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Fantasy Feuding kingdoms..... OOC....

Day 1:
Already hit up my cuz with that romance
AYE, when'll we be startin' capt'n? Reiia silver Reiia silver
unfortunately we can't even start until we get all the roles for the royalties, also just be too difficult with the arrangement and it would be nice to get more Castle workers... But we will see if people want to double up as another royalty though I'm kind of okay with that at this point since we need more people
unfortunately we can't even start until we get all the roles for the royalties, also just be too difficult with the arrangement and it would be nice to get more Castle workers... But we will see if people want to double up as another royalty though I'm kind of okay with that at this point since we need more people
Aye! I suspect it won't be long though, the thread has filled up pretty damn fast! ^^
feel free to hmu with affair requests


am i joking

who knows
I'd be all for it, but number one Hana is probably too young for him and number two she is in another kingdom
That true, please dont get me in trouble for dating someone half my age, GOTTA RUN
Hey Reiia silver Reiia silver so I have decided to make Hana's lady in waiting her mother figure, the woman who rasied her. Does Hana respect her and see her as a mother you think, or not quite? Would she go to her for advice/respect her judgement or be slightly immature and disregard her input on a situation? Thanks
Hey Reiia silver Reiia silver so I have decided to make Hana's lady in waiting her mother figure, the woman who rasied her. Does Hana respect her and see her as a mother you think, or not quite? Would she go to her for advice/respect her judgement or be slightly immature and disregard her input on a situation? Thanks
with her and she's a typical teenager, so she definitely would have the respect for her usually but at the same time she would also be like "I'm the Princess you have to listen to me" kind of attitude when she is mad or something like that. But for the most part I think she would definitely listen to her and respect her
OMG! I'm starting to stress about this, there is a few people I have not heard back from.... and I know that people And we still need more people are going to want to get started!
Dont worry! Maybe they just have to do something and couldn't reply yet.
(Happens to be the same with me lol)
And I'm sure we'll get more people here!
If people have time for more RP's, I do have two other role-plays.... One is a neighborhood/family role-play and the other is a harvest Moon role-play… Let me know if you're interested

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