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Fantasy Engranussian Younger Years (CLOSED)

Adrian squinted. "Yeah, until I pull away and ya have a photo taken."
Graham shook his head, before putting his fingers to his heart and making an X. "Cross my heart, and hope to die. Stick ten million needles in my eye. I will not betray you like that ever again."
Graham shook his head, before putting his fingers to his heart and making an X. "Cross my heart, and hope to die. Stick ten million needles in my eye. I will not betray you like that ever again."

Adrian grumbled gently and hesitated before leaning forward as he'd hug Graham while glaring off in disgust with himself.
Graham felt the warmth spread through his body. "I LOVE YOU!" He then let go. "Alright i'm good." He grinned.

Adrian flinched at the exclamation, closing his eyes as he pulled back. "Such foul language! Someone slam their heel on yer foot?" He smirked.
Graham thenn looked to Adrian. "Then it's your turn to understand me, Adrian."

"I'll never understand ya and yer nasty words. Ya nasty." Adrian glanced over to Graham.

Zuzana sighed, softly flicking Adrian's head. "Such a butt."

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