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Fantasy Engranussian Younger Years (CLOSED)

Zuzana glanced to Alison, a smile forming on her face as she ran forward before using her boot to work on the other half of the heart. Chloe and Reaver quickly rushing over to help with the outline of the U.

Quirking a brow at the idea, Adrian turned to watch them all.

Soon a heart and a U below it was formed. Alison grabbed a snowball and threw it at Graham's study window. "Get his attention!" She then threw more.
Soon a heart and a U below it was formed. Alison grabbed a snowball and threw it at Graham's study window. "Get his attention!" She then threw more.

Adrian would then nod, tossing a snowball as well, soon pausing when Reaver tugged on his sleeve.

"Can I throw one?" He'd curiously ask, Adrian having grinned as he'd both nod and lift his little brother onto his shoulders - handing up a snowball to him.

"Just chuck it, Reavy." Adrian encouraged before watching as Reaver tossed the snowball up to the window. A proud laugh escaping him. "There ya go! Good aim!"

Zuzana and Chloe both would watch before they would then toss snow, as well.
Adrian would then nod, tossing a snowball as well, soon pausing when Reaver tugged on his sleeve.

"Can I throw one?" He'd curiously ask, Adrian having grinned as he'd both nod and lift his little brother onto his shoulders - handing up a snowball to him.

"Just chuck it, Reavy." Adrian encouraged before watching as Reaver tossed the snowball up to the window. A proud laugh escaping him. "There ya go! Good aim!"

Zuzana and Chloe both would watch before they would then toss snow, as well.

Graham opened the window at the last snowball, looking furious before his face lighten up with a laugh. He adored the message and his family as mood sky-rocketed towards happiness once more. "Thanks guys, now don't worry about it. Go and have fun!" He then shut the window.

Alison smiled. "Y'heard the man! Mission accomplished on boosting moods! Now time to bust heads with my quick, deadly snowballs!" She ran, laughing like a maniac. Valerie followed into a different direction, gathering snowballs once more.
Graham opened the window at the last snowball, looking furious before his face lighten up with a laugh. He adored the message and his family as mood sky-rocketed towards happiness once more. "Thanks guys, now don't worry about it. Go and have fun!" He then shut the window.

Alison smiled. "Y'heard the man! Mission accomplished on boosting moods! Now time to bust heads with my quick, deadly snowballs!" She ran, laughing like a maniac. Valerie followed into a different direction, gathering snowballs once more.

Reaver, as well as the others, grinned as soon as each noticed the lift in mood, which simultaneously brought theirs up, as well. And, as the window shut, Adrian set Reaver down before looking over to the others while whispering to his brother.

"Ree~, y' wanna help me out with something?" Adrian asked while slowly gathering up snow. "It'll be fun."

Reaver blinked, looking up at his brother while watching him crouch for snow. "Whatchya need?"

"I need yer help getting Ali and Val. They're too fast, and I need your quickness, as well as your aim. Think you can help yer big bro?" Adrian continued in a whisper tone before handing over a few snowballs.

Reaver looked to the snowballs before looking back up at Adrian - soon having taken them with a gentle nod, as well as a grin as Adrian snickered and patted Reaver's head before watching him run off to go after Valerie, first.
Reaver, as well as the others, grinned as soon as each noticed the lift in mood, which simultaneously brought theirs up, as well. And, as the window shut, Adrian set Reaver down before looking over to the others while whispering to his brother.

"Ree~, y' wanna help me out with something?" Adrian asked while slowly gathering up snow. "It'll be fun."

Reaver blinked, looking up at his brother while watching him crouch for snow. "Whatchya need?"

"I need yer help getting Ali and Val. They're too fast, and I need your quickness, as well as your aim. Think you can help yer big bro?" Adrian continued in a whisper tone before handing over a few snowballs.

Reaver looked to the snowballs before looking back up at Adrian - soon having taken them with a gentle nod, as well as a grin as Adrian snickered and patted Reaver's head before watching him run off to go after Valerie, first.

Valerie looked down to Reaver as he came close. "Hey Reavy, what's up buuuuddy?"
Valerie looked down to Reaver as he came close. "Hey Reavy, what's up buuuuddy?"

"Nuthin', jus' helpin' Adwian." Reaver stated in innocence before having gently tossed a snowball at Valerie. Adrian fighting back a laugh as he'd grin and bite his cold, bare hand.
"Nuthin', jus' helpin' Adwian." Reaver stated in innocence before having gently tossed a snowball at Valerie. Adrian fighting back a laugh as he'd grin and bite his cold, bare hand.

Valerie wiped off her coat from where the ball landed, glaring at Adrian before turning sweetly down to Reaver. "Can you give one back to Adrian, Reavy? I know he would love the welcomed present from the cutest kid in the world." She gave her best, charming smile.
Valerie wiped off her coat from where the ball landed, glaring at Adrian before turning sweetly down to Reaver. "Can you give one back to Adrian, Reavy? I know he would love the welcomed present from the cutest kid in the world." She gave her best, charming smile.

Reaver blinked, but smiled widely. His best, determined nod being given to his sister before he'd turn and make his way back over to his brother with another snowball still in hand. "I got her!"

"Good job! Now go get--" Adrian yelped as he took a snowball to the face. His noise, mostly, out of surprise.

"Val said you'd like it." Reaver have a sweet smile, his eyes closing.
Reaver blinked, but smiled widely. His best, determined nod being given to his sister before he'd turn and make his way back over to his brother with another snowball still in hand. "I got her!"

"Good job! Now go get--" Adrian yelped as he took a snowball to the face. His noise, mostly, out of surprise.

"Val said you'd like it." Reaver have a sweet smile, his eyes closing.

Valerie laughed at the noise Adrian said. "Isn't Reaver the sweetest!?"
Valerie laughed at the noise Adrian said. "Isn't Reaver the sweetest!?"

Adrian would squint over to Valerie, wiping the snow off of his face before softening his expression as he'd look down to Reaver. Reaver would rock on his feet, keeping his smile as Adrian crouched and smiled in return. "Hey, little helper. Y' know how much Val likes more than one gift, right?" Reaver nodded, watching Adrian create a snowball that was a bit bigger than the one given before. "Then could'ja run this over there for me and give it to her?"

And, innocently enough, Reaver gently took the large snowball and nodded before turning and heading back to Valerie.
Adrian would squint over to Valerie, wiping the snow off of his face before softening his expression as he'd look down to Reaver. Reaver would rock on his feet, keeping his smile as Adrian crouched and smiled in return. "Hey, little helper. Y' know how much Val likes more than one gift, right?" Reaver nodded, watching Adrian create a snowball that was a bit bigger than the one given before. "Then could'ja run this over there for me and give it to her?"

And, innocently enough, Reaver gently took the large snowball and nodded before turning and heading back to Valerie.

Valerie sat down on the snow, watching Reaver come up to her. "Hey baby bro, here hand it too me, and i can make it even bigger for Adrian. Wouldn't that be nice? A bigger gift to give to him? He would absolutely love it, i know he would!" She giggled, holding her hands out.
Valerie sat down on the snow, watching Reaver come up to her. "Hey baby bro, here hand it too me, and i can make it even bigger for Adrian. Wouldn't that be nice? A bigger gift to give to him? He would absolutely love it, i know he would!" She giggled, holding her hands out.

Reaver would tilt his head slightly before handing the snowball over to Valerie. "Y' really think he'll like it?"
Reaver would tilt his head slightly before handing the snowball over to Valerie. "Y' really think he'll like it?"

'Ahhh honey, i know he will. He loves everything that you give to him because you're so adorable. Who can say no to that smile of yours?" She smiled, packing more snow on the ball before handing it over to Reaver.
'Ahhh honey, i know he will. He loves everything that you give to him because you're so adorable. Who can say no to that smile of yours?" She smiled, packing more snow on the ball before handing it over to Reaver.

Reaver nodded in an enthusiastic nature. His little hands taking back the snowball once Valerie finished with it. "I'll give it t' him now!" He happily exclaimed as his legs would aid in his rush back over to Adrian.

Adrian observed, brows lifting before he'd grin and catch Reaver before he was able to toss it. "Heeey, that's impressive! I can show y' how to make it a bit bigger, if you'd like?"
Reaver nodded in an enthusiastic nature. His little hands taking back the snowball once Valerie finished with it. "I'll give it t' him now!" He happily exclaimed as his legs would aid in his rush back over to Adrian.

Adrian observed, brows lifting before he'd grin and catch Reaver before he was able to toss it. "Heeey, that's impressive! I can show y' how to make it a bit bigger, if you'd like?"

Valerie walked up to Adrian, grabbing the snowball and chucking it at him. "Reaver, are you hungry buddy?"
Valerie walked up to Adrian, grabbing the snowball and chucking it at him. "Reaver, are you hungry buddy?"

Adrian jumped out of the way, laughing as he kept a hold of Reaver so he wouldn't accidentally take the hit. He may have had the mischievous mindset of a big brother, but he wasn't a total butthead.

Reaver blinked and laughed at the movement. His attention traveling to Valerie again as he'd nod with a smile, snowball still in his hands. "A little."
Adrian jumped out of the way, laughing as he kept a hold of Reaver so he wouldn't accidentally take the hit. He may have had the mischievous mindset of a big brother, but he wasn't a total butthead.

Reaver blinked and laughed at the movement. His attention traveling to Valerie again as he'd nod with a smile, snowball still in his hands. "A little."

She then looked to everyone else. "Wanna go eat something? Also to stop someone for using you as a weapon." She looked to Adrian.
She then looked to everyone else. "Wanna go eat something? Also to stop someone for using you as a weapon." She looked to Adrian.

"I could go for something to eat." Zuzana smiled, Chloe nodding in agreement as Adrian playfully snorted from Valerie's last comment.

"Hey, you wook at dis face and tell me he didn't have fun." Adrian would lift Reaver until his face blocked his own. Reaver having worn a wide, happy, childish smile.
"I could go for something to eat." Zuzana smiled, Chloe nodding in agreement as Adrian playfully snorted from Valerie's last comment.

"Hey, you wook at dis face and tell me he didn't have fun." Adrian would lift Reaver until his face blocked his own. Reaver having worn a wide, happy, childish smile.

Valerie picked him up, squinting. "You're an evil evil boy for knowing my weaknesses." She poked Reaver's cheek with a smile. "Hey baby-boo, let's go and stuff your belly with food, okay?"
Valerie picked him up, squinting. "You're an evil evil boy for knowing my weaknesses." She poked Reaver's cheek with a smile. "Hey baby-boo, let's go and stuff your belly with food, okay?"

Adrian grinned innocently, Reaver giving an excited, frantic nod as he'd giggle quietly from the poke.
Valerie and Alison went to go eat.

Zuzana, Chloe and Adrian followed. Reaver's eager attention ahead.

"Should really wear gloves when you're outside." Zuzana commented as she walked at Adrian's side. Adrian having quirked his brows as he looked to his red hands, snickering quietly as he then looked towards the kitchen.

"Naaah. Not really a fan of gloves, anyways."
Zuzana, Chloe and Adrian followed. Reaver's eager attention ahead.

"Should really wear gloves when you're outside." Zuzana commented as she walked at Adrian's side. Adrian having quirked his brows as he looked to his red hands, snickering quietly as he then looked towards the kitchen.

"Naaah. Not really a fan of gloves, anyways."
(Time-skip: Skit three: The Tale of the Markings.)

Alison was dancing with little Reaver in the lounge room. He was growing taller by day. "Soon you'll be as tall as me, little bug." She smiled, twirling Reaver.
(Time-skip: Skit three: The Tale of the Markings.)

Alison was dancing with little Reaver in the lounge room. He was growing taller by day. "Soon you'll be as tall as me, little bug." She smiled, twirling Reaver.

Reaver smiled, laughing as he twirled. He'd then look up at Aileen, his tail having wagged. "Ya think so!? I just hope I don't get too, too tall. I don wanna be a giant because then I'd half ta duck under doorways." He giggled.

Briefly, Zuzana watched the two with a smile on her face before she'd move to head towards the stairs. She figured she'd go up to check on Adrian, as she hadn't seen him for a few hours. So, curiosity driven, she made her way up the stairs - slowing once at the door. "You alright in there, Adrian?"
Reaver smiled, laughing as he twirled. He'd then look up at Aileen, his tail having wagged. "Ya think so!? I just hope I don't get too, too tall. I don wanna be a giant because then I'd half ta duck under doorways." He giggled.

Briefly, Zuzana watched the two with a smile on her face before she'd move to head towards the stairs. She figured she'd go up to check on Adrian, as she hadn't seen him for a few hours. So, curiosity driven, she made her way up the stairs - slowing once at the door. "You alright in there, Adrian?"

Aileen nodded, dancing with the tiny Reaver. "Soon i'll teach you the fox trot too. May be even the jitter bug, but i gotta sit now okay? I get tired easily." Aileen then sat down, keeping her bag right next to her.

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