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Fantasy Final Ultimatum [OOC - We're discussing character dev. Stop on by.]


  • View attachment 802545Character Name:
    Last name: Unmei
    Fist name: Aoi
    (Blue Destiny)
    Nickname(s): TBA
    Alias: The Magitech Mercenary
    Age: 21 physically, actually 3 years old in reality.
    Race: Tenyo
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 95lbs
    Hair Color: Pink
    Eye Color: The left eye is blood red. Right eye is Green.
    Occupation: A hired mercenary who fights for whoever pays the most wealth for her services.

    General Description: There is an black angelic wing concealed beneath her jacket. It never comes out unless she has to get out of a bad situation in combat.

    Personality: Unmei is a woman who is normally calm at any time of day when not in a conflict. She is clueless about some human behavior, such as love and public decency, as she may kiss a girl who is upset or if her shirt gets dirty, she'll take it off to clean it immediately. She gets along well with most people, but if anyone manages to actually anger her, she won't hesitate to smack the offender upside the head.

The Mecha has to be a Major God ability. Normally, primary weapons are a minor god ability, but you don't have a normal weapon. You will need to make your Technology skill the Summon Mecha skill. Your character is horribly underweight. At her height and being 95lbs, what strength would she even have? She's practically a skeleton. Lastly, Death does not grant life. Your character would not resurrect with Death magic. Life grants Life.
The Mecha has to be a Major God ability. Normally, primary weapons are a minor god ability, but you don't have a normal weapon. You will need to make your Technology skill the Summon Mecha skill. Your character is horribly underweight. At her height and being 95lbs, what strength would she even have? She's practically a skeleton. Lastly, Death does not grant life. Your character would not resurrect with Death magic. Life grants Life.

I fixed the issues except I need some idea as to what Death can do again for minor gods, so I can replace the prior ability. .
“Death is the destroyer. Death deals with destruction, decay, fear to include nightmares, curses, demons, darkness, the seven sins (temptations), and The Void. Sometimes, the power of Death is a curse to the one who uses it. Death's magic is never pleasant even for the wielder.”
“Death is the destroyer. Death deals with destruction, decay, fear to include nightmares, curses, demons, darkness, the seven sins (temptations), and The Void. Sometimes, the power of Death is a curse to the one who uses it. Death's magic is never pleasant even for the wielder.”
Where in the hell did you find this bro????
“Death is the destroyer. Death deals with destruction, decay, fear to include nightmares, curses, demons, darkness, the seven sins (temptations), and The Void. Sometimes, the power of Death is a curse to the one who uses it. Death's magic is never pleasant even for the wielder.”

The void? Is that like... a black hole? The Black Knight The Black Knight ? If it is, I feel swayed to make Lucifer's skill the ability to temporarily banish a target out of existence.

  • View attachment 802588 Character Name and Meaning:

    Nickname(s): .
    A nickname that Ales came up with and often calls her. Catherine does often tell people to call her this, finding the less grandiose nature of the nickname slightly comforting.

    None yet

    Catherine was created a few months ago but appears to be mentally and physically 18.




    152 lbs

    Hair Color:

    Eye Color:

    Currently, Catherine performs odd jobs around a peaceful farming village on the edges of the land in return for shelter, food, and sometimes money.

    General Description:
    Catherine is a young pale skinned brunette with a rather athletic broadshouldered physique. She has pale silver eyes with the silver taking up her entire eye as well as a more vivid hue when she uses her powers. Signifying her connection to her minor gods, she has a silver markings of feathery wings right underneath her colar bones and a silver circular pattern similar to those found on dream catchers on the palms of her hands.

    Catherine is a socially awkward and very clumsy female. Currently struggling to use her godly abilities, faced with a destiny to save the world from the God of Death, and having the worst luck at times due to her clumsiness, Catherine is the kind to panic easily, especially in the face of unexpected changes she had not anticipated. She is the kind who enjoys relying on routine, strategies, and instructions, often preferring to have a plan and being far from good at thinking on her feet in both battle and conversation. She tends to get nervous in conversations, doing her best to be polite but getting instantly concerned when things possibly begin to go wrong as she struggles to think of a reply. That does not stop her from being too blunt for her own good, often approaching things directly and honestly and often picking up hints that that may not be the best strategy too late. Even in cases where she does have to lie, such as hiding that she is a Tenyo from the village she is staying at, she is a terrible liar.

    Despite her fear and nervousness, Catherine is truly a caring individual who is very protective and loyal to the ones she cares about. While she does get scared easily and tends to struggle with calming herself when she is alone, Catherine does show to become much braver when there is someone to protect, often being spurred into action just to ensure no one, especially her loved ones, get injured, even if it means sacrificing herself. She also does have a kind heart, treating all as politely as she can despite her caution and bluntness unless they give her a reason not to.

    Catherine is a down to earth individual as well, often trying to approach things pragmatically and logically. This logical view does assist her in planning ahead of time as she often acts cautiously and thoughtfully when she is not panicking. This is why she prefers plans, finding a logical strategy to allow her to focus on something logical and trustworthy when she is in the face of danger.

    Nonetheless, Catherine does struggle with many self-esteem issues. Faced with a destiny that carries great significance and powers that she can barely use, Catherine does tend to doubt whether she can ever become a great hero like she was created to be. She just feels... unworthy. Yet if she isn’t worthy to be a hero... what is she supposed to do with her life?

Gravity's Hold - If you choose to control time, then you're not exactly protecting her from a high impact fall. You're basically throwing your character against the ground to splatter her. She would definitely need to use her crystal shell if she plans to drop herself so suddenly.

No beings on Ultima but the minor gods who created them, know about the Tenyo so she doesn't need to hide. Neither do her minor gods because minor gods are a regular sight. Catherine can walk around like anyone else and nobody would suspect she was alien to the planet because there are so many fantasy creatures already inhabiting it.
Nihilist_Ulquiorra Nihilist_Ulquiorra ’s Character

  • View attachment 802376Character Name: Akira.
    Nickname(s): TBD.
    Alias: Mephisto.
    Age: 16 years, appears as such.
    Race: Tenyo.
    Gender: Male.
    Height: 5’10.
    Weight: 120 lbs.
    Hair Color: Black.
    Eye Color: Red.
    Occupation: Villian.

    General Description: Akira is a 16-year-old Tenyo who’s form closely resembles that of a young man. His skin is fair, and his hair is black. His figure is fairly thin, but his overall physical power is unlike what he may seem to be. He often wears dark clothing, and is most commonly seen wearing a black overcoat. His clothing style usually manages to be aesthetically pleasing as well as stealthily effective. He’s usually wearing a plain, dark grey dress shirt underneath his coat, which is like any other. It possesses no pockets, and is not paired with a tie of any kind. He wears black slacks, tucked into boots of the latter colour.

    Personality: Akira is known to be a cruel, yet charming character. He’s intelligent, and is particularly good at manipulating others into following his lead. He is fond of being the one in charge, and when he isn’t, he’s quick to make his way to the top no matter the means necessary. He often finds his way out of potentially bad situations through his trickery and quick thinking.

The Scythe power is not working dude. You have this scythe performing two different functions and "healing" is not a function of Death. You have added three abilities to this scythe. Your weapon needs to do one thing. You fix this Scythe issue and it should be good.
Gravity's Hold - If you choose to control time, then you're not exactly protecting her from a high impact fall. You're basically throwing your character against the ground to splatter her. She would definitely need to use her crystal shell if she plans to drop herself so suddenly.

No beings on Ultima but the minor gods who created them, know about the Tenyo so she doesn't need to hide. Neither do her minor gods because minor gods are a regular sight. Catherine can walk around like anyone else and nobody would suspect she was alien to the planet because there are so many fantasy creatures already inhabiting it.
Alrighty! I'll change those aspects in her backstory and for Gravity's Hold, I'm confused since technically, she can slow herself down, thus preventing her from simply being splattered and instead just floating to the ground. I can change it that she is controlling manipulating physics/gravity in a sense, adjusting the velocity she is falling at, if that is better. But yeah, she would need the crystal shell to survive if she plans to do rapid impact falls like that, thus preventing her from abusing the power too much.

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