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Realistic or Modern Fight For This Love

The next several weeks were really up and down with tori and by the time they were getting to the 8 month mark she had gone super downhill but she was still determined to make sure the baby was gonna be okay before they did anything. She watched Jon wall in that morning with coffee in his hand and reached tiredly towards him.
Jon heads over to her and takes her hand gently. “Hey.” He says softly and sips his coffee. He sets it down and lays his head on the bed. “How are you feeling today?” He asks softly.
She shrugged. “I’ve been a lot lot worse.” She mumbled. “They want to see if we can try to have Abigail today.” She told him quietly and coughed some, rubbing her fingers through his hair. “Did you sleep okay?”
Tori smiled and watched him tiredly. “Then come here and lay down.” She mumbled reaching for him tiredly, “you’re gonna look worse than I do soon enough.” She teased gently.
Jon crawls into the bed with her and holds her close gently. “They’re gonna start treatment as soon as you have her right?” He asks softly. He runs a hand through her hair gently.
She nodded and smiled holding onto him. “Yeah... well... once she’s here and once they’re sure I’m stable enough.” She mumbled tiredly, resting her head on his shoulder.
She nodded and smiled holding onto him. “Yeah... well... once she’s here and once they’re sure I’m stable enough.” She mumbled tiredly, resting her head on his shoulder.
Tori smiled and stayed quiet so he could get some sleep, falling asleep next to him. They would be having their baby in the afternoon and she hadn’t hire wrapped her head around it yet but she was excited. Both to meet Abigail and also to start getting better hopefully.
Jon curls into her and sleeps for a few hours before waking up and stretching. He sighs softly and rubs a hand over his face. He glances around and gets off the bed, moving to the chair.
Tori woke up not long after him andsighed heavily. “I can’t wait to not have swollen feet anymore.” She grumbled at him some.
She frowned some and just sat up trying to catch her breath, not able to breathe steady enough to answer him, just gripping at his hand tightly and frowning more as she started to panic.
Jon frowns and quickly hits the call button for a nurse. He holds her hand tightly and rubs it. “It’s gonna be okay. Try to breathe deep breathes sweetie.”
She let out a quiet whimper, just leaning forward to try and ease the stabbing pain she was feeling in her chest, gripping tighter, "I can't get.... Air in." She grunted, staring at him terrified until her doctor eventually arrived to check her over and it wasn't long after that when they were moving Jon out of the room to give them more space to work that she stopped breathing entirely and a code was called, pushing him out of the room now to try their best to help her
Her doctor came to spea to him about an hour later and got him to take a seat in a private waiting room, "I have good and bad news... The good news is that your daughter was born just over half an hour ago and so far so good she seems healthy as we could have hoped for. She'll stay here for a couple weeks so we can make sure everythign is okay... The bad news is about Tori... Mr. Bernthal I'm very sorry but she suffered an unexpected pulmonary embolism.... We were able to clear the clot but the stress sent her into labor and she just wasn't strong enough.... She didn't make it." He explained to him
Jon smiles hearing his little girl was doing good but his smile drops at the news of tori. He shakes his head and tears up. He looks down and buries his face in his hand, shaking a little. He takes a few minute to calm down and glances at the doctor. “Can I see my daughter?”
He frowned and nodded. “Would you like a few minutes with miss Sullivan first? This will unfortunately be the only chance.” He explained to him gently.
Jon frowns and nods. “Yes please.” He murmurs softly and follows the doctor. He looks over at tori and breaks down. “I’m so sorry.” He whimpers and holds her hand.
They gave him as much time
As they could before a nurse took him to where his daughter was and left him with the NICU nurses to help him out with her.
Jon wipes his eyes and smiles a little at his daughter. She was so beautiful. He watches her and bites his lip softly. She was so small.

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