Other explain your icon/avatar/profile picture/whatever

Ozoi is a maid in a series of memetic maid characters from 2chan called the nijiura maids. She's the apocalyptic eldritch horror maid and I think that's straight waifu material. Also considering writing actual serious fiction about her focusing on horror and psychology. 
I used to write a webcomic and one of the main characters was loosely based on my ridiculous teenage ego.

So I have a stack of such avatars to suit my mood. 
Only a pale face as red as this can show both my reluctance to go outside AND my semi-perverted nature! hehe ^_^  
It's the Jokers renditions in live action Film. 

and quite honestly one of the best-meaning awesome in many mirroring ways to his counterpart-villains of any time.  

For me it was a no brainer. 
My favorite Anime Antagonist being held by my favorite Jojo Stand. Kira Yoshikage and Killer Queen...or Deadly Queen if you wanna avoid that nasty copyright.
Mari from Love Live! Sunshine. Wanted to have a halloween themed avatar for October, but I'll probably switch back to Hatsune Miku afterwards to match my name more.
Who doesn't love Madoka Magica and Tim Burton's (or Edward Gorey's) art.

When I found this picture, I thought it would it would go kind of well with my username too, sweetness and poison, two things that aren't really related but sort of mesh somehow. It kind of leaks into my writing, too; I love trying to blend genres that don't seem like they'd work together.

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