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Fantasy Escaping Darkness Rp

Kane listened to Din speak. "I see... so you care for your sons very much. It pains me to think that they may find each other on opposite sides of bars and cages," Kane said. He thought for a moment. Suddenly, he latched onto something Din said. "Kiono was.. brought back to life?" Kane glared blankly, eyes wide, having reached a realization. "How did you...?" Kane looked at Din. He waited for a reply and would listen to it before turning his attention to his watch. "Hm... It seems to be getting late. I have one more request to ask of you. I would normally ask Dr. Clarefree but it's fairly minor. I was hoping you would allow Toshi to remove his collar. He's made me a promise not to cause trouble so I've placed my trust in him. I spoke briefly with Serena so that way, if anything goes wrong, she might be able to help. Would you be so gracious as to grant me the privilege to remove Toshi's collar?" Kane asked, speaking formally now. This part of the conversation was more business but he would be sure to keep it in mind, Din's knowledge of how his son was brought back to life. That would be useful.

Gohan510 Gohan510
Din Takeshi
"Of course I care for both of them equally and although they are on opposite sides they getting treated with care and respect, well by most of the people here. I can not control Kiono's wild like nature, but I appreciate him for it as it brings life into this place. Everyone here acts the same or try to imitate each other, all trying to share their "cold" eyes or even just trying to keep off a scary demeanor. Same with Gen unlike many chasers he's more calmer and keeps a level head until the "hunt" begins for him." Nodding from Kane’s response from the big news Din pushed his glasses up with a smirk of pride and nodded. He had pride in his work and he knew he did good.. A lot better then the average doctor. "That I can not tell you yet Kane I haven't gained the right amount of trust in you to explore more on my research. I was about to but it seems you're all out of time. Yeah sure no thing you can go right ahead. Though if he acts a little out of control it's going right back on aight? Take it as a gift for a good conversation. Cheers to evolution." He lifted his cup of tea.
A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.
Gen Takeshi
Gen walked and continued walking till he notice Tempest had caught up to him, his deep thoughts been affecting him lately but he couldn’t help it since it was apart of his personality to do so.

“Where? To the sparring room.” He stated with a nod. Continuing his walk scientists and workers of all sorts ran or walked past them even experiments who were cuffed up passed them. Gen eyed every person who walked past them as they ventured down the halls they passed Kane’s office as he stopped and looked at the chasers who watched his office. Continuing the stroll he began to think why his and Arachnid offices always highly guarded. Some of Gen’s chasers noticed him and ran over to greet him.

“Gen! You finally came back!” The girl said as her tail moved around. She was a short girl with ears of a jerboa. “Where have you been? The other squad members went off to check out the new building location thats being built. Me and Roi stayed and practice to... I guess get as strong as you hehe!”

“Yeah what she said!” The taller guy stated. He had wings on his back that of a hawk. “I learned I had another power! I have heightened vision ability that allows me to see through attacks clearer for only that moment. So for now I can only use it once.”

Gen listened to his two underlings and eyed Roi after hearing about his new power. “So the spar room is allowing access? Good thought I had to break through.” He looked at Tempest and nodded.

The girl jumped as she didn’t notice Tempest was behind Gen, going beside Gen so Tempest could see her she bowed. “I didn’t notice you hello Tempest!” The boy followed after her doing and saying the same.

“We were always taught by Gen to give respect to those of higher rank, we understand you are a colder isolated type but it’s in our jurisdiction.

Gen bowed back at them with a hand on his stomach and the other behind his back. “Good job to you both showing your loyalty. As well as honor and dignity. Now we must continue.” Gen looked at the two as they stood side by side beside Gen and Tempest for them to continue.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Tempest (Head-Chaser)~
"The sparring room," though her voice didn't show any form of enthusiasm, there was a small glint in her eyes. During their walk she noticed the Gen's eyes seemed to dart from person to person as they went about their business. When they passed Kane's office she noticed Gen stop in his tracks yet again. Tempest paused and looked at him before glancing towards the guarded room, perhaps this was normal for Kane. She herself didn't have her room guarded by staff, but it did have a security system. The only one that could get into her room was her due to a retina scanner. Other than that anyone who wanted to enter needed her. Tempest did value her space and was not one to let others enter it without her permission.

When Gen started walking once again she followed close behind. But it didn't take long before they were stopped, again.
This is becoming tiring, she thought in slight annoyance. Tempest didn't bother moving from where she stood as she slipped her hands into the pockets of her shorts, quietly listening to their conversation. But oddly enough she was surprised to watch the girl, soon followed by the boy, greet her. Her brow raised in slight amusement, "Hmm."

After Gen praised the two underlings and they moved out of their way, Tempest gave them a nod of acknowledgement. Then without saying a word she grabbed Gen's wrist, pulling it surprisingly gentle as she started walking away.

Gohan510 Gohan510
Kane smiled. "Cheers," he said, getting up and walking towards the door. "Good luck on your studies. May you solve all of man's most formidable mysteries," Kane told him. When he walked out, he turned and began making his way to the cages. He signaled for a guard to join his and exchanged some words. Long story short, Kane was ready to remove Toshi's collar. He continued smiling pleasantly as he gave some commands to the guard and he walked off. He would be revisiting Din's research soon enough. He approached Toshi and Serena and greeted the others nearby. "Ah, it seems they've already made the arrangements for you two," Kane said, jokingly. "Could I be witnessing the blossoming of a romance," he teased the pair. This was his last order of business today and he prepared to be well rested for tomorrow's match. Kane unlocked the cage. "Toshi, I'll be keeping my end of the bargain. I'm removing your collar," Kane jingled the keys. "But, of course, I trust you'll be keeping your end," Kane moved to shake Toshi's hand. "Don't cause any trouble, if something is the matter, speak to me or perhaps even Serena," Kane said, giving her a wink of acknowledgement. Kane fumbled with the keys and while he worked to remove the collar. "Once you've gotten around a bit without your collar, send word for me and we will make sure things have been going well. We'll have to have checkups from now on every now and then. Sorry, hehe Dr. Clarefree's orders to make sure you're being kept in line," Kane told him. Kane placed his hands on Toshi's shoulders and smiled as the collar came off. "There you go," Kane patted him before showing him back to the cage. "I hope it'll make things a little easier for you," Kane said. "Now, I must get going. There'll be a combat trial tomorrow, and the both of us are going to be a part of it, Toshi," Kane said. "You should rest up as well." With that, Kane walked off again, happily humming a tune of Beethoven.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Gohan510 Gohan510
「· the less you know, the better ·」

Two leans against the wall to his cell. He stares up at the empty blank wall in front of him. His cage was so far isolated from everyone else, but it isn’t like he could converse with the other subjects anyway. Seemingly his body didn’t form working vocal cords. He communicated through sign language, but only certain doctors could understand him. Not everyone is trained in sign language to deal with him. Only very certain personnel are allowed to handle him. They have to go through rigorous training to handle the emergency situation specifically for him. A special team with advanced technology that work like eyes, but don’t actually show the surroundings. Therefore they are basically immune to any of Two’s special abilities. Without his abilities he is only a inhumanly fast creature. He didn’t have the strength to fight off anyone unlike most others in the facility. If anything his strength is that of an average human, making the special chaser force’s job relatively easy. As long as they caught up with him, he is as good as dead. Though the facility wouldn’t be sending him off the ring anytime soon. He is far more useful to the scientists alive than dead. He was the only one of his kind here, there would be no more test subjects if he were killed.

He’s different from all the other living experiments in the facility. Two wasn’t created here. His birth was a mystery, even to himself. He just knows he was found deep in an alley in an abandoned crate. Clearly there was something wrong with him at birth in which the orphanage sent him to this place. For the unordinary, they say. Thus he’s been here ever since. Though through the memories of the subjects he looks into, he sees the world outside. Places with so much color and life. Two didn’t crave to escape to the outside world, but he did want to see it for himself. To breath in free air and feel the wind through his hair.

Two snaps his head up to the sound of footsteps echoing in the long hallway to his cell. It must be one of the head maker scientists. Two rolled his eyes. They are probably coming to extract his blood again. The facility constantly try to create another creature like him, but they never succeed and will never succeed. It’s always fun to see them try anyway.

Mentioned: BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Gohan510 Gohan510

template by astraea
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Gen Takeshi
Gen noticed his wrist got grabbed by Tempest and guided to the sparring room. When they finally reached the area Gen typed the code to open the door as it electronically moved on it's on out of the two way. Gen stepped in the spar room as the lights reacted off movement and turned on, he could see some drones heavily damaged and some punching bags busted open. He knew this was a common area for the chasers, but they should really take better care of it. There was light coming from different spots of the room as it seems many other Chasers had the idea of training and working out as well.

"So it won't just be us tonight huh?" Gen looked at Tempest, by then she most likely let go of his wrist so he walked to a side of the room that had a male symbol hovering over it, stepping through the passage way he met his way in the men's locker room. The disgusting smell of different animal as well as human BO was just not the great combination at times. Walking in his coat swayed by the floor, but following him in his pace.

"Yo boys it's Gen!" A male chaser with the tail of alligator and a mouth of a crocodile. Starting a chant with the other young Chasers about head chasers being cool.

"The girls are pretty scary..." The younger and fradile looking chaser in the building sat in the corner while the other "Men" continued their riled up manner. "Especially Tempest and Arachnid...." The no matter what he said or did the others didn't notice him so he stayed in the corner scared and petrified.

Guy with a bear belly and a shell on his back stood on a stool and talked over everyone. "Yo Arachnid has a bangin body! Well besides that creepy attitude she gives o-" The man stopped noticing everyone got quiet knowing Gen was around. "What? I' wrong or something?" The guy said before turning around slowly to see Gen taking off his long black coat. "H-h-h-h-ead c-c-c-c-chaser....." The boy said in fear until he smirked. "No matter I'm under Vermilions squad anyway!"

Gen didn't entertain the riled up and excited men around him all he was trying to do was prepare for his little spar with Tempest. Folding his jacket up neatly he placed it in his locker along with his shirt and belt. His yellow eyes traced to the man that commented on Arachnid's "body" which made him shiver to even think of her in that manner.

"Let's have a talk about that protection that Vermilion gives you in Kane's office."

The turtle man smirked and crossed his arms knowing Kane to be the "softess" chaser out of everyone. "Yeah sure I don't mind going there to discuss that! It won't go in your favor though that's for sure!"

Nodding to the man's response he got up after removing his valuables and locking his locker then walked off out the locker. All the men chasers that were in the locker room stayed silent till he left then looked at the turtle man with the look of he messed up. Cracking his neck while he walked out, Gen's eyes shined bright as his tongue traced across his lips for the first victim in a while. He will lead the chaser down Kane's "room" then execute him to leave him down their for Kane's little snack.
Interactions: Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Mentions: A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A. hostage hostage

Din Takeshi
Waving off to Kane he let out a sigh of relief that the man finally took his leave. "Bee lets follow procedures of minor lockdown."

"Yes sure will do." The voice spoke back to him locking every door and window even covering the windows. "Minor Lockdown complete."

"Good, thank you Bee. How did you feel about that visit we got? You think he came for answers?"

"I don't know sir. Do be careful though. Ever since your breakthrough with project Zero and Project Nemesis you sure have been gaining attention. Though you've always been second in control under Clarefree, but most even see you at her level. So for my sake and your Wife's sake. Don't get yourself killed poking at the wrong creature."

Listening to the program talk to him telling him about himself. Sighing while sitting his chair he took off his glasses to clean them with his white coat. "Pull up Kane's combat records. Most recent as well." He said putting his glasses on he looked at a notification. A planned combat trial requested by Kane. "Wait..." He sat up to the screen to read the names better. Arachnid, Kane, Violet, and finally Kiono.

"Pull up Arachnid's "venom" incidents with other experiments on one monitor and Kane's on the other one."

"Sure thing master." The program started doing her requested job and pulled up certain files of Arachnid's incidents of accidental "killing". As well as Kane's combat records before Dr. Clarefree's passing.

"Very interesting, she ables her killings as accidents and got away with them. Why have I been ignoring this whole time? This is crucial scenes that are happening in this facility and Helen isn't looking too deep into it?"

"If you don't mind. Sir maybe she isn't trying to stick her nose in certain situations that might split this laboratory. If you are correct about Kane and Arachnid, then don't you think they been planning this already? If you are right then how will you deal with it? I'm sure Madam Clarefree see's the threat with the chasers slowly growing in numbers and power, but you have to remember if they feel a little of distrust they can kill all of you in moments, maybe not wipe you out, but for sure put a number in the lose of scientist."

"But if I'm right then what will those who doubt me like you will do? If I'm right it's simple, I will personally dispose of them. It won't be a easy task, but for sure I will get it done by simply analyzing them as a human.. and animal." He stated reading the files and watching videos of the young Kane and young to growing Arachnid. "Her venom was put under classification meaning Clarefree and a few who worked on the venom only know about it. Bee try accessing Helen's system through here, if it has a firewall that will alarm her then don't do it."

"Sure." The program responded and did so trying to access Helen's system, but it had a fire wall and a lock on it so she retreated before it made an alarm. "Sorry sir, but it seems she has it completely covered. The hard drive you had earlier could probably have more information then you think put it back in and let's go through her old files."

"Sure, the last I seen was that file on Dr. Clarefree's husband died. Yet there where more files in a folder called classified." He told the program as he placed the flash drive in the motherboard. She started to pull up a file that talked more about the last escape. "Stop. This is good, leave the Arachnid stuff up though." He begun working. "It says here the bodies were supposed to be tossed off, but were requested by Kane of Helen to let him burry them? What significance do they have for you Kane?"

Clicking on the button that released a small beep for Din to answer the small call. "Hey Din, it looks like Project Zero is almost ready to be brought out. You want anything to change about him?"

"Begin adding the Rhino and Eagle, though do me a favor and splash some of that spare elephant dna I had laying around somewhere down there."

"Oh yeah sure! Thank you for this opportunity Din, I enjoy working under you! Good pay too."

"I owe you a thank you for being loyal enough to keep such heavy of a secret hidden. Let me continue working on this case I'm building up."

"Oh yeah sure no thing. Goodluck!" He stated pressing the button to end the call.

"You as well." He said before the call ended as he looked back to his screen. "So this is the layout they escaped? That's what she has vermilion doing. He's scouting for any lead on the escapees."

"Sounds like John is enjoying himself."

"Of course, you know John is a good guy after all."

"Indeed I do."

Kiono Takeshi
Kiono overheard Kane and Toshi's conversation again and heard about tomorrow again something about combat trial, was he going to fight Kane and Arachnid alone? Kiono's head started hurting what they were talking about since no word was sent for him yet.

Gen Takeshi
Stepping out from the locker room Gen had a towel rested around his neck as his watch beeped notifying him of a combat trial tomorrow. "Arachnid, Kane, Violet, and Kiono…" Gen looked at the screen with silence and a heart hollowing feeling. "So that's what she meant."

“I will heed your words and my work in the arena will be swift and bloody."

Arachnid, Head Chaser
The chaser stood once more, unfocused eyes settling on Kane as he stepped inside. A confused expression settled upon her face as she watched her comrade free Toshi of his collar and leave. She drifted past Toshi and Serena, sparing a dark glare at them and stopped again at Kiono. His questions rung like a bell through her mind but were snuffled up by the overbearing ecstasy the chaser felt. Yes, she had probably drank too much, and even with her heightened resistance to stuff like that, it often caught up to her in the long run.

“A cat and a bird, stuck in a box, both to be eaten by the fox,“ she sang, clacking along out of the experiment room. Down the hallway she could hear a faint hum. Ah, just who she needed. She bounded towards Kane, stumbling ever so often, but ultimately reaching her destination. A slim pale arm wrapped around the chaser’s shoulders. “Ka-ane! I need a favourrre,“ she drawled, the faint scent of gin and something bitter on her tongue.
Interacting: A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A. Gohan510 Gohan510
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Kane thought about what he was going to eat for dinner. Well, of course he knew, but if was difficult to decide sometimes. The thigh was flavorful, while the torso was tougher and lean. The arms worked great in sandwiches but dinner was always better without any other foods involved. Suddenly, Kane heard Arachne’s voice and stopped. He tried to turn but Arachne had already embraced him. It wasn’t long before he smelled the alcohol. He chuckled. “A favor? What might that be Arachne?” Kane asked. He gently took her hands off his shoulders so he could turn to face her. Kane placed a finger on her chin so that she can raise her gaze to meet his. “One too many drinks, huh,” Kane teased with a smile.

hostage hostage
Nearby: other experiments
Poppy Kingsley (Scout)~
Poppy watched and listened closely, knowing that if she opened her mouth she would probably spell disaster for her or anyone else. She knew the comment she had in mind would've probably anger drunken woman. Her different colored eyes silently followed Kane as he entered Toshi's confinements and removed the collar around his neck. Though Arachnid's words made her shutter. Once they left her blue and reddish-brown eyes wandered to Kiono, "Kio I don't like the idea of you going against either one of those two.... Arachnid especially....... more than likely you'll wind up dead at her hands.."

A wince escaped the teen as her body convulsed once again. It wasn't as bad as before, but still just as painful. Moving her head a bit she looked up at the bars before reaching out her hands and grabbing them. Then with a, almost over dramatic, grunt she started pulling herself up on her feet. When she was standing finally her legs shook a bit, each step that followed was just as shaky. Slowly but surely though Poppy made her way over to the hot headed ginger. "Wanna sit a bit and talk? Or do you wanna get all big, bad and mad," Poppy asked as she plopped down on the floor with little to no grace, adding with a smile, "You know I'm all ears. But I still don't like what they seem to have in mind.."

Interaction: Gohan510 Gohan510
Mentions: Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf hostage hostage A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.

Tempest (Head-Chaser)~
Once they made it to the sparring room only then did she let go of Gen's wrist. The entire rest of the way over she practically dragged the man so that he wasn't able to stop anymore to talk. She stood there quietly as he punched in the numbers to the door, slipping in behind him. When the lights came on she squinted for a minute as her eyes adjusted. "I don't care if there are others.... so long as they don't test their limits with me," she mumbled as she watched Gen walk into the men's locker room. Tempest then looked over towards the women's locker room before making her way over, and inside.

Walking inside the head-chaser looked around the room, there was hardly anyone in there from what she could tell. The few that were there chatted amongst themselves or were too busy getting changed. A few of them noticed Tempest when she walked in, causing them to grow silent. That didn't really bother her though since she was known to silence rooms a good number of times. This occasion was no different. The women watched as the head-chaser made her way to an older looking locker towards the back of the room. Grabbing the lock in one hand, Tempest spun the combination in with the other. A small click was heard as the lock opened. Opening the door revealed some slightly worn clothes and shoes that she ended up grabbing to change into.

Ten minutes later Tempest strolled out of the locker room clad in a plain black sports bra, black athletic leggings, and a pair of crimson trainers. Her hair was up in a ponytail to keep it from getting in her way. When she stepped out her red orbs looked towards the men's locker room where she found Gen looking down at his watch. A groan escaped her as she made her way over to him. But as she did he managed to hear him mumble,
"That's what who meant," the young woman questioned as she stood in front of Gen, her face rather emotionless in that moment.

Gohan510 Gohan510
Kiono Takeshi
Kiono gripped the bars in his cage as his head was down and his teeth were grinding together. He hated all the head chasers and all he wanted in here was for everyone to walk amongst each other normally. Most of the girls in this room have either got beat for being “fragile”, got sexually harassed, or even insulted. The boys some went through the same thing, but due to them having the stereotypical “tough” meaner they were put through harsher terms involving beatings. Kiono hated this place entirely he was tired of the crazy scientists and he was truly done with Gen. Gen was his brother yet the man never once helped him or acknowledged him as family. His father only looks at him as a prized success in a dangerous experiment.

Kiono heard the calm fish girl speak as she was so weak but able to get up and closer to him. Kiono looked at her and smiled sitting down with her with his legs crossed.

"Wanna sit a bit and talk? Or do you wanna get all big, bad and mad,"

Kiono nodded and looked at her scratching the back of his head nervously. It was a trait anyone would notice he got from his father if they met Din. Kiono laid his hands on his lap and released a deep sigh.

“I don’t know how I feel about fighting any of them either. I seen what Arachnid could do on the battlefield, but I’m not going to back down not even for a moment.” His arms started to shake as small drops of sweat came from the top of his forehead. He looked at Poppy with worry and fear in his eyes. An emotion he never expressed to anyone but his brother and father about situations of never being able to talk to his mother. Gripping his pants he looked down at his lap. His hair covered his face as his mind was racing.

Gen Takeshi

Gen glared at his watch seeing the notification with a little bit of anger. Why didn’t Kane tell him and Tempest about this part of the plan?! Was the only thing that came to his mind. Gen then heard a voice that broke him out of his trance.

"That's what who meant,"

By flipping his watch over he showed her the screen that showed the combat trial scheduled for tomorrow.

“Why wouldn’t Kane tell me about this?! Arachnid is going to make her “accidents” again tomorrow with my brother and that girl Violet.”

Mentions: Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

Arachnid, Head Chaser
Red lips broke into a smile, and she gripped his shoulder. “A little to drink here and there is fine, but I have a secret con-coction,“ she said, grinning haphazardly. She waved a nail in Kane’s face, a small droplet of her venom gathering at the very tip. She stuck the finger in her mouth and let the liquid absorb into her tongue. “Mixed with gin or whiskey, and it gives you a very nice feeling!“ she laughed. The venom of course was harmless to her, but it reacted well with alcohol, giving the chaser a slight but more clarity than usual, at least in the see-ing factor.

“My favour...“ she began, frowning. Once again, she could not quite remember what it was. Something about herself... animals? Ah! “I want to see a doctor!“ she cried. Lowering her voice, she drew herself level with Kane’s ear. “I want to change,“ she said, a hint of drunken madness tinting her words. “I’m just too comfortable with this body. A challenge would be nice,“ she said. “Wolf, spider, cat, biter?“ she trilled. “Just kidding. I want... an eel. More specifically, the electrocytes from the dear eel. It would be just shocking in the arena, don’t you agree?“

Interacting: A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.
「· the less you know, the better ·」

Two could hear a faint conversation down the long corridor. He crouched up against the one way mirror at the front of his cell. While he only stares into his own reflection, a fault in which the scientists exploit through the mirrors, he knows there's someone on the other side. The noise from the other side isn't sealed off from his cell. While it is more muffled since there isn't an open connection to the two sides, he could still make out vague conversations from time to time. Most of the time they're from a distance closer to the other experiment subjects. Usually it's the small talk of some the everyday staff or other subjects, but occasionally it's something interesting from the head scientists or chasers. This time particularly it seems to be some group of chasers.

Two frowns as he hears the tidbits of the conversation between the two. From what he could make out, it could guess from the distinct diction of the feminine voice that one of the people outside is Arachnid. He's heard about her antics of killing all the experiments she catches trying to escape. Now she's asking about even more enhancements to her already versatile array of genetics? Though Two notices the slightest slur in her words, she must have been drinking. Noticing every detail about people's voices is something he has done for practically all his life. Since all he was able to do in the physical world is listen, it frustrates him sometimes not being able to say anything.

He continues to stare at his reflection in the one way mirror. He knows Arachnid is on the other side, but he couldn't quite recognize the other voice. It's definitely a male but he couldn't quite identify who, it must be someone who's never been down his hallway before. Or they've probably have just never taken notice since Two tends to make himself very scare while in his cell, his sickly pale complection helps him blend into the surrounding while walls.

Upon overhearing Arachnid's request, Two furrows his brow. How vile, he thinks to himself. Humans never cease to disgust him on how absurdly grotesque they can become. Then again, can some of the creatures here even be considered human anymore? He isn't exactly human himself. Finding amusement out of driving people crazy or killing the countless victims through sheer mental torture isn't exactly humane either.

Mentioned: hostage hostage A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.

template by astraea
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Kane raised an eyebrow at her. “You want to alter your DNA now?” Kane has his doubts. He let out a sigh and smiled. “Perhaps, it would be better to get some rest and we can discuss this again tomorrow,” Kane said, trying to lead her down the hallway. “First, I don’t know how long it’ll take for that to happen, and second, I don’t think it’ll work when the patient is drunk,” Kane said with a laugh. Once they left the experiments room, Kane lowered his voice. “Besides, there’ll plenty of time once we finish our job,” Kane assured her.

“Hey, Kane!” a chaser called out to him. Then, he stopped. “Oh... well, I always knew you to be a charmer, Kane but went I said Arachnid had a bangin bod, I didn’t think you’d actually try to bang her,” the chaser joked. Kane frowned. He held firmly onto Arachnid’s shoulders to prevent her from attacking the chaser. “Is that any way to talk to your superior?” Kane asked. The chaser scoffed. “She’s drunk, she’ll forget it by tomorrow morning,” he said. Kane shook his head. “I’m not talking about her. I’m talking about me,” Kane hissed. The chaser raised an eyebrow of confusion for a moment. “You’ve insulted a coworker, but most of all, you’ve insulted me,” Kane clarified. The chaser remained silent for a moment, then snickered. “Oh, I’m quivering in my boots, Kane,” he said. “Who sent you,” Kane probed. The chaser rolled his eyes. “Gen did. I called you soft and an experiment loving scumbag so he decided to have me tell you, myself. And here I am,” the chaser explained. Kane closed his eyes for a moment. He chuckled. This would actually be useful for him. “I see,” Kane said. He let go of Arachnid and stepped in front of her. He walked up to the chaser who only sized him up. Kane watched him for a moment, then disappeared.

The chaser stepped back, shocked for a moment that Kane was just.. gone. “Wha- how did you-“ the chaser stammered. Suddenly, the chaser grew still. “Shhhhh..” Kane said, as he held the chaser by the neck with one hand. The skin on his knuckles and palms began to shed. Kane smirked as the chaser began to gag. “Look at you... trying so hard to breath. Maybe scream..?” Kane watched him with a smile on his face. Kane reached into his shirt pocket and took out a vial of red crimson liquid. He opened it and poured it into the chaser's mouth. Within seconds, his veins bulged. His eyes, nose, ears, and mouth bled and Kane's grin became more and more twisted with sadistic glee. "All these years. I've developed the poison further to make even more painful than it once was," Kane could hardly hold back his ecstasy. He opened the door to a closet and shuffled the chaser inside.

He then looked at Arachne. "It would do you some good to watch. I could never get bored of this," Kane said as called a summons of one of his squad members. He had some time before his accomplice got here. Kane took his hands and dug them into the chaser's chest. "You see the old poison would numb the nervous system entirely by bombarding the brain with pain signals. This one is different," Kane said, finally grabbing hold of what he wanted. The chaser twitched as Kane ripped out one of his ribs. He tossed it as aside as he ripped out a second. "The poison still bombards the brain with pain signals, but it does so directly... meaning," Kane ripped out a third rib, "The nerves all over your body remain active," Kane laughed softly. "That means you'll still feel this," Kane ripped out a fourth, "and this," a fifth rib was torn out. He continued one by one until the lungs and heart were exposed to the air. The heart still beat, the lungs still heaved, however shallow it was. It was still enough to keep the chaser alive. Kane then dug his hand under the chaser's skin and tore the flesh covering his intestines.

"There you go... you're free. All your inner workings are out in the open," Kane said as he began unwinding the intestines and wrapping it around the chaser's neck. "You're going to die soon, what with bleeding and all," Kane finished tying the intestinal noose around the chaser's neck. "But I'm not gonna let you pass out. That's a gentle way to go," Kane started tightening the noose, constricting his neck slowly. "I'm gonna choke you, or.. if I'm lucky, break your neck," Kane said, tightening the noose further. The chaser was pale from blood loss at this point. "Let's find out which one kills you first," Kane said. Crack. Kane let go. He closed the door to the closet as the squad chaser arrived. "I brought you a fresh pair of clothes like you asked sir," he said, handing it to Kane. He smiled. "Good boy," he said, taking it and removing his own clothes. He turned invisible to allow a sense of privacy and began putting on the new clothes, which turned invisible the moment it touched his skin. "If you don't want to end up like the chaser in the closet, you'll make sure it's all cleaned up," Kane said.

The chaser nodded nervously and opened the door. Upon laying eyes on the corpse, he stepped back in revulsion, covering his mouth to avoid vomiting. Kane reappeared again, with a fresh set of clothes identical to his old set. "Once you've cleaned this up, drain the body of all its blood to remove traces of the poison, and bring it to me. We'll use him again later," he said. Kane dusted himself off and took a deep breath. "The good thing about having peeling skin," Kane held his hands up to Arachnid, not a single drop of blood on them, "is that when a new layer grows back after shifting, all the blood goes away. Hidden away under my flesh." Kane walked over to Arachnid. "Want to know why I'm so soft to the experiments?" Kane glanced at the corpse, then back at Arachnid as he moved in to whisper into her ear. "Because when you gain their trust... dinner comes to you. then I get to watch them suffer in the most delightfully painful way I can imagine, and I've got quite the imagination," Kane's heart raced at the prospect of more victims in the future, and Arachnid could probably hear the adrenaline in his ragged breathing. But when Kane pulled away, he was already back to his normal self. "Right then," Kane cheered up and smiled kindly. "We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow, why don't I escort you to your chambers," he said, offering her his arm to hold. "Remember, drink lots of water. It'll help you avoid any hangovers," Kane told her.

hostage hostage
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Arachnid, Head Chaser
An abashed look gathered on her face and she twisted her lips into a pout. “It’s a simp-le transplant,“ she started. “Just cut open my chest-“ she tapped a spot near her sternum, “and put it-“ again she was cut off. A chaser stood before them, and Arachnid felt his eyes boring onto her. She looked up just as he made his comment about her body. It took a moment for her to recognize what he had said, and as her body responded to her anger, she partially shifted.

Her skin turned pale, forming a thin outer carapace, and her teeth sharpened. With not a single other though, she lunged, only to be held back by Kane. She stopped suddenly, confused as the head chaser stepped forward to meet the rude man. As Arachnid caught her breath and anger, she shifted back, looming figure shrinking back into her regular skin and warm blood. She had nodded at Kane’s words, then peered forward, curiosity taking hold.

The cracking of flesh and bone would have been horrifying to even a regular chaser, but Arachnid had long ago come to terms with it. In her foggy state she wouldn’t have remembered it anyways. Instead, the dark haired girl watched in interest as Kane displayed his abilities. They certainly were savage, and she felt he was quite a formidable opponent. She never deemed it needed to learn to torture, and her kills were often quick and bloody. Kane here had taken his time, reveling in the feeling of complete power he had.

So transfixed she was by the rippling mass that was Kane she was quite disinclined to indulge in the sufferings of the now-dead chaser. Kane had called in his associates and was now invisible as he changed, which was quite a disappointment to Arachnid. She would’ve enjoyed seeing the true physique of her companion. Pulling herself from that thought, she allowed herself to be led away by the man. “Like I said, human flesh is not my favorite, but I find the scarce rabbit-experiment particularly delightful,“ she smiled, baring sharpened teeth. “I expect that you would aid me in my transformation when I am more... clear minded?“

They arrived at her chambers and Arachnid knelt, pressing her finger to a low divot in the workings of the door. The scanner beeped softly and it unlocked, allowing her to enter. The two chasers left there quickly stood, ushering her inside. One broke away and headed for Kane. “Hello, Sir. My name is Lan. How may I help you?“ As he spoke, a forked black tongue flicked from his mouth, tasting the air. A musty blood scent seemed to cling to Kane, and the chaser averted his eyes. Inside, Arachnid was being tended to, a glass of water held lightly in her hand.

Interacting: A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.

As Kane handed Arachnid away to the others in her quarters, he turned his attention to Lan. "Oh, nothing other than to see that Arachnid gets some rest," Kane said with a smile. When he saw the chaser look away from him, Kane reached forward, caressing the chaser's face and turning it so that their eyes met again. Kane simply lifted a finger to his lips and winked at him. With that, he turned and left the office. Kane started back down the hallway. When he arrived at the scene of the crime once again, he saw that all the evidence was already gone. He continued along his way until he reached his own office. His squad had not yet delivered the body so he could only assume that they were still draining the blood from the corpse. It would certainly prove useful to hold onto that body, especially because it would be fairly easy to place the blame on any one of the experiments. Who? That was easy. Toshi, of course, the violent, borderline mad, experiment with a horrid reputation for lashing out and just so happened to have his collar removed. It would be simple work to hold the corpse over his head as blackmail to prevent him from ever turning on Kane. And if it was indeed true that Serena and Toshi had affections for each other... well, that would prove useful to him as well. Kane walked into his room and began to undress. He slipped into his bed and closed his eyes. He had chasers for eyes and ears around the lab. He planned on killing Kiono tomorrow but thankfully, Arachnid would do the work for him there. He planned to save Violet and in the following conversation he will have with her, he'll convince her to join him, just like he did with Toshi. There was Din's research, which he was going to get a hold of soon enough. It advanced his plans for taking over the lab quite nicely but it was still a long way away. He was much more worried about the chasers anyway. For now, he was going to play nice Dr. Clarefree. He still needed her for his plans to succeed. The other chasers could either join him, or fall. Arachnid.. well, it seemed she was closest to him in terms of vision. Long term plans for her can be made, although Kane was unsure about whether or not such a partnership was permanent. Either way, that was a bridge to cross later. He quite liked Arachnid. Perhaps it was because her DNA also belonged in the bug world. Perhaps it was because she loved killing as much as he loved torturing. Although, in his opinion, Arachnid's approach was far too merciful. A quick death is what they all wish for when they're faced with the likes of Kane. But no matter, resting now is what he wanted. Tomorrow was indeed going to be a long day. So Kane continued to let his mind roll with various thoughts, going on and on about all the delightful ways to cause someone to suffer until eventually, he drifted off to sleep.

hostage hostage
Kiono Takeshi
Kiono gripped the bars in his cage as his head was down and his teeth were grinding together. He hated all the head chasers and all he wanted in here was for everyone to walk amongst each other normally. Most of the girls in this room have either got beat for being “fragile”, got sexually harassed, or even insulted. The boys some went through the same thing, but due to them having the stereotypical “tough” meaner they were put through harsher terms involving beatings. Kiono hated this place entirely he was tired of the crazy scientists and he was truly done with Gen. Gen was his brother yet the man never once helped him or acknowledged him as family. His father only looks at him as a prized success in a dangerous experiment.

Kiono heard the calm fish girl speak as she was so weak but able to get up and closer to him. Kiono looked at her and smiled sitting down with her with his legs crossed.

"Wanna sit a bit and talk? Or do you wanna get all big, bad and mad,"

Kiono nodded and looked at her scratching the back of his head nervously. It was a trait anyone would notice he got from his father if they met Din. Kiono laid his hands on his lap and released a deep sigh.

“I don’t know how I feel about fighting any of them either. I seen what Arachnid could do on the battlefield, but I’m not going to back down not even for a moment.” His arms started to shake as small drops of sweat came from the top of his forehead. He looked at Poppy with worry and fear in his eyes. An emotion he never expressed to anyone but his brother and father about situations of never being able to talk to his mother. Gripping his pants he looked down at his lap. His hair covered his face as his mind was racing.

Gen Takeshi

Gen glared at his watch seeing the notification with a little bit of anger. Why didn’t Kane tell him and Tempest about this part of the plan?! Was the only thing that came to his mind. Gen then heard a voice that broke him out of his trance.

"That's what who meant,"

By flipping his watch over he showed her the screen that showed the combat trial scheduled for tomorrow.

“Why wouldn’t Kane tell me about this?! Arachnid is going to make her “accidents” again tomorrow with my brother and that girl Violet.”

Mentions: Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Poppy Kingsley (Scout)~
The blonde haired girl's smile faded as she watched the normally fearless, hard-headed, prideful teen seemingly crumble beside her. There was no way of him hiding it. Poppy bit her lip as her eyes continued to gaze at him, not too sure what to do. After a moment of silence passed between the two of them the girl quietly moved closer to him, closing any space between them. Once she was right beside him, Poppy gently laid her hand on his and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Whoa, and I thought a I was cold," she mumbled teasingly. The girl figured that Kiono wasn't probably in the mood for her to tease him, but it happened out of habit. Seeing that he was still looking down at his lap she frowned, "Hey," reaching with her other hand Poppy cupped his cheek. Brushing her thumb against his skin before she slowly moved Kiono's head so that he had to look at her. "We'll figure this out, ok," she whispered softly while her different colored eyes gazed into Kiono's pink orbs, "It might be hard, but we'll figure something out... Even if I have to throw myself in front of you." Then her signature cheeky grin appeared on her face, "We need you," with a wink she added, "But if you don't calm down even a little I'll see if you need a kiss ta make you feel better. Seems to work for Toshi." Even though she was snickering by now, Poppy couldn't help but to squeeze his hand out of fear.

Tempest (Head-Chaser)~
Tempest didn't flinch as Gen showed her the notification that appeared on his watch. Her brows were raised in curiosity as she read the names for the combat trail tomorrow. At the man's comment she sighed, "Because that is your brother, Gen.... That more than likely enough of a fact to keep you from knowing.... to keep you from probably butting in to help him..." It was rather clear to her why Kane had made no mentions of what he was intending to do tomorrow. Though she herself didn't particularly care whether those two lived or died, but she wouldn't make that known to Gen.

With a sigh she stepped away from him. Though, she only made it a few steps before she turned around and looked at him. She looked around the sparring room to see a few other chasers going about their training. But Tempest knew better than to say what she had on her mind in front of the others. So she walked back over to Gen and dropped her voice to a whisper,
"What are you going to do about it... You can't just try to stop those two... Arachnid alone will be too much... unlike me, they might not have the anti-venom to save him.... there isn't much you are able to do."

Gohan510 Gohan510
Kiono Takeshi
Taking the comfort in he sighed keeping his eyes closed taking more deep breaths. Kiono gripped his pants wondering what he could do? One of the known strongest Chasers in this facility why is Kiono going against them? Then it snapped and a smirk grew on his face slowly looking back up to Poppy.

“I’m not that weak to need all that. Plus you know I can’t get caught doin something like that.”

“I’ll win Poppy.” Kiono said with a firm voice. “Sorry you had to see me that way.” Kiono stood up on his feet and held a hand out to poppy for her to grab. “If I’m going to work for us to get the hell out of here I’ll have to do whatever I can to neutralize Arachnid.” He said with pride though only loud enough for her to hear. “I know you’re hurt but can you help me with something since you’re somehow in my cell.” Kiono had something that could help him in his fight with the chasers tomorrow.

Gen Takeshi

Gen was walking to the ring as his mind was cloudy and filled with anger. Kane knew Gen wouldn’t join him if he told him this. So why wait till the announcement was made like he wasn’t going to see. His thought bubble popped and he looked to see Tempest was asking numerous questions.

"What are you going to do about it... You can't just try to stop those two... Arachnid alone will be too much... unlike me, they might not have the anti-venom to save him.... there isn't much you are able to do."

“I don’t know what I’ll do Tempest. No matter what I do if she cuts him a deep wound he’s dead on the spot. As much as i hate him that’s my little brother so you best believe I’m getting vengeance.”
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

Mentions: hostage hostage A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.
Poppy Kingsley (Scout)~
Poppy's grin got wider as she watched the lion boy smirk and get to his feet, "Well duh~! You're one of the strongest people I know, and believe you me the day I find you weak is when these chuckleheads announce the creation of flying pigs!" Hearing the determination in voice as he vowed that he'd be victorious in the ring tomorrow made the heterochromia eyed girl giggle with excitement, "You know you're a lot cooler when you get like this," but at his apology she shook her head, "Don't apologize, trust me I'm just as worried as you. Plus it's a little cute to see you act like a fraidy cat."

Though when she saw Kiono's hand outstretched towards her she looked at it for a second before reaching out and taking it. Grunting a bit as she pulled herself up off the ground. "I got in here because I made a bet with the dummy in charge of my testing today," Poppy couldn't help but to snicker, "He wasn't too happy to have lost. But at least I got what I wanted in the end, now it won't be as lonely." But at his request to help she was thrilled, if her muscles weren't sore she'd be jumping for joy, instead she just grinned up at him, "I'd be more than happy to help you, Kiono."

Tempest (Head-Chaser)~
"Do not speak such words at such volume.."
she mumbled to him as she recalled the cafeteria earlier. Though she couldn't help but to sigh, Gen just didn't seem to have an option rather than to watch the murder of his own brother. A large part of Tempest was happy that she didn't have to worry about such a thing that she deemed trivial. But part of her questioned what it was like. The chaser shook her head to rid the thought that had entered her mind, this wasn't the time for such things.

Tempest made her way over to other end of the ring and turned around to face Gen.
"Do you wish to release what you're building up... you're muscles are tense and are going to become tenser," she commented while doing a few stretches. Once she felt that her muscles were loose enough she stood waiting for Gen's answer. Ignoring anyone else in the room or that were leaving. Tempest knew that she'd be of no help since she fully grasp the situation at hand. Trying to figure out just what exactly say to the man she finally uttered, "Do not do anything that puts your own life on the line.... your team needs you here, surely they would have something in mind for them to punish you.... Besides," she mumbled, "You've still got a lot to teach me that I do not understand myself..... Unless you prefer me this way," a sly smirk on her face was noticeable after her last statement.

Gohan510 Gohan510
Kiono Takeshi
Kiono made the same facial expression from when she first got in here. “So you chose my cage?” Kiono asked as his head tilted though he clapped his fist together after hearing that she doesn’t mind helping Kiono. Taking a few steps away from Poppy he closed his eyes and prompted her to come.

“Swing at me while my eyes are closed.” He said while standing straight up with eyes closed and acting like he doesn’t know what’s going on.

Gen Takeshi
He didn’t care who heard what he had to say Gen was upset. Taking the steps to the ring he placed his towel on the floor as well as his watch. Most of the chasers working out turned to watch the fight between the two Head Chasers. Gen stretched his muscles and took deep breaths clearing his thoughts and flushing the negatives out.

“I’m not building anything up I’m fine and I’ll be fine.” Gen cracked his neck to relieve the tension in muscles. Gen had a lean but bumpy stomach thanks to his abs. Putting his training gloves on his arms dropped fast and he forced them back up. Wrapping a weighted belt around his waist as well.

“If I died Lexi would take my position of my Squad.” Gen stated twisting his arm to get a good stretch. His yellow eyes opened and looked at Tempest as she asked if he liked her like that.

“Everyone needs improvement. Though you’re unique from the other flowers blooming in here.”

Gen stopped stretching and released another deep breath. “Instead of talking let me understand you through combat. You know they say you can never truly understand someone unless you cross fist with them.” Gen stated standing there getting in his fighting stance. Sliding his feet to be some distance apart he crouched down. The warrior stands tall above his opponent, both hands prepared to strike. The one up front is the clawed hand of the Wolf, to represent the beast that lurks within the Head Chaser. The fist behind is the warrior himself, who holds the reins on the beast. Together, both man and beast become the ultimate warrior. Leaving a smirk on his face he prepared for her to come at him.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
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Poppy Kingsley (Scout)~
"Well you seem lonely sometimes, so I thought I'd get myself closer to bug you," Poppy snickered. But when he walked away from her she tilted her head in confusion. When he gestured for her to come closer she noticed that his eyes were closed, she was a little more confused. "Swing at you?" It took her a moment before she remembered that Kiono had bat DNA, "Oh! Now I get it!" So she took a sort of haphazard fighting stance, since fighting wasn't her strongest suit, then threw a punch aimed at Kiono's sternum.

Tempest (Head-Chaser)~
Tempest raised a brow as she watched Gen put on the weighted equipment, but at the same time she scanned his form. So he's not frail, and has a strong core from the looks of it.... but if were to hit him full force.. he'd still break, she thought to herself. But at his comment of how Lexi would take over his squad was a little surprising considering how she was. Though Tempest knew she was no better herself, nor was Arachnid. Lexi as a leader...… Interesting.
"Unique you say.... surprising... but I'm not sure exactly what improvements I need..."

As Gen started taking his stance she watched as one hand changed into a clawed, wolf version of itself. Now this was surely different than any fight she had been in, and they were only getting in stances. The smirk on his though caused her to narrow her red orbs, Confident... So after taking a deep breath, Tempest raised her fists up towards her head. Taking the normal stance boxers used when they fought to protect their head. When she exhaled her muscles seemed to ripple under her skin, getting more noticeable and defined against her lean build; mostly her abs, triceps, biceps, thighs, hamstrings, and calves. The grizzly bear in her was the sole source of her strength, the strength that could crush a person's skull as if it were nothing. Not only that but her canines also grew a bit and were now visible against her bottom lip.

Ignoring the gazes of other chasers gathering around to watch their fight, Tempest started inching her way closer. But as soon as she was close enough the young woman aimed a punch at Gen's abdomen. However, she was holding her strength back in this fight as to not cause trouble for herself later on.
Gohan510 Gohan510
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Terrance Orson - 16 - Chaser
Terrance chuckled slightly as Iris started trying to attack Derek, not that it was very effective. "It's alright little Iris I took no offense to his words after all in his eyes im nothing more than a goon." He said before walking over to Brie's cage opening the cage and gently grabbing her hand. "Shall we have some fun Bri?" Excitement lining his voice as he was about to have some quality time with Brie, even if it was to train her he didn't mind. He just didn't want her to be considered weak just because she was blind now, "Hey where are those glasses that Dr. Clarefree made thought they were supposed to help you see again."
@Rapror Augustine
Texangamer Texangamer

Derek - 19 - Shy's Group - Fighter
Derek frowned slightly as Iris defended the boy and frowned even more when he walked over to Brie. "Just be sure to bring her back safe since her sister seems ....busyyy..." He honestly didn't know what Serena saw in Toshi but she was certainly enamored with him right now. "Also you little bird, I have the right to worry about Vi if i want to be...after all you are usually always with her and you know im right." Derek growled slightly, feeling rather unliked at the moment having the three of them berate him for his actions.

Dr. Helen Clarefree - 39 - Scientist: Maker
Helen sighed as she was alone once again and started making calls to arrange the fights for tomorrow, "Yes this is Dr. Clarefree, I was calling to arrange for some of your experiment or chasers to fight... Yes, thank you see you then." She hung up jotting down two names, before making several other calls by the time she was down she had fights set up for the whole day pretty much. "Iver verses Ember....lets see I think a shark experiment and poison dart frog experiment would make for a good fight so FInis verses Gin...." She paused glancing over to the list of experiments that Kane wanted also keeping in mind about Kane and Ara fighting four experiments, "Now these are the important ones....how should we do this....I already warned them about killing the experiments but that doesn't mean it wont happen."

Lexi Clarefree - 20 - Chaser
Lexi sighed, “If you think you can help me then you can have the rest of it....” She said pushing the rest of the steak over to Revi, "While you eat you can give me pointers on how to work with my temper i guess." She barely acknowledged her 'boss' as he came and went. She needed to learn how to handle her temperament so her mother would think she was perfect. It would drive her mad otherwise that her mom would think she was anything but perfect. Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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Serena - 17 - Violet's Group - Second in Command
Serena smiled slightly as the collar came off Toshi with it off they would have an easier time getting out of this place. She ignored the drunken Ara's words and glares, why would they even allow chasers to get drunk. She wouldn't understand it ever most likely, over the intercoms her mother's voice came through, "Tomorrow there will be an all-day fight tournament I have yet to fully make the lists of who will fight who. But I hope you all look forward to it." With that, there was silence once again and worry filled Serena, "What if our people get tossed into this...what the hell are we going to do..." She muttered to herself softly if they had to fight and were hurt badly they would have to push their escape plan back even more. Her hand gripped Toshi's in her absent-minded worrying, they needed to make their move...Kane was already trying to get closer to them than what she liked.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Kiono Takeshi
Kiono patted himself then started to focus his ears to hear the sound of everything around him. Waiting on her to attack he stood silent. “Whenever you ready to throw a punch.” He said as she swung at him and it connect. “Now back up and doing again but faster.” He smirked as he could see her off the small movement she made. “I know you can hit me way harder. If you can’t won’t win tomorrow. We’ll be reversing roles you bein in here alone and me off somewhere probably dead, so you gotta come on.” He said with his eyes closed. This Echolocation tactic did come handy, he could see a creature or object that was even behind him by using the sounds vibrating off the body. It was a little cheating in a sense because as long as those with Echolocation can hear a sound they can predict what’s coming and how fast its coming.

“I know fish girl didn’t get shocked n turned weak?! Come on now! We won’t be up all night I promise, but we gotta wake up early to practice more.”

"Tomorrow there will be an all-day fight tournament I have yet to fully make the lists of who will fight who. But I hope you all look forward to it."

Kai’s ears rang loud from focusing too much on Echolocation he held his ears in pain. “Damn what the hell of all time, she decides to say it now?!” He looked up at Poppy with a sigh and sat back down against the wall of the cell. “Damn... never mind we’ll just have to do it tomorrow morning. For sure.” He said rubbing his ears to stop the ringing.

Gen Takeshi
Hearing the cheering a roaring of some of the late night chasers continued on as they watched higher ranks duke it out. Watching Tempest closely Gen stayed in his pose. Finally she made movements lifting her arms up to block her head Gen noticed as she began closing the distance between them. Gen took note of her pace and started to prepare her attack.

“Yo who you got your bets on? Mines on my waifu Tempest!!!”

“Mine as well.” A younger chaser stated watching them.”

A chaser with wolf dna watched Gen take his stance, that stance he only used if he acknowledges his opponents strength. No one really hasn’t seen Gen in action for months due to him having orders to take of so obviously they would lean to the cold hearted Tempest. He believed in his head chaser, Gen was no fool to let someone attack first. “You got this Sir...” He said calmly.

She went for a punch for his stomach which gave him the opening to attack. Sliding forward he used the speed to dodge her attack but as well lunging towards Tenpest going for a elbow to the gut.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Mentions: BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
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Brie -13- Violet group- Healer

Bri just heard her cage opening as she smiled she just held to Terrance's hand" oh I have it in my cage I can see out of them but... sometimes I wonder if mom is listening to what we are saying I don't know if she put a tracker in the glasses I just look stupid when I wear it" she said as she held his hand she just blushed a bit" yeah let's have some fun don't worry Derek I be fine" she said as she says happily. Brie just put on the glasses she had she hated wearing them but it was fine she looked at Terrance she blushed she did liked him​
Kiono Takeshi
Kiono patted himself then started to focus his ears to hear the sound of everything around him. Waiting on her to attack he stood silent. “Whenever you ready to throw a punch.” He said as she swung at him and it connect. “Now back up and doing again but faster.” He smirked as he could see her off the small movement she made. “I know you can hit me way harder. If you can’t won’t win tomorrow. We’ll be reversing roles you bein in here alone and me off somewhere probably dead, so you gotta come on.” He said with his eyes closed. This Echolocation tactic did come handy, he could see a creature or object that was even behind him by using the sounds vibrating off the body. It was a little cheating in a sense because as long as those with Echolocation can hear a sound they can predict what’s coming and how fast its coming.

“I know fish girl didn’t get shocked n turned weak?! Come on now! We won’t be up all night I promise, but we gotta wake up early to practice more.”

"Tomorrow there will be an all-day fight tournament I have yet to fully make the lists of who will fight who. But I hope you all look forward to it."

Kai’s ears rang loud from focusing too much on Echolocation he held his ears in pain. “Damn what the hell of all time, she decides to say it now?!” He looked up at Poppy with a sigh and sat back down against the wall of the cell. “Damn... never mind we’ll just have to do it tomorrow morning. For sure.” He said rubbing his ears to stop the ringing.

Gen Takeshi
Hearing the cheering a roaring of some of the late night chasers continued on as they watched higher ranks duke it out. Watching Tempest closely Gen stayed in his pose. Finally she made movements lifting her arms up to block her head Gen noticed as she began closing the distance between them. Gen took note of her pace and started to prepare her attack.

“Yo who you got your bets on? Mines on my waifu Tempest!!!”

“Mine as well.” A younger chaser stated watching them.”

A chaser with wolf dna watched Gen take his stance, that stance he only used if he acknowledges his opponents strength. No one really hasn’t seen Gen in action for months due to him having orders to take of so obviously they would lean to the cold hearted Tempest. He believed in his head chaser, Gen was no fool to let someone attack first. “You got this Sir...” He said calmly.

She went for a punch for his stomach which gave him the opening to attack. Sliding forward he used the speed to dodge her attack but as well lunging towards Tenpest going for a elbow to the gut.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Mentions: BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Poppy Kingsley (Scout)~'
The teen narrowed her eyes a bit at Kiono's comment about hitting him harder, even pouted childishly. Sure she could, but her muscles were still aching from her earlier torment. Meaning though she could move, each time she did hurt. But it was his next comment that actually made her made, "How many times do I have to tell you guys," fist clenched and drawn back, "That I'm not a fish!" Poppy threw a punch towards Kiono's face which probably would've given him a bruise if she hadn't stopped midway because of the announcement.

When it finished the girl dropped her arm to her side and her head hung, almost as if she had been defeated. There was going to be a fight tomorrow. Not just one, but multiple. An entire day of nothing but her friends getting beat up, tossed around, and potentially killed. Those were the days Poppy dreaded the most, especially since she herself was still alive while a handful of her friends weren't.

She was lost completely lost in thought and unable to hear Kiono when he spoke of them training again in the morning. Thoughts of possibilities ran through her mind as she continued standing in the same spot. Poppy's fists clenched tight and her body shook a bit as she fought back the urge to cry.
"Hey, Kio," she turned her head to look at Kiono with a smile, though no matter how hard she tried her voice and the tears building up in her eyes gave away how she was truly feeling right then and there, "You're going to win, right? I mean... you always win... But I just," her smile appeared more forced now, "I just want you to come back in one piece.. along with everyone else.... but really, one piece.."

Tempest (Head-Chaser)~
Her eyes rolled at the sound of a few of her male underlings comments, but it was surprising that they had their money on her. Tempest watched Gen's movements as he dodged her blow, Interesting, she thought as he went for a blow to her own gut. With quick reflexes the woman's abdomen tightened just before Gen's elbow made contact, softening the blow. Though she still felt in by evidence of a grunt escaping her lips.

This, however, felt like a perfect opportunity. Tempest smirked and swiftly brought her knee up into the man since he was now in close proximity. Her leg dropped back down on the floor of the ring before she spun on the ball of her foot, using the momentum of her weight to deliver a heavy kick into Gen's side. Oh how she missed getting to fight. Delivering and receiving blow after blow, not to mention the joy it brought her to watch her opponents being defeated at her hands. But this fight was different, under no circumstances could she break Gen.

"Come on Tempessst! You've got thisss," cheered a younger looking chaser. He appeared to be a serpent type as he had a few scales patched on his body, unusually long canines, and of course the prolonged s's when he spoke. Though he hadn't spent much time with his leader it was clear that his loyalty and faith laid with her.

Gohan510 Gohan510

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