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Fantasy ~ FableWood

I would like to make one last post that will put Leo in the position I would like him to be in for when the final battle does happen. If that's ok @SilverFlight. It would involve taking control of the big guy with the lamps. As for Otto, I would like to do something with him as well but I'm a little less clear on where he could go for now. Of course I would be open to any ideas for those he is currently with @Flutterby & @DawnAntalios
I should clarify:

I won't be finishing this arc, When I open the new thread for the final battle I will briefly describe the quest as a success and the advancements that happened for my characters. You can do the same if you like. The new thread will likely start back at Branbern with a war council, we could put the recap for this quest into a report for Briar.
In other words, plan accordingly with the characters and RPers you were originally going to pair up with so you can both post short summaries of what happened during the sandstorm quest.
Ah, that would work perfectly for Otto. Though there was still one last thing I wanted to do for Leo that wouldn't really do him justice with just a brief recap. But as always I will go with whatever you want us to do.
I'm too picky with grammar and such to be able to join that RP. *sigh* Oh well, it's a cool concept though. Sounds a lot like that Golden Compass movie/book and all.
Woah. So the final battle will be in December? Interesting.
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I apologize for the inconvenience, but I don't believe I have the brain capacity to continue roleplaying. :( I may check in from time to time and see whats happening after the break, maybe say hi in the out of character chat, but I can safely say I do not have the time commitment or mental health to put into actually roleplaying.

I am fine, its just I don't have the energy I once did when we started Fablewood. It pains me greatly to type this, but, as I said, I do not have the time and energy to keep up to everyone.

again, I apologize for the inconvenience. I had loads of fun in this roleplay, and hope you continue to have fun after the break. Good luck in all your future endeavors.
Wow, it would seem that very much has happened after my departure. I'm not sure if you guys remember me, but I do remember most of you. I just came to let you guys know that I really miss you guys and hope that you're all doing well. I'm sorry I left unexpectedly but I just easn't posting enough. If I could, I'd come back. But RL has gotten a bit more active over the past few months for me. Anyway, I just wanted to see how you all were doing.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine @Lioness075 @zCrookedz @Hel @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @Jecklyn



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Hey everyone and @Shimakage Thunder! (Sorry for the delayed response to your message, I've been a tad busy lately. :S ) So, what're you all up to nowadays? I'm getting ready to go pick up my little sisters from school and then am going to take my philosophy final online (bleh, college).
Well right now I am lurking around, every thread is silent as everyone is learning.

Half of my exams are done, others will be in January.

So yeah, bored time here.
Maybe this week is finals week for him as well? Who knows. I just got lucky and only had to take 2 finals this semester and the second one (which I'm taking today) is online. :3
Ay! My finals are just starting. Had my first one today. Still got next week to go.
Such Warlord.

Much wow.

Although all of the Warlords are dead with the exception of Grom ( the alternate version ). Is that a good idea to be one I wonder? :P
I believe Silver is very busy with studies, as many people are. My "finals" aren't until the second week of January (Michigan high school lol)

But, I find out my college admissions decision for my first choice school in roughly 15 minutes from now.

So thats terrifying lol
lol finals. I laugh at your finals. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....but no seriously, good luck to all of you who are taking finals!!!! xD
Just took my philosophy final and managed to get a B on it. I'm just relieved to be done with my finals for now. ^^;

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