Fairy Tail IC




Turns out pain made him stronger, she would have to keep that in mind for the next time she encountered this man. With the help of her husband, both of them were able to save the guild and their family from being utterly destroyed in one swipe. Kathy's eyes kept locked onto Rasil despite her body focusing on the shield. Lucky for her, she caught the guild mark -which Rasil happily showed by sticking out his tongue- that explained his hostile nature against the guild hall and towards both her and her husband in general.  Grimoire Heart. Rasil was part of the most wanted guilds out there and both Kathy and Miles had to report this to the guild master. Keep Sho on his guard( @Rhodus ). Just as Rasil left and the attack vanished, she dropped the shield and looked over at Miles who looked beyond pissed with his flaming hands, the expression on his face as well as the wild arua flaming around his body. As sexy as he might look when angry, if she allowed him to stay angry as he was he could possibly hurt himself just by the magic power itself.


"Miles..." just as he said he was going to find the man and kill him, he walked off leaving a trail of burned grass. Kathy, however, jogged up to his side and grabbed his arm, ignoring how hot -no pun intended- he was due to his magic. "We need to report this to the Guild Master. If you go after him now you can risk your life, Miles... I dont need you going on a suicide mission..." she pointed out, tugging him back towards the guild hall just a little bit "Lets return to the guild hall, I'll talk with Master Sho and you can watch Bella..." the reason why she suggested something as this was because Bella always made Miles smile. No matter what mood he was in she always brightened his day and made him happy again. A happy Miles was a happy Kathy. She tugged on her husband some more and began to drag him back towards the guild hall "I want to kill him as much as you do... He threatened our home, our family and our guild... But now is not the time to go after him..not yet..."


Even though on the inside Katherine was boiling with anger, the outside part of her was calm and collected. Every time she did something like this, her anger would subside quite quickly which helped in most situations such as this one.  Master Sho needs to be aware of the situation. He needs to know that Grimoire Heart is back in Crocus and im pretty sure they'll be looking for a fight.. That meant Bella had to be somewhere safe... But where? Would Fairy Tail be safe? Magnolia itself? Kathy didnt know but if things got out of hand, she needed to get Bella out of Crocus and away from the danger.



Miles felt Katherine's grasp and stopped in his tracks. He looked over at Katherine still having that cold look in his eye.  He looked down at Katherine's hand seeing how she was still holding on to him dispite the temperature of his aura. He took a deep breath and the temperature started to cool. Katherine wanted to make a report, but Miles wanted to report after he kills the guy. Katherine pulled him back, but he took another step forward. He couldn't let this guy escape like this. Miles was prepared to take another step until he heard the magic word. Bella... He said softly as he stood there. Images of his daughter started playing through his mind. Her smiling face, and her beautiful eyes. He stood there frozen as his aura started to slowly started to fade and his eyes turning back to their natural calm amber color. He looks down at the ground then up at Katherine with a smile. Let's go back. Miles turns around and walks back towards the guild with Katherine. 

Upon on entering the guild Miles looked straight a the bar seeing his baby Bella. He smiled as most of his anger was washed away at the sit of Bella. He walked forward still having his hands in his pockets. His brother was there with Eric still accompanied by that child. Who was he? He looks at  Bella who was obviously happy to see her father. He reached out to her and grabbed her and kissed her on her cheeks countless times making her giggle. I told you I'll be back Bella didn't I? You missed daddy? He asked before numbing on her cheeks yet again hugging her tightly. He stopped and looked at his brother, holding Bella in his arms. So Ty... who's the child, and why does he look so much like you???

IMG_0281.JPG @Britt-21 @Solemn Jester @Jackaboi
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Once the portal had been formed and the members of Fairy heart started to trickle through it one by one, Hibiki waited for the rest to follow the others through it and in turn into the Fairy Tail guild hall. As the male waited, he realised that a sudden portal smack bang in the middle of the guild hall would undoubtedly catch some people off guard, and perhaps even make some of the less attuned members think they were under some kind of attack. In truth, the thought did in fact amuse Hibiki and a smile began to creep its way onto his face as he became lost in thought. "I wonder how much they've all changed. I'm curious as to who took my place as well.." spoke the blonde, aloud but to himself as he stared into the portal. It wasn't a thought he had ever pondered on before, but it most certainly did intrigue him. Who was his replacement as Fairy Tail S-Class? That was something he was eager to find out. 


After taking a quick last minute glance at the island, Hibiki closed his eyes and took a deep breath, a smile on his face as he did so. It had been six years since he had even stepped foot in Magnolia let alone the Fairy Tail guild hall, but what really struck him was that it had been six years since he had seen anyone. And although Hibiki wasn't at all nervous, he just felt a little bit weird. Upon opening his eyes, a small grin appeared on his face as he slowlly stepped into the portal and arrived at the Fairy Tail guild hall. With his golden khakkhara in hand, he slammed it on the floor as the portal closed and the staff became enveloped in a bright light and then vanished. Looking around the hall, Hibiki could make out even the minor cracks in the walls that weren't there six years ago. Any and all changes became obvious under Hibiki's observant and accurate eye, the eyes of a demon - or so they said. Scanning the room, his eyes befell the majority of the mages within it as his signature kind smile was plastered on his face. None of them had really changed that much, but Sora's hair had gotten much longer. When his eyes finally gazed upon the vampire child she-witch, Ayano, Hibiki practically looked straight through her and onto the next, discarding her presence. It was pretty awkward, but the ill feelings the two had for each other was very much known. Not to mention him, but no doubt the rest of Fairy Heart disliked her as well. After all, they were openly opposing and fighting with her origins, Grimoire Heart. The only reason Ayano wasn't made a target was due to the fact that she was under the protection of Fairy Tail, and neither guild could afford to break the sacred sisterly bond they had. So the 'issue' if you like, was simply ignored for the bonds sake.


Hibiki could see Dante getting up close and personal to the person whom he had been longing to meet, and it amused him a fair amount. Then, his eyes befell Aria and Hibiki walked over to her before bringing the woman into an embrace. "I apologise for the sudden appearance, but, it is good to see you are all doing well. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss this place and everyone within it." And after releasing Arietta, he stepped back and then continued. "We've not really come here with a set aim in mind, this is just a friendly visit. Some of my members have been wanting to meet with Fairy Tail for a very long time, especially those two." He said, pointing to Darius and Dante. After that, Hibiki crossed his arms as he gazed at the surrounding area.


"It's good to be home." Spoke Hibiki in thought. 

Crocus Outskirts


Lily Ann internally sighed with relief, Ladon had gone along with her story, it wasn't her most intelligent excuse but whatever, she'd been put in a bit of a pickle, maybe she should have just disappeared into the ground? Then Rasil said he'd pissed off a guild and Lily Ann pinched the bridge of her nose again, "Rasil...oh dear I guess we best move on quickly then. Come on." Lily Ann had said come on just as Rasil pushed her suddenly forward and she glared over her shoulder at him even though she walked faster, actually walking wasn't the right word right then, she set her pace and began a steady jog away from Crocus, there was always so much chaos left behind when she would go places with Rasil, his nature itself seeming to be the cause of most of her troubles and while she was decently fond of him...there were times she considered how to kill him without pain; which he would just enjoy. Lily Ann was a genius though and Rasil's suddenly pushy attitude had her getting suspicious, maybe she hadn't fooled him completely but...she hadn't seen Ladon's guild mark and Yamato had been hung up on before Rasil had gotten nosy, okay so it wasn't the best situation and she'd been caught off guard slightly but if she suddenly bolted wouldn't that be more suspicious?


Oh lovely she had to go with him despite her instincts and her mind screaming at her to run away and go home. Whatever she wouldn't act as if anything had skittered across her mind, she kept her body relaxed aside from the jogging pace she had set up, "Sorry you didn't find anything out about your brother it's partially my fault since I annoyed those guards on accident." Each breath was measured and meant to prevent her from running out of oxygen as she kept her pace, and set her sights on the GH guild hall, she; as every member knew where the hall was and how to get there, and she almost wished she knew the 'Maya Morne' that Yamato had mentioned previously, thing was...when Lily Ann really thought about it, her situation and all that, she sort of feared for her future, if she actually ran into a powerful light guild wizard she could die. She could be found out too and die or worse...she had known what she was doing when she had decided on this path and sooner rather than later she was going to face the consequences of her actions. She didn't tense at the thought, she kept her mind focused on the task at hand, even while internally sighing.


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@Isune @LeSoraAmari @AnyoneinFTGuild


Lavender gave Chris a soft nod in thanks as he held the door open for her and stepped inside, seeing the always-lively Fairy Tail guild hall. Not to mention she caught sight of a familiar blonde who was always in the guild. Hibiki. It's been a while since she seen him and was quite happy to be here by what she heard coming from his lips. Not to mention that he brought a couple of people who looked curious but also happy which made her happy as well "Chris I do believe we wont be taking a job today." the warrior said, looking over at her hubby with a light laugh. "We have plenty of guests that we must entertain, especially old members of our Beloved guild." she loved company and especially loved seeing old members such as Hibiki. He'd grown quite a bit since the day he left. He looked far more mature and looked like a figure to be looked up upon. Lavender then turned her eyes to the new faces in the guild hall. Sure they werent members of Fairy Tail themselves but they were guests. New guests. "It seems we have much to catch up with, especially with Mr Hibiki." the warrior then called out to Hibiki as her eyes shifted to him "Welcome back home, Mr Hibiki!" she gave the blonde a wave and a soft smile.


I do believe they just wanted to surprise us rather than ask to come visit the guild... It was a brilliant idea to just show up and surprise all of us. Oh how I wish I had something prepared for their arrivial. After all, they could get hungry or thirsty. Too bad Lavender wasnt properly dressed for the kitchen to where she could go and make snacks and beverages for everyone. Almost every day was a party in Fairy Tail.


(IM SORRY ;-; )

Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail GH



Sora seemed entranced, gaze fixated so heavily upon Darius's face that it was almost as if she had simply been frozen. It felt that way, at least. Everything around her was drowned out, the voices, the people, the energy. What was so captivating about him? Timothy's question didn't register for a few moments but when it finally did, the woman's face shook rapidly like it had just been doused in ice cold water. " Oh, I.... I'm sorry, Timothy, silly me. He was just saying his name is Darius Hartley. " Her hues still lingered on Darius even as she answered the machias, not paying mind to how utterly rude that may be given the circumstances. " He's apparently like me... " Sora's voice dropped to an odd tone, suspicion wracking her brain. There were more dragon slayers? Meeting Abel had been a rare find in itself but here before her was yet another dragon slayer. Another one. One whom she couldn't take her eyes off. Her hands were another story and she quickly retracted them as the effect of Mitsuki's magic began to be cleansed from her system, albeit too slowly. Her petite frame still hovered oddly close in proximity to his own, feeling comfortable there for the time being. 


" I'm Sora Marvell, S-Class mage for Fairy Tail. " She spoke proudly, knowing that her rank hadn't come easily and she had worked and trained her butt off as a kid and teenager to obtain it. " And yes, I'm a Dragon Slayer. Haven't you met another one before? " A big smile tugged at her lips gleefully, canine-like teeth being flashed once more. " What's your element? " The inquiry was followed by his personal space being invaded once more as she sniffed at him, trying to sense the kind of magic his slayer abilities revolved around. Shortly after Hibiki appeared from the open portal that the rest of the Fairy Heart members had pooled out of. Her eyes quickly met his moving gaze and she gave him a warm smile before shouting out to him. " How DARE you hide such an amazing person from me! " And strikingly attractive... She thought to herself, keeping that last tidbit to herself. Part of her wanted to give Hibiki a real nice punch in the arm or something for disappearing for so long, the other part wanted to hug him and cry now that he was finally here in person. Hibiki had known her since she was little and he always managed to bring out the sensitive side she did her best to hide from the world. Stupid Dreyars, always leaving everlasting impressions on people. Speaking of 'everlasting impressions' though... Her head turned to peer at Darius from the corner of her eye, giving him secret side glances that would hopefully go unnoticed.


A cat had hopped onto his shoulder which was noticed immediately even through her peripherals, face contorting into one filled with a rising joy. Sora spun quickly, hands quickly nabbing the feline up and into the air, holding onto him securely as she stared at him. " Oh my gosh! You're so cute! Can you fly like Nami? Can you? Shall we find out? " She held him out again with outstretched arms, intent on throwing him up high. " Look Ayano! A cat! Wanna touch him? Timothy? " Of course the mass amount of surprises and excitement was starting to get to her and make her act too friendly, Sora however was unaware of her strange behaviour. The others would probably think it was rather normal as well. She began to roll Ricky over within her hands, inspecting him and prodding a fingertip into his tummy and sides. " Well, what's Darius like? Is he strong? " Interrogating the cat now for information, nicely done Sora... She thought to herself with a mental groan, realizing how agog she was coming off as. It was pretty funny from an outside perspective because she stole Ricky and began walking off with him, clutching him close to her face and whispering to him as if they were children telling secrets. Darius would probably think she was trying to kidnap the poor cat since she was bee-lining it for the entrance.


@Arius LaVari @TheSecretSorcerer

  Phineas's nose twitched at the scent of fish; he woke up to the familiar cold touch of Shiro. The pianist looked greedily at the fish, his stomach rumbling, but Shiro's voice brought him to the present. He swiveled around to look at her; her skin was tanned and she was tattooed heavily. Phin recognized the notes to the song that summoned the spring portal; almost dazedly, he fingered one of the tattoos on her arm. 

  "B Sharp," he muttered, feeling stupid as he said this, looking into her eyes. Those were definitely hers, the lovely and mysterious purple eyes of Shiro that he had never thought would pierce him again. Her hair was still that same snow-white...just like the snow that arrived every winter....

 "SHIRO!"  And with that, Phineas was crying, hugging her close to him. He couldn't think of what to say, what to do, so he just spent a good couple of minutes hugging her, uttering her name under his breath repeatedly between sobs. Once he calmed down, he still was hugging her. He was just unable to let go. ".....If.....if music be the fruit of love....." the half-Neko choked. "........Play on. I....I played on, hoping you'd return and now you've returned and....Merlin's beard, Shiro, you're hot!" he blurted out, resulting in a blush. ".....I mean, you're beautiful. You always have been but....wow..."

Crocus Outskirts


Lily Ann's expression was soft as she listened to Yamato talk, saying she could come home if she wanted, apologizing for losing the lacrima, and calling the red haired; apparently named Ladon; off, as she had asked she lifted her swirling two colored eyes and smiled at him, "You really shouldn't sneak up on people, I've had a bad day; as I've said..." Lily Ann frowned just slightly and immediately stopped talking as if she knew Ladon; if someone had a communication lacrima she obviously knew them but what to do what to do...? Just as her tune changed in seconds, her expression darkening someone was running towards her yelling about being home and she glanced up at Rasil, "The red head was hitting on me and won't go away, I mean I get it I'm gorgeous, but he's not my type. As for the lacrima, I'm talking to a friend of mine, but what happened to you Rasil? I sensed your magic earlier, I guess it's more to say what did you do? Oh wait...you caused us a mess didn't you?" Lily Ann pinched the bridge of the nose and sighed low, two colored eyes flickering over to Ladon; whom she leveled with a deep scowl and dark glare, "Get out of my sight before I lose my temper, which isn't long by the way. Also sorry tall dark and handsome I have to go, Rasil may have gotten us in trouble." She couldn't talk to him properly like this and cut off the minor stream of magic keeping the channel open, she really didn't want to get Yamato in trouble but she tucked the lacrima back in her pocket.


Without preamble she hopped up on her feet causing her skirt to flare up slightly, showing Ladon the mark still sitting on her outer right thigh; a Blue Pegasus mark, that thankfully only Ladon would see since Rasil was coming up to them on the opposite side; not that he hasn't seen it, but what she needed to keep hidden was her connection to BP, she would not risk them. Once on her feet she grins at Rasil and stands at his side, her palms up now to show off her GH mark; almost proudly, "Shall we head out Rasil dear? You've still got things to do right? Let's go, again before more guards come after us, we don't have the time to take out Red there." Her hand rested on her hip, which was cocked to the side, screaming 'stubborn female', even down to the fact her chin lifted slightly, she was ready to go and be done with all this; though she wasn't sure where Rasil wanted to go, back to GH or to question more people about his brother. Oh right, internally she flinched at the thought, his brother had been Moses; someone Lily Ann had known as 'Celestia' so she felt a little sympathy and a little responsibility to help him find his brother, which was why she was traveling with him now. Food for thought, stop thinking about it and focus, she refocused finally staring at Rasil while she waited.


Lamia Scale Guild Hall


Shiro couldn't help it, she arched a white brow as Laura got up and tried to swing at her, well hell she'd missed and was headed for the ground, without a second thought her hands shot out and caught the woman around the waist to prevent her from actually faceplanting on the wood of the floor. "I'm sorry Laura...so sorry. I...ran away, I couldn't handle the responsibility Maya tried to leave on me...so yes I ran away. I'm sorry. When you're less drunk I'll let you hit me all you like for worrying you so...while I'm here I'll buy a newer set of the communication lacrima so you won't lose contact with me again. I know it's not enough but...I also paid for the repairs for your apartment, I went to the old apartments first." Shiro helped set the woman back on her chair, and she...gave the woman a hug; nothing like what she used to do, Shiro felt cold to the touch though, and though the light coming off her skin got gentle, it was still there just under her skin.


Then her eyes fell on Phineas who had echoed Laura's thoughts that she was dead...but she thought he stopped contacting her because he'd moved on...he had hadn't he? Seeing him that guilt ripped through her chest, especially when she noticed he was passed out...and she didn't know what to do, where the hell were Nikolas and Ferra? Oh wait...she blinked and ducked into the LS kitchen for a bit, there was a clatter sound once she found whatever she was looking for and in seconds she was back in the main hall, placing a plate of food in front of Laura, then shaking Phineas slightly to wake him up; because he had a plate of fresh cooked fish in front of him. "Both of you need to eat, the food will absorb the alcohol in your system and help you feel better. Come on Phin wake up, don't make me splash icy water on your face." Not that she really needed it, her hands were freaking ice on the brunette's back, even through his clothes. What she wasn't saying or trying to pay attention to was how handsome he'd gotten over the last six years, here she was looking as if she didn't belong here, and there he was; yes drunk and passed out, but holy...she kept her hand on his back until he woke up while the other covered her face to hide the red starting to show up. You don't deserve it so stop thinking about it Shiro, wake him up, visit, get those lacrima, then leave...but...he is safe. She sighed with relief then, no longer considering him in the way she used to; for now, she'd remind herself a million times more she was sure, but she could still be nice.


Laura Jones

Lamia Scale GH


Laura was holding her head trying to figure out what was going on. She thought that Shiro was dead but here she was. She was beyond grateful for what Shiro had already done for her. She did seem to have changed a lot, but who hadn't? "Shiro you didn't have to do that for me." She trying to speak clearly, her mind hurting as a side effect of the booze. "If I was kicked out or if my apartment was condemned it would have been my fault but I appreciate the help." Laura then reached for the silverware to feed her self, her hand was shacking as she proceeded to feed her self. "When we have a moment to our selves and I am not wasted, I would like to talk to you. Somethings happened that I would rather not talk about around others."

She looked at poor Phineas, she had gotten him drunk right before the love of his life came back. He had passed out the second he saw her and now he wasn't really thinking before he said anything. She was used to being drunk all the time but he could have a few sips and start dancing with his food. "Hey Phineas, are the twins still with Talon?" She asked realizing that she didn't see them around anywhere.
@Arius LaVari@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball

LS Guild Hall


Shiro nearly instantly froze the second Phineas traced one of the tattoos on her wrist and she knew he'd recognized it instantly, she didn't move she barely seemed to breathe, more than that she watched him, green locked with purple, his eyes with hers and she inhaled sharply staring and waiting to see what he would do. Then he started sobbing and pulled her close to him, blushing a deep shade of red with both surprise and guilt, she was like that for ages it seemed and either his strength or her unwillingness to move away from him froze Shiro still. She was 99.9% sure she had gone deaf to her own name because he said it so often in that span of time, calling to mind the quote on her old notebook; one she had memorized as well, he had kept playing...but not for the reasons she had prayed he would, she had stopped singing all together...if she was being honest she wasn't sure she even sounded good anymore. He had played on, his own form of a prayer, a prayer that she would return, and damn if that didn't make her feel even more guilty about leaving him for so long, he hasn't moved on he had waited for her. She was struck speechless, guilt and....happiness ripping her to pieces, torn between which to let out.


After awhile he didn't let her go and started talking again, and Shiro blinked when he blurted out she was hot, corrected himself to beautiful, then said wow and only wow, she pursed her lips together, trying to stifle the laugh that was bubbling up her throat and then she couldn't keep it back anymore, guilt momentarily forgotten. Not only was she difference appearance wise, personality wise was as well; her smiles and laughter still rare and she normally wouldn't have laughed in front of anyone but the man who wouldn't let her go, now she was nearly keeling over with the fit of laughter, arms automatically wrapping around Phineas so she didn't spend some quality face time with the wood she had just saved Laura from, she spoke through the laughter, "Y-You...haha! You are so silly! You talk as if hot isn't a good enough compliment....haha! You're face! You're face is red as a beet Phineas. Haha! Well I wasn't going to say it at first but..." Shiro's voice dropped low suddenly so only Phineas would hear her; and maybe Laura but she didn't think the dark skinned woman would judge her, "You're pretty hot yourself...oops....I meant handsome. Even your clothes haven't changed that much but...hmm you got taller than me, not by much but definitely taller. A-also...I...I'm sorry I ran away, I'm so sorry Phineas, I don't think I've ever hated myself before but I...I hated myself for hurting you, I hate myself for that. I didn't know what to do, Mas...h-he died, Maya left, Valken....there was too much to handle at the time...god what happened to Millie? I can never apologize enough for abandoning Lamia Scale..." Shiro teared up then, she had started off all flirty and sweet but her mind had hit the 'self hatred' and 'guilt' buttons so fast, she couldn't even say how much she had missed Phineas; who she was now leaning heavily against while she tried to not to spiral down, though it was too late, she was about to start sobbing and remembered why she hadn't planned on coming near any of them. "I...Phineas can we...I...can we go somewhere else? I...I'm...just please take me somewhere else? I...I'll be back Laura don't worry...o-okay...? Erm...those little girls? I saw them outside with a man, one went home though, the other is trying to make off with a living panda toy." Her voice cracked slightly, telling the worried woman what Shiro herself had seen, even while she clung to Phineas, relying on him for support when she hadn't relied on anyone but her new guild master in the last six years, and she hadn't even told that guy about her emotions; that she still wasn't sure how to handle. By Benzaiten though he was so warm...she hadn't meant to melt like that, like this, on the edge of sobbing, much like Phineas had just cried on her, she buried her face against his chest, the first warm tears soaking into his shirt, she just couldn't help it.





Dante' looks straight at Abel as he spoke. A slight grin grew on his face when he finally placed a face on the Solar Dragon Slayer. Though he was pretty disappointed at his answer at first but he understood he's reason behind it. Dante's attention was taken away from the dragon slayer and onto a white haired woman with yellow eyes and fox ears. The woman introduced herself revealing her status as the guild master of Fairy Tail. Dante' placed his hand on his chest and bowed before Arietta. Please to meet you Master Arietta. He said as he stood straight up. He gave a friendly smile and looked over at Abel as he too approached him. Master Hibiki will be arriving very soon. He allowed us to step through before he did. He answered Arietta as she gripped his shoulder with unnatural strength and as Abel was sniffing him. Dante' showed no form of pain as Aria gripped his shoulder but he frowned towards Abel as he stated that he disliked the smell of his magic. Well it's probably because I'm a God Slayer. He said staring at Abel allowing the tension to build between them.  To Dante' it seemed that Abel didn't quite like him already, but Dante' could careless. All he wants to do is fight the mage. After awhile of silence both of their stomach grumbles causing Dante' to look down at his own stomach.  Dante' then realized that he too have yet to eat anything this morning. He agreed with Abel about breakfast and nods. I can go for some breakfast. He said with a smile. But treating you...we'll see about that. 

Dante looks at Aria about to request for her to release but before he could Hibiki stepped through the portal and closed it behind him. After looking around he walks up to Aria and hugs her setting Dante' free. He looks over at Hibiki as he talked about Darius and he being excited about coming here. Dante' smiles again and runs his hand through his hair. He looks over at Abel. Shall we go, I haven't been to Magnolia in a long time so you'll have to guide us to a good restaurant. @Phayne @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @EveryoneElseInFairyTail


NPC Info Sheet:

Name: Tarasuba


Age: 22


Height: 5'4


Weight: 110 lbs


Class: A


Guild: Grimoire


Mark Location: Right bicep




Basic Personality: Rude, crass, and typically to the point. Extremely quick to anger and generally hot headed. Prefers the quickest route possible even if it's the most dangerous, thus reckless.




Tarasuba uses Rock Make Magic, creating various attacks and items made entirely out of stone. The attack she uses most often is making a massive hammer to hit foes with.

NPC Info Sheet:

Name: Tiamet


Age: ???

Race: ???(Same weaknesses as a human applies)


Height: 6'9


Weight: 220 lbs


Class: S


Guild: Grimoire


Mark Location: Left Breast





Tiamet uses a form a magic that's fairly simple. The more he's injured the stronger he gets with his attacks as well as the more damage he takes. His durability doesn't increase, but rather he gets weaker. His already massive strength however continues to rise. Another downside to this magic is he doesn't use any form of tactics whatsoever. Once the fight gets going he doesn't stop until he's dead or his opponents are, bashing away with his club mindlessly until nothing is left. At maximum peak strength is is approximately ten times stronger than the average human and about as weak as tissue paper, that is of course if he survives that far. On average he is roughly five times so, making him a force to be reckoned with from the beginning.

Meanwhile on the outskirts of Magnolia there were two incredibly suspicious individuals in black robes and white faceless masks save for two holes for eyes. One was reasonably taller than the other and broad shouldered, more than likely male. The other was obviously shorter with a smaller frame and much less suspicious looking that their behemoth of a companion. "I'm still not sure why he even paired me with you...you stick out like a moving tree. All of you do..." The smaller figure said, their voice indicating them to be female. The massive figure simply grunted in response, causing Tarsuba to roll her eyes. "Right...I forgot, not big on talking." She said. Soon enough they were far enough into the city that if they started causing a ruckus people would likely report it and come over. "Alright big guy, start breaking shit." She told him.


Tiamet just silently nodded in response and drew the massive club as big as his leg from his shoulder and proceeded to make craters on the ground and smash down trees, otherwise just making as much noise as abhumanly possible.


Fairy Tail Guild Hall

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬


[SIZE= 14px]"Hmm.. I guess that explains it" [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]muttered Abel, taking another whiff of Dante, before reeling backwards slightly. He really didn't like the smell of his Solar magic, though liking the mans magic and his character were too separate things; the guy did seem to be more 'normal' then Abel had first thought, though when he suggested he show them to a restaurant, he frowned. To be honest, Abel didn't really visit any of the particular restaurants around Magnolia, instead choosing to gather various fruits from the forest, or procure food from the local market stalls. It was much cheaper and he enjoyed the act of cooking for himself, even if the finished results were nothing to brag about. On the instances he was short on cash and the weather didn't allow for forest gathering, he would just mooch off the guild. In fact, he mooched off them more often then then not, grabbing a few tidbits of food and what not from the guilds own storage/kitchen. One of the benefits of being a dragon Slayer was that they had a keener sense of smell, that often came in handy with finding food that was laying about. If a bar of chocolate was missing from your secret stash, it was almost guaranteed that Abel was involved. That being said, he never took too much so as to be hugely noticeable. [/SIZE]


"I don't really visit the restaurants" he replied rather bluntly, as his stomach grumbled once more. "I was really hoping one of you guys had something on you..." he sighed slightly disappointed and losing a bit of interest in Dante now. The guy wants to fight him, but doesn't bring anything to act as an incentive.. what was in it for Abel. It was only after his interest died down that he actually noticed Aria clinging onto Dante, honestly speaking when he wasn't paying attention or was solely focused on one thing, he struggled to notice anything else below eye level. Stepping backwards a bit, Abel began to scour the room at the other Fairy Heart Members, overhearing talk of another Dragon Slayer being present; god forbid he wanted to fight as well. Unlike Sora, Abel wasn't as eager to meet him, sure it was always interesting to see another Dragon Slayer however he didn't openly express it as much as she did, on top of that it felt weird approaching them, since they all seemed to have something he lacked. A cat.  


Abel's first impression of Hibiki was far different to his first impression of Aria. Initially, Abel didn't really believe she was the Master of Fairy Tail, having always had the impression that the guild leader was some old Geezer, not a youthful young girl almost a ft shorter then him. Though that initial impression was quickly rectified after catching a glimpse of her prowess. Never would he dare reveal to her what he first thought based on how she appeared, he still valued his life. Hibiki however was far different, Abel knew full well that this man in question was Fairy Heart's Master, he carried a different kind of Aura about him. 

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬


  Nikolas walked back in, holding a bunch of party streamers, just as Shiro (the daughter) walked in. He hugged her, ruffling her hair, with a cheerful smile. "Thank you. Tell Aunt Akari that I'm just settin' somethin' up and will be there in a few. We're welcomin' Uncle Phin's girlfriend back~!" he added in a chirp, winking at Ferra. This was soooo exciting. And he was 1000% prepared to tease the hell out of his bro once more. He noticed the piñata on the table and held it up eagerly; both Valken and Rudolf's ears twitched as they looked excitedly at them. "Pretty cool, huh? Now wheeeeeere should I put it?" he asked, smiling at Shiro, almost cuing her to help. 


@Talon @Phayne @TheSecretSorcerer @Arius LaVari

  Phineas may have been drunk, but he could recognize that scent from anywhere. The scent of a certain white-haired girl as she walked by; the half-Neko stumbled away from Talon to give her a better look. White hair was all he could register. Phineas stumbled back towards the guild hall, running into the door twice before realizing it had been closed, opened the door, and walked back inside and to his seat. 

  Shiro was right next to him, behind Laura. A white light was surrounding Laura. The half-Neko looked at Shiro as though he had seen a ghost. He raised his hand towards her, surprise in his green eyes, a couple tears forming. "I thought you were dead," he croaked. 

  And that was when he passed out. 

@Arius LaVari(Mentioned)

Ferra and Shiro; Saedor Household Margaret Town

Shiro smiled as she was hugged and had her hair ruffled. She stared at her father curiously as he spoke to her. Of course she didn't exist when Phineas was actually together with someone but she often heard talk of her, apparently being named after her because she was presumed dead once all contact was lost. Of course....they left off that information to her specifically. "Oooh, neat!" She replied. She was definitely curious to meet the other Shiro, wondering what she was like. When she was asked for advice on where to put the pianata she hummed in thought, "Umm...there?" She suggested, pointing to the exact middle of the room's ceiling. Ferra on the other hand was equally as excited as everyone else, putting up the streamers along the wall. Once that was done she got to work making a big sign that read 'Welcome Back Shiro!'. Of course...her first thought was to have it say 'Glad you're not dead Shiro!'...but that didn't happen for obvious reasons.


Location: Being squeezed to death outside Lamia Scale Guild Hall

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Despite being passed out, Cain's body released a soft squeak similar to that of your standard stuffed bear. It was involuntary and occurred every time his body was squished inward, a function of the toy in its original state long before Cain came to inhabit its body. Unable to move and act, Cain could only watch from the confines of the jewel as his body was unceremoniously treated like a toy by the child. The day could not have gotten any worse for him, having already spent the early hours of the day chased by dogs, stuck on a flagpole and now treated like a child's plaything, would the humiliation never end? 


A few minutes of remaining limp flew by, though it felt much longer then that before Cain started to regain the ability to move, his head shaking slightly and his arms twitching as he got re-acquainted with the bear's body. "Le.. Let me go.." he spoke, his voice low and barely audible.It was like he was coming out of surgery and the anesthesia was wearing off, though the rate of his recovery was much faster then that.   "I.. Im not a toy.. Let me go..." this time both his hands had been raised in front of him, his bear paws pressed against the underside of the girls face as he began to struggle, his two legs flailing about as he wrestled with her grip. There were many different ways for him to escape this situation.. but to do so without actually causing the girl any harm was unlikely. Despite his hatred towards being treated like a toy, he would have hated himself more had he gotten someone innocent hurt. He knew full well that she was not doing this intentionally, though despite that tidbit of common sense, it still did not help to minimize the embarrassment and humiliation he was feeling right now.


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Talon laughed as his nieces played with the panda stuffy that was somehow alive. He gently took the creature from the girls and placed it down on the ground. "Now," he said, kneeling down next to the panda. ,why were you up on the flag pole?" He asked, keeping the girls away from the panda as they tried to play with him. Phineas had ran off somewhere in his drunken roaming. Ferra and Nik would probably give him a talking too for letting Phineas get that drunk but he would deal with that later, for now this was much more interesting.

@Phayne @Mitchs98

Alexa Saedor; Outside LS Hall

Alexa of course had no idea that Cain was alive at all. To her he was just a cute cuddly panda toy that she'd found and would probably keep as her own. "You're dirty Mr. Panda...I'll wash you later!" She told Cain cheerfully, still unaware of his sentience. Of course when he simply barely twitched she figured it was due to her shaking him....then he spoke causing her to gasp. "Woah..did you speak?" She asked, tilting her head curiously and holding her out from him a bit. When he spoke again her eyes widened in awe, giggling as he tried to struggle away from him. The panda toy was alive! This was definitely an awesome toy for sure. She wasn't sure where it came from but as far as she was concerned it was hers now. "Wow! A talking panda teddy!" She shouted in pure awe. Of course...she thought it was hers up until Talon took it away and put it on the ground. "Aww Uncle Talon...I wasn't gonna hurt it." She said with a small pout. "Right teddy?" She asked, gently patting Cain on the head and smiling.



Bella watched as Tyson take the stuffed lion and then started to explain that cats go 'grr' but then he made the lion playfully tackle her and make her start laughing and squealing, making her head close on top of the animal. It was nice to have someone know what a lion sounded like. She was so much into the playing that she didnt realise that time flew and now she was in her father's arms, being smothered in kisses which made her giggle "Daddy!" she said happily, when he asked if she missed him, the redhead nodded "I did miss you daddy, and mommy too!" before he nommed lightly on her cheeks and then hugged her which she took her small arms and hugged him back, her arms around his neck. Once the hug had ended, she let him go and started eating the lollipop again, looking between her two uncles, her father and the little boy who Uncle Eric was talking to. She even caught sight of her mother who she waved at happily and gained her mother's attention while she gave her a warm smile and waved back. Bella loved her mama, she was so silly and did silly things with her. Kathy even let her take cookies from the jar when Miles wasnt even looking. Kathy just spoiled Bella whenever she could and as sneakily as she could.


As much as Bella didnt act like a spoiled kid, she was but she was an appreciative spoiled child. Didnt ask for more, didnt ask for less -unless it was christmas- and certainly wasnt rude to her elders and adults. Bella was full of surprises though, the stuff she did was crazy but also cute. One time she went into a closet full of packed plastic bags and she fell behind them trying to make it like a fort and got stuck. Of course she was yelling for help and soon enough her parents found her and pulled her out, asking what she was doing and she gave them a smile and said 'I was exploring the world of baggies!' which was something silly but hey, it made her parents laugh and made her laugh too. Back to the present with her parent, she took the lollipop and offered it to her dad even though she was given the candy by him "Want some?" she asked before gently pressing the candy to his lips and getting the sugary substance stuck to his lips similar to chapstick. Bella clearly wanted him to have some...





Kathy was glad that Miles actually caved and told her to go back which she nodded to and walked back into the guild hall. It was good to know that he wasnt going to go and get himself killed by the mysterious masochist man. Kathy snapped from her thoughts and then began watching as he Beelined straight to bella who was pretty dang happy and actually managed to see her and wave to which the mother waved back to her. Kathy gave her a nice smile and then headed to Sho's -The guildmaster's- Office. Pulling her hood up and making herself look badass as always and disappeared down a hall, approaching the office that held the powerful man of the guild. I know once I tell him, things are going to get rough. Kathy thought to herself as she approached the office, lifting her hand and bringing it to the large wooden door and knocking on it hard enough to get Sho's attention and thus proceeded to open the door and slip inside, shutting the door behind her "Master Sho... There is something I must tell you that will explain the explosion outside the guild...and you may not like it..."


The S class walked up to the desk he was sitting at and pulled her hood down "Grimoire Heart might be here..." she stated "Miles and I encountered a suspicious man outside of the guild hall. At first this man did not seem like a threat but as soon as Miles and I attacked him, he threw back a powerful enough attack to crack my Nexus shield... It seems that pain makes power for him, similar to a masochist..." had to inform him of pretty much anything of this threat "Before the man were to leave, he stuck his tongue out and revealed that he was part of the Dark Guild that everyone has been targeting since that day..." the mage folded her hands behind her back as she took a moment to gather her thoughts and speak once more "I'm afraid that the man is not the only Grimoire Heart member in Crocus right now. I dont know why they make themselves known now out of hiding after many years..." it was odd to all of a sudden have dark guild members making themselves known... Why now?
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Lunaria Safira; Tenroujima > FT Hall

While Lunaria was definitely more than excited to meet Fairy Tail and thus the friends of her guild, she wasn't so excited to go through the portal. Needless to say she hadn't noticed that'd be their form of transportation due to being otherwise pre-occupied streaking across the island. She had expected a nice comfy boat ride for a few days to mainland, not having to go through a magical portal. Now, see. This wouldn't be a problem at all...if it wouldn't cause an issue similar to earlier. The portal itself wouldn't harm her at all or anything like that, rather they tend to cause her to deform and stun her for a while. Which...would of course once again cause a naked Lunaria incident. As everyone else entered through and she was sitting there internally screaming debating on entering she knew time was running out to do so.


With a heavy sigh she wrenched her eyes shut and ran through the portal...coming out the other side on top of whoever was nearest a puddle of goo that quickly formed into a naked Lunaria with clothes on top of her or nearby. She wasn't sure who it was or where she was at the moment, at-least not clearly. Her head was spinning and her thought process reduced to static. It was basically the equivalent of a Dragon Slayer on transportation, only much worse.


@everyone in FT Hall + unlucky victim(First person to say they're them gets naked slime lady present)

 Nikolas grinned at his daughter, lifting her onto his back so he could give her a piggyback ride as he hung up the piñata where the child requested. When finished, he put her down. "Thank you, Shiro! That looks awesome!" He looked at the piñata as though it was a work of art, then cleared his throat, cracking his knuckles. "Mkay. Transformation: Exceed!" He felt himself shrink, and, once he had turned into the flying cat thing, the familiar pair of wings appeared on his back. He flew across the room a couple times, mostly for the kids' amusement, and it worked, seeing as Valken and Rudolf stopped what they were doing and watched amazedly. Nikolas then grabbed a roll of streamers as he swooped by the coffee table, hanging them across the ceiling with his own little flair. Once finished with that, the half-Neko swooped to where his wife was, grabbing a couple colored pencils so he could doodle on the border of the banner. Between the words "welcome" and "back", he drew a picture of Phineas and Shiro making out, and between "back" and "Shiro", he doodled a picture of him and Ferra watching behind a bush with binoculars. It wasn't half-bad. 


@Arius LaVari @TheSecretSorcerer 

  Phineas's blush intensified by 35% when Shiro started laughing; he let out a weak chuckle, wrapping his arms around her tighter. He couldn't bring himself to get away from her. Half of that reason was simply because he hadn't seen her in forever, but the other half was out of fear of her leaving again. He just wanted her to stay with him, even if not forever. Just long enough for him to ask her that question and for them to be a couple like they were again. His blush went through the roof when she commented about his own looks; the half-Neko only nodded at that. But then Shiro suddenly went into a tangent of self-doubt and hatred for her leaving. Phineas shook his head, stroking her soft white hair. Just like he remembered it was like. "You did what you had to...." he said quietly. "I understand completely. You wanted to go after Grimoire Heart and put them in their rightful place, while protecting all of us, and it was right of you to go the extra mile. I...I couldn't be prouder to call myself your boyfriend...." Phineas added, before Shiro requested that they talk somewhere a bit more private. He thought for a moment, then came up with an idea.

  "....I know just the place," he said softly, and, after patting her back comfortingly, he gently took her by the hand and walked out of the guild hall. His heart was beating so fast that he thought it would explode. He looked over to Alexa, smiled calmly at the toddler, then continued on his way. The Saedor house was quite close, so he easily ducked in, where Nikolas was helping Ferra draw the banner. He tried to sneak past, still holding Shiro's hand, and luckily managed to succeed. He reached his room, quickly closed the door, and cleared his throat, ducking into the closet and searching through it. Once he found what he was looking for, he slipped it into his pocket and turned to Shiro. "....So. What have you been doing these past six years?" he started awkwardly. 

  Meanwhile, Nikolas had been holding in his excitement when Shiro walked in. Literally. His cheeks were all puffed up from holding his breath. When he knew that Phineas and Shiro were in Phin's room, he randomly shouted.

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"PHINRO FOREVER MOTHAFUCKAHS! [/COLOR]Now, kids, don't curse like your dad just did...."
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Yamato heard an unfamiliar voice through the lacrima. Lily soon had to cut the connection which can only lead him to one conclusion. A Grimoire Heart mage arrived at their location and from the way Lily was speaking, it was someone she was already with earlier. Yama didn't have enough time to say anything back. At this point he wished he was there right now, this was one of the reasons he wanted to get stronger. So he can take on Grimoire Heart, rescue his friends and prevent anymore from falling into their hands. There's not much point thinking about that though, even if he did know where Lily and Ladon were he wouldn't have enough time to fly there. "I trust those two will one day return in one piece." Well one day he will find Lily and bring her back safely. After all she is family. Now that Yama has done what he needed to do he exited his room and made his way back down to the main hall. Once he reached it there were already people eating the breakfast he had set out. It turned out it was the Rezonai siblings. With a slight chuckle he continued down the stairs to announce his presence. "Hello Kami and Alara! I hope that the breakfast I have prepared is to your liking?"



Misaka Tokisai - Fairy Tail GH




The dancing caused pastel pink hair to go flying about, fluttering in front of her eyes like crazed curtains to obscure her vision at times. For some reason she couldn't look away though, Mitsuki's gorgeous emerald eyes donning the same colour as Misa's were just hypnotically enticing. The dance ended shortly after as they returned in front of Mirai, Misaka's head tilting cutely, snuggled into the embrace that Mitsuki had around her lithe frame. A rather dumbfounded look was set there as she blinked a bit, peering at Mirai as he spoke. Did her actions upset him? His expressions seemed to scream something other than what they looked like or what he intended for them to look like. " I would let him go but he's holding onto me. " She said blankly, dropping her tone to match his own robotic one. The intention behind it was to let him know that she wasn't that oblivious and it was quite clear that he was bothered. Her attention faltered drastically as Mitsuki slipped out that question, his tone causing shivers to trail along her spine. It was almost sensual, almost. " M-Married? You and I? " She imagined herself in a beautiful flowing white dress, Mitsuki's brightened and overjoyed face with his beloved hat adorning his head as she walked down an aisle towards him. And then there was Mirai standing next to him with his blank, detached expression which completely killed the whole scene.


A blush ricocheted across those soft cheeks nonetheless, eyes lighting up. " If we got married then Mirai would really be my brother! " She exclaimed, smile growing wider and wider at the mere idea of such a concept. It was almost sad that Misaka would consider his offer, whether a joke or not, simply to become part of the family. The single reason alone would probably make her agree to it, regardless of their being love there or not between them. That was only natural for her to desire though, especially being as easily pleased and gullible as she was. Mirai and her were extremely close and held a sibling type connection, making it real would send her over the moon. " We could be a family! This is so exciting! " The statement warranted another giddy laugh to bubble forth past her lips, the look on her face almost too elated. Her dancing crimson eyes gazed upwards towards Mitsuki's face, finding him rather attractive now that she was looking at him in a different light. She wasn't sure if it was his ability to calm and make others feel at ease, but her body leaned in against him even more subconsciously. Mitsuki had held out an open arm to hug Mirai and she closed her eyes for a few moments, enjoying the blanket of quiet and peace it brought her.


Mirai's masked expression pushed itself into the front of her mind and it made her heart twist up, the reason why remaining unbeknownst to her. It was enough to make her casually slip out of Mitsuki's grasp, still smiling warmly though as she pulled out her deck of cards. A few of them were specifically pulled out, the three being shown to him. " Three listen instead of two now, so that's good. Lancer finally decided to work with me. " She began to chew on the inside of her lip thoughtfully, hoping... no praying, that the distraction was subtle enough so that Mitsuki wouldn't be upset that she had put distance between them. Misaka hated hurting anyone's feelings, as she always tried to spare them when within her control. " A date? Really! I've never been on one before. " She had no idea that she had somehow just thrown Mirai under the bus with what she just said since their feelings for one another were strictly platonic. Weren't they? The cards were slipped back into their holder as she bashfully swayed from side to side, holding her own hands together behind her back in a nervous manner. Even though she was a model, people seemed too shy to ever approach her. It could've been the stale deadpan look Mirai wore on his face whenever someone had the guts to come up to her, only to see him and turn away just as quickly. " Humm... " The noise was spoken aloud as she contemplated things, also waiting to watch the brothers finally unite in their hug. 


@Spanner @Solemn Jester  @everyoneelseatftgh


Eric was glad to hear that Tyson was getting more confident about raising a child. However one thing that did stick out was when he mentioned that Miles and Kathy were dealing with a Masochist. Which kinda weirded him out. "Oh..." Was all Eric could say in response. The red haired child did reply to Eric although he sounded quite shy. No wonder Tyson was worried, he probably didn't want to scare the little guy. Eventually he said his name was Thanos. "Thanos Redd eh? That has a nice ring to it." Thanos asked who the the other child was. Eric looked over and saw Tyson playing with Bella and her stuffed lion. Eric could probabl try doing a real roar but... Well that would scare both of the children alike. "That's Bella over there. She's also your cousin! I hope you two get along." He said with his usual cheesy smile. Eric wasn't sure how Thanos would take the news but he hoped it would be good. Soon enough Miles finally came back once again. Katherine also entered the guild hall but she headed straight for Master Sho's office. Eric turned to Miles to ask what happened out there after Miles asked his question. "Say... Tyson said you were dealing with some kind of creep. Just what was his intention for being here?"




Darius still stood staring and the girl just as she did the same to him. Just what was it about her that caught his eye. Then again she did look kinda cute... (Biggest understatement ever...) However that little moment they had was cut short when a boy came up and asked who Darius was, at this point he only just realised just how close he was to the girl. A blush spread across his face and he instantly stood straight with a panicked expression. "I wasn't planning anything bad!" Only just noticing how stupid he must've looked he peered away while rubbing the back of his neck. The girl thankfully answered for him. She said her name was Sora Marvel with mention of her rank not going unnoticed, he knew it! Not only that but she did infact confirm she was a Dragon Slayer, asking if he'd ever seen one before. In truth he actually hasn't seen one apart from himself and Abel just a few minutes ago but figured it would be better to keep quiet about that one.


Sora asked what element Darius had. Alright try not to look stupid this time He thought practically kicking himself for such an introduction. After finally gaining his composure he smiled and held out his hand with the palm facing the ceiling. A ball of light-blue flame formed in his hand controlling the temperature just enough so those in close proximity can feel that it's not actually a hot flame but rather a cold one. "I'm a coldfire Dragon Slayer! Just as the name says my flames don't burn the same way a normal flame does. But you can probably already feel it can't you?" Darius closed his hand and the flame disappeared. He did this just so the flame didn't cool down the whole hall. Afterwards Hibiki finally made his grand entrance into the hall. "About time the master came through!" Darius wondered what took him so long to step through a portal. Maybe he was making sure everyone went through safely... Who knows? 


Ricky tapped tapped Darius' face with his paw and gave him a weird look. "Hey Rick... Why are you looking at me like that..." Ricky didn't do anything in response he just looked at Darius as if to say Oh you know why. Darius thought about this for a moment and came to one conclusion which made him glance at Sora for a moment. However he panicked when she looked at him and turned away before she noticed. Ricky's face remained the same. "..." "You want to die cat?" Again Ricky did nothing in response clearly humoured by the situation Darius got himself caught in. Darius could even feel the gaze of a killer staring right at him that sent chills down his spine. Ayano wasn't very happy with how he was acting around Sora. Although that was until Ricky was suddenly snatched away by Sora. The cat couldn't do much as he was taken all over the place had a barrage of questions unloaded on him. Ricky simply meowed in panic trying to escape Sora's clutches.


When Sora suddenly approached Ayano she just stared at the cat confused with what she should be doing. "Uh..." But before Ayano could answer she just bolted away to do the same with Timothy. Ayano noticed her behaviour has been a lot more erractic since she saw Darius. Ayano could hear Darius laughing at the scene. The laughter being more directed towards Ricky. "Ha ha! Serves you right rick!" His laughter didn't last long though when Ayano grabbed his collar and pulled him down toher level with a very unsatisfied look. "What did you do with Sora!" "Huh!?" "Don't act stupid! She's been acting weird since she looked at you! Did you hynnotise her? Threaten her? Tell me!" "Wait wait wait this is a misunderstanding! I didn't do anything to her!" "Liar!" "I'm not lying!" Both of their attention was then drawn towards the front entrance where it looked like that Sora was running away with the poor cat. "Ah! Ricky!" Darius escaped Ayano's grip and tried to chase after Sora mainly due to the fact the little guy was being kidnapped. Whereas Ayano just stared wondering what the hell is going on. Soon Ayano only just noticed a weird girl without any clothes on. Ayano once again just stared confused. "Their guild is just as crazy as ours..."


@Kyuubey[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@Embaga Elder[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@Phayne[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@Spanner[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@LeSoraAmari[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@Zareh[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@Solemn Jester[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@WoodenZebra[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]@Rhodus @Britt-21 @Isune @Mitchs98
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Crocus Outskirts


Lily Ann internally sighed with relief, Ladon had gone along with her story, it wasn't her most intelligent excuse but whatever, she'd been put in a bit of a pickle, maybe she should have just disappeared into the ground? Then Rasil said he'd pissed off a guild and Lily Ann pinched the bridge of her nose again, "Rasil...oh dear I guess we best move on quickly then. Come on." Lily Ann had said come on just as Rasil pushed her suddenly forward and she glared over her shoulder at him even though she walked faster, actually walking wasn't the right word right then, she set her pace and began a steady jog away from Crocus, there was always so much chaos left behind when she would go places with Rasil, his nature itself seeming to be the cause of most of her troubles and while she was decently fond of him...there were times she considered how to kill him without pain; which he would just enjoy. Lily Ann was a genius though and Rasil's suddenly pushy attitude had her getting suspicious, maybe she hadn't fooled him completely but...she hadn't seen Ladon's guild mark and Yamato had been hung up on before Rasil had gotten nosy, okay so it wasn't the best situation and she'd been caught off guard slightly but if she suddenly bolted wouldn't that be more suspicious?


Oh lovely she had to go with him despite her instincts and her mind screaming at her to run away and go home. Whatever she wouldn't act as if anything had skittered across her mind, she kept her body relaxed aside from the jogging pace she had set up, "Sorry you didn't find anything out about your brother it's partially my fault since I annoyed those guards on accident." Each breath was measured and meant to prevent her from running out of oxygen as she kept her pace, and set her sights on the GH guild hall, she; as every member knew where the hall was and how to get there, and she almost wished she knew the 'Maya Morne' that Yamato had mentioned previously, thing was...when Lily Ann really thought about it, her situation and all that, she sort of feared for her future, if she actually ran into a powerful light guild wizard she could die. She could be found out too and die or worse...she had known what she was doing when she had decided on this path and sooner rather than later she was going to face the consequences of her actions. She didn't tense at the thought, she kept her mind focused on the task at hand, even while internally sighing.


Rasil Brandheart


Rasil hummed as he jogged along side Lily. Although he seemed calm, and carefree his mind was moving at a mile per minute."Indeed, it's a shame, hey you where in blue Pegasus when my brother was correct?" Rasil asked frowning at the thought. Of course he knew of her supposed "past" with Blue Pegasus. But he had believed her when she said she no longer have any connection to them. Her past with blue Pegasus was the only reason she traveled with scum like Rasil. Due to her former relationship with his brother, she felt some kind of obligation. Well that's what Rasil had believed himself. 

They where now making their way towards the guild. Yet Rasil wasn't sure of how to act next. He was truly stuck in a bind. Should he out her to the rest of the guild? Or just allow her secret to go on. Chances are that she was telling the truth. She wouldn't be the first light guild member to go dark. It happened often enough."Hmm, are we getting closer? I need a rest after such a exhausting battle. I may be a masochist, but I still need my beauty sleep." As Rasil said this he winked at Lily, and playfully stuck his tongue out at her.

@Arius LaVari

Timothy Harvard: Cats, Craziness and a Challenge?!



As Darius @Jackaboi explained himself and showed his powers of blue flame. It seemed very interesting as it sparked some interest in Timothy about this power. How can flames be cold? It seems to contradict everything but magic never seemed to have no relevance to logic anyways. "That's really cool, I never knew magic like that existed neither was I aware that other dragon slayers like you are still around." he said with a a friendly smile. Sora seemed to be interested in the cat named Ricky, he giggled a bit as Sora picked him up and held him like a baby. "Aren't you a cutie?" he said as he petted the head of the little cat. Sora seemed to run around like a maniac with the cat but the most funniest yet creepiest thing is the fact that Sora head straight for the entrance as she was planning a kidnapping. Ayano seemed to be a bit angry at Darius and got up close and personal with him. It kind of freaked him out and he tried to rectify the situation by calming her down "Ayano! It's ok, I'm pretty sure there's a logical explanation for everything." Timothy said in a hesitant tone. It didn't help that Darius suddenly rushed after Sora. Ayano seemed to be a bit annoyed by the fact that Fairy Heart is just as crazy as Fairy Tail. "That's true Ayano..." he said as he stepped right beside her and placed his hand on her shoulder while smiling "But that's what makes this guild special." he said with a joyful voice. Timothy watched the entire 2 guilds interact with each other. However the sight of Aria and Hibiki together made his heart melt and he couldn't resist joining them. He lifted his shoulder off Ayano "I'm going to see Hibiki, I hope he enjoys my little welcome back gift." he said with a cheeky smile.

[SIZE= 18px]Timothy ran to the little quiet scene and with a big loud voice, he shouted [/SIZE]"HIIIIIIBIIIIIIIKIIIIIIII!!!!!!!" [SIZE= 18px]Timothy charged both Aria [/SIZE]@Kyuubey[SIZE= 18px] and Hibiki [/SIZE]@LeSoraAmari[SIZE= 18px] and gives them both a huge bear crushing hug while lifting them up and shaking them like a soda can. He puts them down and grins cheerfully [/SIZE]"It's been so long! Six years! How have you been buddy?!" [SIZE= 18px]he said while looking at his former teacher like friend. [/SIZE]"You don't look very different though....is it me or did you get shorter than last time?" [SIZE= 18px]Timothy jokingly teased him but genuinely smiled "But it's really good to see you, I've missed you so much...I mean look at you Mr SS class mage and master of his own guild."  Timothy said happily while scratching the back of his head "I really want to sit down and just catch up on things while drinking a nice cup of tea along with some biscuits but...there's something I've been waiting all this time." he said as his voice switched from a happy go lucky kind to a more serious but still very friendly tone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]"For the past six years, I've been waiting to have that spar that you promised to have with me after the games ended." he said as he begins undressing, taking his jacket off along with his tie, dress shirt and under shirt. "For six years, I've been training to become stronger, learning to fight in various styles without having to use magic." he continued as he grins while cracking his knuckles for the emphasis of strength "For six years, I've been wondering how much stronger I've grown and here's my chance." Timothy strikes a dramatic pose and points to Hibiki with confidence gleaming in his eyes.[/SIZE]

"Hibiki...I challenge you to a duel!" Timothy declared daringly. "So what do you say Mr. SS class mage? Don't tell me your scared of a little B class mage like me?" he playfully teases him, gaining that kind of knowledge from Sora.
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Thanos was glad that Eric seemed to like his name and then learning that the little girl was his cousin was also nice. He didnt have a family member like a cousin as far as he knew but now that he had one, it was good to know and he knew that playing with a two year old wasnt so bad because they were so cute. "Yeah..." he replied to Eric, looking at another redhead who came over and took Bella from his father and began to kiss her face and make her laugh, this guy must have been Bella's father. They looked so similar with their hair and eyes, but then he noticed Bella waving to someone and when he looked, it was a woman with a cloak who waved back and walked off. Was that his aunt? There were missing pieces and he couldnt just wrap his head around it. So he moved closer to Tyson and tapped his leg, trying to get his attention "Dad? Who is my uncle?" he knew the basics of a family tree, mom, dad, uncle, aunt and then cousins. Not close enough to be a sister/brother but not too distant to be a stranger.


He was confused and wanted to clear his mind a bit as he took another bite of his candy, already half of it was gone and he decided to save some for later so he folded the top half of the wrapper down onto the lower half so it was "closed" and then waited for his Father's reply, glancing at him but also glancing at the two men before him and then looking at cute Bella who was putting her lollipop up to Miles's lips. The fact that Miles actually asked who he was really made him wonder if he was some sort of special and secret child. Everyone kept asking about him, who he was and why he resembled his father so much... "why do people ask who I am?" he added, looking at Tyson with a little bit of a frown because it just mildy worried him which he didnt like...worrying wasnt his strongsuit. Maybe when he was older life would be easy and he'd have high pride and be like "How do you not know me!? I'm Thanos Redd!"

Gold Fauntleroy 


Now that thing's are a bit quieter, he might be able to go sleep. Only thing is, he can't possibly do such a thing at a time like this. Plus he doesn't really want to sleep with people around. He needs it, he hasn't been able to sleep last night due to working himself to the bone trying to complete a job he took. Though he wasn't just tired from one job, but multiple as he went on a spree of doing jobs three or four days ago. Which made him very tired, though it wasn't until now he had decided that it was enough and wanted to rest. Now he just wants to rest for a bit before going off on another job. Trying to rest in the guild hall is going to be a bit hard though, since there's Fairy Heart who just came here to visit. He's decided to go and return to his apartment where he can get some sleep. Though leaving at a time like this would be strange to the people who spot him though, because another guild's here to visit. But right now he really just wants to sleep.

So he grabs the small brown bag he was carrying earlier and gets up from his table. But before he would try to leave the building, he had a sudden interest in their portal. And that interfered with his need for sleep, and he contemplated on it for a bit. 'Eh, looking at it a bit won't hurt me, so why not?' he thought to himself. And took a small look at that portal. It managed to intrigue him, probably due to him wanting to go home and sleep that a portal would very much come in handy right now. If he could make one that is. But he can't. And just as he was finished with looking at the portal, something had suddenly happened.

Something had come out of the portal and landed on top of him. It caught him by surprise and made him fall to the ground, back first. "What the?" he said then looks at the thing that's on top of him. It was just a puddle of some kind of strange goo to him at first. But soon after, the goo turned into something that surprised him again. It took a bit for him to realize what was on too of hin though, he stared and stared. Until he finally did realize. On top of him was a girl, and a naked one at that. "Huh?" Gold's face had instantly turned red at the sight of her and could only stare. He couldn't say anything, the awkward situation had made him unable to speak. 


'Is this a dream?' he asks himself in thought.



Somewhere along the path to Grimoire Heart Guild Hall


All right, Lily Ann was not a normally suspicious person, maybe her shambled together excuse, she was seriously considering just bolting right now, and since it had been a little while now she had her magic back up finally. Of course running was even more suspicious, so she simply nodded keeping her expression properly schooled, "For a very short time yes, I was with him at Blue Pegasus. I couldn't get to know him though so sadly I don't know where he's at, and to say I was surprised when I met you would be an understatement, I had no idea he even had a brother, and to think that brother would be as crazy as you." She laughed softly, teasing him with her signature bright smile, because she hadn't changed those aspects of herself, just sometimes now she'd get struck with a dark mood aside from her depression...there were things she'd done that she was not proud of in her time as a GH member.


Then she tilted her head to the side when Rasil asked for rest, not something she was used to but she shrugged and found a rather soft spot under a tree where she sat down, sitting on her knees with her back straight and sweetly smiled while she patted her lap. "Want to rest on my lap, Rasil? I don't mind either way so do as you please." She leaned against the tree as she rested, trying to pull ethernano from her surroundings to restore her magic back to full, she had a lot on her mind too especially after talking to Yamato, gods that nickname she'd come up with it off the top of her head, she'd have to mess with him...if she ever got to go home.


Apparently Nik & Ferra's house


Well that was embarrassing as all get out, first she'd laughed then started crying, she had cried quietly the whole walk to wherever they were going so she hadn't really noticed where they were at and nearly jumped out of her own skin when she heard Nikolas yell from somewhere, watery purple eyes widening while she tried to settle her heart rate, tears slowing for a second then falling again when she remembered what he'd said a few seconds before, proud of her...even though she'd ran away? He still viewed himself as her boyfriend and she really didn't want to dare hope for anything but when someone says something like that, what's a gal to do? Oh Benzaiten why had it taken her so long to consider the thoughts now dancing around in her head? She was...right in Nikolas and Ferra's house...Phineas' room apparently, she hadn't exactly focused on him for that moment, too lost in thought, it took her way too long to put his question together. What had she been doing for the last six years..."Oh! The...erm last six years....right...I've been chasing down dark guilds and more so chasing clues on Grimoire Heart and their activities. Since the Crocus incident they've been causing trouble all over. I've been all over Fiore...when ever I'd be anywhere near here I tried to keep my head down. I...thought you'd moved on, that's why I didn't ever come by before...if you...didn't move on what happened? Why'd you stop contacting me? Or assume I was dead even?" She frowned as she thought about why he had thought her dead, then she blinked and it was another thing to throw on top of things she was to blame for.


She hadn't reached out through the connection, every time it would start to reach out to him she cut it off harshly, "I never told you...and I never let the connection between us light up, to let you know I was still living, I kept it one sided...you didn't notice either I bet...I left a piece of my magic with you, my Embodiment blessing, so you'd have some sort of protection even if I was far away...it was still my magic though so if I had really died you'd have felt something break from you. I'm sorry for that too, I didn't mean to leave you in the dark believing I was dead. Like I said...I thought you'd moved on." She turned red with shame, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, just spending time with him was making her feel better, that guilt still niggling at the back of her mind though, for now she could ignore it, then she patted her cheeks as she shook her head, trying to shake the self loathing that had snagged hold of her. Time to get some things out there right away, be the adult here Shiro just tell him, "Real quick Phineas...I...don't plan on staying, because of my magic I'm nearly perfect in Fairy Heart; if you don't know about it I'll explain just ask, I DO however plan to buy a new set of lacrima, one spare, one for Laura, you're dorky brother out there seemed to forget he had a way to contact me this whole time; another reason I'd thought you'd moved on, and I still have my old one so I'm just going to connect those new ones to that. I do plan to visit more often though." Shiro sighs and rubs the back of her neck sort of looking down, if she got what she was working on to actually function she had about six years worth of messages to give to him, embarrassing and filled with every bit of her love that she hadn't thrown aside, sheesh she was really the worst, wasn't she?

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@Arius LaVari

  Phineas listened to Shiro as she spoke, unable to peel his eyes away from her. The green eyes did widen when she said she wasn't returning; a couple tears formed but he took a deep breath. She had said what she did, now he needed to explain himself. 

  "Shiro...all those years ago, the lacrima broke. I was in the middle of a battle and they..." The half-Neko shuddered, remembering that one battle. He had been grabbed from behind, watching in horror as they rummaged through his bags, destroying the lacrima. "It was on a mission. I was supposed to take down a small dark guild and I lost the first battle. They...they smashed it to bits...I'm sorry....and I didn't do anything...." He looked at his hands, rubbing his empty ring finger. "About three years after the events of the Grand Magic Games, I suddenly became a target of Grimoire Heart. They just kept going after me, mentioning you and asking me where Fairy Heart was. I didn't know what it was, but..." Phineas hesitated, then unbuttoned his shirt. He was heavily scarred from the neck down. "...They stopped attacking a year ago, but Nikolas won't let me stay in my own house anymore, for my safety. I assumed they stopped  it was because they had killed you. I...I sort of shut down. Stupid of me, really. You're too strong to ever get killed by the likes of Grimoire Heart." He re-buttoned his shirt, feeling awkward, then continued, reaching into his back pocket. 

  "Anyways, I understand your joining Fairy Heart, and I support your decision. Therefore, I want to talk to the guild master about joining Fairy Heart, that way I can stay by your side through it all." He pulled the object out of his pocket entirely. It was a simple, slightly worn, purple velvet box. Phineas took a deep breath, then kneeled at her feet, supporting his weight on one knee. "I...that's because I wanted to ask you something all those years ago, but...you know. Don't try changing my mind, please....I want to be with you." The half-Neko opened the box, finally saying the words that he had practiced saying for so long, sometimes in the usual monotone, other times in tears, sometimes with optimism, and a couple times filled with emotion. This time, he was speaking very passionately and emotionally, holding the box with a single ring inside.  

 "Miss Shiro Ai, you are the love of my life and my heart belongs only to you. You are the gentle snow of winter and the vibrant purple flowers of spring and summer. You are like autumn in a sense; warm and bringing beauty and comfort wherever you go, quietly listening and singing like a dove in flight. I am just a musician, but you have brought me the inspiration to form representations of these feelings at the tips of my fingers. I....what I'm saying is that I love you, more than I can even describe, and all these years I've been waiting to ask you something important."

  Come on. Don't beat around the bush. 

  Deep breath. 

  "Shiro Ai, will you do me the tremendous honor of being my wife?"

Grimoire Heart




- Mercurius - Crocus

- Era - Magic Council Headquarters


Having after waiting and waiting... it was finally time to ignite the flame looming over Fiore and unleash it across the country in one large, unforgiving wave of terror. Located within a small and abandoned home within Crocus, about ten Grimoire Heart mages gathered around a large table as they ran through details and the like for their next move, briefing one another on what their roles and purposes would be during the operation. "So it is time.." Spoke one of the members as a psychotic grin began to slowly surface on her face, her eyes twisted and her gaze malevolent as she burst out in a maniacal torrent of laughter. Her hands now clawing at her face, the clearly unstable dark mage continued to grin as she spoke once more, her eyes tearing up as she did so. "Now I can finally make Master Lucian happy. And make them pay.... make them pay.... MAKE THEM PAY!" After yelling that last bit, the woman stood up from her chair and slammed her hands on the table, nails digging into the table like a tigers claws tearing through it's prey. It was in that moment that another one of the group began to speak, this time, it was a male. He was clearly much more high up in rank than the rest of the mages gathered there - and as he spoke, a tone of pure malevolence escaped his voice. "You all know what to do, go and make it happen. Force upon them the terror of what Grimoire Heart can really bring." And in a moment, two portals appeared in the room and the group split into two groups of five - each of them heading towards two specific location. 


Era (Magic Council Headquarters)


As the small group of five mages arrived at their destination, which was behind the great building of Era as they assembled there one by one and each prepared for their next move. Each of the mages their were part of a special group within Grimoire Heart that handled its terror activities and more... open jobs. With 'Lady Claudia Bournholdt' as said groups lead, they were fearless and ready for anything. "Right, let's make this quick. The world will know to fear Grimoire Heart once more!" Spoke one of the mages there as with that, the group split up and formed strange runs like magical circles around the entire building of Era undetected. After that was finished, the small group then stood around the building and channeled their malevolent magic all at once. Upon doing so, they encased Era in a flaming prison that twisted and twirled violently as the purple flames hungered for death. And without a moments hesitation, each mage in the surrounding circle clasped their hands together as the large torrent of purple flames exploded inwards and enveloped the entire Magic Council. The majority of its soldiers, it's associates, even all of its seated members and leading body. All were caught up in the explosion as it then blasted upwards in a pillar of purple flame, leaving the building in incineration and ruin. 


"Master Lucian will be very pleased, that' teach them for messing with Grimoire Heart. Let's go and tell the master the good news." And upon creating a portal, the group of mages escaped undetected. 



Mercurius (Royal Palace) 


As the small group of mages arrived at the palace through the portal that shut off behind them, they appeared to be in the servants quarters of the palace. It was damp and mucky, but not completely poverty ridden. One of the members there, the female from earlier, meant up against the wall as she moved her head from side to side as a large grin plastered on her face and her hair drooped down to the floor. "Hey Skull, can we go and play now? I wanna play!" She said as she cackled maniacally. The man named Skull stood there as he began drawing magical tunes throughout the complex of the servants quarters and the other members began to traverse the palace in disguise and do the same in the majority of rooms. "In a minute, Lady Claudia. Once everything is ready we can begin." 


Claudia's grin grew as she tilted her head and widened her eyes - turning on her heels and facing towards Skull. "I can't wait to hear the sounds of terror after we turn this place into dust~" Spoke Claudia in a song like tone as she moved with her arms outstretched and her head tilted. "I can't waaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiittttt~" And with that, the magically circled across the palace began to glow a bright purple as each GH member in the palace made a swift exit, landing on a cliff outside of Crocus overlooking the city.


"Claudia, now." Spoke one of the other mages in a dark and malevolent tone as the psychotic woman grinned and closed her eyes, then clasped her hands together. Upon doing so, bright purple lights seemingly erupted throughout the entire palace  and through its windows, illuminating Mercurius in it. As people started to panic and scream throughout the city and within the palace, Claudia grinned, and as she did so she twisted her hands and said "Boom." And upon doing so, each magical circle within the palace exploded in a torrent of purple flames seemingly erupting from out of no where in a full scale pillar of said flames. The blast was so big that it even managed to damage some of the surrounding streets of Crocus as well, and the palace was virtually destroyed. After the explosion, the once glorious palace lay their in ruin, and all of those within it were killed - including the king and his only child, the princess. 


"The screams, they're but oh so wonderful~ comforting! I am in paradise!" Cackled Claudia as she put her hands up on her face. "Ohhhhh Master, rejoice! He will be delighted~" she spoke as she twisted and twirled on the spot, the sounds of screaming in the background fuelling her drive and energy. "Let's go back." Spoke Skull. "Master Lucian will love to hear of our success, let's just hope the others succeeded as well." 






Grimoire Heart had finally made their move. And with these recent acts, war was certain. 






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