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Fantasy Emerald Grove Asylum

"Actually no. All we can do is mock him out. And even then we have to use a special serum that 10,000 times stronger than a rhino tranq. And I know what your thinking cuz. But honestly Goliath was a total accident. We didn't even mean to turn him into this but it happened." She explained to him
Hm... maybe not that easy. I might have to do this kind of risky. I have to think of multiple thoughts and imprint them. I haven't really done this before, but I guess there's no time like the present. Brother, if your listening and this doesn't work and die to this, I'll join you up there soon. But let's hopes that this does work. He removes his glove and imprints Hello into it while also imprinting calm into the glove as well, hoping not to scare the creature when he touches it with it. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Words. Words. Words. Boring. Boring. Boring. He was tired of this boring talk, tired of this pointless talking. He ignored everyone and started walking towards the door. He tried opening it, but it was locked, possibly by electronics. This only made him more pissed off. He pulled back his arm and punched near the handle, denting the metal somewhat. He pulled his arm back again and started hammering away, thinking about all the things powering his punches, making him angry. This stupid place. Wham. These stupid people. Wham. This fucking gown, this fucking room. Wham. Fucking life itself. CRASH. His fist pounded under the handle, and there was a crack and tear of metal. The door flung open, electronics and locking mechanisms completely trashed. He let out a big sigh, air escaping him as he stared out into the hallway. He turned back to the group. "I'm leaving now. And anyone can come along, but I'm not staying so we can have a stupid fucking discussion about it." He glared, eyeballing everyone.
(I'm pretty sure alarms would be going off and such. As well as armed guards starting to converge)

"Well have fun." Anna said before looking to the guy who broke the door and sighed. "Someone's gonna get killed. Have fun dealing with the guards!!!!" She yelled at him as she heard alarms start going off
Hm... maybe not that easy. I might have to do this kind of risky. I have to think of multiple thoughts and imprint them. I haven't really done this before, but I guess there's no time like the present. Brother, if your listening and this doesn't work and die to this, I'll join you up there soon. But let's hopes that this does work. He removes his glove and imprints Hello into it while also imprinting calm into the glove as well, hoping not to scare the creature when he touches it with it. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Words. Words. Words. Boring. Boring. Boring. He was tired of this boring talk, tired of this pointless talking. He ignored everyone and started walking towards the door. He tried opening it, but it was locked, possibly by electronics. This only made him more pissed off. He pulled back his arm and punched near the handle, denting the metal somewhat. He pulled his arm back again and started hammering away, thinking about all the things powering his punches, making him angry. This stupid place. Wham. These stupid people. Wham. This fucking gown, this fucking room. Wham. Fucking life itself. CRASH. His fist pounded under the handle, and there was a crack and tear of metal. The door flung open, electronics and locking mechanisms completely trashed. He let out a big sigh, air escaping him as he stared out into the hallway. He turned back to the group. "I'm leaving now. And anyone can come along, but I'm not staying so we can have a stupid fucking discussion about it." He glared, eyeballing everyone.
(It's not like anything EXTREMELY interesting is going on anyway. I mean, what do you propose?)

Zzahc frowned as alarms started going off, their sounds cutting deep into his head. Another thing annoying him, and then he heard the pseudo-scientist shout at him. He slowly turned towards her, blood heating up. "Well, if "someone" is going to die, I'm going to make sure you're going down too! You stupid prick!" He put his hand on the door and starting grabbing the handle. It was already damaged from his attack on it, so he just kept pulling. It broke off with wires and metal attached to it, metal screaming in disharmony. He played with it in his hands, then wound up like a pitcher. He launched the handle, aiming directly at his targets face, spiteful in his intent. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
(You'll see)

Just as he through it anna got out of the way and growled eyes filled with furry as she walked over to him getting into his face and speaking cold and soft. "You really wanna do that? I'm the one that controls everything that happens to you. I can experiment on you any which way I want to. Remember that." She said in a growl to him before looking up and down the halls then back to him. "Get your ass in that room before I decide see how much adrenaline your body can take before your heart explodes." She snapped pushing him into the door way once more
(Alrighty then)

Zzahcs eyes widened as his suspicions were confirmed. She WAS a scientist. Her first mistake was getting in his face. Her second was confirming her guilt. Then she went on saying she could use him and abuse him like he was some child's toy. If that wasn't enough, she put her hands on him and pushed him. 'Oh. It's on.' He thought. He recovered from the shove and went forward, wrapping his hands around her throat. "Oh, you think you can make me overdose on adrenaline?! Let's see you do that as I'm strangling you, you stupid bitch!" His eyes darkened and his grin widened, now slowly putting pressure on her with his enhanced strength. "Can't decide shit if you're fighting for your life!" Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
(Alrighty then)

Zzahcs eyes widened as his suspicions were confirmed. She WAS a scientist. Her first mistake was getting in his face. Her second was confirming her guilt. Then she went on saying she could use him and abuse him like he was some child's toy. If that wasn't enough, she put her hands on him and pushed him. 'Oh. It's on.' He thought. He recovered from the shove and went forward, wrapping his hands around her throat. "Oh, you think you can make me overdose on adrenaline?! Let's see you do that as I'm strangling you, you stupid bitch!" His eyes darkened and his grin widened, now slowly putting pressure on her with his enhanced strength. "Can't decide shit if you're fighting for your life!" Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
He didn't have her in his hands for long before Goliath had reacted to his rage. Grabbing the boy and ripping him from the scientist in anger he held the man up into the air then tossed him a little bit away from the girl. Anna gasped in as she growled. "You really want to kill me? Kill me and this guy goes on a rage spree starting with you. Another fun fact about this beast is he's highly protective of the female gender and will easily kill a man before he kills a female." She told him with an evil grin. "And plus if you did kill me you'd quickly just get a body full of led." She said as well before chuckling. "You have no power while your here! But I'm not planning on keeping us here so you just sit your fucking ass down before I make my little pet here rip your heart out." She growled at him coldly.
If he could use a term to describe the situation, he'd say that "the shit had hit the fan". He got tossed like a salad. Landing on the ground he rolled then slowly got up, worse for wear. "Of course I want to kill you, you dumb motherfucker! You openly admitted you work here! What are you, brain dead?! Most likely!" His face twisted, fully angry now. "There are places that thing can't go, and when and if that happens..." He trailed off and motioned a slicing finger under his neck, a sadistic look transforming his features. "I'm so scared! Seems like the pretty, pretty princess has a darker side! Pretty easy to talk shit when you've got a big godamn monster on your side! Weakling." He finished, spitting out the last word with as much venom as he could muster. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
"Fine then. Guess we know who will be staying here while me and the rest of us escape. See you should be nicer to some one!" She snapped at him. "Stupid idiot. I'm your only chance of your way out so go ahead kill me because trust me when o say this. The next guy in line for my position is much much worse!" She growled at him as Goliath sort of flinched a little at her anger then slowly went back to his resting place as Anna sighed and brought a hand to her face pinching the bridge of her nose. "God your so fucking stupid and filled with anger. I figured you'd be smarter than this." She said
Zzahc shifted his stance and put on a consdecending tone. "Oh I'm sowwy, I decided to be mean to the little girl who's also being mwean to me. I guess I'm a bad little boy." He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes, now being serious. "How about you stop fucking around and tell us your plan instead of acting like you're top shit of this fucking place, hmm? Maybe be fucking productive? But I guess since you're SOOO smart you can't dumb yourself down enough to think down to our level, I mean we are just savages am I right?" He smiled at her, now messing with her. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
"No only your the savage. And guess what mister I am head of this place. I'm the head scientist overseeing all the experiments and procedures done here. Nothing happens to you unless I say so. So I'm pretty sure I am the top shit of this place. And maybe your right maybe I can't dumb my mind down enough to talk to.... someone who beleives punching things is the beast way out. But I sure as hell can say I was saving your life from being filled with led now shut up and stop acting like your the strongest here." She said to him without any emotion before looking to her cousin and everyone else. "Well first things first there's the cameras and such. There one main control center in the middle of the outside yard. That is the only place the cameras project to so if one of us is there all we will have to worry about are guards and such. Now seeing as how I still have free range of this place I'll head to the tower when the time comes to leave. I can unlock doors and such from there. After that I'll direct you guys around." She said then looking to zzach with a sort of "listen carefully" look as she spoke. "SILENCE and stealth are the key to this situation which will be hard with Goliath. That's why before we do this I'll have Goliath transferred to a cell fitted for him closest to the door." She told them
He felt like correcting her on the difference between strength and power, but an overwhelming headache pierced his head. "AHHH!" He exclaimed, dropping down to the floor. "You aren't helping the situation." The aged voice resonated through his mind. "Fuck you, old man! I do what I want!" He grit his teeth and tried to stand up, but the pain was like lightning. "No, you do what I allow! Now calm down and relinquish control, the young lass can help us if you stop pointlessly antagonizing her!" The Judge argued with him. Zzahc kept up with his efforts to stand, some unknown force keeping him down. "Get out of my head!!" He shouted at the Judge, resolute in his disobedience. A battle of wills ensued, chaos and order, justice and retribution. His face was red, veins visible from the stress. Suddenly his features stilled, and his muscles seemed to go limp. He rose off the floor, like a puppet controlled by a puppeteer. The young man looked around, eyes searching every thing in the room, cataloging it. His eyes finally landing on Anna. His eyes didn't contain hatred, or anger, or any emotion. They seemed dull and unfocused. His mouth opened "I apoligize for the upstart's rowdy behaviour. It's quite hard to get through to him when he has something on his mind. My name does not matter, however I would prefer to be called Judge, I believe it suits me quite well." The subject now identified as Judge kept speaking in a toneless voice. "Pressing matters at hand, we have several things we must accomplish. We must first find a suitable way to reach the outside world. Secondly the men and women who have subjected us to these treatments must be prosecuted by the full extent of the law. If you have willingly contributed to these experiments I believe you will also be subject to punishment, however I believe a court will allow you leeway due to your age and circumstances. Do you have anything to say on this matter?" He finished, ready to listen to her response. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
"That I'm insane and as much anyone else here and yes I have contributed.. but I'm considered no more than a prisoner of this place as well." She said with a perky smirk before nodding. "There are plenty of ways off we just need to decide on the easiest one to take Goliath in." She told him as she brought a hand to her chin now her look calculating and cold now
Judge nodded. "Very well. If you do know how things operate, the best solution perhaps would be to coax the beast back into the forest and wherever he was inserted there could be his exit. Then you could suggest we need further testing in motor skills and be transferred to a different room. It would allow us to preview more of the structure and you could choose our starting point for our plans." He said, suggesting a plan. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Micheal looked back and forth to Anna and Zzahc verbally, not so verbally, fighting. While all this is happening Micheal just thinks I could do something about this, but I don't want to. Then suddenly Zzahc starts to scream and then his mood changes completely and calls himself Judge. Yay!!! Someone other than Zzahc! Micheal listens to them talking about a actual plan, and not just punching things. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
Judge nodded. "Very well. If you do know how things operate, the best solution perhaps would be to coax the beast back into the forest and wherever he was inserted there could be his exit. Then you could suggest we need further testing in motor skills and be transferred to a different room. It would allow us to preview more of the structure and you could choose our starting point for our plans." He said, suggesting a plan. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Micheal looked back and forth to Anna and Zzahc verbally, not so verbally, fighting. While all this is happening Micheal just thinks I could do something about this, but I don't want to. Then suddenly Zzahc starts to scream and then his mood changes completely and calls himself Judge. Yay!!! Someone other than Zzahc! Micheal listens to them talking about a actual plan, and not just punching things. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
"Hmm that could work. I have all of you transferred to a cell on the other side of the place which also just so happens to be a lot closer to the door then we go from there." She said as she thought it all over before nodding. "Yes yes." She mumbled to her self as she thought over it all
"Wouldn't that look kind of suspicious to transfer the test subjects, that you were talking to, straight to the front door?" Micheal says thinking over the plan. I want to get out of here, but we need to make sure that they don't catch onto the plan. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

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