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Fantasy Engranussian Younger Years (CLOSED)

Graham snickered, picking her up by her arms and gently put her down. "Now what shall i do, your majesty?"

"Can ya open the door f'r me?" Malvo gestured to the carriage.

Dei-Loki squinted. "So spoiled."

And Adrian snorted at that, following the others to the carriage. "She is a princess, after all."

"Sometimes I wonder whose side yer even on." Dei-Loki blinked a few times, Adrian having laughed.

"The fact side."
"Can ya open the door f'r me?" Malvo gestured to the carriage.

Dei-Loki squinted. "So spoiled."

And Adrian snorted at that, following the others to the carriage. "She is a princess, after all."

"Sometimes I wonder whose side yer even on." Dei-Loki blinked a few times, Adrian having laughed.

"The fact side."
Graham snickered at the two behind him before bowing to Malvo, "of course, your highness." He opened the door for her.
Graham snickered at the two behind him before bowing to Malvo, "of course, your highness." He opened the door for her.

(( ;W;

"Why thank ya." Malvo smiled, hopping into the carriage.
Graham smiled, "you're welcome, my lady." He got into the carriage with her before looking to the others.

"Spoiiiiiiled." Dei-Loki gave a grumpy expression as Malvo leaned over - watching Adrian take Dei-Loki off of his shoulders while Malvo smiled innocently.

"Naaaah. Just loved." She stated.
"Spoiiiiiiled." Dei-Loki gave a grumpy expression as Malvo leaned over - watching Adrian take Dei-Loki off of his shoulders while Malvo smiled innocently.

"Naaaah. Just loved." She stated.
Graham smiled, "you can be the prince, Dei. But, you have to be nice to your sister."
"Then suffer being unspoiled." He patted Malvo's head. "Don't worry about him, your highness."

Malvo nodded to this. "He's just jealous."

Dei-Loki snorted and grinned. "That's yer argument f'r everything!"

"Not my fault yer a jealous boy."
Graham smirked, hugging him. "Are you going to be nice to your sister?" He petted his head.

"Only if I can get more hugs." Dei-Loki pouted.

Adrian blinked. "Graham, what have y'done t' my boy!?"
Graham grinned wickedly at Adrian before nodding. "Deal, Dei!"

"YAY! Hugs!" Dei-Loki exclaimed.

Adrian gasped, whining as he looked to Zuzana. "Zuzu-bear! Graham corrupted our boy!"

"Oh, staahp. It's just a hug. Now hush, before he comes for you, next." Zuzana patted Adrian's head gently.
"YAY! Hugs!" Dei-Loki exclaimed.

Adrian gasped, whining as he looked to Zuzana. "Zuzu-bear! Graham corrupted our boy!"

"Oh, staahp. It's just a hug. Now hush, before he comes for you, next." Zuzana patted Adrian's head gently.
Graham smiled, "it takes more to bribe him. I don't think just a hug will ever get Adrian."
Graham smiled, "it takes more to bribe him. I don't think just a hug will ever get Adrian."

"Would if ya had deer jerky or peanut butter brownies." Reaver snickered as Adrian squinted to Reaver, reaching forward as he poked his cheek with a claw.

"Why must y' announce my weaknesses t' the public?"

"Because it's already known!"
"Would if ya had deer jerky or peanut butter brownies." Reaver snickered as Adrian squinted to Reaver, reaching forward as he poked his cheek with a claw.

"Why must y' announce my weaknesses t' the public?"

"Because it's already known!"
Graham laughed, "nah, i got nothing. do you, Reaver?"
"So close, darn it. At least we have these two." He patted both of their heads.

Dei-Loki and Malvo beamed at the head pats.

"Always." Dei-Loki stated, Malvo nodding.

Adrian pouted. "My baboos..."

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