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Fantasy Emerald Grove Asylum

After the wave of guards stopped he looked around at everyone. He saw of course the girl he just kind of saved, it was just a baton but it could of caused some brain damage, the other girl who he still doesn't know the name of, Chazz who's hair changed again, and crazy guy now with crystals all over his body. Or is it apart of his body? To be honest, I don't really want to know. Micheal, after hearing the girl, draws his focus on to her but doesn't say anything and let's the others talk before he does. Although I have questions, I don't want to ignore what the others have to say. Malice Queen Malice Queen FabulousTrash FabulousTrash WilliamDeen WilliamDeen boo. boo.
Zzahc clapped his hands, dramatically and slowly while walking forward, more to grab the groups attention. "Bravo. Wonderful. Simply....magnificent." He said with almost lust in his voice...bloodlust. "I must say, quite a show, quite a show. Now, I could pretend I'm Chazz, or fill the room with testosterone like Jackson, or maybe prance around like Dewie, but you know what? I just don't feel like it." He dropped his smile, his face transforming almost, now serious and with a buisness like glare in his eyes. "I have no need to trick any of you, however I could if I wanted to. No, I'm standing here in front of you to say I'm here. Me, Zzahc." He put the hair out his eyes and slicked it back, serious-like. "Now, let's see how we all add up. I killed two guards, yippee for me. I displayed strength, wit, and obviously tactical reasoning. You!" He said pointing at Micheal. "Fought a few guards, but your power was mostly ineffective. You were helped by both of the women. But then again, you look pretty young, so whatever. Now let's move on to our next contestant on this fucked up game show. Metal girl! You threw your little dagger to save the boy, sacrificing your weapon. Hmm, interesting. Moving on, Other girl! Telekinetic abilities, VERY nice. I like it. You also seem to look at us like you know us, perhaps some kind of mind reading effect? Annoying, but could be helpful. And finally our last contestant: Crystal Killer: DING DING DING I THINK WE HAVE A WINNER FOLKS!" Zzahc's announcer personality seemed to shatter, his slicked hair falling in places, his insanity showing. He shouted and twirled around at the last part, his eyes wide with excitement and promises of blood. "WONDERFUL! I just love the way you skewered that one guy! Ah, just fucking marvelous. So exciting to see violence like that, I'm sorry if I seem to enthusiastic, it's just been SOOOOO long since I've had some good decent fun." Zzahc seemed to calm and put his hair back in order. He smoothed down his gown and coughed. "Well, that's that I guess. Now, what shall we do, players?" Magadude Magadude boo. boo. FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Malice Queen Malice Queen
A few moments of lying curled on the ground seemed to do wonders, and October was back on his feet as soon as his legs would hold him again. But it seemed as though their attackers had been eliminated- at least, for now. The young man staggered back to where the others had started to gather, no doubt formulating a plan of action. He noticed some odd looks, but that was to be expected. There was a new girl, meaning their group had grown to five members. He didn't exactly count that monster thing that had been separated from them, seeing as how it was a bloodthirsty monster.

It was then clear to October that Zzahc had joined them. He was absolutely bonkers, but then again, so was he. Or at least, that's what he had been told. His raven seemed to like Zzahc, perching on his shoulder and peering around like it owned the place. October narrowed his eyes at the bird, his anger almost reigniting. But Zzahc's loud personality broke through, commending October on a job well done. It seemed he rather liked what he could do; October could say the same.

"Thank you, Zzahc," murmured October. "I try." It then occurred to him that the metal girl had been avoiding everyone. She had saved Michael's life and all, but she still was keeping her distance. If October didn't know any better, he would say she was being pretty smart. "Sweetheart," called October to Cecelia, beckoning her with a hand. "Come and join the fun. You do make good first impressions, though. The way you have flipped me over when we first met..." October fanned his hand in front of his face, an almost flirty tone in his voice.

FabulousTrash FabulousTrash WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
Micheal, looking not amused at what Chazz, I mean Zzahc, had to say, looks back at the girl and answers her question, since no one by the looks of it had anything to say to her. "I think everyone is fine, expect maybe Chazz. I would mention Crystal over there, but he seems to like being in pain." he says looking back to the man trying to get the other girls attention. "Now, first off thanks for your help. Second off, and I know Zzahc already mentioned this, but how do you know my name?" Malice Queen Malice Queen
After looking over the group, her eyes were back on Michael. Then the split-one spoke aloud and made this all seem like some fun game of sadism and bloody-fun. He seemed to be evaluating everyone's abilities and honestly she didn't give a fuck what he thought of her – this was a "good day" for her anyway. after the "gameshow" Michael would question Karelyn about how she knows their names to which she would turn her eyes back to Michael to reply. "I've...been watching you all for a time. Seen your powers, the things they've done to you, and your...issues" Karelyn would shut her mouth and seem to shrnk into her loose clothes that seemed as thiugh they'd fall off of her at any time. "They're not kind...and what they do seems to be more for their amusement than for any scientific gain..."
Snake sat a ways away from the group that was forming, consisting of Michael, Zzahc, October, and Karelyn. Observing them and noting their actions, emotions, and movements. His eyes wouldn't dare to close, not once. Analyzing them as they talk to one another. Concluding that he had gained all the information he needed for the day he finally closed his eyes some. Pulling his quilt up and around his shoulders, and tightening it around him. Enjoying the warmth it provided him today. He sat in a dark corner of the room, any shaded area would be where Snake was. Light irritated him, it made him much more snappy, and though he could never really give a definitive answer on WHY he hated it, he just never has...

In the recent event that transpired for the training session, Snake had transformed into his Demon mode for a brief minute, letting one of the Serpents grab a guard in silence, and tear into their neck. The carcass of the guard sat beside him, and he pat the guard's head softly. Wondering just why this training room was set up..Was it so that the scientist's could make weapons? Or something more? Snake never cared...
"Not being kind and having amusement from are suffering, agreed, but I think they have some sort of gain. I don't know what it is, and for all I know you could be right, but what I do know is that they are testing us. Or maybe they're in a way..." he stops to think about it, "Training us? Now I'm not saying that any of the things they are doing are right, but to give a bunch of people powers just for no reason just to see them kill they're guards seems kind of bizarre." Malice Queen Malice Queen
Zzahc laughed. "Don't you get it kid?! We don't need to know what they want, just simply that them experimenting on us somehow will grant them what they want! Maybe biological weapons, maybe superpowers, hell! Maybe they want to see batshit people fucking go nuts! WHO GIVES A FUCK?!" Zzahc seemed to snap and his little semblance of order went away. "FUCK THIS. FUCK THEM. I WANT OUT OF HERE, AND GOD AS MY WITNESS ANYONE WHO GETS IN MY WAY IS A FUCKING FOOL! Now....who is with me in tearing this place apart? Hmm? A little anarchy and manslaughter on the menu? Let's find the men with the microphones and test tubes and make them godamn choke on them." His tone turning from determined, to curious, to sickeningly sweet then back to venomous hatred. Magadude Magadude
"Zzahc, the people in here know are abilities. They know are backstory. They know are strengths and weaknesses. I agree that we need to escape, but we need to think about a way that could involve less death and more actual escaping. So as much as I love your input, we need a calmer mind than you to come up with the plan." He says trying to control his voice, but clearly showing some annoyance in Zzahc plan. "Also, you are the last person I would ever trust in making plans. By what your other personalities say about you, I'm sure you will just betray us in the end just to save your own ass." After saying that Micheal decides to go over to the nearest wall, sit down and use the wall as a backrest. WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
"Well. First of all, my plan about escaping IS about escaping. Brute force and violence. If we show we can use excessive violence, it will sow fear into those miserable bastards heads. They'll be so busy throwing goons and everything they can at us, and we will decimate them!" Zzahc seemed to cut off from explaining himself to saying what will happen afterwards. He pointed his finger at Micheal. "Fuck you! You actually believe those pussy-footed snot-nose dribbling PANSIES?! I'm the only one around this little head willing to make tough choices. And yes, as a matter of fact, if I had to, I would "let one of you go". No, I wouldn't "betray" you. Betraying would mean you trusted me in the first place. We all want out of here,and I'm willing to do anything and everything it takes." Zzahc sneered at the boy, his voice rising with sharpness. "How about we try your plan, where we try to calm people down and listen to reason? Yeah, I hear that's going great except for the fact that, oh, I don't know- WE'RE ALL FUCKING CRAZY AND WE HAVE FUCKING SUPERPOWERS! I CAN BREAK MEN IN MY GRASP! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW "RIGHT" THAT FEELS?! "IT FEELS FANTASTIC!" He calmed down now, and his voice took on a low tone, now staring down Micheal. "To have a man in my hands and simply choose whether he lives or dies is truly divine. Order, chaos, life and death, insanity and morality.....I could come to a point with this but I'd imagine half of the people in this room can barely comprehend what I'm raving on about, mostly because half the people in this room see things that don't actually exist, or talk about weird things that have no context." Zzahc jerked his head about, like trying to shake something off, before a calm smile appeared on his face. "In conclusion: Violence CAN and most likely WILL solve most of our problems. You have that naive vision most teens seem to have that morality will survive in the end and everyone can have a happy ending if we TRY hard enough. Spoiler alert you little shit: We can't. We're fucked up, and possibly going to stay fucked up. So let's just go ahead and try to make our lives better by murdering THE SHIT out of the people who made our lives more fucked up. Agreed?" Zzahc smiled falsely and tilted his head. Magadude Magadude
Micheal doesn't say anything. He only lowers his hand, which is still not gloved, to the ground and thinks of calming thoughts. He remembers how fun it was to play with his brother, and the pictures they would make and give to their dad. I hope that works. Even if it doesn't, I don't care. I'm tired... He falls asleep on the wall. WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
Zzahc thought it was strange how the kid didn't say anything....then it hit him. Literally. He felt happiness, and joy, and calm, all washing over him from inside. He almost rode with it. Almost. 'This little shit thinks he can whammy me. Motherfucker." He thought, the realizations passing through his mind. And now it was a battle, calm childhood, versus the negativity that is Zzahc. He kept feeling like he should give in, but sadly that's not how he dealt with things. Always resisting, and pushing, and having his way. His eyes widened and he started laughing maniacally. "AHAHAHA! You really fucking tried that?? Really?!" Zzahc was going to say more, but then noticed Micheal fell asleep. In comparison, he felt wide awake thanks to that unexpected attack. He mused over several things to say, bordering between snappy and threatening.....but what would be the point on someone so weakened by their efforts they fell asleep? He shut his mouth and crossed his arms, stabilized at least somewhat by the boys efforts. Magadude Magadude
Karelyn's green eyes would fall towards the crazy-boy shouting at the top of his lungs, it seemed as though Michael was somehow attempting to reason with that thing. "You talk too much...and too loud." Karelyn would speak up, eyes narrowing into a glare. She was getting a migraine, for many reasons: lack of drugs, using her powers, this lunatic's shouting, and these damn lights! A hand would rise to her face, the palm of her hand covering an eye while keeping her remaining eye on Zzahc. "Just SHUT UP already!" Karelyn would scream, as the obnoxious personality laughed at Michae's attempt to calm him down. "You're just all TALK to try and intimidate people cuz you're a sorry sack of shit blowing hot air in everyone's faces." She didn't care if this was the truth or not – whenever she had migraines, the scientists knew to either leave her alone or keep her sedated.
Snake's attention perked up when Karelyn began to raise her voice. He looked towards the lights, then back at her. It was unusual for someone to cover one of their eyes..But maybe something was wrong with her. He made no attempt to move from his shady corner though, he liked it here...And he had the dead guard right beside him as company. He understood that Zzahc was having a moment with Michael, arguing most likely. Something about slaughtering all the scientists? He chuckled softly, that would be quite the plan, if only it were smoothed out a little more. And finally, Snake made his move to talk, clearing his throat.

"Your plan is still imperfect, even if we could try to kill the scientists.. You're not sure if they have other creatures, or beings, or maybe something more that they have created to stop us. They might even want us to try and revolt, so that they test it out. One thing I'm well aware of is that we are still in the beginning stage of our powers. We all have drawbacks to our abilities I'm sure, we need to control them, and find our limits before you'd plan to revolt. I'll tell you all now, my abilitiy has a time limit, that weakens every time I use it. Thus forcing me to have to wait a full day after I've used it all up." Snake got up from the floor, pulling the quilt up with him. He then looked over towards Michael, watching him in his peaceful slumber. He then looked at Karelyn. "I don't mean to intrude, but are you alright? You don't look very good.." He wanted to tread lightly, he was unsure if Karelyn would burst at him as well..
Malice Queen Malice Queen
WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
Magadude Magadude
A doctor came over the intercoms once more in the room. "Hello again subjects. A certain friend of yours will be rejoining the group now. Hehe so tread lightly alright. Oh and one more thing. Remember to be calm around him. He gets very edgy around angry or loud people." The doctor said as one of the far walls opened up to what looked like a big dense forest just as a blood curtling pain liked scream came from it as a sign that Goliath had gotten his teeth into another sorry man that had been let loose in the territory. There has been a starting amount of 20 men put in the forests and two women. Now there were 3 men and 2 women. So in other words the scientists test was a success.

Just before anyone could do anything or go into the forest though a man in an orange jump suit burst from the woods terror frozen on his face as he scrambled behind the group of people. "Help me please!" He yelled at them in absolute fear. The jumpsuit was shredded around his midsection and on his right side were deep clear teeth markings of a massive mouth. Then the growling started as the trees rustled before a bright orange pair of eyes appeared in the woods staring down the group of people. Then slowly Goliath lumbered out of the woods on his feet and knuckles like a gorilla, the beasts skin was different now though. It was a deep shade of green as if to camouflage the beast in the lush forest
FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Magadude Magadude WilliamDeen WilliamDeen Malice Queen Malice Queen Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi boo. boo.
Great. Just great. First some bitch thinks she can yell at him, then some other snake-y kid pokes more holes in his plan. "Hot air huh? Oh, I'd show you hot air....as its ripped from your fucking lungs..." He thought. Seems they wouldn't bend to intimidation and follow him. He might just have to put on his mask and try the other approach. Just then he heard an announcement, about the creature Jackson tried fighting. Looks like intimidation was definitely out the window. Zzahc put his head down and clamped a hand over his face, thinking hard. He twitched and jerked, then went still. When he removed his hand and looked up there was a small smile on his face and his eyes didn't show anything. "Well. I guess that's just the way you feel miss." He said towards the woman. He turned towards the boy now. "Okay, yes. My plan wasn't very thought out, but imagine how well you would feel when four people are keeping you away from reality, trapped in your mind not being able to do much." Zzahc narrowed his eyes at him. "I would imagine you would be very angry when you finally are able to do something. It's maddening. Simply maddening. But hey, now I've calmed down a bit, so everything is better!" He ended with another smile. He looked over to see one of the walls open up. A deranged man ran past them and that Thing was there. Oh joy. Malice Queen Malice Queen Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi
Cecilia had been around the entire time, but found herself to be separate from the group. Sure, she didnt mind their company, but she was much of a talker. She was standing just a few feet away from the main gathering when shouting caught her attention. She saw the man in the orange jumpsuit, panicking and saying something about a beast or something...

Looking up into the vegetation, she saw a massive creature lumbering towards them. It was hard to place, but she recognized it as the beast from before....rats, what was its name....

She cursed herself, realizing that she had not recovered the knife from before. Essentially, she was now defenseless.
Alice White "Wonderland" 6c3916374d9785751de73b6b356490b3.jpg Alice, a white haired girl who lived in her own little world with her own band of friends, had grown tired of her quaint little room they now called 'home sweet home'. "What do you wanna do now Aza?" She looked up to the right of her head as if speaking to someone, but there was nothing there but a ceiling fan that silently spun. "We can't do that! We did that yesterday... it wouldn't be as fun if we did it today." Silence was all that seemed to answer back. As she was about to speak once more to the empty air known as Aza, a guard approached and knocked on the door. "It's time for you to join the others in the training sector Alice." Alice threw the door open and gave a warm smile to the guard who was already sweating in fear of upsetting her. "Okay! Aza and the others were getting jumpy too, will we get to play with the others?" The guard nodded, "Yes, but your friends can't play with them you know..." Alice giggled, which to most would seem cute and harmless, but those who have known her long enough knew that a mere giggle seemed more like a death rattle. As Alice allowed the guard to escort her and her friends, she hummed 'twinkle twinkle little star' making their leisurely trek feel like walking through the halls of an abandoned asylum.

As they neared the training sector scientists and other guards began to lead her to where she would enter. "Now remember Alice, your friends are not allowed to be around the others." Alice frowned, "Aza says you're no fun... but I promise I won't introduce my friends..." She was then allowed to enter the training room where the others were a short walk away from where she was. She couldn't hear them but one of her friends apparently could. "Which way are they Mr. Crow?" All was silent save for the rustling of the realistic forest biome. "Alright, lead on!" She gave out another laugh and pointed in the direction of the others following her unseen friend. "Don't fly too far Mr. Crow! I don't want to get lost." She skipped along the grassy turf in a dainty blue and white dress complimented by black knee socks and a pair of black and white converse. Although the only sounds to be heard were those of the forest and distant chatter of others, in Alice's prospective things were noisy and joyous with her band of merry friends. All except Aza who was no longer present from what she could see, most likely hiding away in her shadow, biding his time. Unlike most girls her age she was far from sweet and lovable. She was known as Wonderland, a nickname adopted from the famous story of 'Alice in Wonderland'. She thought the name was fitting and others agreed, however they did not agree for the same reason that she liked it. Instead they agreed in fear that she would drag them with her into madness where the mercy of Alice would be their only solace.

Eventually Alice saw the group of others along with a large beast pointed out to her by Mr. Crow. "As sweet little Alice skipped through the forest she came along a group of friends, although they didn't know that they were friends yet. As she approached she held up a hand and waved with a faint smile on her lips. 'Hello friends!' she exclaimed. 'My name is Alice! I hope you don't mind that I brought friends!' As she finished she took hold of her dress and swayed from side to side, awaiting what the others am had to say." She had spoken as if she was reading a story, which she was, to her blind friend known as Mole. She was not afraid of anyone, in fact she was only afraid when someone attempted to medicate her, Aza always acted out and lashed at her for it.
FabulousTrash FabulousTrash WilliamDeen WilliamDeen Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Malice Queen Malice Queen Magadude Magadude
October felt as if he could have fainted. The monster was back, but its coloring had changed- not that October could tell. It was still a black blob to him, only this time it was even more pulsating. October stumbled backwards, his good mood having evaporated. His swiped a hand around his head, trying to chase away the crow that was now flying circles around him, rasping harshly in his ear.

But something else caught October's eye. There were two newcomers, a man that he could almost see as a reptile, and a strange girl in a pretty dress. She was talking to them, and also, to herself. Or was she? October stared at her for a minute, a thought forming in his mind. Could she see others, too? Was she like him?

"Go on, tell her to run! It's coming..." October whispered to his crow, who simple flew in the opposite direction. The boy growled inwardly and hurried in the direction of the girl, skirting as far away from the beast as possible. "Sweetheart, whatcha doin' here? Can't you see that... Thing?" October pointed to what he perceived as a black blob, cringing away from it as it hissed at him.

NViouz_DVationz NViouz_DVationz
Alice White "Wonderland" 6c3916374d9785751de73b6b356490b3.jpg As the man approached Alice she smiled and looked over at the beast he called a blob. "I came to play with everyone! I was told I'd get to meet friends!" She then turned to the man once more and gently stroked his neck as she continued, "Lucy says your cute... it's too bad she has different tastes than me... we'd have so much fun." She then twirled around him and fell to the ground, smiling and giggling the whole time "Wouldn't you like to meet my friends? They're very nice so long as you behave... except for Aza, he's cranky right now." As she said that a gash appeared in her arm and she frowned, "That's not nice Aza! Besides, it's true..." She gave out a small huff and took out a roll of bandages from her pocket, wrapping her newest wound. Upon closer inspection it could be seen that she had more bandaged areas where blood was beginning to soak through, yet she never let anyone stitch her back together. "The others say hi! Mr. Crow especially."
boo. boo.
Snake's attention would be wavered by the incoming man in the orange jumpsuit... His scowl grew even more than it normally was. This person was probably uninformed that no matter what, they were just going to die. Off to the distance, from where the man came from Snake's eyes widened some at the fact that an actual jungle was hidden away in this Institution.. "What more could they be hiding from us..." He thought to himself, until his eyes wandered towards the beastly figure camoflauging in the forest's green. "Another experiment I assume..How lovely.." He thought to himself.

He then brought himself back to the young man, whom seemingly had multiple personalities that lived within him. "I find sympanthy within your statement. Though I'm not sure just how mad I would be, considering I'm angry every day almost. And I'll even admit that..." He didn't feel comfortable much with how this man changed so quickly, from yelling and energetic to rather calm and laid back. Though he found that if the man was chill, he would be too. "All is forgiven. I'm glad you've calmed down some.."

Then, someone else made their appearance within the band of misfits. A young female named Alice? He took note that she was speaking to entities that did not seem to take physical form. This intrigued him the most, especially after an entity named "Aza" slashed at her wrist. His eyes narrowed in curiosity..How many people can she talk to he wondered? Just then..A voice filled with pure venom arose in his mind. As it spoke in his mind, he as well spoke to it in the darkest depths of his mind.

"Hehehehe...So I see you're becoming aware of other being's who speak to thin air hm, Calcifer~?"
"It's been a long time since you called me by that name, Devil."
"I told you my real name a long time ago, Calcifer. You're allowed to say it now, you know that you silly little boy."
"I find it much more fitting that I call you Devil, considering that's the only name you like to respond to."
"Psh..Whatever boy. Nonetheless, this is a lively day now isn't it? That Alice girl, she must have some smooth skin..Her bones might be delicious too."
"You won't be eating any of these patients..They're not worth your time anyway, Devil. You'd be better off with these guards, or that horrified man.."
"Aye, maybe you're right boy..Hehehehe....Though everyone is food to me."
"I remember..But your feeding will be another time.."

When Snake was finshed the conversation, he finally snapped back to reality. "Your friends are quite interesting..Nice to meet you too." Snake said, to ensure that her greeting wasn't fallen on deaf ears. Snake was still, in the dark corner, only his pale arm was revealed as he held out the quilt, folding it up as he considered it was of no use to him for now.

NViouz_DVationz NViouz_DVationz
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
boo. boo.
WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
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Alice White "Wonderland" 6c3916374d9785751de73b6b356490b3.jpg Alice giggled and shot to her feet. "I'm happy you like my friends! Nobody else likes them, they say they're scary... they just didn't want to play with me." She giggled more and walked up to the new boy who had greeted her hugging him and looking up to him. "You must have your own friend too! Aza said there would be others who had special friends! Can I meet your friend?" She tilted her head to the side, still hugging Snake and smiling. It was true that Aza had told her many things. He was the friend who had been with her the longest. He had shown her the things she knew today and was the one who let her do what she could. "Maybe Aza knows your friend!" She gasped, "Maybe we can all be friends! That would make me so happy!" The thought of more friends made Alice happier, even if it would upset Aza later.
boo. boo. Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi
They had yet another arrival in this crazy event. A little girl going on and on about her "friends". He couldn't possibly care less what she was saying. But if she was interacting with everyone that would at least distract them from him, and he could plan in peace. Zzahc didn't know why the girl was here with them, but suddenly her arm was cut and she had to put a bandage on it. He widened his eyes. 'Hmm. Seems her friends or her own imagination can affect things.' Zzahc kept thinking and planning, adding the girl to his plans and seeing how everyone could be effective.
Anna sighed as she walked down the hall freely. Two guards followed calmly behind her. "Guys do I really need to go see my experiments?" She asked making one nod as she sighed and groaned. "Fiiiiiiiine." She moaned at them as they walked for the training area. Soon arriving she sighed and walked up to the key pad and pressed in a code making the door open as she waved to the guards. "Bye guys! Be back by six ok!!" She called to them as the door closed and she immediately turned around, holding up her hands and smiling as she gave the group peace signs.

"Hey guys!" She said happily as she quickly ran over to them her arms held out behind her happily as she ran happily over to them. Singling out Miachle as she ran around him quickly and stopped infront of him and smiling

Before she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and gently kissing his cheek before giggling. "Hey cuz. Happy to be out of your cell?" She asked him with a sweet smile as she clung to him as if it was no big deal
Magadude Magadude WilliamDeen WilliamDeen boo. boo. Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi NViouz_DVationz NViouz_DVationz
Micheal wonders around in a place that looks like his childhood neighborhood, but strange. The sky was red, and it was a bit windy that instead of blowing the trees, blew their shadows. Micheal continued to wonder around this place until he looks down a street. On that street he sees a body. He goes over to see the body, and then see that it is his brother's and starts to run to it. He finally gets to it and looks at the body. Then suddenly the body of his brother looks at him and gives Micheal a toothy smile. "Why are you so against death Micheal? Is it because of me? Or..." Micheal's brother's hair turns black and his face turns into Micheal's. "Is it yourself?" Micheal tries to back away from the body but falls on his ass in the process, but this time no one was there to help him. "Your so afraid of losing yourself that you barely even use what your ability can really do." "SHUT UP!" Micheal closes his eyes to ignore what he was seeing.
Suddenly he opens his eyes, breathing heavily. Then he sees a girl hugging him. "Um... do I know you?" he says very confused and groggy. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

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