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Realistic or Modern Evergreen Circus || OOC

While I'm reading, I guess I should bring up how my characters will be introduced. If they're older members, they could have left for a brief period for a family memorial (if that's allowed) or just pretend they were there the whole time. If they're new, well then they're new haha
Yeah, there's already been fan art of this thread (memes, ofc) but it's honestly flattering how everyone seems to enjoy this thread. :) Wandering Seraph Wandering Seraph

While I'm reading, I guess I should bring up how my characters will be introduced. If they're older members, they could have left for a brief period for a family memorial (if that's allowed) or just pretend they were there the whole time. If they're new, well then they're new haha
Hm... you could say family memorial or just add them in with your starter. Your choice, honestly!
I'll go with family memorial then. They'll arrive during the show kind of like "Hey we're back. What did we miss? Oh sorry for scaring the new people yada yada."
If this is the case, they'll know everyone except Aubrey and Rehema, I suppose.
Okay gang, I think I did it. I think I found Cassian's "voiceclaim", if you will. I love French music (both traditional and popular) and I think this artist's voice really fits him. The song is a little off-tone, but the voice is just about right!

Posts are up. Still open to relations~ Fenli is probably friendly and pervasive with everyone but someone she’s closer to would be nice.

It only gets a little complicated with Xaomin
koala koala

Cool! I'm still revved up for this, but I think everyone else is logged off for the night or at least winding down. Excited to get to work with your characters tomorrow!
Ahh, I'm in England so I think whenever it's really late for me, it's during the day for everyone else, so I keep missing lots of posts ><
Hey Lunar Lunar , I’m trying to pick Alvar’s theme music for his act, but what type of music does Maxwell allow? Or could we just put in a video with music and the act?
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For circus and fantasy music, I highly recommend everyone to check out Peter Gundry. He’s an amazing composer and has even composed stuff for GoT.
koala koala

Peter Gundry is one of my go-tos! My secret weapon for theme music is actually Cirque Du Soleil soundtracks, though. There's a variety of really atmospheric, beautiful stuff there.
aww, i'm down. they could always be the ones who are always unsure what's happening, but just laugh and go along with it ^-^

oh, i noticed your boy is a stagehand! moon-sik is too– they definitely have to be smoking buddies who talk shit behind everyone's back, lol
aww, i'm down. they could always be the ones who are always unsure what's happening, but just laugh and go along with it ^-^

oh, i noticed your boy is a stagehand! moon-sik is too– they definitely have to be smoking buddies who talk shit behind everyone's back, lol
Yesss. Haha. I’m actually about to PM you to discuss relations further

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