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Fandom Falling Apart (Multifandom RP) [OOC CHATTER]

I'm glad you think that this cast is entertaining! As for me, I also think so as well.

Yeah. We just need enough people for a couple of squads so we can finally start the missions. There will probably be 4 characters in a squad at once. Well, usually in the 3-5 range.
Sure thing. To my knowledge, in the F-Zero games, most of what he does is drive around in his Blue Falcon.

or, when i play, panic and scream as you bounce from side to side and somehow win. lets be honest, none of us actually play F-Zero - you just pray to the speed gods that you dont die. good game, though XD
but yes, he canonically (F-Zero canon) can Falcon Punch but i dont remember him Kicking etc in the F-Zero anime, which is why i was asking.
or, when i play, panic and scream as you bounce from side to side and somehow win. lets be honest, none of us actually play F-Zero - you just pray to the speed gods that you dont die. good game, though XD
but yes, he canonically (F-Zero canon) can Falcon Punch but i dont remember him Kicking etc in the F-Zero anime, which is why i was asking.
The Falcon Punch and Falcon Kick originated in SSB. So did his Up and Side Bs.
The Falcon Punch and Falcon Kick originated in SSB. So did his Up and Side Bs.

it may have originated there, but it is also in the F-Zero anime so i think that makes them canon. probably more of a retcon thing to explain how he can do it, but canon is canon. also, ive been reading through that zipped file - would you say Falcon would be resistant against blades because he can counter them/knock them away?
Just to inform everyone, I believe I should write about more mechanics. It's possible more text files could be released soon. So stay tuned!

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