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Fantasy Epic Saga of The Intrepid Adventurers (OOC)

And of course, the question is, how much am I going to draw from the Pathfinder article itself?

...I'm doing the absolute basics of soul reincarnated into world deal.
Oh well. I don't need a CS.

..Oh, and Car54 Car54
Here's an except of how Duskwalkers come to be:
" When a duskwalker is born, she appears spontaneously in a sanctified place with a connection to death, most often a graveyard or a temple. Duskwalkers do not experience infancy, instead beginning their lives with the appearance and facilities of a roughly 8-year-old human child. These mysterious children always appear cloaked in simple white robes, with a small satchel of food and water by their sides."

TL; DR: Duskwalkers basically appear in places where barrier between life and death are thin, at the age of around eight years old.

So, the question is: How long has your undertaker been undertaking?
Sounds like a forsaken from WoW.
I agree I wouldn’t say it was soda’s fault,
And besides that I just love how Stodan gives very casual, if not funny names to the skeletons he rises x)
Cow was in another rp with me some time back. Cow and hex-something ran the rp. One day they posted

"stood up, waked out, never seen again."

Killed the rp right then and there. But I liked their idea. That how this rp was formed.

Once darkborn finishes with his/her character and the thing with the wolf is over then I'll set off the first plot device.

And if anyone has any concerns, aren't happy, or have questions please ask or let me know. If your not having fun then most likes others aren't having fun either. Anything can be chat. This is a fluid, living rp.

BTW... I saw you boys picking on my orc!😝 lol
Squee Squee
I don't know what to post. I'm just going to be a bit behind you, following your wake into town. If that's ok?
Squee Squee
I don't know what to post. I'm just going to be a bit behind you, following your wake into town. If that's ok?

I'm about to go read the newest posts, but that sounds fine.

I too was confused about Cow's post, especially when it was suddenly gone because I missed the OOC conversation. I was definitely puzzling over how to respond to it being lengthy for in-game time, but I guess things sorted themselves out. I don't think it was your fault either, XtaticSoda XtaticSoda
Squee Squee
ok, just to recap, you killed off 2 farms and are now attacking people in the town. Right?
The people in the inn are slowly coming out, yes?
And the town is running around in a panic and the guards don't know what to do?
Terrible start. ._.

Reee. I need to get the ball rolling, though.

Hope you don't mind if I throw a bag full of sticky goo at your werewolf, Squee Squee . Dunno if it hits. :)
LuvDragon LuvDragon same here :D, but ya i think miss dragoness will have a nice trail of death and destruction to follow. its like a red carpet, but stickier...
and for the moment the guards have been surprised and are struggling to organize, the Mayor as it turns out is missing, us at the inn have just heard the commotion, after this round of posts i think we will officially be in a pvp combat scenario
Terrible start. ._.

Reee. I need to get the ball rolling, though.

Hope you don't mind if I throw a bag full of sticky goo at your werewolf, Squee Squee . Dunno if it hits. :)

Throw whatever you like at him! :D He's the easy to hit but hard to stop type. I'm not sure what affect the goo will have until I read your post describing it. I plan to get some info on werewolves up for whoever wants their character to have such knowledge. Short version is that silver is one of the few things that will deal lasting damage, otherwise normal weapons can eventually kill him if you survive long enough to keep beating on him. Not that I'm giving anyone permission to kill him! :P
Throw whatever you like at him! :D He's the easy to hit but hard to stop type. I'm not sure what affect the goo will have until I read your post describing it. I plan to get some info on werewolves up for whoever wants their character to have such knowledge. Short version is that silver is one of the few things that will deal lasting damage, otherwise normal weapons can eventually kill him if you survive long enough to keep beating on him. Not that I'm giving anyone permission to kill him! :P

🤣 Think of the goo as a classic tanglefeet bag. As in, goo that sticks and hardens, restricting movement and generally making the target easier to hit. I also have some wolfsbane, though I would think that needs to be applied to a weapon to work effectively.
As a mage I'd say I have some knowledge over those kinds of " magic" creatures ?

I think it’s up to you. If werewolves are scarce or non-existent inside the barrier, then books of knowledge about them might be scarce or inaccurate. That might be a question for @Ymhera. But that doesn’t mean your character can’t know anyway if you want.
I think it’s up to you. If werewolves are scarce or non-existent inside the barrier, then books of knowledge about them might be scarce or inaccurate. That might be a question for @Ymhera. But that doesn’t mean your character can’t know anyway if you want.
what's a question? I'm working on a post now.

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