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Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
Roleplay Type(s)



"Son of a bitch!!" Screamed a Soldier as he threw his helmet into the dirt.

"Hey, take it easy Clark." Another urged as Clark slumped into a seated posture on a tree stump with elbows resting on his knees and hands dangling lifelessly between them.

"It's hopeless. Why are we even fighting for this spit of dirt anyway? We should be fighting for the whole damn country!" Clark mumbled.

The other soldier gave him a nudge.

"Hey, don't talk like that. We've lost a few skirmishes. But overall this area is still out of enemy hands. And we're almost ready to-"

"To fucking tuck our tails between our legs and run away to Lenmea, while those pigs continue to strip our homeland of all her dignity like some kind of rapist in an alley!"

"Clark, seriously. Just-"

Clark shot up from the tree stump.

"Don't you fucking tell me to calm down Ian! I won't calm down! Not this time!!"

Clark and Ian were face to face, neither backing down, before a small pair of hands pushed between them and managed to nudge them away from each other.

"Clark! Please!"

Clark glared down at the young woman who forced herself between him and Ian with a snarl.

"Sei'rina! Zip it! Every time we fight we lose more of our territory! By the week's end we won't have any left! And this piece of shit wants me to just calm down?! Fuck no!!"

"Going to Lenmea is supposed to give us a chance to regroup and fight back, Clark. Please have patience. The country will-"

Sei'rina gasped as Clark raised a hand to slap her, but was quickly tackled to the ground by Ian who growled at him about the very notion of slapping Sei'rina who was only trying to help. The two continued to scuffle in the dirt before they were pulled apart by other soldiers in the resistance who managed to overpower them and yank them free. Forced to sit down, the pair were reprimanded by one of the leaders of their group while Sei'rina caught her breath after the fright of Clark threatening her with violence. And just then, a hand appeared on her shoulder which caused her to jump with a tiny, soft yip.

"Woah. Sei'rina. Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

Oh, Bertran. I'm glad to see you're all right. She said with a light bow.

"Yeah. Made it through another one. I got lucky." He said while pointing to his armor which now bore a large crack at the left shoulder area.

Oh my goodness! Did the weapon break through?!

"Yeah. Hurt like a son of a bitch. But Rhas managed to Heal me before any permanent damage was done."

Oh, thank the Goddess. She said softly with a hand over her heart.

"Thanks Rhas. Without him I'd definitely be crippled for life and wouldn't be able to fight anymore."

Of course. Rhas is our best Healer. So-

"Is Sei'rina singing my praises again?" Came another voice behind her.

A young man in Priest robes stepped into view and put a hand on Sei'rina's shoulder.

"I may be the one with the most experience, but I'm hardly our best healer Sei'rina. You give me way too much credit."

Sei'rina shook her head with a smile.

In just the last month you've taught me so much, though! And all the other Healers look to you for guidance too. How can we not call you 'the best'?

Rhas chuckled.

"Well, we all have a role ordained by the Goddess. Mine is to Heal. Nothing more. I don't need to be called 'the best' anything to do my job and fulfill the Goddess's good will."

Sei'rina chuckled.

"Oh, crap. Hey, c'mon you two. Looks like the Caravan's gearing up to move again since we still have some daylight."

Sei'rina and Rhas both nodded, but Rhas went ahead with Bertran while Sei'rina looked back to where Clark and Ian had just been allowed to stand and walk their separate ways. She couldn't help but sigh. Clark was always such a nice young man before the war started. Cheerful. Optimistic. But once the war started and his family's Inn was torched to the ground he changed in ways she'd never seen a person change before.

Honestly, it frightened her.

Gripping her Bloom Festival Staff tightly, she took a deep breath before walking South as the Caravan began moving again.

Their destination was about another day's walk down the South roads towards the border. A small town was there. But they were aiming for the forest just beside it to avoid being seen while they navigated the brush and woodlands to a newly built shack where a Scout would give them a new map of the area with the safest route. If they could make it to the border, they'd be home free. Gurein, violent and aggressive as it was, had already conquered the capitol city and slain their beloved Royal Family. King Rhamos and Queen Daea. And the Prince and Princess. All confirmed Slain.

Even if they managed to take their country back, there was no one in a position to lay claim to the throne. A new Royal Family would have to be chosen. And only the Goddess knew what that process would be like and how long it would take Zaerma to recover from what Gurein's invasion had done to it.

But the Goddess knew all, and Sei'rina had every faith their path would be revealed in time. They just had to survive.
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Danae let out a quiet grunt, keeping a certain distance from the rest of the convoy. The wound she sustained several days ago, on that fateful night...was far from closing fully. And in the scuffle that had just occurred, her spear could not strike as swiftly or truly as it often did, for fear of reopening it. Thankfully enough, the mettle of their little band proved quite enough to allow them to drive back their ambushers and live for another day. The night was falling, but surely they would see the next dawn. Anything beyond that was far more uncertain.

One of the young men gave himself to anger, amidst the pain and fear he was suffering. Danae was well acquainted with the sight. When one seemed to have no other options, indiscriminate rage seemed the next best thing. That was why she fought; so that no one had to feel so hopeless. And then he raised his hand-

-Danae's grip on her spear tightened, and she prepared to rush in and interpose its haft between him and the priestess-

-another man held him down, defusing the situation for now.

Danae's next breath was a sigh of frustration. As much as she had her ideals...it was becoming increasingly difficult to really feel that heroic spirit in the face of underhandedness on such a large scale. It was more than a greedy baron and his overtaxation, or a wild wyvern terrorizing the countryside. This was war, plain and simple. And yet...no few epic poems and songs were written of the heroes who fought in wartime to see justice done. Triumph seemed so far away...but it was there.

Her gaze swept over the group, and a shock of blue hair caught her eye. She'd recognise a noble anywhere. Adjusting her pace, she hit her stride next to the man carrying a bloodied axe.

"How fare you, lad? Any wounds that need tending to? It does not behoove a son of Lenmea to walk in his own blood."

Thanny Thanny
Out of all of the spots to be put for first duty, it had to be here in some forsaken location. He wished it was elsewhere. Morale had been so grim as of late with these other young lads taking things too greatly to heart, and Varna, coolly and callously, tried his best to ignore the man. It was impossible, however. He was lashing out towards his fellows, and he had half a mind to put the soldier to rest by knocking him out if he could with a well-aimed blow of his hand to the back of the neck. In the end, it was all fine and dandy, and the two that were causing the altercation had been broken apart by many hands. Varna looked at them, especially Sey-rina with a semblance of pity, then turned his head. He was glad that the noise had stopped and he can continue on without negative morale hampering his thoughts.

The faces of those around him seemed glum, shattered. Defeats never settled well with him, whether it be through game or contest, but with war this sensation seemed multiplied due to the sheer number of faces. At least some were elevating moods and shifting thoughts. He had been trying to do the same as best as he could, but perhaps he overzealously and facetiously tried to do so.

"How fare you, lad? Any wounds that need tending to? It does not behoove a son of Lenmea to walk in his own blood."

He looked over, a little surprised to see that he was being talked to, and by a comely lass no less. He grinned all the same, maintaining his speed and continuing to hold his axe perched on his shoulder, sharp end facing behind him.

"A son of Lenmea? I didn't think anyone'd peg me so quick, but I'm guessin' it must be the hair, as you've a similar hue. I'm good, thank you. All I have are scrapes and bruises, nothing to bother a healer for 'cept for blistered feet, and even then that's the boots' fault for being too loose. 'Appens all the time."

He gave a good look at her, recognising her as a person who did not wield a healing staff but rather a spear. That perplexed him, but perhaps she was trying to direct him to a healer rather than heal herself. His head shifted forward again, watching the backs of those that rode or walked in front.

"And you? Ya look uninjured 'cept maybe in spirits, and ya look handy with a spear like this weren't yer first time holding one."

Mentions: Nellancholy Nellancholy

Edit: Added coloured text.
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The caravan seems to be in a tense atmosphere, Blair thought as he observed two soldiers arguing while the maiden try to ease the situation. They are currently came to a stop, waiting for the scouts who seems to be late.... again.

It isn't their fault. They are not used to the forest.

The silver hair youth would have volunteered if not for the fact that he doesn't even know the shape of the map and thus, would likely to lead them in the wrong direction.

Where is Lenmea anyways. North? East? West? South?

He supposed it's a good thing he ran into the caravan while fleeing from his home. It would be hilarious if he ended up in the Gurein after running away from their soldiers.

Then, he hear the sound of conversation near by. The blue hair lady talking to an axe welding man. They seem to be isolated from anyone else, immersing in there own world. The woman has a grace in her that reminds him of the deer in a forest, while the man has a dangerous aura akin to the tiger.

Interesting folks

He thought, before continuing to observe the situation.
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Sei'rina kept pace with the others around her as they all walked together down the South road towards the border. The sun was still just barely visible on the horizon, so the time to set up camp would be coming up fast.

"Oi, Healer girl!" Came a shout behind her.

Sei'rina paused and looked over her shoulder and spied a large, bulky man with a rusted battleaxe approaching her.

"That Staff have any charges left? I need some healing."

"Oh, of course."

The pair stopped walking and Sei'rina closed her eyes while holding her Bloom Festival Staff up towards him. A subtle glow of white light shone around her hands, and the orbs on the Staff resonated with them and began gleaming with a teal-blue light of their own. The man's body started shimmering, and the wounds he'd sustained started glowing before closing and finally disappearing after about 20 seconds. Having stood still that long, they fell to the back of the caravan from where they'd been before as the caravan itself wouldn't be stopping for such things.

"Oi, thanks girl." He said as he hoisted his rusty old weapon up and jogged ahead to catch up to a few buds of his.

"You're welcome." Sei'rina whispered, more to herself than to him as he was already well out of earshot.

She sighed and started walking again, but she didn't recognize any faces immediately around her here at the back of the line.

The total Caravan they were traveling with consisted of five horse-drawn wooden box carts with weapons and supplies, as well as two horse-drawn wagons for keeping the few civilian refugees they'd rescued safe, and housing their food and water. A total of around 100 people comprised this particular group. And many of them either simple townsfolk forced to take up arms. Sei'rina herself was no combatant. So she'd been forced to watch for the most part and rush in to Heal whenever the chance presented itself. By the grace of the Goddess, Naga, nobody had attacked her yet while doing so. But she had a feeling that wouldn't last long. Especially if the battles got larger than the last skirmish.

Looking ahead to the 100-ish people walking around and ahead of her, she hoped that the bulk of the enemy's forces were all behind them so if conflict did break out, it wouldn't be as bad as last time.
"Please, for the love of the Goddess, stop him!" A desperate Beorc man wails from atop the medical stretcher he lays upon in the back of the infirmary wagon, with Darius struggling to set the man's leg, while two Beorc nurses try to keep him still, "Please, someone, stop him! Pleeeeasse! Ahhhh!"

"Would you two hold him down already!" Darius barks at the two nurses, before shouting across the temperory infirmary tent, "And will someone fucking muzzle him! If I have to hear him scream one more time--!"

Finally, the two nurses get their act together and press both their weight and their strength into restraining the patient, while another nurse grabs a piece of wrapped leather and shoves it into the patient's mouth to muffle the screams. With the patient now still, Darius exerts his strength on the broken leg, forcing the protuding piece of bone back into its proper place. And with a wet fleshy snap, the bone folds back into its proper place, extracting from the patient a long and mournful howl as tears spill down to the back of his head, his face flushed a hot red and strained from agony. With that done, the two nurses quickly work upon the leg, setting splints upon it and bandaging it up well, all while Darius holds the leg and its bone in place. While the nurses work, the patient no longer screams, but instead sobs and moans to himself, all while the wrapped leather still packs his mouth.

Once the nurses have finished their bandaging, Darius lets go, and the leg holds. Now, the patient is ready for the healers to do the rest, as soon as one becomes available. As for Darius, his work with this patient is done, and makes his way over to report in with Andraya, one of the coordinators, perched at the front of the wagon. And she also happens to be a Taguel.

"Andraya, I'm done with that last one." He informs her. "Need anything else?"

"By the Goddess, Darius, I do wish you would not be so rough with the Beorc." She remarks, looking up at him tiredly, "The way he was screaming, anyone would think you were torturing him."

"I helped, didn't I?!" Darius barked at her with a growl under his breath, "You asked me to set the bone, so I set the bone, and I needed to do it quickly! We are on the move, if you haven't noticed. We don't have the luxury to sit around and coddle the apes. And after what the Gurein did to that one, he should be damn happy to walk again! Besides, you knew what asking me to help would mean!"

"Yes. Yes, I did." Andraya sighed. "Still, you could develop a bit of a bedside manner. The way you treat--"

"Andraya, I am not here to debate this." Darius grumbles. "Now, I ask again. Do you need any other help?"

"Not in here. You've done enough." Andraya remarks with an exhausted tone, before she turns to point at a box of supplies kept aside in the wagon, filled with fresh skins of water and food rations. "Take these to the Wolfskin we rescued, I don't think anyone has given them anything yet. Make sure they all get something to drink and eat."

Darius, suitably calmed by this request, takes the box with a nod. "Of course. I'll be sure they get what they need."

"Thank you, Darius." Andraya gave him a tired nod and smile. "And ask the Wolfskin if any of them need any medical attention while you're with them. If they do, let me know and I'll have someone take care of them. If it's urgent, bring them over and I'll take care of them myself."

With that, the Kitsune gives a final nod, and heads out of the infirmary wagon. Rolling alongside the column, Darius hops out of the wagon to find the long and slow-moving column still in motion, plodding along steadily towards the south. As Darius gets going and weaves his way through the formations, heading over to the Wolfskin. While he passes, Darius overhears the apes arguing over the current situation; all shouts and wails and doom-mongering, just like he's heard a hundred times by now. Honestly, Darius is getting sick of hearing them bitch and whine rather than doing something constructive. Things could be worse, after all. Much worse. Darius ignores the apes and their sand-pounding, passing them all by without giving them a moment's attention.


The Wolfskin, when Darius finds them, are in rough shape. None look injured, from his cursory glance, but none look good. Wripped clothes, knotted and muddied fur, and possessed of vacant stares only found on a broken people. At least they can all walk. Still, there are some coping better than others.

"Darius!" A young Wolfskin cries as he jumps to attention, his face splitting into a grin before rushing over to the Kitsune. This excitable guy is Coda. He was rescued along with the other Wolfskin, but he seems to be holding everything together a lot better than the rest of his people. Despite only being a couple of years younger than Darius, he seems to have taken a shine to the Kitsune, and always seems delighted to see him. "Wait, what are these?" Coda exclaims seeing the box, looking into it as soon as he gets close, finding it full of skins and food, "Are these for us?"

"Yes, these are for you and your people." Darius says with a nod, "I've been asked to share them out among you. Perhaps you'd like to help me out."

"Of course I would!" The young pup grins, "Oh, I know whose hungry! Come on. I'll show you."

Coda then leads Darius through his small group of Wolfskin, and hands out the water and food as they go. Darius asks how each of them are doing, making sure none of them have injuries that need attending, and makes sure everyone gets something to eat. Coda does not leave Darius' side throughout, and goes to the trouble of introducing all of his kin to Darius. He also comes to hear of their stories as he walks with them. There are not many Wolfskin here, only a dozen or so out of hundreds from their clan. The rest were taken by the Gurein, for purposes that Darius is aware of all too well. It sets his heart ablaze to know what fate had befallen Coda's friends and family, and knowing there is little he can do about that now. But the Gurein pay will for it! THEY WILL PAY FOR IT DEARLY.
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"Nngh..." A man grunts out quietly. Walking near the back of the convoy, a hood over his head, and gritted teeth trying to hold it together. A glance down at his hand reveals blood. More blood than he had hoped. Damn. There were no lucky breaks, were there? The man, despite the blood coming out of his side, simply presses his hand into the wound and presses on. He hopes, he's hiding it enough, but knowing how uppity Clerics and Priests can be, he is attempting to stay out of sight. The limp in his gait is barely even noticeable...right?

Visions come across his gaze as he walks, his mind and focus in a different time, in a different place. Magic has an unusual smell, right before it's cast. The air seems to thin, or maybe perhaps, everything in the air is suddenly pushed out of the way by the sheer energy being thrown forward. People burned by magic smell even worse. But neither of those compare to the sound.

As the mercenary continues walking, his fist clenches and his teeth grit. His countenance is downcast, a rage building inside him unable to be hid.

He can still see that night perfectly. Rushing wind, blazing air. Swords drawn.




Seth suddenly finds himself on his knees, head having just banged into the cart.

Damn it. His mind chastises him. You fucking idiot! You lost too much blood to be getting...worked....


The mercenary now lays face down in the mud as the cart simply passes him by...
As Darius walked alongside the Wolfskin, suddenly he caught the scent of something. Something strange. He stopped, sniffing the air, catching young Coda's attention.

"What is wrong, Darius?" The Wolfskin asked, observing the Kitsune's sniffing, and he did so likewise. "Can you smell that?" Darius asks, turning around to face the opposite way the convoy was moving. "Yeah, I think so." Coda says, sniffing the air deeply, "But... I can't quite... make it out. What is that?"

"It's coming from over this way." Darius says, staring off down the length of the convoy, making off in the direction where the strange smell was coming from, jolting the young Wolfskin to follow close behind.

As the Kitsune followed his nose, he would start to see something on the ground, not making out exactly what it is, but it is close to the pathway of the convoy, and the smell was getting stronger the closer he reached this strange something. Darius took off toward it at a steady but hasty pace, Coda trailing behind him, and he would quickly come upon him. A man, laying face down upon the ground. And the smell. The smell was strong now, almost choking to the Kitsune. Coda was forced to shield his nose with his hand, it was so strong.

"By the Goddess, what is that stench?" Coda asked, looking down upon the body with a stark expression, "I-is he dead?"

"No, he's not dead, but wounded, I think." Darius tells the Wolfskin. The Kitsune does not recognise this man, but then again he is not the most observant of the Beorc. Either way, they cannot just stand here staring, the convoy is moving off. "Coda, help me grab him." He says, stooping down to lift the human, "We'll take him to the infirmary wagon."

Coda does as he is asked, and he helps the Kitsune pick up and carry the stranger towards the convoy. By the Goddess, does he stink! But then, most Beorc do to Darius, even if they are not usually this bad. Still, Darius and Coda bear it until they reach the infirmary wagon, pulling him aboard and laying him down within.

"Hey, you." Darius would bark at a passing woman, one he recognises as being one of the healers. He's seen her around before. "Healer. We found someone collapsed at the side of the convoy. I think he's injured but I do not know by what. He's in the wagon, come and take a look."

Kurteth Kurteth GojiBean GojiBean
The commotion had not abated by any measure despite the conclusion of the battle. A miasma of fear and pain hung over the convoy, and the more level-headed (or cold) members were doing their best to hold everything together even as it threatened to tear at the seams. The scar of that night really was still fresh in Danae's side, as well as on her heart. The night when she failed, despite her own heroism. When she fled to save her own life. Would it have been better if she had stood and fought to her last breath?

As Varna pointed out her grip on the spear, she reflexively adjusted it in her grasp. They weren't out of the woods yet, quite literally.

"Your eyes are as keen as your blade, o stalwart one." She nodded, forcing herself to return a thin smile. "I've had many a chance to whet my lance's tip on my travels. And I simply cannot stand by on this day on which such naked cruelty is wrought."

The screams of frustration and groans of pain continued around them, and each one felt like a knife to her back.

"Let us not falter." Her tone became drier. "It will surely make for a great tale to tell once we return and drive those Gurein out."

Thanny Thanny
Sei'rina had been walking slowly in the back of the caravan's line behind the last of the supply carts. A few lance wielding individuals were behind it for security. Better a fight happens than a free cart to jump into for anyone looking to take from them, after all. But as Sei'rina was turning her head to look to the East opposite the setting sun in the West, she heard a shout from not far away.

"Healer. We found someone collapsed at the side of the convoy. I think he's injured but I do not know by what. He's in the wagon, come and take a look."

"Oh! Of course!"
She called back as she jogged over towards the wagon.

Hopping up into the back of the wagon, Sei'rina glimpsed the man caked in mud mixed with blood and covered her mouth.

"Oh my."

She walked over to his side, trying carefully to avoid stepping on any medical supply boxes or bags around on the wagon's floor, before finding a seat next to the wounded man on a closed wooden box. Taking a moment to analyze the man's body for the injuries he'd sustained, most of it was on the one side. A fairly deep wound which was now covered in mud just as much as it was dripping blood onto the floor of the wagon.

Sei'rina didn't have much to clean that wound with. But she had a canteen with some water in it to drink from. And giving it a shake, there wasn't a whole lot left. Still... She poured it over the wound and used the end of her sash around her waist to wipe the wound as clean as possible before taking a breath and using her Bloom Festival Staff to heal the external damages.

The process took about 15 seconds before the wound began closing and the flow of blood ceased completely. And another 15 seconds for it to close all the way. However, there was still a small scar left over when she was done. Once the light faded from the Staff's orbs, she sighed and took a moment to catch her breath.

"He should be fine. He'll probably still be sore tomorrow, though." She said while looking up to Darius.

And it was then that she noticed something off about him. And the boy with him.

"Um... Are those... real?" She asked, glancing at the furry ears and the tails which were laid behind them as they sat and watched.

Obsidian Obsidian Kurteth Kurteth
"Nnn..." the unconscious man grunts as his wound is cleaned. His body shifts slightly, cringing involuntarily to the pain of his wound being cleansed by the girl. His squirming and shifting seems even worse when the wound beings to get stitched back together.

"Um... Are those... real?"

"No!" The mercenary screams out, his hand suddenly reaching up to grab Sei'rina by the collar. Just as quickly as his hand shoots up, it stops, inches from her collar. His face quickly contorts from anger to confusion, and then immediately into pain, his hand reaching down to the fresh scar.

"Haahhh...Sorry." He pants in pain, sweat beginning to form on his brow. He glances across the wagon towards the two Laguz, then back to the Beorc.

"...Am I interrupting?"

GojiBean GojiBean Obsidian Obsidian
Mentions: Nellancholy Nellancholy

The axeman tilted his head to the side, the bloomed smile dropped temporarily. He knew that look, even while not fully understanding . . . something. He did not quite get the whole gist, but loss seemed to bleed out from this blue-haired damsel that he had just met, and from others as well. He had to admire the way she handled herself, however. She seemed barely older than he was, and probably more sagacious, but very much respectable.

Varna shifted his eyes upward to the sky contemplatively as he kept pace, weaving a path through the overhead tree branches with his gaze. Such was a doomed effort not even five seconds in when he came to a crossroads of branches.

"I'm lookin' to plop meself in a great tale -- song, really -- so falterin' is a luxury I can't afford. Stay strong so you'z can keep that pretty smile o' yours. We'll answer that cruelty with a different sort to bring this war t' a quick 'n' just end."

Naive? Perhaps it was naive to believe in justice after the bloody assault on the capitol. This was one war where not just the people but the royals too had to suffer at the hands of aggression. He only hoped that his family, wherever they were now, were safe and out of enemy hands.

"Name's Varna Husk," he continued, looking back at his companion and shifting his axe to his left side to extend his leather-gloved hand for a handshake. "Gurein's got much to fear when it comes to us, as we'll survive all this 'n' make history in t' process, yeah?"
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Lucille had kept to herself for most of the day. It had been mostly uneventful, after all, and so she hadn't kept a close eye on things as of yet. This group was still fresh, after all, and Lucille had yet to become familiar with most of their group. Group... no, it was much, much larger than that. This was an army. Even now, it was difficult for her to grasp. She had never been a part of something like this before. How many of the people here could say the same? Surely not that many. She raised a hand to her brow, which creased.

Her thoughts were interrupted by something going on in the nearby wagon. She didn't investigate at first. After all, it seemed that others were already seeing to it. And, if it was what she suspected, Lucille was in no rush to see the evidence of battle. She knew that it was something she would need to get used to, but every time, it brought her back to that day. She clenched her fist, then unclenched it. Surely there wasn't any harm in it?

With this in mind, Lucille strolled over to the back of the wagon in question. When she started hearing shouting and hurried noises, Lucille's stroll turned into a quickened jog. By the time she came in view of the scene, the young woman's main hand was on the pommel of her sword, ready to take it out of her sheath at a moment's notice. Whoever this man was, even if he was one of their own, didn't seem to appreciate the help he was being given.

Lucille's eyes dart between the two Laguz, the offending man, and Sei'rina. "What's going on here?"

GojiBean GojiBean Obsidian Obsidian Kurteth Kurteth
Whatever God may be her witness, these people were damned huh?

It hadn't been long since shes been a part of this little brigade but the mood was utter trash before she knew it. Half the time it was much more convenient to block out the grumblings of their own misfortune and think on when they would swing by another village and Marn would have her chance to fly the coop, though she would have to wait for that to happen either way. Maybe there would be a bakery? It had been waaay too long since shes had something sweet to eat, but alas this war effort didn't gain her any chances. Her, in hindsight foolish revenge against her country had blinded her to what matters, and that was the procurement of nice things to eat.

A bit of a commotion interrupted her thoughts, ah, were they still going at it up front? No, the Gurein criminal had just collapsed for some reason, perhaps his injuries? He shoulda been a bit more forth coming about those, someone could die from those, a mousey healer at his side or no. If he had died then surely no one would be enough of his friend to notice if she happened to take some of his belongings for herself.

She sighs, the ease of pawing off with the dead's belongings was starting to become a thing for her. Marn wanted someone nice and warm and alive to rob again....she sighs once more.

Marn suddenly became aware, however, of where she was. Just about to pass by the fallen guy being attended to, they were fellow countrymen, she supposed. Even though they hadn't spoken a single word to one another, she should at least say something in such a trying time.

"Don't die, man." She says with a hint of forced concern. Marn didn't look to see his reaction, or if any of those people had heard her, so she went on her way.

Kurteth Kurteth GojiBean GojiBean Obsidian Obsidian
Interactions: n/a

Elen grunted with effort as her tired muscles screamed from the effort she was putting them through. A cart closer to the center of the collum had gotten stuck, and many passed with out stopping to help the several people trying to free the cart. Despite wanting to keep moving and desiring nothing more then a goodnights sleep, she had work to do. She was never the type of person who would have been able to rest easy knowing that she hadn't finished everything she could do. That is why despite having perfectly average strength, she set her things aside and lent a hand.

While the stronger members of the group lifted the underside of the cart or pulled up on the wheel, Elen helped from behind. Putting all her strength into it she pushed forward alongside the weaker members of the group who gave it everything they had. It was a long minute, but thankfully they managed to push it free of the small dip that it had gotten stuck in. She stepped back as the cart rolled free and smiled as several peoples let up cry's of victory or relief. A fellow next to her clapped his hand on her shoulder and gave her a hearty "Thank you Miss". She returned his big grin with a smile of her own and nodded her head. "Glad I could help" she responded and waived to the group as they continued on there way.

Raising her right arm Elen wiped the sweat off her forehead. She turned and picked up her bag containing all her possessions. The fact she carried everything she owned on her back and in this bag returned to her mind once more. A really depressing thought. As she looked back across the column she could see that the rear end was slowling up a bit. Perhaps there was another cart that was having difficulties. Shrugging off what tiredness she was feeling, she shook her head and headed off to the rear. Maybe she could be of some kind of assistance.
"Husk..." Danae murmured, soft enough that her conversation partner might not even hear it. Truly noble names, the ones who had managed to preserve their bloodline (and pedigree) for generations if not centuries, would always end up with tales and songs told of their great exploits, honored titles and breathless chronicles passed down from father to son (or at length, the occasional daughter).

But of Husk Danae had heard little. Less legend and praise, but more concrete reports and rumors. Mother's dismissal of their fortunes when Leda asked if they might be persuaded to invest in the newly-minted Andrius refinery. Apparently, they had been on the decline the past few decades, and they didn't have awfully much to begin with. Was this sturdy man one of those Husk? Surely with their prospects snuffed out like a faint cinder, it would make sense that one of their sons would be sent to strike out on his own like this.

"Varna Husk." She said more firmly this time. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, even at the moment night falls before us." Both figuratively and literally. "I am...Andrius, first of my name." She chose not to address his presumed situation directly. "This is...your next chapter and mine, in our own stories. Or perhaps this is the beginning of a brand new story, if you would prefer." Reaching into the pouch on her belt, she took out one of the vulnerary bottles, holding it out to him. "Accept this token, if you please. Perhaps if it remains unopened it will be a relic of legend in ages to come. And if not...may it save you in a dire moment."

Thanny Thanny
"Husk..." Danae murmured, soft enough that her conversation partner might not even hear it. Truly noble names, the ones who had managed to preserve their bloodline (and pedigree) for generations if not centuries, would always end up with tales and songs told of their great exploits, honored titles and breathless chronicles passed down from father to son (or at length, the occasional daughter).

But of Husk Danae had heard little. Less legend and praise, but more concrete reports and rumors. Mother's dismissal of their fortunes when Leda asked if they might be persuaded to invest in the newly-minted Andrius refinery. Apparently, they had been on the decline the past few decades, and they didn't have awfully much to begin with. Was this sturdy man one of those Husk? Surely with their prospects snuffed out like a faint cinder, it would make sense that one of their sons would be sent to strike out on his own like this.

"Varna Husk." She said more firmly this time. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, even at the moment night falls before us." Both figuratively and literally. "I am...Andrius, first of my name." She chose not to address his presumed situation directly. "This is...your next chapter and mine, in our own stories. Or perhaps this is the beginning of a brand new story, if you would prefer." Reaching into the pouch on her belt, she took out one of the vulnerary bottles, holding it out to him. "Accept this token, if you please. Perhaps if it remains unopened it will be a relic of legend in ages to come. And if not...may it save you in a dire moment."

Thanny Thanny

Interactions: Nellancholy Nellancholy Dante Verren Dante Verren

The large man looked curiously at the woman before him, the one that called herself Andrius. She had a curious nature, one that he could not help but enjoy, and her flowery prose was a joy to hear outside of poetry he studied in schooling years ago. Those books had long since been gone -- removed like his home, the place of his birth -- so this gifted use of language was a joy to hear again.

He laughed heartily as he saw the present, and smiled roguishly at the young woman.

"Usually a token's a lady's favour by t' old codes, a wasted effort ta someone penniless as me, but I'm mighty obliged, ma'amoiselle. I'll keep it and use it to keep meself and o'ers safe, 'n' keep t' glass with somethin' beautiful ambered inside ta revere your legacy, fella protagonist. Hope ta see you around, Miss Andrius."

He tried his best to mirror her eloquence, but it was difficult to break free from old habitual language. He meant every word, though, and hoped it would be conveyed as such as he gratefully took the vulnerary. He looked behind with a furrowed brow, then back towards her.

"I may've seen someone to salve back behind. I'll take a gander 'n' see if they need healin' to mark the first use." He flashed a goofy, clueless grin toward his companion. "Also? Love the words you use. You'd make a great bard someday, iffin you play an instrument."

With that, he headed toward the back, clutching his axe firmly as he looked down at the pale medicinal liquid in his hand. Truth is that he heard the yelling and knew the staff was overworked. Maybe some medicines would help the wounded man or more in the wagon, but he would have to be selective, as these medicines weren't cheap. A bottle was worth more than the axe he was holding, if he recalled right.

Seeing the wagon containing Sey'rina, many beastfolk, and a very active wounded man as overcrowded, he decided against going there in the end.
Instead he cast a glance toward the soldiers in the far back and the last of the group, catching in his eye the lady that helped with the stuck wagon earlier, Elenora. He decided to greet her, but did not know her name, so he tried to keep it short as a manner of recognition.

"I remember you'z from earlier, the strong lass. Good job with t' wagon. Ya put all ya effort inta it and got it movin' again because o' it."

He offered a smile as he said so, pocketing the vulnerary for now. Would that he could pocket his axe. The thing was heavy and he had no sling to put it in, not even a belt.
Darius and Coda sat on the other side of the strange Beorc to Sei'rina, and watched as the healer worked her arts. Darius simply looks on with a slightly grim expression, but Coda watches with sheer amazement stitched across his face. Some of the clans and tribes of the non-Beorcs are not accustomed to magic, and seeing it performed before his own eyes was simply mind-blowing for the young Wolfskin. Then, the question came.

"Um... Are those... real?"

Darius and Coda look up at the healer, to her glancing at their ears and tails. "Oh, yeah! They're real! See!" Coda exclaims in his excitement, and then proceeds to swivel his ears around before making them flick in the air, while his tail swings around and drapes itself over his knees, the tip flexing and waving in the air in front of him. "They're really soft and warm too! I like to--"

The young Wolfskin suddenly cuts himself off as he senses eyes upon him, and looks beside him to see Darius giving him a warning look. Immediately, Coda's ears fold down and he dips his head, before speaking again with a more subdued tone. "Well... so... yeah, they are real. But you can't touch them, Beorc. We're not your pets, after all!"

With that said, the Kitsune's expression softens with approval, and he turns his gaze back to the healer, a slight glower behind his eyes. "That's right. Exactly as he said. We're not your pets, so keep your hands to yourself." Even if Darius hasn't known Coda all that long, he's already got the young Wolfskin pretty well trained.


Suddenly, the injured man before them leapt up and reached for Sei'rina, and in that moment Darius immediately acted on instant. As quick as a flash, Darius grabbed ahold of Coda and pulled the young Wolfskin behind him to shield him from any upcoming attack, all while he jumped to his feet ready to pounce on the Beorc and rip him to shreds. But before Darius do so, the man cried out in pain, and suddenly dropped straight down onto the floor of the wagon once more.

"Haahhh...Sorry." The man whines, making Darius pause, "...Am I interrupting?"

The Kitsune glowered down upon the injured man for a moment, before his attention split by yet another interruption.

"What's going on here?" Came a voice, feminine and elegent, yet one that holds within it a hidden strength. But that train of thought was one for another time. He returned his attention to the mysterious stranger, and gave his response to the lady's question. "That is something we are about to find out."

"Now that you are awake, and not approaching your death, perhaps you can start answering some questions for us."
Darius begins, settling back on next to Coda but with his guard up, ready to attack at a moment's notice, the Kitsune's voice edged with that exact implicit threat. "Such as who you are and exactly why you are here? I do not recognise you, not your face and not your scent. So start explaining. And you get only one chance to speak the truth, Beorc, so think carefully."

Kurteth Kurteth GojiBean GojiBean Bixir Bixir
So much was happening all at once.

The ears and tails were real. And if that was true. Then she was looking at...

Almost immediately Sei'rina broke into a cold sweat and felt her heart rate skyrocketing. The ears... They matched. The tails too. It was just like back then.

In her mind she was a child again. Alone in the forest with a handful of flowers. The next moment the flowers were scattering through the air as she spun and fled from dark, indistinguishable masses of fur with glowing yellow eyes and sharp teeth reflecting the moon's light through the tree canopy.

Unconsciously, Sei'rina's right hand moved to grip her left arm below the elbow, covered by her elbow-length arm sleeves, and her left leg began to tremble. Still images of her somewhat fragmented memory of the incident wouldn't go away, holding on the few moments she remembered vividly such as the pain and fear at seeing the shredded flesh of her arm and leg in the jaws of the beasts that hunted her.



She was cut off by a powerful grip on her collar which pulled her face to face with the injured man who'd jolted awake and was now screaming in her face. What was happening?

"What's going on here?"

Another voice. So many voices. Too many!

When the man let go of Sei'rina's collar her eyes were wide and glassy, with sweat dripping down her face and neck to the now partially exposed cleavage of her chest. She fumbled her attempt to fix her collar, her hand shaking uncontrollably all the while, before finally finishing that task and standing up shakily.

"P-... Please, excuse me." She gasped, unable to breathe properly.

She stumbled her way to the back of the wagon and almost fell out due to how unstable and shaky her arms and legs were. And once her feet touched the dirt she fell to her knees, earning a yip of pain as she hit the ground, and dropped her Staff before catching herself on both hands as she gasped for breath and attempted to regain control of herself.

Her chest felt tight, and it was if her airways had become the size of a sewing needle. Every inhale was agony. It was cold. It burned. And it never felt like it was never enough to fill her lungs. Every exhale felt like it was releasing too much. And no amount of inhaling could fix it. Fast as it had been, her heart rate continued to increase as her body struggled to take in enough air to fill her blood with oxygen.

Slowly, she slumped down and laid flat on her stomach before flipping over to her back and putting her arms up above her head.

Breathe, Sei'rina. She thought. You've got to breathe!

Sharp, short breath in. Deeper breath out. Sharp, short breath in. Deeper breath out. It was getting worse. Her heart felt like it was five times larger than normal and pressing against her lungs which felt completely deflated.

And while Sei'rina lie there fighting to breathe, the caravan continued to move.

"S-someone... Please... H-help me..." She gasped weakly.

Obsidian Obsidian Bixir Bixir Kurteth Kurteth Krishnas Krishnas

Dansly Rimeholt
Rear of Caravan
Interactions: GojiBean GojiBean
The two needed very little words when it came to working alongside one another these days. A slight pat to his friend's neck was all that Curga needed to know that Dansly had enough of flying today. He could hardly be blamed either. The injury might have clotted over by now, but the bandages were well and caked with dried blood and in all likelihood he'd have another scar to show for it. It was not his first time against other people, but bandits and pouchers didn't have their own flyers for him to face off against in the sky. It had been... both terrifying and exhilarating to whip around in the air, hanging onto Curga for dear life while clashing steel on steel.

Well, it was technically iron. Dansly's eyes wandered down to his weapon as it hung from the saddle and even in the fading sunlight, he could see that the edge had a few chips from the use it had seen today. He'd need to see about taking care of it before he retired for the night. Turning his attention to the caravan below, the darkly colored wyvern cast a shadow over the retreating forces as it angled around to land near the back with a faint nudge from Dansly's feet. A few drops of blood from the cooled corpse caught in his maw may have rained down in their passing.

With a few powerful flaps of its wings that kicked up a bit of dust, Curga finally set down at the back of the caravan to a few weary gazes from the stragglers. Which was fair enough. He certainly wasn't part of the country's actual Wyvern Riders, and Curga hadn't been particularly picky when it came to chowing down on a Gurein corpse or two.

Dansly hopped himself off his companion's back with a practiced ease, but paused when he noticed that their landing had kicked up quite a bit of dust over someone that had fallen behind. Quite literally fallen over in fact, and it seemed their sudden arrival had made many wary to approach. Curga barely seemed to notice as he started to messily dig in to his evening meal. Meat tearing, bones crunching, and a mix of noises that wouldn't have been out of place on the battlefields they were all on the run from.

Dansly partook in some of the catch as well as he bit down on a bloody strip of meat he'd harvested from the hunt earlier, but he also approached the fallen woman while he chewed. Instead of bothering to ask if she was alright, he went straight to sitting her up as he brushed off some of the dust that had blown over her. "Sorry about that. Didn't even notice you until we landed."
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Seth coughed slightly, looking down at the newcomer who was now outside the wagon. Then, he was being berated by the Laguz. This...this was a lot.

Struggling to sit up, gritting his teeth and furrowing his brow. He turned towards the Laguz, meeting his eyes with an unwavering fire, matching the determination.

"I'm a mercenary. I saw your group being attacked by Guerin forces and jumped int-"

He was suddenly cut-off by his savoir falling out the back of the wagon.

He tried lurching forward, but was seized by pain.

"Hey-agh!" He cringes.
"You ok?" He asks out the back of the wagon, not being able to see her.

He glances at Lucille, hoping she will assist.

GojiBean GojiBean Bixir Bixir Obsidian Obsidian
Lucille struggled to make means of what was going on. At first, there were the Laguz, the healer, and the Beorc man in the wagon, and now suddenly, there were one, two more in this scene, all while the convoy continued to move. It was enough for the woman to pause herself to take stock of these developments, delaying her response to... well, everything. She was beginning to understand, though perhaps she was no longer needed.

...not in the wagon, anyway. She did not look Seth in the eye, though she seemed to heed his silent request in her own way. Lucille had started to move over to Sei'rina to help her up when... actually, Lucille had no idea what that thing was. It was monstrous. And a man was riding it. Just what was going on outside of her world that such things were possible, and more, that they were a part of the army?... if they were, indeed, a part of the army. She had nelt on Sei'rina's side opposite Dansly when he approached her and sat her up. She eyed him warily. Her sword arm remained firmly on the pommel. If anything, she was gripping it more tightly now.

"And where do you and your..." Lucille paused, unsure just how to refer to it. Her eyes followed the dragon as it remained nearby, like some kind of overgrown guard dog. "...creature, come from? When did you join us?"

GojiBean GojiBean Zombehs Zombehs
In her attempt to leave the scene a gust of wind interrupted her movement, and in turning her head toward it she found herself facing a very large Flying Wyvern who had just landed in the middle of this mess and likely worsening it over all. Still, though, the thing was cool to look at in person considering Marn's only reference was from books. As much as she did want to pet the thing a little, there was also a guy leaning over the girl who had just fainted to some degree, perhaps because of the kitsune man? She wasn't paying close enough attention to really surmise what had happened there. Still, though, she was probably doing bad at the moment.

"Question him, and that other guy I guess, after getting that one away from the big guy here," She said to the woman crouched by the fallen one, what was her name? Lu...cy? "She might lose her lunch in fear. Actually, I could," Marn paused, putting a helping hand out as she realized the girl was a bit taller and probably heavier than her. She actually didn't want to heft her around now but, well, she already offered. "...Walk her."

Bixir Bixir GojiBean GojiBean Kurteth Kurteth Zombehs Zombehs Obsidian Obsidian
Interaction: Thanny Thanny

Elen did her best to keep her feet from dragging as she made her way down the length of the advancing column. She got many questioning looks from those that bothered to pay any mind. After all you would have expected to see people walking along the same path of the fleeing column, not walking the other direction. Perhaps they suspected she was a healer, although she carried no staff she definitely did not look like she was dressed for battle. Her Tome was stored safely in her bag that hung from her shoulders and rested at her hip. The only visible weapon being a small knife she kept in it's small scabbard on the hip opposite that her bag rested on.

She could see that the bag part of the column was still lagging behind, there was no way that the entire thing was going to slow down to let the rear catch up either. Hopefully everything was alright. She hadn't heard any form of confrontation or sounds of battle so it at least wasn't any kind of attack. She decided she would pick up her pace a bit, starting to force herself into a jog. That was until a voice called out to her.

Elen turned her head to see who had been speaking to her. A man was speaking to her with a strange accent and ruffled blue hair was looking at her as he was speaking. Even though he was looking right at her, it still took a minute for her to register that she was the object of his greeting. After all she wasn't use to being called a strong lass. Well she wasn't use to being called a lass at all to be perfectly honest. His demeanor gave off an air of authority mixed with confidence. The large axe he carried only backed up the assumption that he was a figure of power and authority. Almost as a reflex Elen quickly saluted. "Thank you sir!" She said. Realizing what she had done, she quickly lowered her salute and smiled sheepishly. "I'm actually not that strong, I was just extra body weight doing what I could. Better to throw yourself in and keep things moving then let anyone fall behind." she quickly glanced behind herself, "Speaking of falling behind... you wouldn't happen to know what is going on back there would you sir?"
Interactions: Dante Verren Dante Verren

The axeman could not help but feel amusement from Elenora. She did not seem to figure out that she was being spoken to, and when she did she dropped into a salute. The sides of his mouth wrinkled and rose. Did she think he was some commanding officer?

"Ah, now, no needs for t' whole 'sir' thing," Varna chortled, brushing back his tumultuous hair. It was a fruitless effort as it came back right where it was, but he paid little mind to that. "I ain't a commandin' officer or nothin', but more a recruit like much of us rag-tags. As for what's happenin' back there, that'll be our wyvern rider, I reckon. I bet with 'is mien, he'd be better suited for a pegasus iffin they didn't be choosy towards t' more ladylike of our kind."

He snickered again, not really noticing that the healer had fallen and was having a panic attack because he unfortunately did not look back there again after seeing the crowd of people.

"Sorry; that's a joke. He's pretty scary-lookin'. Regardless, I ain't gonna press, but I wanted ta recognise ya action. Name's Varna. Judgin' from ya toting a book bag, I assume ya study magecraft? Never was my specialty, even if I did try. Communin' with nature's never my strong suit, nor commandin' it, it seems, as I spent five or more charges 'fore they took t' fire tome back, fury i' their eyes."

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