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Fandom Falling Apart (Multifandom RP) [OOC CHATTER]

i mean to their own universe - Captain Falcon, after all, has access to his spaceship's radio and probably has the equivalent of an intergalactic mobile phone. he is a bounty hunter, after all. im sure other characters might have their own ways? magic, radio, etc?
i mean to their own universe - Captain Falcon, after all, has access to his spaceship's radio and probably has the equivalent of an intergalactic mobile phone. he is a bounty hunter, after all. im sure other characters might have their own ways? magic, radio, etc?
Well, yes, in that case. XCOM is watching over Pixels. Not necessarily commanding it, though, Pixels is a bunch of nanobots in a suit of tech armor.
I can handle a ton of characters if it's needed. I'm used to controlling a lot of characters.

Though to answer your question, I'll be making a character sometime this upcoming weekend. I'll have a little bit more time on my hands to actually sit down and make one.
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 , where exactly are you getting your stats for your characters from? and the abilities and technology, for that matter - ive played XCOM and i know for a fact that those two characters wouldnt be possible within XCOM lore/canon, which is sorta the point when making OCs.
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To be honest? I made up most of the abilities except for the Mind Control and Panic.
The weapons, however, are not.
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thats not really how OCs should work, though in my opinion. what about the stats, because, and forgive me if i sound a bit rude, it looks more like you're trying to make an OP character by minmaxing the system than make a realistic, actual character.
I can handle a ton of characters if it's needed. I'm used to controlling a lot of characters.

Though to answer your question, I'll be making a character sometime this upcoming weekend. I'll have a little bit more time on my hands to actually sit down and make one.

are you still planning on joining? if you are, what character are you planning on using? (this is more for my personal curiosity than anything else)

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