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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Oh haha well we can leave if you want shade says looking at sivex

AsongOfIceandFire said:
"You might." Ansom shrugged before disappearing underwater. After a few moments, Great White sharks were circling around Dakota.
Sivex shook his head. "No. I am just not used to it."
Dakotas eyes widened "ohhhh no" she wounded a bit panicked "Aw come on Ansom, S-Sharks? Do you want me dead?!" She called to him"God dammit Moriko where are you when I need you" she mumbled to herself.


Moriko chuckled at him, her cheeks going a bit pink again "Of course and that's good to know

" she smiled at him. It looks like shell need to get used to this level of affection from now on.

@Kalin Scarlet
Nonalaka said:
Dakotas eyes widened "ohhhh no" she wounded a bit panicked "Aw come on Ansom, S-Sharks? Do you want me dead?!" She called to him"God dammit Moriko where are you when I need you" she mumbled to herself.

Moriko chuckled at him, her cheeks going a bit pink again "Of course and that's good to know

" she smiled at him. It looks like shell need to get used to this level of affection from now on.

@Kalin Scarlet
Ansom splashed up from the water. "Ha, now I will summon some shar-" He looked at the fins sticking out from the water. "Those aren't mine." He said, pointing at the fish.
"W-What?! Are you kidding me?!" She was in a genuine panic now, she remembered something moriko had said about them before but was too freaked out react to it "can you fix it?!"

Madoka stood, pulling Mariko up with him. "So, what should we do meow?~" he smiled.

Madoka tilted his head. "A Mewvie?~ What's that? Can I eat it?" He said, curious. He was really hoping it was edible...

Roman said:
Han let Dylan cuddle at his feet for a while before she got up and walked away. He was deep into the book trying to find something, but he had very litttle luck, "This is bull- O-o-oh!! I found something."
Dylan stood and put her head on his lap her tail wagging on the floor , she gazed up at him.
She shook her head and laughed "No, no....hmm ..a movie is like... a story except you can see it" she explained.

@Kalin Scarlet
"Awww, that doesn't sound tasty~" He said with a sigh. He then shook his head and smiled again. "Oh well, lets do it~"

"Well not necessarily, you can eat during a movie!" She said stretching a little and giving a yawn. "Most people eat popcorn."

@Kalin Scarlet
Han read the page. "And that's how shapeshifting works. I could just have Roman make you a body, but I have no idea where he is." Han said petting Dylan, "Hopefully we find something."

"Is popcorn tasty?~" Madoka asks, walking towards the edge of the roof, holding her hand.

"Well, it depends what kind you eat really, you can get sweet or salty, it can have butter in it, or syrup or toffee..." she paused "on its own its alright." She continued as she followed him to the edge.

@Kalin Scarlet
Just as he was going to step over the edge, Madoka froze, his ears perked up. On the horizon, the sun had just dropped out of sight.

"Its nothing. I just...remember when you asked me about being a cat?" Madoka said, turning back towards Mariko.

Al Falim and William walked outside over to Shira "Hey Shira!!" He said as the three walked over
Shira slowly opened her eyes and wined as she sat up and rubbed her eyes "hey you stupid person I was sleeping" she said tiredly before she realized who it was and jumped on him and giggled before hugging him tightly
Al laughed and hugged her back "Never thought you'd call me stupid" He said jokingly as he pointed at the boy and girl "These to are William and Falim" William waved
Shira looked up and smiled at the two "hi" she said happily before nuzzling als neck and giggling happily before siting up on his lap and stretching
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