Fairy Tail IC


Jonetsu Shogyo 

"Alright I supposed that should do it" the man says as he wipes the swet from his forehead, and took several breathers. He and some others volunteer to help build a mans work shop in magnolia, a pretty decent place to start your own business. Many people come and go, so its possible for someone to stop by, and check the store out. Many thanks was given to jonetsu by the man "Ah its nothing, I was bored, so volunteering isn't that bad, however" he began to hear a women squeal with joy, he doesn't know what for. Is it because of his looks? By the way she had looked at her that was the only case, so a sigh came about, and waved at the man.


"Come by any time kind sir, your work is appreciated"  said the man.

"Yeah, Yeah" He says, as he rolled his sleeves back down, and put his hair back in a ponytail he then picks up his sword, and walked off to the busy streets of magnolia. Now then he begins to wonder what to do next, go back to fairy heart? Or check out the fairy tail guild. He doesn't have much memories about the guild, but he does know that his guild and their guild are like related to one another its a pretty damn complicated thing if you as me. After different turns from corner to corner, and several miles he had walked he soon came face to face with fairy tail. "So this is the place, huh?" He began to feel something strange "is it him? I assume it must be him." He said as he went on forward, stepping on a few stairs, and slightly opened up the door. 


"Hello, fellow friend that isn't in any dark guilds is here" Jonetsu says, as he completely walked right in.


Anyone who is in Fairy tail guild (Inserts tags).





Location: Being squeezed to death outside Lamia Scale Guild Hall

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬


"The wind" replied Cain, thankful to be out of the little monster's grasp and back on the ground standing on his own two feet, both of his hands furiously rubbing away at his sides. "I can't fly properly with the wind as strong as it is today... i get thrown for a ride regardless of what I do.." he continued, looking himself over before finally giving himself a small satisfied nod. "I didn't plan to get stuck up there... its just the way my luck has been today. Chased by dogs, bullied by the wind and now treated like a toy", he glanced at the girl who a few moments ago was attempting to squeeze the life out of him and now proceeded to pat his head, much to Cain's annoyance. With both hands he waved them wildly above him, jumping back a few steps in the process as he tried to fend her off


"My name is not 'Mr Panda'" he now directed his attention to the girl, ".. and I am not a toy" his voice was a bit more stern now. "I am Cain, Cain Hawkins and I was trying to find my way to the Lamia Scale guild, by the flag that I earlier got acquainted with, I presume you both to be members of this guild?" the direct and formal way of talking contrasted greatly with his appearance, though by this point in his life he spared it little thought. 



▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬



Thanos was glad that Eric seemed to like his name and then learning that the little girl was his cousin was also nice. He didnt have a family member like a cousin as far as he knew but now that he had one, it was good to know and he knew that playing with a two year old wasnt so bad because they were so cute. "Yeah..." he replied to Eric, looking at another redhead who came over and took Bella from his father and began to kiss her face and make her laugh, this guy must have been Bella's father. They looked so similar with their hair and eyes, but then he noticed Bella waving to someone and when he looked, it was a woman with a cloak who waved back and walked off. Was that his aunt? There were missing pieces and he couldnt just wrap his head around it. So he moved closer to Tyson and tapped his leg, trying to get his attention "Dad? Who is my uncle?" he knew the basics of a family tree, mom, dad, uncle, aunt and then cousins. Not close enough to be a sister/brother but not too distant to be a stranger.


He was confused and wanted to clear his mind a bit as he took another bite of his candy, already half of it was gone and he decided to save some for later so he folded the top half of the wrapper down onto the lower half so it was "closed" and then waited for his Father's reply, glancing at him but also glancing at the two men before him and then looking at cute Bella who was putting her lollipop up to Miles's lips. The fact that Miles actually asked who he was really made him wonder if he was some sort of special and secret child. Everyone kept asking about him, who he was and why he resembled his father so much... "why do people ask who I am?" he added, looking at Tyson with a little bit of a frown because it just mildy worried him which he didnt like...worrying wasnt his strongsuit. Maybe when he was older life would be easy and he'd have high pride and be like "How do you not know me!? I'm Thanos Redd!"

Tyson Redd


As Bella giggled Tyson almost cracked a smile. He wasn't sure why, he felt that he did a very good lion impression. Maybe his example of a lion attacking it's pretty was somehow amusing? He shrugged, and turned towards his brother. Who had arrived, and lifted up Bella, then asked him about Thanos."Well you see, it's very simple. He resembles me because he is my spawn. My first born, the seed of my loigns. Is that a suffecent enough answer?" Tyson asked raising a eyebrow questioningly.

He then felt the tiny hands of Thanos tap his leg. He turned, and knealed down to Thanos level."Well, you see son. The red haired man, is your uncle. The girl is your cousin, as Eric has told you. The woman who passed by is your aunt. Do you have any other questions? I'd be happy to answer them.Tyson said looking at Thanos with his hand on his chin. As if contemplating something.

"Since you're living with me for the time being. I suppose you'll have to sleep in my room. Being as I have no where else for you to sleep. There are also many things I'd like to know. But it's already been a long day, so I shall ask another time." Tyson said nodding, confident in his choices. He had been trying somewhat to improve his social skills over the last few years. He was hoping that his practice was paying off.

All of a sudden Tyson heard a massive explosion. His eyes widened in surprise, and he wrapped his arms around Thanos. Making sure that if the explosion was close enough Thanos would be protected. After a moment he looked up, realizing the explosion hadn't hit them. He stood up, and looked to Thanos a serious expression on his otherwise blank face."Stay here, I need to check this out. Stay with the others, I'll be back momentarily." With this Tyson ran out of the guild hall, and into the chaos that was crocus. It was similar to the attack of six years ago. Although it seemed to be on a much more massive scale. People were either in pain, dead, or running in terror. It was madness, and Tyson believe he knew the cause. He turned towards the castle, and his eyes widened even more so in shock. "The castle, it's gone! The king, and all the other royals, all dead! How could we have let this happen!" Tyson gritted his teeth, and clutched his fist. He could feel the rage filling him. But he tried to subdue it, not wishing to scare, or worry anyone.

Somewhere along the path to Grimoire Heart Guild Hall


All right, Lily Ann was not a normally suspicious person, maybe her shambled together excuse, she was seriously considering just bolting right now, and since it had been a little while now she had her magic back up finally. Of course running was even more suspicious, so she simply nodded keeping her expression properly schooled, "For a very short time yes, I was with him at Blue Pegasus. I couldn't get to know him though so sadly I don't know where he's at, and to say I was surprised when I met you would be an understatement, I had no idea he even had a brother, and to think that brother would be as crazy as you." She laughed softly, teasing him with her signature bright smile, because she hadn't changed those aspects of herself, just sometimes now she'd get struck with a dark mood aside from her depression...there were things she'd done that she was not proud of in her time as a GH member.


Then she tilted her head to the side when Rasil asked for rest, not something she was used to but she shrugged and found a rather soft spot under a tree where she sat down, sitting on her knees with her back straight and sweetly smiled while she patted her lap. "Want to rest on my lap, Rasil? I don't mind either way so do as you please." She leaned against the tree as she rested, trying to pull ethernano from her surroundings to restore her magic back to full, she had a lot on her mind too especially after talking to Yamato, gods that nickname she'd come up with it off the top of her head, she'd have to mess with him...if she ever got to go home.


Apparently Nik & Ferra's house


Well that was embarrassing as all get out, first she'd laughed then started crying, she had cried quietly the whole walk to wherever they were going so she hadn't really noticed where they were at and nearly jumped out of her own skin when she heard Nikolas yell from somewhere, watery purple eyes widening while she tried to settle her heart rate, tears slowing for a second then falling again when she remembered what he'd said a few seconds before, proud of her...even though she'd ran away? He still viewed himself as her boyfriend and she really didn't want to dare hope for anything but when someone says something like that, what's a gal to do? Oh Benzaiten why had it taken her so long to consider the thoughts now dancing around in her head? She was...right in Nikolas and Ferra's house...Phineas' room apparently, she hadn't exactly focused on him for that moment, too lost in thought, it took her way too long to put his question together. What had she been doing for the last six years..."Oh! The...erm last six years....right...I've been chasing down dark guilds and more so chasing clues on Grimoire Heart and their activities. Since the Crocus incident they've been causing trouble all over. I've been all over Fiore...when ever I'd be anywhere near here I tried to keep my head down. I...thought you'd moved on, that's why I didn't ever come by before...if you...didn't move on what happened? Why'd you stop contacting me? Or assume I was dead even?" She frowned as she thought about why he had thought her dead, then she blinked and it was another thing to throw on top of things she was to blame for.


She hadn't reached out through the connection, every time it would start to reach out to him she cut it off harshly, "I never told you...and I never let the connection between us light up, to let you know I was still living, I kept it one sided...you didn't notice either I bet...I left a piece of my magic with you, my Embodiment blessing, so you'd have some sort of protection even if I was far away...it was still my magic though so if I had really died you'd have felt something break from you. I'm sorry for that too, I didn't mean to leave you in the dark believing I was dead. Like I said...I thought you'd moved on." She turned red with shame, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, just spending time with him was making her feel better, that guilt still niggling at the back of her mind though, for now she could ignore it, then she patted her cheeks as she shook her head, trying to shake the self loathing that had snagged hold of her. Time to get some things out there right away, be the adult here Shiro just tell him, "Real quick Phineas...I...don't plan on staying, because of my magic I'm nearly perfect in Fairy Heart; if you don't know about it I'll explain just ask, I DO however plan to buy a new set of lacrima, one spare, one for Laura, you're dorky brother out there seemed to forget he had a way to contact me this whole time; another reason I'd thought you'd moved on, and I still have my old one so I'm just going to connect those new ones to that. I do plan to visit more often though." Shiro sighs and rubs the back of her neck sort of looking down, if she got what she was working on to actually function she had about six years worth of messages to give to him, embarrassing and filled with every bit of her love that she hadn't thrown aside, sheesh she was really the worst, wasn't she?

Rasil Brandheart 


Rasil nodded, at Lily's reply, his expression slightly turning sad. He had no luck finding his brother. This was most troublesome indeed. What would his brother have him do? After all the main reason Rasil joined GH was because of his brother. Not that Rasil didn't fit the bill. He just had no ambitions of his own. None that didn't revolve around his brother.

"That is very sadistic of him, as always my brother sure knows how to treat me. Disappearing, and not telling me anything. He's as cruel as ever, but that's just another reason I love him," Rasil said. He chuckled at her next statement."Yes, my brother sure it the distant type. Never letting anyone get close to him. But he did care, he was a total tsun." All of a sudden a image of his brother beating him came to mind. Then Rasil grabbed his side's, and shivered with delight. Then began wiggling about, a blush on his face."Oh, if my brother ever heard me call him a tsun. He'd do so many terrible things to me! The thought has me feeling so warm and fuzzy inside."

Rasil then snapped back to reality at the mention of a rest. He smiled, and crawled over to Lily's lap. Usually he'd be far more hesitant, but his mind was far to busy to worry."Well, I am a dog, but I suppose even dogs are allowed into the laps of others at times." Rasil laid his head back in Lily's lap, crossing his arms over his chest, almost as if he where dead. He shut his eyes, and thought of the old days. With his brother, and all the things they did to survive. His brother sure was smart. Always coming up with plans, while Rasil carried them out. Although most of his plans involved Rasil being humiliated, or injured. Like the time Rasil had to dress like a woman in a red dress, and then had a giant bull chase him to a trap. Just so they could eat, or the time he made Rasil offer strangers a "good time". Then had Rasil take them to an alleyway to get jumped. Although sometimes his brother would forget, and well. Let's just say Rasil wasn't unstable for no reason."Ahh, good times we had. Alright we can rest, but now for long, I'm sure the guild master has work for us. We don't want to keep him waiting. Although -yawn- he may punish us if we do, so maybe we should keep him waiting." Rasil said with a slight dark chuckle.

@Embaga Elder @Jackaboi @Arius LaVari @Britt-21
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Fairy Heart Member. Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Seth ran through the door, eager to leave the island and head into Magnolia and see Fairy Tail with his own eyes. He had often heard talk about them being the strongest guild in all of Fiore, however he never really believed the hype. That being said, it was an opportunity to see things for himself and have his own opinion, however the chances of that happening were slim to none as he entered into a chaotic brawl, various furniture and people flying across the room as men, women and children swung at one another. Dante and Darius had gotten involved in the fight, much to Seth's amusement, though what he found even more amusing was the fact that the Fairy Tail he saw now and what he had heard before did not seem to match. Many members didn't look that strong or fearsome. 


As things settled, Seth remained in the background watching. Several Fairy tail members coming forward to speak to Darius and Dante, the man Dante had been finding turning out to be some freakishly tall coward, quickly deciding not to fight Dante. The green haired twin tailed girl was all over Darius... these mages were suppose to be the strongest of the strong and here they were acting the complete opposite to what he had imagined. These little acts however paled in comparison to what happened next as a white haired woman approached Dante, her hands all over him. Seth's mouth dropped as he stared in shock. 


He glanced at Dante, then back at Arietta then finally back at Dante once more. "Is she really Fairy Tail's Guild leader?" he questioned, rather loudly in fact as he stepped forward "She doesn't seem as powerful as Master Hibiki!" he walked up to her and glanced downward, noting he was slightly taller then her. "Really? I just dont see it.. are you sure this is the right place?" he stepped back and looked at the rest of the Fairy tail members, taking note of all their appearances, many of which didn't really impress him at all. Especially that tall looking doofus talking to Dante. Shaking his head slightly, he pushed his way through the crowd and climbed to the top of one of their tables, placing both hands on his side, his chest held proudly.  "Looks like us Fairy Heart Members will have to look after the Fairy Tail Mages" he stated, producing a wild grin on his face as he burst out into a fit of laughter. "Dante and Darius were totally going to win that fight just now! Haha!" 

Though the moment Hibiki appeared through the portal, Seth's mouth was all but firmly shut. He still remained on top of the table though, standing above everyone else gave him a but of a power trip. 

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@Jackaboi@LeSoraAmari@Embaga Elder@Kyuubey @FH members and FT members

Kou Akizuchi - Lamia Scale Guild Hall



Kou continuously moved his spear in a multitude of different stances, freely moving the polearm through the air of the training grounds while practicing the usual set of movements that he normally used on trainings in a fluid way that acted as a demonstration of his mastery over the weapon. As the usual for him, he started his training early in the morning, before anyone else in the guild got up from their slumber, a harsh routine that he vehemently insisted on following since an early age and didn't change in the least even after the happenings from six years ago, as even if he felt tempted to try an even harsher routine after Grimoire Heart made its move against the guild he knew that a few more sets wouldn't do anything other than making him excessively exhausted. As usual for him, Kou didn't really think that much during his training, simply repeating the sets guided by his muscle memory while maintaining the nonchalant behaviour that was common for him.


The mage finally came to stop his martial practice a few hours after everyone, including the awfully active children, was already awake and active, as he started to feel the scent of the breakfast being made. He proceeded to carefully wipe the sweat from his body using a simple plain white towel and putting his spear back into the weapon rack before walking away from the training grounds. His destination, as per usual, was the kitchen, where he planned to prepare his own breakfast, as his diet was generally regulated by no one but himself, that had cooking as a personal hobby.


As expected from someone as quiet as himself, he didn't really wisb to be stopped by the always noisy children, nonchalantly dashing through the hall while doing his best to avoid their attention before reaching the kitchen. Unfortunately for him, the breakfast was already made, apparently done by Akari, forcing him to adhere to the courteous behaviour that he was raised to have and approach the girl while silently praying to stay unnoticed by the kids.  "Good morning." He nonchalantly spoke while nodding, his two hands together with the right fist in the left palm in a traditional form of greeting that he frequently used, quite the strange gesture when coupled with his youthful voice and appearance that hardly exposed his true age that was already nearing the middle twenties. "Would you care care if I made my own breakfast? I fear that my diet isn't the same as the rest of the guild" He asked respectfully, showing an overly formal attitude that hardly suited the informal ambient of a guild. After all while he highly doubted that the girl would consider his act of choosing not to eat her food as an offense, he didn't wish to accidentally cause any strain, moving to confirm her opinion about the subject.


@Mitchs98 (Kids briefly mentioned)
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Talon chuckled at the pandas utter distaste for being treated like a toy even though that's what he was. "Good to meet you Mr. Cain, I'm Talon and this is my niece, Alexa, who isn't a guild member yet though her parents are." He took a seat on the ground and pulled Alexa into his lap to keep her from the panda. He apologized about Phineas's drunken behaviour and explained how he usually wasn't drunk but was in the process of getting over a breakup. 'That happened like 6 years ago.' He added to himself. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you?" Talon asked the question that everyone was thinking. He thought Cain might be a magically animated panda toy but didn't know for sure.

@Mitchs98 @Phayne

Mirai Yamada - Fairy Tail Guild Hall


Mirai couldn't help but feel a vein popping on his forehead while he watched Mitsuki's outrageous actions, that even included a marriage proposal. While the mage was indeed accostumied with the eccentric personality of his brother, he couldn't  hold the urge of immediately separating him from Misaka in the most violent way possible, as the bold acting of his older sibling managed to evoke some of the repressed thoughts that he tried to hide. After all, even if he did try to suppress most of the "dangerous" thoughts that passed by his head while interacting with Misaka, the fact that she had the same body as Misa constantly managed to confuse him, as he couldn't really understand how he was supposed to deal with the conflictuous feelings he held in relation to the unusual condition of the girl. As such, of course the fact that he equally held both the sides of the girl dear to him, albeit in slightly different ways, would bring him some confusion, especially when his brother was acting so boldly towards one of them, resulting in the loss of a big part of the parallel conversation, including Misaka's talk about her magic.


When Mitsuki finally resolved to act in a less flirtatious way, Mirai's brain was already drowning amidst all the confusion resulting from his excessive pondering in the subject, albeit still somehow capable of holding the deadpan on his face, resulting in a second of delay before he finally reacted to the act. "It's good to see you doing fine, brother." He finally talked, approaching his older brother and answering to his gesture with a somehow awkward embrace that held both, his brother and Misaka, albeit having a slightly stronger grip on the first, as Mirai was currently holding his urge to punch him. "But I don't think i can accompany you for now. I fear that I'm somehow drowsy right now, probably an after effect of the transportation." He added, using sleepiness as an excuse for his abnormal behaviour. He expected that this affirmation could somehow give him an opening to try to get some time for himself and, hopefully, sort out his feelings without punching his brother.



Misaka Tokisai - Fairy Tail GH



The dancing caused pastel pink hair to go flying about, fluttering in front of her eyes like crazed curtains to obscure her vision at times. For some reason she couldn't look away though, Mitsuki's gorgeous emerald eyes donning the same colour as Misa's were just hypnotically enticing. The dance ended shortly after as they returned in front of Mirai, Misaka's head tilting cutely, snuggled into the embrace that Mitsuki had around her lithe frame. A rather dumbfounded look was set there as she blinked a bit, peering at Mirai as he spoke. Did her actions upset him? His expressions seemed to scream something other than what they looked like or what he intended for them to look like. " I would let him go but he's holding onto me. " She said blankly, dropping her tone to match his own robotic one. The intention behind it was to let him know that she wasn't that oblivious and it was quite clear that he was bothered. Her attention faltered drastically as Mitsuki slipped out that question, his tone causing shivers to trail along her spine. It was almost sensual, almost. " M-Married? You and I? " She imagined herself in a beautiful flowing white dress, Mitsuki's brightened and overjoyed face with his beloved hat adorning his head as she walked down an aisle towards him. And then there was Mirai standing next to him with his blank, detached expression which completely killed the whole scene.


A blush ricocheted across those soft cheeks nonetheless, eyes lighting up. " If we got married then Mirai would really be my brother! " She exclaimed, smile growing wider and wider at the mere idea of such a concept. It was almost sad that Misaka would consider his offer, whether a joke or not, simply to become part of the family. The single reason alone would probably make her agree to it, regardless of their being love there or not between them. That was only natural for her to desire though, especially being as easily pleased and gullible as she was. Mirai and her were extremely close and held a sibling type connection, making it real would send her over the moon. " We could be a family! This is so exciting! " The statement warranted another giddy laugh to bubble forth past her lips, the look on her face almost too elated. Her dancing crimson eyes gazed upwards towards Mitsuki's face, finding him rather attractive now that she was looking at him in a different light. She wasn't sure if it was his ability to calm and make others feel at ease, but her body leaned in against him even more subconsciously. Mitsuki had held out an open arm to hug Mirai and she closed her eyes for a few moments, enjoying the blanket of quiet and peace it brought her.


Mirai's masked expression pushed itself into the front of her mind and it made her heart twist up, the reason why remaining unbeknownst to her. It was enough to make her casually slip out of Mitsuki's grasp, still smiling warmly though as she pulled out her deck of cards. A few of them were specifically pulled out, the three being shown to him. " Three listen instead of two now, so that's good. Lancer finally decided to work with me. " She began to chew on the inside of her lip thoughtfully, hoping... no praying, that the distraction was subtle enough so that Mitsuki wouldn't be upset that she had put distance between them. Misaka hated hurting anyone's feelings, as she always tried to spare them when within her control. " A date? Really! I've never been on one before. " She had no idea that she had somehow just thrown Mirai under the bus with what she just said since their feelings for one another were strictly platonic. Weren't they? The cards were slipped back into their holder as she bashfully swayed from side to side, holding her own hands together behind her back in a nervous manner. Even though she was a model, people seemed too shy to ever approach her. It could've been the stale deadpan look Mirai wore on his face whenever someone had the guts to come up to her, only to see him and turn away just as quickly. " Humm... " The noise was spoken aloud as she contemplated things, also waiting to watch the brothers finally unite in their hug. 


@Spanner @Solemn Jester  @everyoneelseatftgh

Mirai Yamada - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

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Mirai couldn't help but feel a vein popping on his forehead while he watched Mitsuki's outrageous actions, that even included a marriage proposal. While the mage was indeed accostumied with the eccentric personality of his brother, he couldn't  hold the urge of immediately separating him from Misaka in the most violent way possible, as the bold acting of his older sibling managed to evoke some of the repressed thoughts that he tried to hide. After all, even if he did try to suppress most of the "dangerous" thoughts that passed by his head while interacting with Misaka, the fact that she had the same body as Misa constantly managed to confuse him, as he couldn't really understand how he was supposed to deal with the conflictuous feelings he held in relation to the unusual condition of the girl. As such, of course the fact that he equally held both the sides of the girl dear to him, albeit in slightly different ways, would bring him some confusion, especially when his brother was acting so boldly towards one of them, resulting in the loss of a big part of the parallel conversation, including Misaka's talk about her magic.


When Mitsuki finally resolved to act in a less flirtatious way, Mirai's brain was already drowning amidst all the confusion resulting from his excessive pondering in the subject, albeit still somehow capable of holding the deadpan on his face, resulting in a second of delay before he finally reacted to the act. "It's good to see you doing fine, brother." He finally talked, approaching his older brother and answering to his gesture with a somehow awkward embrace that held both, his brother and Misaka, albeit having a slightly stronger grip on the first, as Mirai was currently holding his urge to punch him. "But I don't think i can accompany you for now. I fear that I'm somehow drowsy right now, probably an after effect of the transportation." He added, using sleepiness as an excuse for his abnormal behaviour. He expected that this affirmation could somehow give him an opening to try to get some time for himself and, hopefully, sort out his feelings without punching his brother.


Mitsuki Yamada

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Mitsuki's attention was on both Misaka, and Mirai now. This being the case he was incredibly untimed to both their emotions, and intents. He frowned as Misaka pulled away, he knew she was only trying to help Mirai's mood. But he still felt saddened by it. Such complex, and confused emotions she had. It was almost as if her emotions where connected to another's. Of course for her that would make sense, being as she shared a body with Misa. The one whom Mitsuki tended to have differences with. 

Mitsuki couldn't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside upon hearing her reply. She was considering the offer, and that overjoyed Mitsuki. If he were being perfectly honest he had become lonely. Even with all the guild mates, he still felt alone. Yet Misaka, along with his brother, they understood Mitsuki somewhat. "Yes, indeed, Mirai would be your brother. That is if you were to marry me. But, there seems to be complications. My brother is rather attached to your, uhum, roommate. But once you two figure that out why don't you let me know." 

Mitsuki then turned back towards his brother. Who was wishing him well, while also restraining himself from punching him. Mitsuki gave Mirai a delighted smile. Then embraced him as he came for the hug. While Mirai's grip was definitely strong, Mitsuki was more or less the king of hugs. So as he embraced Mirai, he bear hugged the hell out of him. As he was doing so his expression changed. It became darker, and more deadly. As if a predator had taken over for Mitsuki.

"I've also grown stronger brother," He told Mirai, his voice low and cold. His grip not loosening any on Mirai."You can't hide your emotions from me. Nor your intentions, so why don't you stop hiding behind that  blank expression. Your beginning to remind me of a big red haired man who came here once. Its not healthy holding back your emotions. You know i only want the best for you dear brother." 

Then Mitsuki released Mirai, and his expression turned back to normal. He smiled cheerfully, but this turned to a frown at Mirai's answer."Aww, well what a shame. I suppose me, and Misaka can always go on our date then! So where would you like to go Misaka? Maybe to get some yummy food. I'm in the mood for sweets at the moment. We could also go and see some animals at the zoo." 

Mitsuki spoke as if he hadn't just spoken to Mirai as he just did. It was almost as if he where a different person. His energy was even much more dangerous when he had previously spoken. But the truth was that Mitsuki had dealt with his family's death in his own way. However rare he had become dangerously obsessed with keeping his brother safe. So much so that he would even go as far as killing to protect him. Even using his magic on his brother if it meant protecting him.

(Sorry if I missed anything)

@Kyuubey @Spanner
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Shiro smiled just a little when she noticed how he just kept his eyes on her, making her feel loved like she had before, what had they said then? Oh right love at first note, funny enough, one of several reasons she'd inked her skin as she had, music lived in her very soul and Benzaiten loved it; or so Shiro hoped she did anyway. That warmth was quickly replaced though suddenly, Phineas had unbuttoned his shirt to reveal all those scars, told her where he had gotten them. She didn't blush or flinch as she grabbed one of his hands and used her other to unbutton the shirt again, her heart ached with pain and guilt...and pure unadulterated anger, by leaving him she had actually put him in more danger and those scars...Shiro carefully released his hand and traced each scar she could with an icy finger tip, "I will make them pay for this...above all their other crimes...they harmed the person most precious to me because you were so important to me, I will not ever forgive them or myself for this. They'll know my anger before this year ends." Shiro's purple hues were liquid fire right then, she had sensed his worry and embarrassment but she had still wanted to get a better look at those scars, she didn't stop herself from pressing nearly equally cold lips against his chest wishing she could take all that he'd suffered away, she was at fault for it all, and Grimoire Heart...they'd pay, even if she had to get just a little vicious, over Phineas she would become their worst nightmare.


Shiro bit her lip to keep her anger from bubbling out but as quickly as it came it vanished, what the hell was she bipolar? No...no she wasn't Phineas just kept saying and doing things that made her rethink one thing or another, or consider one thing or another. Such as...was he serious about joining Fairy Heart? Anger melted into wide eyed shock, then she stopped breathing, her heart stopped beating, because he was suddenly kneeling in front of her with a worn purple velvet box in his hand; idly it was dawning on her purple was basically their color at this point. Then he opened the box, revealing the ring that's stone was somehow half purple half green, she sputtered but found no words, not a single one, she just stared at him flabbergasted while she listened to what he had to say. Not enough oxygen got to her brain apparently she blinked, staggered back slightly in shock and fought the desperate desire to faint, black stars dotting her vision for a second. She suddenly snapped back straight once the shock faded a bit, what to say? What to do? She was happier than she should have allowed herself to be, not only did he want to go with her...he wanted her to marry him?


With her feelings as mixed as they were her voice wasn't functioning normally, she spins suddenly turning her back to him before taking a deep breath and letting her voice out, "Take a look into my eyes one last time so we never forget the way we were before, when we came alive at the moment we met, this is still worth fighting for a love that wants to live, I'll give you all I've got to give." Her voice came out on music, a song that finally calmed her nerves and she hoped he'd get it, a nervous habit she had thought she'd kicked then glanced over her shoulder, face a deep shade of red because really that was the only way she could actually answer him right then. Normal speaking was hard at the moment but after a few more seconds she recovered her wits...stared at him for a moment before turning back around and instead of taking the ring she dropped to her knees so they were closer to eye level and wrapped her arms around his middle, hugging him tightly before really quietly whispering, "Are you sure you want me...you've been hurting so much because of me and...I...don't know how things will go in the future. We're...on the verge of some pretty serious fights, Grimoire Heart could make a move any day now, they'll probably come after Fairy Heart first, you know that right? You have to tell me you understand what you're signing up for or...I'll worry." Her protective nature was making itself known again, even as Shiro's stomach twisted in knots with worry; she'd come here instead is staying with her guild and...Banzaiten kept telling her something wasn't right and now she pursed her lips slightly, she had thought it was nerves at first because Phineas and then he proposed but the unsettled feeling was still there.


Grimoire Heart Mage

Location: Magnolia CIty

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A soft glow emanated from the confines of Kasper's pocket, the light just bright enough to lighten up the dark room he currently found himself in. "Hang on" he spoke, addressing two figures across the room, their faces obscured due to the lack of lighting available, reaching in, Kaspers face was revealed as the light shone on him, a wicked grin spreading across his face as he stared into the lacrima. Almost instantly Kasper took several steps back, falling down and landing upon a skeletal throne he had earlier constructed for himself. 
"Oi oi.. Seriously"[SIZE= 14px] laughed Kasper, his right hand which was stained with blood raised against his forehead for support as he struggled to contain his joy, as word began to spread of the destruction that occurred in Crocus as well as with the magic council. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"I always knew that Claudia[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] was a psychotic bitch.. but this tops the list.."[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] he continued, his attention drawn away from the newspaper as he stared across the darkened room towards the two mages pinned against the wall. Each of them had their hands and feet impaled against the rooms furthest wall, spikes of bone piercing each of their outspread limbs and protruding from the opposite side of the wall. The blood that had earlier pooled around the floor begining to dry now and leave a metallic taste in the air. Having seen the video twice now, he dropped the Lacrima, the glowing orb rolling across the floor towards his victims but soon hidden from view as Kasper stepped over it and blocked it from view.   [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"You should consider yourselves lucky!"[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] taunted Kasper, stepping closer to the two and sliding his head a few inches beside their own, [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"Unlike that woman, I prefer to play with my prey a little longer, extend the torment and heighten the anguish..."[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] Kasper shuddered in pleasure [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"...don't you two lovebirds agree that the best way to maximise ones own pleasure is to prolong the inevitable, to stretch out the game in order to squeeze every ounce of joy possible?" [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]he leaned in towards the woman on the left, his face a few inches away from her neck as he began to lick a stream of blood that had meandered down from her beautiful face, his right hand meanwhile clasped tightly around her boyfriends own neck and squeezing it tightly. "This smell.." he muttered, inhaling deeply and causing the weakened woman to turn her head the other way [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]".. this scent of pure fear... I love..."[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] he was quickly cut off. [/SIZE]


"St... sto.p.. i..t... Yo..u... Mo...n...ste...r"[SIZE= 14px] struggled the man, whose larynx was on the verge of being crushed. A look of pure desperation on his face as he unwillingly watched his girlfriend suffer and struggled against the tightening grip on his neck. Kaspers expression soon turned sour as he heard the man, pulling his head back and turning to glare at the man on his right. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"Did I say you could speak?"[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] he questioned, rhetorical of course as a piece of bone jutted out from Kaspers right palm, silencing the man forever. The girl screamed. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"Hush now...my lost little lamb... your time will come soon.."[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] giggled Kasper, stepping aside and exciting through the door, but as he did so, tapping one piece of of bone currently impaling her. Slowly but gradually, the spike began to grow, covering more of the woman's body.  The Lacrima that had earlier rolled onto the floor was now revealed in full view to the woman, the video of the Magic Council being destroyed replaying over and over again in front of her; a daughter of one of the mages on the council. As Kasper continued down the stairs, he heard one final blood curdling scream; the sheer pleasure he got from it sending shivers down his spine as he placed one hand on the stair rail to support himself. [/SIZE]

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Arietta Forsyth - Fairy Tail HQ


It would seem her question was quickly answered as Hibiki appeared, acting in a brisk manner to whisk her up into a hug. As mad as she waned to be, it was nearly impossible. Here he was, alive and well. A sigh escaped those halfway parted lips as they curved upwards into a loving smile. A hand slid upwards and into his hair, fingers entangling within the strands as she held him close and snug like a mother would. The embrace lasted quite a while and the roaring noise of everyone speaking slowly dimmed down as the excitement lowered. " I'm glad you came to visit. We were all worried. I missed you dearly. " She deviously looked up at him as she pulled away, eyes shining with a hint of trickery. He probably knew from the look on her face that he wouldn't be let off that easily, though redemption would come another day. Today was a day for introductions and celebration. Their sister guild had come to visit at last, along with Hibiki himself, something she was sure all of her members were grateful for. Her hands rested on his upper arms, fingers holding onto him in a way that seemed like one afraid what they held onto would disappear if they softened their grip. She leaned back to look him over, checking to make sure he was in completely good health and nodded to herself in satisfaction.


Timothy soon came barreling towards them as if propelled by an ignited fire of passion and Aria quickly jumped out of the way, small body flipping numerous times before she landed on all fours some distance away. He soon challenged the man and a bemused look crossed over her features, smile almost mocking. Truthfully she wanted to bury her face into Ryu's hair and pretend Timothy wasn't that ready to die but that was just the machias's personality. " I'm not prepared to lose another member, Timothy. " It didn't hurt to try to steer him from the decision he seemed so adamant about. All she could rely on was that Hibiki would most likely decline. After all she doubted Hibiki came to visit with the intent of fighting someone way under his caliber. A man from Fairy Heart soon went about boasting unruly things and even went so far as to step up onto a table as if to position himself above everyone in a 'I'm better than all of you' manner. Now Aria was used to people questioning her position as the Guild Master for Fairy Tail due to her appearance and it didn't phase her. All of her members soon came to respect and understand that she was over two thousand years old, full of knowledge and experience, and a truly frightening person when crossed.


Aria stood slowly, eyes dangerously narrowed and face no longing harboring any emotion, as she brushed her hands off from the dirt upon them as a dark dome encased itself around the table that the cocky boy stood upon, cloaking him in darkness. It began to close in on him and he would find himself unable to breathe as the space inside tightened, overwhelmed with a magical power that was thick and potent and unlike anything the boy would've ever experienced in his life. The wood of the table creaked and groaned in protest before it shattered, giving way to the strong force willing it out of its way. " Hibiki, teach your guild members not to come into my house and act like they are above the many talented wizards around them. He may insult me but if he ever looks down on one of my members again, I will teach him the true meaning of fear. It isn't amusing to mock people and it's truly sad that children are not taught to respect their elders these days. " Aria walked towards the dome housing the child, scythe in hand as a quick swipe of it disintegrated the magic and allowed the boy to see and breathe once more. Skillfully and purposefully though, she had clipped a bit of his red hair with her weapon in the process and it slowly floated to the ground before falling still among the rubble of the broken table.




The aura emanating from her small frame was probably unexpected, since it was massive and coated the building, no the town, in a density mixed with darkness and light. It even felt heavy, as if gravity itself was weighing down on everything and everyone in proximity. Each small step taken towards him caused the ground to crack beneath her feet, but she took her time to close the distance as if stalking her prey. Her piercing yellow hues bore into his as she gazed up at him, unnerved by the fact that he was taller, looking much older than before. " Watch your manners under my roof, child. I'm nearly two thousand years older than you and a wizard saint. I hope you someday learn to be polite and respectful. If you want to act like a fool, that's on you. Just don't do it at the expense of others. " She reached up and flicked him on the nose, aura dimming down as a smile lifted itself onto her face to break the humorless expression. " Fairy Tail will be just fine since I have faith and absolute confidence in my members. Thanks for the boastful offer though. " And with that she retracted the scythe back into its original form, a black key, and walked off while making sure to pay close attention to deviate around the craters she had created in the floor. Her 'dainty childlike' figure returned to Timothy and Hibiki, a hand lifting to rest itself gently but securely upon Timothy's shoulder. " Now isn't the time, Timothy. Something has happened. " She turned to look at Hibiki, expression grave, gaze steeled and hardened. It was no longer time to play and laugh, horrible things were occurring.
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Fairy Heart Member. Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Without warning Seth was completely engulfed by darkness, completely and utter darkness devoid of any light whatsoever. Seth's immediate reaction was to shout out for somebody, to ask them what the hell was happeing but he soon found out that he could not. No sound escaped his opened mouth, though this shocking revelation was soon replaced by the need to breath; his lungs were crying desperatly for fresh air as whatever remained was soon used but nothing came. Panic began to set in as he clawed away at his own neck. Time seemed eternal inside this black dome, his lungs burning, his body for the most part contorted to an uncomfortable shape as the space inside seemed to shrink gradually. It was hell. However as he was on the verge of giving up, a light burst forth and the dome was gone.  

Seth reeled back, his mouth open wide as he swallowed as much air as humanly possible both hands still clasped around his neck, the veins fully visible as to indicate how desperate he was moments ago. Beads of sweat covered his face, some of the droplet beginning to free fall to the floor below as he continued to stare on wards in shock. Never before had he experienced such helplessness as he had done during those few moments encased in pure darkness, unable to see or breath he had clawed desperately at his own neck as his mind struggled in vain to contemplate exactly what was happening to him. Unable to smell, taste see or hear properly inside, the only thing the red haired boy could rely on was his sense of touch and that feeling of being deprived of four of the five senses was what truly frightened him; though now he was just thankful for the oxygen entering his lungs again. 

Seth was dragged back into reality as strands of his red hair fell to the floor, the sight of them causing him to gaze up at Arietta who was now holding a scythe; causing him to jump up and retreat, only stopping as his back hit one of the buildings support pillars. Seth's mind was furiously telling him to run, to get as far away as possible from this silver haired woman, the natural instinct of the prey victim when confronted with  a predator; though despite every inch of him wanting to run, he couldn't. His body felt heavier and his feet felt immovable as if encased in cinder blocks; he couldnot escape; his only available action to shut his eyes; lean as far back as possible and prey that someone would save him. 


Fearing the worst, he silently prayed and cursed himself for having a big mouth; small images of his life flashing before his eyes as he did so. Though the only thing that came next was a flick to the nose; an act that he was not expecting what so ever. His eyes shot open at the sensation of being flicked, his gaze staring down at Arietta who now had a smile on her face, the predatorial aura she had earlier now gone. Almost instantly, Seth collapsed to the floor his body still pressed against the pillar for support. Without a doubt, the boy was traumatized. 

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@LeSoraAmari@Kyuubey @FH members and FT members

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Location: Being squeezed to death outside Lamia Scale Guild Hall

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"Isn't it obvious.." responded Cain, one brow raised as he stared at the gargantuan human before him, his hands preoccupied with restraining the little monster that had earlier violated him. "I am a human!" his right hand raised, placing it upon his chest proudly. "I am 100% human, born and bred in Magnolia!.." his expression soon soured, "..at least I was human.." Cains hand returned to his side and he hung his head low, averting his gaze from the two humans before him. "... long story short, I am stuck like this...stuck like this until I can find the woman who tricked me all those years ago" Cain turned around and stared up at the Lamia Scale building, its monstrous size; compared to him, was very intimidating and he could feel a sense of strength emanate from within its walls. 


"This may sound a bit selfish on my part.. but I would very much like to join this guild... I feel that by joining a guild of such stature I may get a bit closer to my own goals.." 


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Laura Jones

LS Hall - Back street


Laura had a mug of booze in front of her. She had gotten it shortly after Shiro and Phineas left. Normally she would have already finished it but she hadn't even taken a sip out of it. She couldn't bring her self to. Instead she ran a figure around the opening of the glass. Her heart felt heavy and her mind hurt. Her first friend had come back to her and Phineas. Even if it was only for a brief moment. As she sat thinking images of her brother floated back into her mind, then images of her childhood when her family was killed. She had been drinking not only to forget the people she lost in Lamia Scale but to forget her pain. Her brother had been the reason why she pushed to become stronger and the reason why she woke up every morning. She wanted to have her family back. She got up abruptly and spilled the glass in front of her. Laura didn't want to forget the things that haunted her yet. She gathered the empty cups and carried them to the kitchen, cleaning them quickly before leaving the guild hall. She stumbled a bit as she walked out, not from being drunk but from trying to cope with her suppressed memories.


She may have looked pathetic while she drank but she felt even more pathetic when she was coping with her past. She saw Talon and a few others messing around with a large stuffed bear thing. She made her way past them and walked towards her home. She didn't walked far from the guild hall before she leaned against a building with tears forming in her eyes. She pushed off of it and walked into a back ally. She didn't want anyone to see her as she broke down. She knew she was close to Ferra's and Nicholas' house and she tried to hid her self a little so that they wouldn't see her for any reason. "Why did they leave me? Was I not worth their time?" She looked at her shacking hands, trying to gather her composure but she couldn't. "All I ever wanted was to protect them, but my love doesn't matter." She looked at a pool of water that was next to her and looked at her guild mark. "Am I worthy of being in a guild if I can't fight, if I am just a liability."
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Abaddon - Fairy Tail Training Grounds



Abaddon stared at Clair for a few moments, that usual sinister smile plastered that. It even seemed like he had pointy teeth if one looked close enough and he enjoyed flashing them about. " What a pretty little toy... And you made it just for me! How wonderful! " He said in an amused tone, creating distance between himself and the blade that he knew would actually wound him. Abby however was not a part of the stupid minority and Clair was just too slow, she always had been. Maybe it was all the weight she was gaining that was somehow weighing her down. His entire body morphed into a wave of darkness that shot upwards, splitting itself into twenty different copies of himself that now surrounded Clair in a circular fashion. They all wore a delighted grin, laughter echoing among them. " Which one, Clair? Which one? Who will tire first I wonder... " Abaddon taunted her, all the tones melding together into a loud booming singular voice that danced around her. His jet black hair fell in front of his eyes, gleaming red hues bearing through as they glowed menacingly.


Something seemed different today about him, it was almost as if he was tired of holding back but he did for her safety. " Your jabs are weak, your form is sloppy. Is this how you perform in bed as well now? " A finger was brought up to his chin, all the copies mimicking this act as he continued to humiliate her. Of course it would only feed the fire that he knew was burning inside of her, the hatred she harbored for him was almost laced with killing intent. " I really do love our play dates Clair, but couldn't you at least buy me a drink next time before you try to kill me. " His hands lifted into the air by his sides as if trying to reason with her, acting completely innocent about the entire thing. His jacket fluttered in the wind before the shadow copies of himself began to spin around quickly, allowing her no escape as they started to take turns barraging weapons at her in an attempt to harm her, merely toying with her for now. They all stopped moving as darkness licked at their clothing, lips curved into a wide amused smile, hand outstretched. "  I have a feeling I will be needed soon, hurry it up, lady. I taste evil in the air and it's quite delicious... "


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Lander Frost




Lander sat leaned against the wall of the guild hall watching his guild members enjoy them selves. The two dragon slayers were having fun talking with a dragon slay from fairy tail. His cat was loving the attention some were giving her. His dog and birds stuck close to him though, they didn't like the chaos of the hall. Lander considered going outside to get some fresh air since and he knew that Charlie would love to go play some more. However, he didn't go out side. He just continued to watch his guild interact with the fairy tail guild members. It looked like his guild master was enjoying him self. Ladner considered going and talking with some of the Fairy Tail members but couldn't bring him self to do it. They all looked like they were having such a great time and he didn't want to disturb them. 


@Everyone at the FT GH



Location: Guild Hall Fairy Tail

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Abel watched as the red headed kid went about disrespecting not only the guild, but their Master Arietta as well, his blatant disregard for manners and his straightforwardness had to an extent annoyed Abel; evident by the expression on his face as he looked beyond Dante and focused in on the little runt. "Idiot" he muttered under his breath.Fighting within the guild was one thing, but to try and start another fight between both guilds by challenging a whole guild and disrespecting them was another matter all together. Abel had it not been for Arietta's reaction would have probably confronted the red head as well. Truth be told, Abel had a similar reaction at first, however he at least had the decency to respect her position and not question it. 


As the dark dome encapsulated Seth, Abel could not help but grin ever so slightly. He could only imagine the torment he was being put through whilst trapped inside, it wasn't like Abel had attempted to anger Arietta himself in the past, therefore he could only guess as to how much torture he was currently enduring. Reluctantly taking his gaze away from the scene, Abel returned to Dante's side and looked him in the eye once more, however the air around Abel was far different from earlier; now he was serious. "Does almost everyone from your guild wish to start a fight?" he inquired, referring to Dante's earlier challenge and Seth's current stupidity. He glanced towards Hibiki momentarily, since he was the master of Fairy Tail.  Abel was by no means a coward or afraid of a fight, however during his travels prior to joining Fairy Tail as an adopted son of a Merchant family, he had seen his fair share of chaos; many of which were brought about through violence, especially six years ago.  He did not wish to participate in a fight without proper reason; such as an insult towards his current family. 


Soon Seth was released from his little hell, the runt's demeanor far more subdued now then it was  earlier as he inhaled as much air as possible. Given his attitude now; or lack of, it was safe to say that he had learnt his lesson; good for him as it was highly unlikely that the other guild members would have refrained from harming him the next time he spoke out of line. Satisfied, he once again looked at Dante, "In all seriousness about your challenge, Unless there is sufficient reason to fight against you, I would prefer not to" he finished, stepping back once more. 


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Abaddon - Fairy Tail Training Grounds



Abaddon stared at Clair for a few moments, that usual sinister smile plastered that. It even seemed like he had pointy teeth if one looked close enough and he enjoyed flashing them about. " What a pretty little toy... And you made it just for me! How wonderful! " He said in an amused tone, creating distance between himself and the blade that he knew would actually wound him. Abby however was not a part of the stupid minority and Clair was just too slow, she always had been. Maybe it was all the weight she was gaining that was somehow weighing her down. His entire body morphed into a wave of darkness that shot upwards, splitting itself into twenty different copies of himself that now surrounded Clair in a circular fashion. They all wore a delighted grin, laughter echoing among them. " Which one, Clair? Which one? Who will tire first I wonder... " Abaddon taunted her, all the tones melding together into a loud booming singular voice that danced around her. His jet black hair fell in front of his eyes, gleaming red hues bearing through as they glowed menacingly.


Something seemed different today about him, it was almost as if he was tired of holding back but he did for her safety. " Your jabs are weak, your form is sloppy. Is this how you perform in bed as well now? " A finger was brought up to his chin, all the copies mimicking this act as he continued to humiliate her. Of course it would only feed the fire that he knew was burning inside of her, the hatred she harbored for him was almost laced with killing intent. " I really do love our play dates Clair, but couldn't you at least buy me a drink next time before you try to kill me. " His hands lifted into the air by his sides as if trying to reason with her, acting completely innocent about the entire thing. His jacket fluttered in the wind before the shadow copies of himself began to spin around quickly, allowing her no escape as they started to take turns barraging weapons at her in an attempt to harm her, merely toying with her for now. They all stopped moving as darkness licked at their clothing, lips curved into a wide amused smile, hand outstretched. "  I have a feeling I will be needed soon, hurry it up, lady. I taste evil in the air and it's quite delicious... "


Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Fairy Tail Training Grounds


Clair mentally groaned when Abaddon made his jest , yes it was true that the blade was made with him in mind but that did not mean it was made only for him ! The blade was going to come in handy against any evil based creature , it was a wise investment , really it was ! Anyway in the time it took Clair to mentally process his jest and think it through Abaddon had jumped back quite a distance , then just as quickly cloned himself several times and circled her in. No matter where she looked every one of the clones had that stupid grin plastered upon their face and to top it all off they also taunted her in sync ! It was hell , simply because it was him. Him and that stupid grin , stupid laugh , stupid eyes and stupid hair ! His laugh danced around inside her head and his grin was embedded into her very soul at this stage. Yet the wizard saints training stayed strong she didn't let her guard down or move to block her ears in any way. Perhaps she should have.

The clones continued to humiliate her with a poison coated dagger that stung deep and cut hard. Personal stuff that should have never been made fun of in her opinion kept coming to light and hard work and training was cast aside with such ease by this man alone. No this demon , that's all he is , all he ever was ! How Clair ever feel for his seduction still bothers her to this day. which was quite evident due to the fact she now held the blade more firmly than before. Killer intent pouring out of every inch of her body.

Soon after tightening her grip the clones began their assault , every weapon they forged and threw was obliterated instantaneously upon contact with the holy blade. And Clair managed to block every attack with ease , moving her feet very little if at all to do so. "Hmm , if the competition is to see who can last the longest.... well then I suppose we both know I've already won in that department Isn't that right flash ?"  

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  Reveal hidden contents
Kami Rezonai 

Kami leaned back in his seat, and considered the idea. It seemed like a nice change of pace. He could do all of those things together. Maybe talk about the old days, or something like that. He felt like it had been forever since he had any leisure time."Sure, I like the first idea, let's do all that stuff." Kami agreed, then cocked a eyebrow as Alara called one of their other guild mates. Someone Kami hadn't paid much attention to. Although he was on missions so often he rarely  had time to pay attention to anything.

"So umm, who's this Tara person? Did I miss something while I was on a mission? Well, I missed alot, but still. They look pretty content over there by themselves. Should we bother them?" Kami asked not wanting to bother anyone who didn't want to be bothered. He finished up his food quickly. Another habit he had picked up being in his line of work. You couldn't be slow to eat your food, otherwise something would happen to it. Either it would get eaten by another, or you'd run out of time to eat. 

@Mitchs98 @Hange Zoe

Tarasaki Moaki

B Ranked Guild Member Of BP


Sitting there thinking, and wondering. As he would gaze outside where the glass windows would cover it with decorations added it, just for a fancy display. Scratching his head a little, during the short process he soon heard a voice that wasn't far from him. It was like a couple of seats down, the member of the guild offered him a seat at her table. He began to tap both of his index fingers together "s-sure" he said nervously, as he slowly got up, and walked towards her direction.


Tarasaki isn't proficient at communicating with people, even if he has been here for awhile it still takes some time to adjust with others. As he approached to her, his attention soon turned towards someone that seemed familiar. He then bowed respectfully "My name is tarasaki moaki, but you can call me whatever you want" he says, as he raised himself back up, and took a seat where the women suggested. 



Yamato heard an unfamiliar voice through the lacrima. Lily soon had to cut the connection which can only lead him to one conclusion. A Grimoire Heart mage arrived at their location and from the way Lily was speaking, it was someone she was already with earlier. Yama didn't have enough time to say anything back. At this point he wished he was there right now, this was one of the reasons he wanted to get stronger. So he can take on Grimoire Heart, rescue his friends and prevent anymore from falling into their hands. There's not much point thinking about that though, even if he did know where Lily and Ladon were he wouldn't have enough time to fly there. "I trust those two will one day return in one piece." Well one day he will find Lily and bring her back safely. After all she is family. Now that Yama has done what he needed to do he exited his room and made his way back down to the main hall. Once he reached it there were already people eating the breakfast he had set out. It turned out it was the Rezonai siblings. With a slight chuckle he continued down the stairs to announce his presence. "Hello Kami and Alara! I hope that the breakfast I have prepared is to your liking?"


Alara Rezonai- BP Guild Hall


Alara smiled as Kami agreed to everything she'd said. Honestly she thought it'd be a lot of fun, especially considering the lack of time they'd spent together recently. When Tara came over she smiled and waved, though before she could introduce him or at the same time answer Kami's question he introduced himself. "Yeah you've probably just not paid enough attention to notice him...he tends to keep to himself." She replied before shrugging. "We were, or rather I was, wanting to know if you'd like to come shopping with us." She said. "If not that's fine to, I just noticed you alone and figured I'd ask." She explained.


Soon after that Yamato came over asking if the breakfast was good, causing her to smile and nod as she'd just put the last bite in her mouth. "It was amazing as always Yama! Thank you very much." She told him. "Hey, you could come along with us to if you wanted." She offered. "We're gonna go shopping and stuff." She said.


 Nikolas grinned at his daughter, lifting her onto his back so he could give her a piggyback ride as he hung up the piñata where the child requested. When finished, he put her down. "Thank you, Shiro! That looks awesome!" He looked at the piñata as though it was a work of art, then cleared his throat, cracking his knuckles. "Mkay. Transformation: Exceed!" He felt himself shrink, and, once he had turned into the flying cat thing, the familiar pair of wings appeared on his back. He flew across the room a couple times, mostly for the kids' amusement, and it worked, seeing as Valken and Rudolf stopped what they were doing and watched amazedly. Nikolas then grabbed a roll of streamers as he swooped by the coffee table, hanging them across the ceiling with his own little flair. Once finished with that, the half-Neko swooped to where his wife was, grabbing a couple colored pencils so he could doodle on the border of the banner. Between the words "welcome" and "back", he drew a picture of Phineas and Shiro making out, and between "back" and "Shiro", he doodled a picture of him and Ferra watching behind a bush with binoculars. It wasn't half-bad. 


@Arius LaVari @TheSecretSorcerer 

  Phineas's blush intensified by 35% when Shiro started laughing; he let out a weak chuckle, wrapping his arms around her tighter. He couldn't bring himself to get away from her. Half of that reason was simply because he hadn't seen her in forever, but the other half was out of fear of her leaving again. He just wanted her to stay with him, even if not forever. Just long enough for him to ask her that question and for them to be a couple like they were again. His blush went through the roof when she commented about his own looks; the half-Neko only nodded at that. But then Shiro suddenly went into a tangent of self-doubt and hatred for her leaving. Phineas shook his head, stroking her soft white hair. Just like he remembered it was like. "You did what you had to...." he said quietly. "I understand completely. You wanted to go after Grimoire Heart and put them in their rightful place, while protecting all of us, and it was right of you to go the extra mile. I...I couldn't be prouder to call myself your boyfriend...." Phineas added, before Shiro requested that they talk somewhere a bit more private. He thought for a moment, then came up with an idea.

  "....I know just the place," he said softly, and, after patting her back comfortingly, he gently took her by the hand and walked out of the guild hall. His heart was beating so fast that he thought it would explode. He looked over to Alexa, smiled calmly at the toddler, then continued on his way. The Saedor house was quite close, so he easily ducked in, where Nikolas was helping Ferra draw the banner. He tried to sneak past, still holding Shiro's hand, and luckily managed to succeed. He reached his room, quickly closed the door, and cleared his throat, ducking into the closet and searching through it. Once he found what he was looking for, he slipped it into his pocket and turned to Shiro. "....So. What have you been doing these past six years?" he started awkwardly. 

  Meanwhile, Nikolas had been holding in his excitement when Shiro walked in. Literally. His cheeks were all puffed up from holding his breath. When he knew that Phineas and Shiro were in Phin's room, he randomly shouted.

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"PHINRO FOREVER MOTHAFUCKAHS! [/COLOR]Now, kids, don't curse like your dad just did...."

Ferra and Shiro- Saedor Household


Shiro giggled lightly as she was hoisted onto Nikolas' back, smiling at the praise she was given. "You're welcome." She replied before hugging him. She then watched as he transformed into a flying cat and helped her mother with the banner. Ferra herself giggled at the drawings he was putting on it. "Nice." She told him with a grin. Soon though Phineas and the Shiro whom her daughter was named after walked in, man that would be a little awkward to explain..oh well. She stayed quiet up until Nikolas suddenly shouted. Of course she laughed, as did Shiro. "Teaching the kids nice things again, eh Nik?" She teased with a grin. "Maybe we should invite the rest of the guild over, have a small party?" She suggested.

Gold Fauntleroy 


Now that thing's are a bit quieter, he might be able to go sleep. Only thing is, he can't possibly do such a thing at a time like this. Plus he doesn't really want to sleep with people around. He needs it, he hasn't been able to sleep last night due to working himself to the bone trying to complete a job he took. Though he wasn't just tired from one job, but multiple as he went on a spree of doing jobs three or four days ago. Which made him very tired, though it wasn't until now he had decided that it was enough and wanted to rest. Now he just wants to rest for a bit before going off on another job. Trying to rest in the guild hall is going to be a bit hard though, since there's Fairy Heart who just came here to visit. He's decided to go and return to his apartment where he can get some sleep. Though leaving at a time like this would be strange to the people who spot him though, because another guild's here to visit. But right now he really just wants to sleep.

So he grabs the small brown bag he was carrying earlier and gets up from his table. But before he would try to leave the building, he had a sudden interest in their portal. And that interfered with his need for sleep, and he contemplated on it for a bit. 'Eh, looking at it a bit won't hurt me, so why not?' he thought to himself. And took a small look at that portal. It managed to intrigue him, probably due to him wanting to go home and sleep that a portal would very much come in handy right now. If he could make one that is. But he can't. And just as he was finished with looking at the portal, something had suddenly happened.

Something had come out of the portal and landed on top of him. It caught him by surprise and made him fall to the ground, back first. "What the?" he said then looks at the thing that's on top of him. It was just a puddle of some kind of strange goo to him at first. But soon after, the goo turned into something that surprised him again. It took a bit for him to realize what was on too of hin though, he stared and stared. Until he finally did realize. On top of him was a girl, and a naked one at that. "Huh?" Gold's face had instantly turned red at the sight of her and could only stare. He couldn't say anything, the awkward situation had made him unable to speak. 


'Is this a dream?' he asks himself in thought.


@Everyone Else in the FT HALL~

Lunaria Safira- FT Guild Hall

Meanwhile while everyone else was arguing, fighting, and generally having a good time Lunaria was on top of Gold still dazed and confused. She knew they'd likely use a portal on the way back to the island and she wasn't looking forward to it at all. Through-out her haze of being unable to move she was contemplating just how fast she could traverse the ocean as well as how many people were currently staring at her. Hopefully not many, hopefully the majority were caught up in everything going on. Maybe she could just peacefully get dressed alone and not have to worry with anything, just hide for a while or maybe not even hide at all if no one noticed her.


Needless to say that option was soon out of the picture as she had actually landed on someone, Gold in-fact....who was staring right at her. She stared back in silence for a bit red in the face before uttering a meek, "Hi.". She slowly pushed herself up and started getting dressed. "I-I um...sorry. Portals..make me deform a-and..yeah.." She explained, or tried to, more-so just stringing random words together and hoping she actually made sense when she didn't whatsoever.


Location: Being squeezed to death outside Lamia Scale Guild Hall

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬


"The wind" replied Cain, thankful to be out of the little monster's grasp and back on the ground standing on his own two feet, both of his hands furiously rubbing away at his sides. "I can't fly properly with the wind as strong as it is today... i get thrown for a ride regardless of what I do.." he continued, looking himself over before finally giving himself a small satisfied nod. "I didn't plan to get stuck up there... its just the way my luck has been today. Chased by dogs, bullied by the wind and now treated like a toy", he glanced at the girl who a few moments ago was attempting to squeeze the life out of him and now proceeded to pat his head, much to Cain's annoyance. With both hands he waved them wildly above him, jumping back a few steps in the process as he tried to fend her off


"My name is not 'Mr Panda'" he now directed his attention to the girl, ".. and I am not a toy" his voice was a bit more stern now. "I am Cain, Cain Hawkins and I was trying to find my way to the Lamia Scale guild, by the flag that I earlier got acquainted with, I presume you both to be members of this guild?" the direct and formal way of talking contrasted greatly with his appearance, though by this point in his life he spared it little thought. 



▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Talon chuckled at the pandas utter distaste for being treated like a toy even though that's what he was. "Good to meet you Mr. Cain, I'm Talon and this is my niece, Alexa, who isn't a guild member yet though her parents are." He took a seat on the ground and pulled Alexa into his lap to keep her from the panda. He apologized about Phineas's drunken behaviour and explained how he usually wasn't drunk but was in the process of getting over a breakup. 'That happened like 6 years ago.' He added to himself. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you?" Talon asked the question that everyone was thinking. He thought Cain might be a magically animated panda toy but didn't know for sure.

@Mitchs98 @Phayne

"Isn't it obvious.." responded Cain, one brow raised as he stared at the gargantuan human before him, his hands preoccupied with restraining the little monster that had earlier violated him. "I am a human!" his right hand raised, placing it upon his chest proudly. "I am 100% human, born and bred in Magnolia!.." his expression soon soured, "..at least I was human.." Cains hand returned to his side and he hung his head low, averting his gaze from the two humans before him. "... long story short, I am stuck like this...stuck like this until I can find the woman who tricked me all those years ago" Cain turned around and stared up at the Lamia Scale building, its monstrous size; compared to him, was very intimidating and he could feel a sense of strength emanate from within its walls. 


"This may sound a bit selfish on my part.. but I would very much like to join this guild... I feel that by joining a guild of such stature I may get a bit closer to my own goals.."

Laura Jones

LS Hall - Back street

Laura had a mug of booze in front of her. She had gotten it shortly after Shiro and Phineas left. Normally she would have already finished it but she hadn't even taken a sip out of it. She couldn't bring her self to. Instead she ran a figure around the opening of the glass. Her heart felt heavy and her mind hurt. Her first friend had come back to her and Phineas. Even if it was only for a brief moment. As she sat thinking images of her brother floated back into her mind, then images of her childhood when her family was killed. She had been drinking not only to forget the people she lost in Lamia Scale but to forget her pain. Her brother had been the reason why she pushed to become stronger and the reason why she woke up every morning. She wanted to have her family back. She got up abruptly and spilled the glass in front of her. Laura didn't want to forget the things that haunted her yet. She gathered the empty cups and carried them to the kitchen, cleaning them quickly before leaving the guild hall. She stumbled a bit as she walked out, not from being drunk but from trying to cope with her suppressed memories.


She may have looked pathetic while she drank but she felt even more pathetic when she was coping with her past. She saw Talon and a few others messing around with a large stuffed bear thing. She made her way past them and walked towards her home. She didn't walked far from the guild hall before she leaned against a building with tears forming in her eyes. She pushed off of it and walked into a back ally. She didn't want anyone to see her as she broke down. She knew she was close to Ferra's and Nicholas' house and she tried to hid her self a little so that they wouldn't see her for any reason. "Why did they leave me? Was I not worth their time?" She looked at her shacking hands, trying to gather her composure but she couldn't. "All I ever wanted was to protect them, but my love doesn't matter." She looked at a pool of water that was next to her and looked at her guild mark. "Am I worthy of being in a guild if I can't fight, if I am just a liability."

Alexa Saedor- Outside LS Hall > Near Saedor House


Alexa pouted when Cain proceeded to be mean to her. Though she was still amazed by the talking, and apparently able to fly, panda toy who was apparently named Cain. She then grinned, at what point did a little kid not like to tease others? Especially a relatively harmless panda teddy. "Okay Mr. Panda~" She replied in a clearly teasing voice. She was going to pat him on the head again to annoy him further when Talon suddenly scooped her up and put her in his lap. "Aww...I wasn't gonna do anything." She whined before sighing. She made no effort to escape though, instead listening to Talon and the panda bear who apparently used to be human speak.


She tilted her head slightly, "Human teddy?" She asked, very confused. How did that work even? Was there a smaller human inside the teddy and he was controlling it like a robot or something? Was the panda part just a costume? So many questions, so little time with a sad looking Laura walking out of the guild hall. She squirmed free of Talon's grasp and walked off after her as fast as her little legs could carry her both of of curiosity and the fact that Laura seemed to be upset. Which was only confirmed when she came to a stop a few feet ahead of her in an alleyway near her parents' house crying.


She walked up to her and gently hugged her, "What's the matter Auntie Laura?" She asked, looking up at her with wide eyes.
  Reveal hidden contents

Alara Rezonai- BP Guild Hall


Alara smiled as Kami agreed to everything she'd said. Honestly she thought it'd be a lot of fun, especially considering the lack of time they'd spent together recently. When Tara came over she smiled and waved, though before she could introduce him or at the same time answer Kami's question he introduced himself. "Yeah you've probably just not paid enough attention to notice him...he tends to keep to himself." She replied before shrugging. "We were, or rather I was, wanting to know if you'd like to come shopping with us." She said. "If not that's fine to, I just noticed you alone and figured I'd ask." She explained.


Soon after that Yamato came over asking if the breakfast was good, causing her to smile and nod as she'd just put the last bite in her mouth. "It was amazing as always Yama! Thank you very much." She told him. "Hey, you could come along with us to if you wanted." She offered. "We're gonna go shopping and stuff." She said.

Ferra and Shiro- Saedor Household


Shiro giggled lightly as she was hoisted onto Nikolas' back, smiling at the praise she was given. "You're welcome." She replied before hugging him. She then watched as he transformed into a flying cat and helped her mother with the banner. Ferra herself giggled at the drawings he was putting on it. "Nice." She told him with a grin. Soon though Phineas and the Shiro whom her daughter was named after walked in, man that would be a little awkward to explain..oh well. She stayed quiet up until Nikolas suddenly shouted. Of course she laughed, as did Shiro. "Teaching the kids nice things again, eh Nik?" She teased with a grin. "Maybe we should invite the rest of the guild over, have a small party?" She suggested.

@Everyone Else in the FT HALL~

Lunaria Safira- FT Guild Hall

Meanwhile while everyone else was arguing, fighting, and generally having a good time Lunaria was on top of Gold still dazed and confused. She knew they'd likely use a portal on the way back to the island and she wasn't looking forward to it at all. Through-out her haze of being unable to move she was contemplating just how fast she could traverse the ocean as well as how many people were currently staring at her. Hopefully not many, hopefully the majority were caught up in everything going on. Maybe she could just peacefully get dressed alone and not have to worry with anything, just hide for a while or maybe not even hide at all if no one noticed her.


Needless to say that option was soon out of the picture as she had actually landed on someone, Gold in-fact....who was staring right at her. She stared back in silence for a bit red in the face before uttering a meek, "Hi.". She slowly pushed herself up and started getting dressed. "I-I um...sorry. Portals..make me deform a-and..yeah.." She explained, or tried to, more-so just stringing random words together and hoping she actually made sense when she didn't whatsoever.

Alexa Saedor- Outside LS Hall > Near Saedor House


Alexa pouted when Cain proceeded to be mean to her. Though she was still amazed by the talking, and apparently able to fly, panda toy who was apparently named Cain. She then grinned, at what point did a little kid not like to tease others? Especially a relatively harmless panda teddy. "Okay Mr. Panda~" She replied in a clearly teasing voice. She was going to pat him on the head again to annoy him further when Talon suddenly scooped her up and put her in his lap. "Aww...I wasn't gonna do anything." She whined before sighing. She made no effort to escape though, instead listening to Talon and the panda bear who apparently used to be human speak.


She tilted her head slightly, "Human teddy?" She asked, very confused. How did that work even? Was there a smaller human inside the teddy and he was controlling it like a robot or something? Was the panda part just a costume? So many questions, so little time with a sad looking Laura walking out of the guild hall. She squirmed free of Talon's grasp and walked off after her as fast as her little legs could carry her both of of curiosity and the fact that Laura seemed to be upset. Which was only confirmed when she came to a stop a few feet ahead of her in an alleyway near her parents' house crying.


She walked up to her and gently hugged her, "What's the matter Auntie Laura?" She asked, looking up at her with wide eyes.

Kami Rezonai 


Kami nodded at his sisters word, washing down the rest of his food. The mage known as Tara approached them, and Kami listened as his sister invited them along. He didn't have much to say, besides waving and saying,"Hello." Before wiping food off his face with a napkin. He tapped the table, already feeling that time was being wasted. He couldn't sit here for to long. He had to constantly be doing something of importance, or at least on the move.

It was beginning to grow frustrating, and Kami's expression showed it. Then he heard Yama, and smiled brightly."Oh, good day mister  Yamato. How are you doing? I quite enjoyed the food you've made. It's as excellent as always." Kami said, this in a soft chipper voice. He was truly impressed by Yamatos cooking. It never ceased to amaze him, and he wasn't afraid to show his appreciation of it.

@Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Hange Zoe
Talon listened as Cain explained some of his past. "Ahh I see." Acting like he understood when in reality he kinda did. Not really. At all. He let Alexa go and she ran after Laura who was walking away from the guild hall, though he didn't notice Laura's troubled look. "Oh that's not selfish at all, I'm sure you can join the guild. But first breakfast! I'm hungry and dislike doing anything on an empty stomach. Come my friend let us eat!" With that, Talon scooped up Cain and placed him on his shoulder before striding towards the guildhall.


(mentioned) @Mitchs98 @TheSecretSorcerer


Akari had found herself spacing out as she ate, only coming back to herself when she bit the fork in her mouth on accident minus any food. She was whimpering and holding her mouth when Kou; another Takeover mage like her; approached  to ask if he could make his own breakfast, she'd been in the guild long enough to know his diet; Su always freaking knew, but Akari herself, observant as she was, knew Kou liked to cook for himself, so she never made his breakfast. How the devil was she able to think when her mouth hurt so bad? Devil wings popped out of her back, Il didn't like pain and took over making Akari curse up a storm and generally throw a fit until the pain fades and she was able to answer him, "Oi I didn't make any for you. I'm not dumb, where Su likes to do that stuff I don't, I do however notice you like to cook yourself, so where I know what you eat I didn't make any for you. You'd come around when you got hungry." Akari frowned a little while she bit her finger lightly seeing how much her teeth still hurt before sighing with relief that it finally let up so the devil sings vanished from her back and she hopped up, wandering into the kitchen to wash her plate then sneaking out the back door of the guild, there was nothing really for her to do at the hall, actually there was nothing for her to do in this town, boredom was causing her to space out again and she sighed, finally finding a park where she plopped onto a bench and closed her eyes, maybe she'd take a nap and then go find something to do. Or...maybe...Akari sighed again and shifted her position on the bench, sitting Indian style on the bench, elbows resting on her knees while she sat up straight and started to meditate, eggs at her side glowing softly while she just focused on the nature around her, she really didn't feel like dealing with people, dealing with people meant more changing because she lacked important personality traits.



Lily Ann didn't open her eyes as she listened to Rasil gush about what he'd done with his brother; strangest man ever, she thought idly still keeping her breathing even, though she had expected him to give her more of a fuss when she had offered her lap; he normally did and she furrowed her green brows together slightly opening her eyes to look down at him, her big two colored eyes narrowing just a little, "Are you feeling all right Rasil? Not that I mind either way but you're usually not so...eager? Not sure if that's a good word for it...anyway you're the one that wanted to rest remember?" Now her eyebrows seemed to disappear into her hair line as she stared down at the man who possibly looked dead to anyone who didn't know him, thankfully she did know him and he was still warm so...she yawned though more from boredom that sleepiness as her energy was restored in the way of magic. With another small sigh she rested her hand on his head and let him rest as he had requested, though she wondered if things were going well in Magnolia, and also wondered if the guild master would actually have something for her and Rasil to do. Thinking about it she sort of smirked to herself, maybe she was getting infected with the darkness she surrounded herself in, if pushed too far she might actually kill...not just put someone in a coma; as she had done to a group of innocents about what a year ago now? She kept the smirk while she mentally tried to shake the thoughts swirling around her mind, she felt pretty bad that she didn't really regret her actions...that should concern her probably. 
@Arius LaVari

  Phineas trembled a bit when Shiro stepped back from him, obviously thinking it through or something. The half-Neko recognized her singing voice, his eyes softening a little, then she knelt down to hug him. 

  Did he know what he was getting himself into? If Phin was honest, he would say vaguely, but not really. He hesitated on how to approach this, what to say, then he decided to do it through his own singing. His voice was low, but it wasn't half-bad. 

  "You take me by the hand, I'm sure of who I am...Teach me how to fight, I'll show you how to win, you're my mortal flaw and I'm your fatal sin; let me feel the sting, the pain, the burn under my skin...Put me to the test, I'll prove that I am strong, won't let myself believe that what we feel is wrong, I finally see what you knew was inside me all along....that behind this soft exterior...lies a warrior." After singing that, he leaned in, kissing her on the lips. He pulled back after a minute or so, nodding slowly. "I'm fully aware of what I'm getting myself into by doing this. I know it's dangerous, but I've been able to make it through the worst of times. And this love is something worth fighting for. So....yes. I will become a member of Fairy Heart for you. Shiro...I promise, I have gotten strong enough to do this. I'm fully aware of the dangers that will happen when I join...and I promise, I'm more than ready." He kissed her on the lips again, this time making it a bit longer and more passionate. He closed his green eyes, remembering the first time they had kissed, then, after a good minute, he broke the kiss, leaning his head on her shoulder. 



  Nikolas grinned at Ferra's comment, ruffling Shiro's (the toddler's) hair. He finished coloring Phin's eyes in and smiled, having completed his work of art. "Hell yeah. It'll be the icing on the cake. I wonder what Phin 'n' Shiro're doin' in there anyways~..." He considered busting in, but decided against it, instead looking at the banner and helping to hang it up across the living room. Rudolf and Valken both watched curiously, Rudolf gnawing boredly on his twin's ear. Nikolas finished hanging it up and peeled Rudolf off of Valken, rolling his eyes as he did the starfish thing across his face. Then he got an idea; he staggered across the room, waving his arms around wildly, screaming, "RUDY HAS STRUCK AGAIN!!!!" Soon, he sort of knocked Phineas's door off his hinges, walking in like a zombie and pretending to scream hysterically. Rudolf was laughing nonstop. This caused Phineas to jump about a foot in the air, glaring at his brother. 


  "MERLIN'S UNDERWEAR, RUDY! UNCLE PHIN IS ALIVE AFTER ALL!" Nikolas screamed dramatically, managing to yank Rudolf off his face before setting him on Phin. Phineas only had a second's warning before Rudolf pounced on his back, causing him to yelp and lurch forward right into Shiro's chest. This caused Nikolas to fall into a fit of hysterical laughter, literally rolling around on the floor laughing. Rudolf casually crawled across Phineas's back, hopping off of his head. Phin took this as a chance to jerk his head up, his face red. 

  "AAAAAHHHH! I'M SO SORRY, SHIRO!" he shouted, bowing repeatedly as an apology. Nikolas was still laughing. 



Miles enjoyed playing with Bella. Her giggles made him smile and reminded him about why he enjoyed being a father so much. After hugging and kissing her he held her in his arms proudly. He noticed that she was eating the lollipop that he got for her, and she seemed to be enjoying it. She offered it to him and at first he rejected it and pilled his head back, but when she placed it against his lips he smiled and chomped on her lollipop. He took half of whatever was left in on bite. He chuckled as he chewed the candy in his mouth. I'll buy you another one. He said with a smile. Miles turned his attention to his brother who gave a sufficient explanation about the boy, and he was not prepare for what came next.

When Tyson told Miles that the boy was his son, his mouth literally dropped. He was surprised that his elder brother has a son, especially since he doesn't have a girlfriend. So, if he's your spawn, the being that came from your groan, who carried him for 9 months?? Who's the mother?? Wait better question...why didn't you know use protection?? Especially after all those lectures when we were younger huh. Miles chuckled then looks at Thanos and smiles. Nice to meet you though Nephew. He looks back up at Tyson and waits for an answer. Though sadly something terrible happened instead. A big explosion went off causing the whole guild to shake. Miles covered Bella and held her tightly covering not only them with his aura, but Eric, Tyson, and Thanos as well. Luckily the explosion never came towards them. Out of all of them, Tyson was the first to check it out, so Miles stayed back with Thanos and Eric. Whatever accord Miles new this wasn't good. Eric go out there with Tyson and check it out. I'll stay back with the kids. @Britt-21 @Solemn Jester @Jackaboi



Dante' was thrown off my Abel's response. He showed disappointment and lack of interest. The dragon slayer seemed to want something in return just to fight with Dante'. It was true that he didn't bring anything to bargain with, but in his defense he wasn't expecting the Solar slayer to be this way. He actually expected him to be more acceptable to fighting with him. As he stepped back from him, Dante' merely shrugged and placed his hands in his pockets. He looked around and noticed how a female with long hair was all over Darius. They haven't even been here that long and he's already attracting pretty girls. Dante' was quite surprised by this, he didn't think Darius had it in him. He smiled and nodded his head in acceptance. He started to think about, how long will it be before he finds himself a girlfriend. Though in his defense, he was too busy with the war to actually slowly down and get one. 

As time went on a Fairy Tail mage approached Hibiki, in a friendly manner and challenged him to a duel. Dante' was quite worried for the Fairy Tail mage, because he knows from experience just how strong Master Hibiki is. Though before someone got hurt, mainly the fairy tail mage, Master Arietta stopped the mage. Dante' chuckled then continued to look around. Sadly he heard the voice of Seth, and sighed at his comment. He wanted to punch him to shut him up, but before he could he was already moving to a table, where he decided to stand on. The young idiotic mage decided to boast and disrespect the mage of fairy tail in their own home. Before Dante' could chain up his mouth, Master Arietta acted it first and covered Seth in a dome of darkness. Dante' new from experience just how bad something like that could be. He was sure Seth was suffering on the inside. When Abel approached him with a more serious aura, asking about the guilds and starting fights Dante' couldn't help but chuckle. He was going to respond but the dome was soon released.

 When the dome was released, poor Seth seemed traumatized. Seeing this caused Dante' to reminisce on past memories of his past. The face on Seth's face reminded him of those who were captured and tortured by Grimoire Heart. Dante' was slowing getting angry, balling up his fist in his pockets. The temperature of his body slowly began to rise, as he was getting angered by the tactic Master Arietta used to teach Seth a lesson. He took a deep breath, calming himself down and looked at Abel as he once again spoke to him about the fight. Dante' looked at with with a straight and serious expression. First, to answer your question from before, No everyone doesn't. Seth there, just has a big mouth and doesn't know when to shut. Though me on the other hand, I just want to fight you because I wanted to know how strong you are, and what type pf mage you are. I didn't come her to take you out on a breakfast date. So if you don't want to fight, because I have nothing to give you besides an ass whooping, then by all means decline my offer. I could careless. As Dante' was speaking,his eyes, started to glow fiery orange reacting to his true emotions. Though breaking through the tension between he and the Solar Dragon Slayer, he sensed was off, something bad. He looks over at Master Arietta, then at Master Hibiki, before returning his sight back to Abel. He grinned. Looks like I'll soon be fighting something after all, and quite soon matter of fact. He glances over at the doors of the wall then his fellow Fairy Heart memories. @Phayne @Jackaboi @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey 

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Eric ordered a mug of beer from the bar while he had the chance. Since Miles was here what's the harm in a few drinks? It's not as if there's going to be a terrorist attack or anything. After Eric got his drink he drank a little bit then sat it on the bar. Miles was playing with Bella and they both seemed happy. Actually Bella ended up offering Miles some of her lolli. He declined but then he ended up biting half of it off anyway. "(sigh) Generous kid." Eric hoped this peace would just last forever. But the horrible truth is nothing stays quiet. It was just how quickly that things turn south that took his surprise. Suddenly there was a huge explosion that occured within the city. Miles was the first one to pop up his aura and shield everyone although it wasn't needed since the explosion didn't happen in the guild. But it was still just as loud which caused Eric to get up off the bar stool and ready for action. "What the hell was that!?" He looked around trying to see if anyone knew what the explosion was. Tyson said he was going to go out and find out what happened. Which left Eric and Miles to look after the kids. Speaking of which they would need to be reassured. Miles already has Bella in his arms so Eric went to see to Thanos. "Hey kid don't worry. That explosion was probably just someone practicing their magic. Even if it isn't your dad will beat-em-up for ya." Eric looked to the front entrance of the guild hall with a face of concern of his own. That explosion could really mean anything. "Tyson you'd better be okay out there..."



Gold Fauntleroy


Gold only continued to stare at her with a face full of red, and she stared back in silence for short while until she uttered a very meek, 'Hi,' to him.

He didn't speak at all, still a bit tongue-tied due to the awkwardness of the situation he's currently in. He's also trying hard not to look down into her private region, he's not a pervert. Though that became harder as she pushes herself up, and starts to try and explain how this had happened all the while dressing herself.  Which only sounded like a string of randomized words mixed together to form a sentence that he could barely understand. The only thing he had gotten out of that was the part where she said portals make her deform. But that still didn't make sense to him. Deform? He supposes that it's her magic, though he's never heard of one that allows deformation of the body. The closest thing to that he can think is transformation magic. Though that transforms a person rather than deforms them as it's name implies.


"What?" he asks her after he stops staring, now he's looking to the side though still blushing profusely.




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