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Junior Member
Hello there I’m currently looking to do CCxCC role play for a few different fandoms . We can discuss ships, rules and other details like that in PM. If you’re interested in role playing with me please either PM or comment below.

Fandoms I’m interested in:

Gravity Falls
My Little Pony: FIM
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Inside Job

That’s all I can think of at the moment, don’t see anything you want to do? Don’t be afraid to ask for another fandom and if it’s something I’d be interested in role playing I’ll let you know.
Ooooh I do love Gravity Falls and MLP FIM. I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with the other three shows you mentioned as I've honestly never heard of them.
I have many favorite characters from the two I'm familiar with. But I think I might rather do an MLP rp.
Ooooh I do love Gravity Falls and MLP FIM. I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with the other three shows you mentioned as I've honestly never heard of them.
I have many favorite characters from the two I'm familiar with. But I think I might rather do an MLP rp.

Alright any certain characters you are looking to play as?
How many characters do you think I need to be? I do have a list of favorite characters. I can be any of them.
Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, and Thorax. I could also be one of the cutie mark crusaders if need be. I always liked them and their episodes. They were adorable! And I also loved how they were inspired by the powerpuff girls.

Which were your favorites?
Hm, so who all would you be wanting to play? And do you ship any of them? I know the final episode showed who they ended up with, but personally I'm a bigger fan of FlutterDash than I am of AppleDash. I'll play Flutters if you play Rainbow. I can also be the others I mentioned.

And any ideas for a story?
Out of what I mentioned the ships I like are Fluttercord, PinkieDash, Rarijack, and StarlightxTrixie (their ship name slips my mind.)
Yes I love Starlight/Trixie ship. It's too adorable! I like Fluttercord too. It's just Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have history. They know each other so well. Hurricane Fluttershy is probably my favorite Fluttershy episode. I think I like her so much because I'm kind of a lot like her tbh, so a lot of the times I know how she feels because I've been through similar stuff. And I wish I had a best friend like Rainbow to have helped me out, but sadly I don't.

I can play either Starlight or Trixie if you play the other. The show definitely needed more Starlight/Trixie episodes. I can also play Rarity to your Applejack.
Yeah nothing against Futterdash honestly just more into Fluttercord and Rarijack is all then I just kinda like Pinkiedash by default but yeah we all have our preferences.

I’m definitely more comfortable with playing as Starlight , I have more experience with her and idk if I’d be able to have Trixie talk in 3rd person like she does in the lol 😂 (if you can’t then absolutely no problem, we’ll just pretend she doesn’t do that.))
Yeah I never played as Trixie or as any of the characters to be honest, but I can definitely try to have Trixie refer to herself in the third person. Trixie: "I, the great and powerful Trixie shall for your viewing pleasure perform an amazing feat never before seen by pony eyes! So that's what I have for the show's intro so far. What do you think? Be honest." I do like Starlight more as a character if I'm honest just because Trixie can be really annoying like in that one episode, All Bottled Up. Poor Starlight in that episode trying to bottle up all of her anger literally. But yeah I can still for sure be Trixie for you. Maybe she can be less annoying now because character development for the win?

I also think Spike and Thorax cute together though I know a lot of people prefer to pair Spike with Ember since they are both dragons.
Yeah you can make her less annoying and honestly I don’t really ship Spike with anyone even Ember so I’d be willing to give SpikexThorax a try at least though I can’t promise I’ll be all that into it.
will u know i can play husker with u from hazbin hotel if u wanna 2
Ooooh I do love Gravity Falls and MLP FIM. I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with the other three shows you mentioned as I've honestly never heard of them.
I have many favorite characters from the two I'm familiar with. But I think I might rather do an MLP rp.
I love gravity Falls and mlp g5 (g4 sometimes)
Are you still looking for partners? If so would you be up for Hazbin Hotel or MLP? :)

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