layout is a completely different color on my phone as compared to my tablet for some reason.
Issokie. I am getting on in years. Bekom Oldie. Could be my device too, probably.
Question, Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 . Is your magic its own school, or are you translating it to one of the standard schools of magic?
Was originally going for void magic, where it pertains to siphoning mana mostly. But anyways, I suppose it is kinda on its own? I haven't seen any solid school on the lore page, so I just came up with it on the spot. What's up?

Oh...so you saying he kind of sus? 🤔
Traditions dictate that I must respond with "amogus".
Nothing, there just want a school listed. Though, I'm excited for your character in particular.
Ah okie. I have no idea what's canon or not, so I'mma leave it ambiguous for now until I work out the kinks with GM for power development.
Also, thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone's chars in action too haha <3
Also, does anyone here know which continent Sharn is located on?
I've been browsing through the other continental maps but can't seem to get a beat on the city. Sorry, my eyes aren't as they used to be x)

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