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Fantasy Final Ultimatum [OOC - We're discussing character dev. Stop on by.]

Stitches and Patchwork Stitches and Patchwork You said in the ability description that she can speed up time to have her fall faster for this earth shattering impact fall. It wouldn't be one because she doesn't have any special defense. Therefore, I was telling you she'd have to use her crystal powers to absorb damage from the impact.
Stitches and Patchwork Stitches and Patchwork You said in the ability description that she can speed up time to have her fall faster for this earth shattering impact fall. It wouldn't be one because she doesn't have any special defense. Therefore, I was telling you she'd have to use her crystal powers to absorb damage from the impact.
Ah I see. Well I will edit it to clarify that she will need to use her crystal shell if she is to speed up her falling speed just to survive. I do plan to use ability mainly for its time slowing aspect as in she can prevent herself from experiencing injuries from high falls by slowing herself down and simply floating to the ground and am fine with taking out the whole fall faster aspect if needed.
I had a going away party today thus why I was ghosting. I am getting ready to move back to the U.S. and I fly Saturday so if I start becoming scarce you know why. Tomorrow is my last day and free day so I'll be on here getting you guys locked in before I vanish for a day.
I had a going away party today thus why I was ghosting. I am getting ready to move back to the U.S. and I fly Saturday so if I start becoming scarce you know why. Tomorrow is my last day and free day so I'll be on here getting you guys locked in before I vanish for a day.
Is my CS good now?
Can you guys repost your CSes rather than me digging for them?

The ones that still need approval that is. I provided links to the approved ones on the OP.

  • fabc29a23281aeaa825d7f085f91fba7.jpgCharacter Name:
    Last name: Unmei
    Fist name: Aoi
    (Blue Destiny)
    Nickname(s): TBA
    Alias: The Magitech Mercenary
    Age: 21 physically, actually 3 years old in reality.
    Race: Tenyo
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 145 lbs
    Hair Color: Pink
    Eye Color: The left eye is blood red. Right eye is Green.
    Occupation: A hired mercenary who fights for whoever pays the most wealth for her services.

    General Description: There is an black angelic wing concealed beneath her jacket. It never comes out unless she has to get out of a bad situation in combat.

    Personality: Unmei is a woman who is normally calm at any time of day when not in a conflict. She is clueless about some human behavior, such as love and public decency, as she may kiss a girl who is upset or if her shirt gets dirty, she'll take it off to clean it immediately. She gets along well with most people, but if anyone manages to actually anger her, she won't hesitate to smack the offender upside the head.
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Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 The 5 minute duration in "Limit Break." Time cannot be measured in writing, so instead of saying five minutes, you need to decide for how many turns. Turn duration.

Between you and the other player Stitches and Patchwork Stitches and Patchwork You both have "wrath" abilities where you go crazy and can kill anyone. In order to balance the game, I want only one of you to have that ability and because Stitches was first with it, I'm giving her priority. If Stitches chooses to let you have the wrath/berserk ability, then that's on them.

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