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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Al clonked Roman in the head "You have no idea what I am feeling right now"


[QUOTE="Daniel reaver](omg I wonder what hes gonna do when he sees thana)

(Hug the fuck out of her xD )
Roman frowned, "Your lucky I just made that body. And remember, anything I make. I can destroy. Besides, you are ruining my bedspread with your tears."
"Ah, thank you but I think I'm okay to get up" she said with a smile, moving to the edge of the bed.

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thana kissed watchers cheek then started to walk away "im gonna go get ready ok" thana said as she walked out of the kitchen and to her room
The Watcher nods, drinking the juice and eating his sandwich. "I don't really need to get ready... I kinda want to play a little prank on Thana." He says to himself, searching through the fridge.
Roman nodded, "Its yours. But, if you do anything to where I need to take over or even destroy you. I am able to do so." Roman explained as he walked to his living room. "I will be working if you need me, Moriko, Al and Will."

@Nonalaka @shortyshot8
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]thana walked into her room and started to change to go to the school "my sweet watcher" she said to her self as she got undressed

(That sounded creepy xD )
The Watcher smiles, a piece of fruit disappearing off of the tree in Thana's room. "This one's new..." He says. The piece of fruit looked like a kiwi, and most likely anyone else would have thought so too. He quickly makes Thana some lunch, putting the kiwi looking fruit into it.
"Alright" she smiled at Roman. "Its better than sharing mine" moriko mumbled a bit in response to Al's comment.
thana had pulled out a cute red dress and went to wash up before putting the dress on and siting on her bed to brush her long silver hair as her tail wagged happily "watcher never reversed the cat tail and ears" thana said
Al sighed "It does not matter all that matters is I can see you guys again!" Al walks outside and looks at the sky in amazement "Wow it's even more beautiful than I remember"
The Watcher grins mischievously. "Let's see what happens. I'm just waiting on Thana now." He says to himself, adjusting his mask.
Roman sat in the living room. He was working on some architecture for his father, who was making a new building for his company.
Moriko slowly made her way to the living room, holding onto the doorway for support as she was still a little shaky. She wanted to ask what Roman was doing but didn't want to seem bothersome, so she just watched quietly.

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