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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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thana smiled and took a bite of the kiwis before her chest started to shrink "mmm those are good" she said as she started to grow smaller
Roman looked up at Moriko, "Here, let me help you." He said standing up. Roman walked over to Moriko, "You can sit here, next to me." He said helping her over to the couch. "Is there anything you wanted? Needed maybe?" He asked, taking a break from his work.

The Watcher walks back to the kitchen and stares at Thana. "Thana?" He asks, wondering if the kiwi looking fruit had turned her into a little girl.
Al had an idea he had not seen Thana for a while so he talked to her in her head "Hey there Thana I uhhhh.....Your power just shrunk a lot!"
She shook her head "no, no, I just wanted to come out here, I don't like being on my own" she admitted sounding a bit embarrassed. "So, what are you doing?"

Roman pointed to his laptop, "Just some simple blueprints for my father. He's replacing the headquarters for our company, with a newer, better building." He explained as he continued to work. "And thats what I'm doing."

The Watcher frowns. "I'm not sure what you're talking about. Have you been eating fruit off of the tree or something?" He asks.
Moriko listened and nodded,"Wow, that seems pretty cool!" She said as she leaned in, examing the screen.

Roman smirked a bit, "Yeah, its not really hard. I am actually enjoying this. Even though, I'd rather be laying in bed all-day." He chuckled. "Just gotta get my work finished."

The Watcher sighs. "Alright, I'll admit it. I was trying to play a little prank on you." He says, hoping that Thana didn't get too mad at him. "I won't do it again, I promise."
She giggled a bit "yeah, sleep is nice~" the mention of beds and sleeping made Moriko yawn. "Is there a deadline on it?"

"Sure is. He needs it by Friday, all I need to do is add...a....few...more details." Roman said gaining his concentration. "That should be about it." He said as he finished the blueprint. "Now I am gonna go get some sleep. Which is highly needed." He said as he stood up from his seat and yawned.

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