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Fantasy ~ FableWood

Well, those are two very interesting responses lol.
Life.... I hate you yet I love you... But gods do I hate you. *cries while buried under a pile of alllll the homework to do before finals next week only the thought of it being over soon keeping me afloat*

On a happier note... IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! So go everyone's days before the holidays arrive~
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I've gotten most of my grades back for this semester (I'll be a sophomore in college next semester :3) and so far I have 3 A's and 2 B's. I'm still waiting on my final grade for philosophy, but it should be an A (fingers crossed).
Prof told me " You are good at English. " and slapped an A in my face.

I was a happy panda.

But god damn it this linguistics class is the bane of my existence.... -_-
Well, I took beginner Chinese classes this semester (the first two) and I got an A in the first one and then a B in the second one because I stopped caring about it haha. Chinese was kicking me so hard by the end of the semester. D:
So, I know we aren't always supposed to discuss serious things on here since none of us are qualified professionals (blah blah), but I've got a serious problem and I want to see if it is at all possible that any of you could at least provide me with some kind of advice for the situation I'm in.

Basically, I've learned today that my sister either is anorexic or is in the beginning stages of it. My huge concern about this is that she's only 11 years old. I'm going to confront my parents in private about it tomorrow since I don't think they're fully aware of it, but I'm worried that they won't take me seriously and my sister's problem is going to be overlooked (they didn't take my depression seriously when I told them about it earlier this year and still don't take it seriously). I want more than anything to start helping my sister and treating the problem before it becomes something serious (which anorexia can easily become if it goes untreated and ignored long enough). I'm doing my best to encourage her to eat, but she's openly admitted to me that she's purposely eating less so she can keep herself skinny. She's already at the ideal body weight, especially for someone her age and her height. If she seriously starts losing any more weight, she'll become unhealthy and fast.
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Lioness075 said:
So, I know we aren't always supposed to discuss serious things on here since none of us are qualified professionals (blah blah), but I've got a serious problem and I want to see if it is at all possible that any of you could at least provide me with some kind of advice for the situation I'm in.
Basically, I've learned today that my sister either is anorexic or is in the beginning stages of it. My huge concern about this is that she's only 11 years old. I'm going to confront my parents in private about it tomorrow since I don't think they're fully aware of it, but I'm worried that they won't take me seriously and my sister's problem is going to be overlooked (they didn't take my depression seriously when I told them about it earlier this year and still don't take it seriously). I want more than anything to start helping my sister and treating the problem before it becomes something serious (which anorexia can easily become if it goes untreated and ignored long enough). I'm doing my best to encourage her to eat, but she's openly admitted to me that she's purposely eating less so she can keep herself skinny. She's already at the ideal body weight, especially for someone her age and her height. If she seriously starts losing any more weight, she'll become unhealthy and fast.
That's a mad amount of trust you put into us, folks. Well, you wanna know if she's doing it for anyome, maybe for a guy or anything. If that's not the case, then try to help her a positive body image. Again, if it's for a boy you can go and tell her that most guys don't like skinny girls or just don't care that much about it. The first thing might seem mean to say so be sure she's doing it for someone before even mentioning it. Otherwise, I don't know. I just hope she realizes she's damaging her health.
It is absolutely fine to talk about topics like these, we are here to help you after all - and this matter is rather serious.

As you may know anorexia is really dangerous especially when she is this young. This can be due to various reasons, the one thing which is obvious to me is due to the school - children at this age seek acceptance and friends, some of which can be rather difficult to find, especially if she encounters a group of girls who say that being skinny is the only way they are going to be friends with her. Now I know not whether she has low self esteem or it is related to school at all but it will be rather difficult to convince her about giving up a habit like this.

Your parents sound just like mine in this sense, they are doctors and they refused to believe that there was something wrong with me - it is quite common I would say, they do not want to accept the face that their child is not healthy. To overcome this denial they usually need to visit a doctor or a therapist who can put up a diagnosis they can believe themselves. The other way is to slowly trying to ease them into the thought that this is reality and they must not ignore their daughter. If they care about her then they eventually will cave and will help her - but in my opinion it is you who should act until they wake up from their delusions since it is you whose eyes are open.

Helping your sister will be a difficult task. At this age they are really stubborn and they rarely listen to anyone but themselves, especially if it is - as I thought - a school related issue. The best would be to sit down with her and slowly and steadily you would start pointing out the flaws of her ways. Of course you must not approach her with the topic itself, you need to use reverse psychology, you need to be subtle, to only mention parts of this topic to her naturally, like an organic part of the conversation, she must not realize that you want to offensively push her away from the task as that rarely works. Instead, you should focus on just bonding with her, showing her that you care about her and her future... and slowly easing her into the thought that she is perfect as she is and there is no need for anything like this.

This of course is a very positive, hopeful thinking about this. If it fails to work - which is not impossible to think about - then you must definitely seek out a therapist to help her realize that this is the wrong path to walk on. But then again, if there is an outer pressure for her it can be really difficult... perhaps bring her to a free time activity she enjoys so that she can find friends there who accept and care about her.

Well this has became a wall of text, but I hope that at least some of it makes sense.
Honestly, I think I'm dead inside...Sorry I kinda abandoned our thread back then. I was swamped with philosophy, french, mathematics, natural sciences, communication and ethnobotany.
Thanks a ton for the advice, @Aldur Forgehammer and @Metaphysics, why do you feel dead inside? :/
Reading again my advice contained a lot of logical mistakes... I guess it is the effect of a week of non-stop learning... Sorry about that.

But yes, bonding with your sister is really important, you ARE her big sister after all, if anyone then you can show her your ways.

In fact, you might be able to make her open up - talking about your secrets has a reasonable chance that she will open up and reveal her true issue as well.
If it is an eating disorder (not always the case, sometimes just bad eating habits) it's amazingly helpful to notice it and try to handle it early before it becomes a full blown lifestyle. My fiancé was bulimic when we first got together. She was well into her habits by then but we managed to overcome it together. Patience, love and a little understanding go a long way. I think your definitely going about it the right way, because a direct confrontation could push her further into it. And away from you. Both Aldur and dawn are right . A lot of people today rely on someone else's idea of beauty, or need someone else's approval. So helping her to learn to accept herself as she is will go a long way. As someone who has had to help a loved one combat an eating disorder I can tell you it won't be easy, and it won't be simple. But it is possible with the right support. Your an awesome sister for even noticing it, let alone trying to do something about it. A lot of people would just brush it off as not their problem. I hope that your able to help her through this now before it fully develops. :) @Lioness075

That being said, good luck to everyone on your finals!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope silver's bees are doing good :) Idk why but I must have thought about his bee convos at least 3 times since the rp has been on hiatus lol
andujarprime said:
Hallo guyz!!!! Hope your all having a wonderful holiday!!! Any interesting rp lately? Hope all is good for you guys
Hmmm, well, I have thought about making a Reboot...Or Sequel to this Roleplay.
Well theoretically Silver is making one...

But he vanished like a month ago or so so idk what it happening right now, everything is awfully quiet so we are stranded here.

Aside from that yeah... everyone is busy celebrating so my days are like of predator cats: I am looking for a random reply and pounce on it.
He was last online two weeks ago. If he doesn't log on by New Year's, I guess I could make a Sequel, because a Reboot can cause so many good stories go to waste and I don't want that.
I would like to go indeed but I am not sure what the others would say about it, especially Silver :P

After all he wanted a showdown only he can design. That is why I am waiting patiently right now, I do not want any conflicts with the boss man.
@Shimakage Thunder

If you can't get permission from Silver to make a sequel it would fall under plagiarism and that is against the site's rules.
[QUOTE="Aldur Forgehammer]@Shimakage Thunder
If you can't get permission from Silver to make a sequel it would fall under plagiarism and that is against the site's rules.

Well, I don't plan on getting in trouble, so I guess we're all sitting ducks in the meantime until he gets back =/

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