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Fandom Falling Apart (Multifandom RP) [OOC CHATTER]

btw, for any new people struggling to get an interaction, i have a character free (technically, both are open to new interaction but one isnt doing anything). Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre , i believe your character isnt in an interaction yet? forgive me if i am wrong, though.
hmmm... AshuraaHunter AshuraaHunter , i had a question - I know that there are resistances and weaknesses against specific types of damage, but do they apply to their respective status ailments and any other debuffs associated with that type of damage? For example, would someone resistant against Heat had an advantage against burn status chances, or someone with resistances against Mind have advantages against mind control?
For one: Mind's ailment is sleep, not mind control.
Second of all: That may be a good thing to implement. But I'd have to explain each status and how to roll for them thoroughly.
Give me a bit.

Also, Emmi Emmi
We're waiting on you.
Actually, yes, this is true. Those with resistances to certain damage types are less likely to contract their status ailments. However, currently, the actual effects themselves are unresisted.

For example, if a character has a 25% resistance to Puncture damage, they are 25% less likely to be pinned down. And thus, any attacks with a pindown chance would have their status possibility multiplied by 0.75 when aimed at that character.

This also works inversely for weaknesses. If a character is doubly weak to Heat, then they are twice as likely to catch on fire. Any attacks with a burning chance directed toward said character would have their status chance multiplied by 2, in this case.

I will do the whole resistance/weakness to the statuses themselves later on today, likely.
So far, the squads look like this:

Clash in the Skies (Point Defense) - Falcon [+Rioter], Sagittarius, Pit <1 empty slot>
Hazardous Environments (Scout) - Pixels [3 empty slots]
Alolan Tropics (Investigate) - Mr. Dark, Sam <2 empty slots>
Earthly Chaos (Hostage Situation) - Commander, Mei, Cat <1 empty slot>

One mission needs to be abandoned (only 12 active characters so far). Pixels is recommended to go to the Pokemon universe over Half-Life for now, to even things out.
No more than one character per person on each mission, please!
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Hey guys, sorry for the fact that I've only made one post so far. As soon as we get into a mission I'll do my best to pick up the pace. Speaking of which, I'd like to volunteer Narancia for the Alolan Tropics mission, please! Although I guess I'd have to make a post to secure that position...

I'll have my next post made sometime tomorrow night! :)
*slowly walks up*

c-can i join? or is shit already shut down like a garage door?
Considering a random character for my 5th char.
My most likely choice is the Leper from Darkest Dungeon. Tough, hits hard, but embarrassing accuracy and the fact he carries the stress system with him.
(Will explain stress)

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