Episode 6 and Aegis Updates!

Which thread would you like to see most for Episode 6?

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Roleplay Availability
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Yes, this is absolutely a copy of the Strawpoll linked in the Discord server. But this one is more official, because it's easier to keep track of votes. Also it's only open for 3 days, because I want to get started.

Now! In an effort to update the roleplay and be more active, I posted in the OOC (and tagged almost everyone) asking what improvements you all think I could make to how Aegis is handled. I've recieved the following suggestions - and I would be thrilled if we used this thread to continue the conversation.
  • welian needs to be more active
  • Guided plot is preferred over sandbox
  • Superpower testing thread is desired
  • More social impact plots
  • Plot with consequence
  • Less animal themed throwaway villains
  • The character system is good (but it moves so slowly!)
  • No more giant timeskips
  • Update the fucking manual
Side note: If you're socially active, but not like, posting active, I might be able to put you to work in Aegis. Writing, picture hunting, etc - and some of you oldbies, I'd trust to run missions even if you aren't using your characters right now, so long as you promise to log in every day or so and check for new posts.


Mmm from when I tried to join, the how to submit a character is too scattered. Same thing with some of the basic lore and what can and cannot happen in AEGIS universe.
I'd be down to help out somewhat. Critiquing, picture hunting, maybe I could aid with the manual. Any fuckery with spreadsheets as well.
I'm all for helping update the manual again. I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to the lore itself, but I can nitpick grammatical errors and maybe pick out statements that don't quite make sense in context.
I'm tempted to drop the character point system so that I don't have to count posts anymore.
That could be a bit chaotic, though. Some people go overboard with characters and then really don't keep up with all of them.

Like, I still eventually want to bring in my twins, but I'm already struggling a little with the many characters I already have.
If you drop the CCP system we'll need some other system in it's place, otherwise like Lioness said, it will be utter chaos ^^'
I'm tempted to drop the character point system so that I don't have to count posts anymore.

Alternatively, put the burden of proof on the players? Just have them message you/mods with links directing to the required posts per characters? If I remember right it's only what, five posts per character? Or is that just for the first one? In any case the idea is still the same.
Alternatively, put the burden of proof on the players? Just have them message you/mods with links directing to the required posts per characters? If I remember right it's only what, five posts per character? Or is that just for the first one? In any case the idea is still the same.
Five posts for character for being able to have a new one, yes. But, there was also the CCP count that people got one extra every 5 pages of RP (If they participated somewhere during those ofc). And then there was also a top for how many CCP in total (Used and not used) each member could have, all thought out to limit the amount of characters a single person has to avoid someone having like, half of the cast or something like that >w<
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Five post for character for being able to have a new one, yes. But, there was also the CCP count that people got one extra every 5 pages of RP (If they participated somewhere during those ofc. And then there was also a top for how many CCP in total (Used and not used) each member could have, all thought out to limit the amount of characters a single person has to avoid someone having like, half of the cast or something like that >w<

Then it could still apply. Just show proof your characters were involved within those five pages? Might be a hassle to track the backlog if that hasn't been kept current, though.
My only issue with the five post rule is that I always bypassed it. I just kept forgetting about it and then nobody ever enforced it with me. If we want to keep that rule, then we need it to be enforced. Rules are useless if nobody enforces them, veteren RPer or newbie.
Then it could still apply. Just show proof your characters were involved within those five pages? Might be a hassle to track the backlog if that hasn't been kept current, though.
I believe Gus Gus has been keeping track of that in the Onedrive sheet already, could be a bit behind though (as in, a couple months back) >w<
When I joined, I just kinda felt left out? Only a few people really interacted with me, and only Nessy really stepped up to help my character fit into the world. Gus was amazing too, as was Lioness, but... it still kinda feels like such an already established club that it doesn't really motivate me to do much? I'm going to be more active, now that Lioness as Scarlet is interacting with Hyou, but the problem still stands. I know that things were/are slow but... yeah.

Just my opinion. Sorry if I ruffle any feathers.
And that right there, is exactly why I said this here:
I have a weird idea about that!
How about we start a new episode (along-side ep 5) but also run a side-mission that has all the new players as focus?

Something light, to get them and their characters acquainted to each other right away, that the older players could also join to help here and there, perhaps one more school-focused plot...?

I'm just worried that since we have known each other a while now, the new players are not feeling as welcome... Specially since the whole RP went kinda 'dormant' by the end of last year. I feel like that prejudiced the member interaction a lot and it's a concern someone else has brought to me before (I'm not saying names, they may stand up and speak if they want to) and I've been hitting my head around that ever since, even putting a lot of effort into trying to fix it for/with them...

Maybe doing something like this can help them feel like they're part of something as well...

It makes me really sad that it's something that someone legitimately felt about this RP. It's the opposite of what AEGIS feels like to me. I feel at home here, I want everyone else to be at home and happy too, I want they to enjoy it as much as I do! >~<
When weli asked about the new player 'assimilation' >w<
Context FTW!
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See, this is why I should read things more carefully xD But I'm not ashamed to stand up and take credit for what I said. Thank you again, Nessy, you're just the best. All around.
See, this is why I should read things more carefully xD But I'm not ashamed to stand up and take credit for what I said. Thank you again, Nessy, you're just the best. All around.
It was in the OOC thread, so not your fault >w< This whole discussion started there :3

I'm just glad to be of assistance, I want everyone to have fun >w<
Alright, so, it's pretty clear that most everyone is interested in a more political/social plots. I want y'all to tell me, what specific plots would you like to see? Not just "I want to see more Knights" or "I want Commonwealth to do something" but loose threads that you'd like to see addressed - anything regarding the setting, our characters, etc.

For example, what happened to the people that were chasing Manami? Maybe if Gus Gus wants, I could work them into another part of the story I was working on. Or, Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun , does Juliana have any crazy stalker fans that might try to hurt her?
I'm not sure I have anything you could possibly use, but here's what I want for my characters in the future:
  • Cecilia needs to be less scared of her power, and be put in a situation she needs to fight said fear in order to be helpful
There have been three situations that almost got her there, but either I got accidentally blocked (episode 3) or they never went anywhere (Special Training mission and Episode 4)
I was also looking forward to a CD & Y class she takes part in (Maybe Gus Gus can make that his next project after Snowglobe?)
  • Kendrick moves out
Well, there were always two routes: moving out or giving up and accepting things, but current happenings are laying more towards moving out.
He's just missing something to trigger that idea, to make him realize that his parents aren't worth it, that he has another option. That epiphany is yet to come.
  • Aiden goes to Anneliese for help with his social anxiety
Or, @Necessity4Fun , does Juliana have any crazy stalker fans that might try to hurt her?
Juliana is the only character I didn't 'plan' anything for.
Would be interesting to either have someone knock sense into her or having her realize she wants to take vigilantism seriously, but both would take a lot work. Juliana is a question mark, with no clear destination. Kinda of an 'let's see where this ends' experiment.

That being said, I wouldn't put something like this past her.
She has quite the twitter following and doesn't know internet discretion. Jú would definitely mention people's actual names and talk about her actual classes (Like already happened in the Political Powers mission thread). She wouldn't be as stupid to tell addresses, but pair her selfie backgrounds with the names given (and the fact she's at AEGIS, which is probably in the twitter bio) and anyone with fair search skills could locate her if they wanted.

So yes, crazy stalker is absolutely possible if you want to use that :3
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Sociopolitical plot ideas
The knights had a news/chat show feature, this was no doubt seen by many people. A little plot on how this as affected public views on Supers.
- Characters find themselves in a situation in public where they're "outed" in a crowded area by a KoR member/supporter, and they have to deal with the backlash.
- Commonwealth releasing official statements condemning the KoR's appearance, characters overhear chatter about said statements in support/opposition of these statements, how does this affect them.

The recently repaired Mall now requires all Supers to wear an identification badge upon entry, how do characters feel/deal with this.

Brahns bakery has lost a lot of business due to backlash from their children/support of the super community, how does 108 help out.

Other plot ideas
Super related crime has gotten more outlandish since the prison break, with many powered criminals believing that they would simply be freed again in another break. Crimes by unpowered individuals against supers has also increased as prejudice begins to bubble over. How do established Blue cards and the newly graduated student blue cards deal with this? Could there be any mentoring of the newly graduated students by established vigilantes?

Matron has found herself short on her research, she requires a more aggressive approach to obtaining data, and isn't above using nefarious means to do so. Seeing the KoR's capabilities, she contacts their benefactor through their mutual interests (they likely know each other, both being secretive megalomaniacs) and has them work to further her goals.

The Knights find themselves between a rock and a hard place, their superiors are pressing for more results and to forward their plans, yet they cannot move carelessly. How does their superiors anger/impatience affect the knights actions, and in turn, what effect does this have on the students/faculty and the public?
More personal plot ideas I'd like to explore
- Swan has survived the year, just, he has found himself struggling to keep a level head through current events. He reports to commonwealth HQ to try and address the issues surrounding Facility 108 and his involvement.
- taking a break come the end of term, Swan and his family meets up with old/current comrades and reformed enemies for some drinks/coffee and cakes. They talk about current events and how they could deal with them if given the chance.
- Taking matters into his own hands, Swan uses his skills as a Commonwealth agent to investigate the Knights and their whereabouts.

- Going full on into her life as an unsanctioned Blue Card, Viola faces conflict from the criminals she has violently stopped, as well as the official blue card holders she crosses paths with that take issue with her actions.
- After discovering the truth about her father, Viola considers Commonwealth to be just as corrupt at the heart as the Knights. she begins her work to find reasoning behind Commonwealths actions.
- Finding herself confronted by some former classmates during a vigilante run, viola must deal with a conflict of views. How will her classmates react given she's an illegal vigilante at large, and how will Viola react given that she knows her classmates mean well.
I am personally against any plot that does too much to batter down on the supers. Right now the social situation is painted as already hostile towards supers. The KoR are the heroes, and have had all the success, while by contrast the protagonists have been bumbling around. I am so against anything with more super bashing that I would not participate in any such story line with any of my three characters.

Additionally, bureaucracy moves slow. Any large changes such as required identification pages would be a huge national step towards bigotry. I am not in for that sort of story and I think it is unrealistic things would be moving that fast. If you want stories that are grimdark channeling of X-Men Days of Future Past, I don't think this is the right place for it. Not only that, this is just another corner we'd get painted into with no way out.

Socio-Political & Other Plots (spoiler free)
  • The Commonwealth, blue cards, and/or AEGIS host events, have press conferences, and prop up images that paint supers in a positive light. EVERYTHING in this RP that I've seen has only helped their condemnation. The mall scene- the supers fucked up. The zoo- supers fucked up. The bridge- supers fucked up. Even the prison break was all about how bad and dangerous supers are. This is a dead horse and we're beating it. If we beat it any more it will be ridiculous. Keep in mind in this story supers have been around for centuries. The Knights should not be super-effective at turning everyone around on supers in the span of a few months. Additionally, the rest of the world shouldn't immobile idiots against them.
  • Imogen becoming a 'face' for the pro-supers movement. She has absolutely no offensive abilities, has a degree in workplace safety, uses her powers to defend others, and is not in the slightest aggressive personality-wise. If people in this universe were smart they'd use this to their advantage. (Susan certainly plans to.)
  • There should be a more pro-supers group, one that isn't a corporation or the government. If there can be radicalized anti-supers, there should be ones that are more extreme pro-supers.
  • Characters with actual political weight, that can assign the characters to do things, or hold them responsible if things go astray. Ones that Red can't just tell to 'fuck off' and get away with it. Ideally these should be NPCs, but a few player characters like Jason Swan and Logan Warrain perhaps should command more respect from everyone.
  • A criminal antagonist that can't be beaten with brute force that brings together people to fight them (and can not be one shot), forcing some social reparation.
  • More exploration about what is being done against the Knights of Raguel and other such groups that are pushing an agenda that might breed bigotry. Are they just running free? Is everyone drinking their Kool Aid? In the real world fringe groups are closely monitored and viewed with at least a tiny bit of skepticism.

Character Development
  • Susan: Nothing here. I have plans, nothing that needs help, nothing that can be divulged either.
  • Luther: The absolute definition of a loose cannon. I had D. Rex D. Rex playing her brother, Ernest, and Damaged Glasses (I can't find his name anymore) playing the teacher she was assisting, Max, both who were reigning in her crazy. She is definitely out of control and needs someone, anyone, to reach through her deflecting and realize that she is hurt and needs at minimum a good, real friend that can talk about sensitive issues.
  • Imogen: Become a benevolent figure in the world. Maybe get romance if KingHink returns. Explore possibilities of her trying to help scientists discover if her powers can help anyone besides herself. If romance happens, force Welian to address pregnant supers lore. ;)

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