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Fantasy Emerald Grove Asylum


Your Son/Daughter has been claimed to be insane.
But worry not here, in Emerald Grove Asylum we can help, and rehabilitate your child.
We try to help are patients the most humane way possible and care for them in their time of need.
If your child is in school and you are worried about them not getting the education at Emerald Grove, don't worry.
Here at Emerald, we have top of the line educational programs to help your child even more so than an actual school would. The best part is, this is all free. You don't have to pay a single penny.
Now keep in mind, I can't make you send your child here. But I ask you to please consider this and put a possible cereal killer off the streets.
Prof. Wright
(Out of letter)​
"Let's see if that works" a voice says almost doubtful of what it just said. "They got no choice. Remember, we have powers on are side that do what ever we say. For example, a person who can imprint thoughts and feelings into objects that can be picked up just by touching it. It doesn't matter what their original thoughts about this is. After they touch the actual letter, they will think their kid is insane." The second voice says very confidently, almost laughing. "So, tell me. If we already have subjects, why do we need more?" The first voice says confused. "Simple. Kids are more unpredictable when they are in dangerous situations. I want to see what happens when that unpredictable, yet still some what sane, interacts with the 'gifts' we are giving them. Besides, we are almost out of test subjects. It wouldn't hurt to have " "If I didn't I know better, I'd say you are a monster." "But you do know better" "Yes, sadly" the first voices says with sadness in it's voice. "So, what happens if the kids decide not to go to a insane asylum?" "We'll force them to. Use guards to get them, mind games, whatever it takes to get them into the asylum. Once we do that, we'll erase their identity and start the testing on them." "After that?" "Then the fun begins. We'll see what happens if they meet others like them. One of two things will happen, they will either gain a new friend, or gain a new enemy. If anything happens we'll place them back in their cells and start again the next day."
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Michael sees his brother and him in the streets playing. Suddenly, as Micheal retrieves the ball they were playing with, a car out of no where come up and runs over Micheal's brother. Micheal's eyes widen and tries to hurry to his brother, but as he does his brother gets up and turns to Micheal.
Emerald Grove Charaecters Brother.jpg
Micheal then looks behind him to see nothing but darkness and a hand about to grab him. Then he opens his eyes to realize it was just a nightmare, then again it's starting to get hard to tell the difference between that and reality. Then suddenly, a voice came from the speakers on the roof of the cell. "Hello, test subjects. Today is your lucky day. No, you're not going home. But instead, you will finally see different people other than the guards. Note, if anything happens I don't like I will force you to correct it. Now, get off you beds and get ready to meet your other crazies." Crazies?! What does dad mean by crazies? Terrified, Micheal does the only thing that seemed rational at the time. Hide under the bed. Then the doors opened forcefully and the guards came into his room and started to look for him. It didn't take them that long to find and drag Micheal out of his room. Micheal didn't struggle, he didn't have enough strength both physically and mentally. Then the guards stopped at a room and through him into it. Micheal instinctively run into the nearest corner and cowered in fear.
A young girl, punk looking with white hair and pink streaks, turned to look in time to see the only door in the room open and a guy was thrown in. The door closed and she watched as the guy scurried over to one of the corners in the room. She huffed under her breath, turning and looked away from the new guy as she went back to what she was doing. Humming to herself, she lightly drummed her fingers on the table she was sitting at. Whatever she was humming, it was rather fast as her fingers were sometimes a blur.
Chazz woke up to the strange message. They usually sent doctors or guards to deliver this kind of stuff. Just then, the guards slammed open his door. "Oh hi guys! I was about to think you weren't sticking to routine! They grabbed him roughly and started to drag him through the halls. "Hey hey hey! My legs are perfectly fine guys!" They either didn't want to, or didn't hear him. They finally arrived at a door. One guard opened it and the other one tossed him in. He tumbled in, and the door shut behind him. Indignation. Jackson got up and shouted "WHY DONT YOU FIGHT ME ASSHOLES?! I'LL FUCKING STOMP YOUR TEETH IN! JUST YOU WATCH! He stopped banging on the door when he realized he wasn't alone.
Micheal was looked at the door as the guards throws another person in the room. Then the guys started to scream at the guards, only making Micheal more terrified. He backs up to corner to the point where his back was pressed up against it. He tries to calm down, but fails to since he is in a room of strangers, one of them humming and the other one screaming his head off at the guards. Micheal then puts his gloved hands on his face trying to at least calm down a little bit.
WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
There couldn't have been a worse moment for October to be disturbed. The same moment that his door opened, he was lying on the floor, his eyes moving in circles to follow the movement of the raven on the ceiling. As two guards stepped in, October's eyes widened. "Shut the door, you're letting it out!" The male's voice was distressed as he watched the raven fly out of the room, but the men didn't seem to notice. "Why did you do that?" October's voice rose in pitch and volume as he scambled to his feet, his hands shaking and his legs trembling.

But he had no more time to rebel, as the guards pulled him out of his room and into a large chamber. "Fucking let me back in, bastards!" October strained against the stronger men to no avail, only succeeding in making his arms break out in tiny crystals. His abilities were still dampened by whatever they made him drink, but it was beginning to wear off. October stumbled to the ground as the guards pushed him in and promptly left, leaving him with three others.

October scrambled up, leaning against the wall as he did so. The only girl in the chamber appeared to be humming, but that was bad. The raven hated music. The male stumbled toward her and clamped a handle over her mouth, crouching behind her. "You should know better than that. Just be quiet, and tell me where he went." October's eyes scanned the room in distress, his heart racing.

FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
The girl suddenly panicked as she felt a hand cover her mouth. It was just like when she was taken away from her siblings.

She reached behind her, grabbing onto the arm of whoever was covering her mouth and twisted out of the chair, pulling October off his feet and flipping him onto the ground as the girl was now looking down at, panting lightly.

Who the fuck are you talking about?!

Cecilia's eyes darted around as she looked October over. She had no idea who he was referring to in his question and at the current moment, that was the least of her concerns.

boo. boo.
Jackson heard a commotion and whipped around. He saw three people, one guy in the corner, one guy holding a girl hostage, and the girl herself. Before he could speak up, she flipped him on the floor. "Well dayummm, shits really hit the fan I'd say. Now, before we all start trying to fucking murder each other, maybe we should calm down, ya know? Maybe take a FUCKING CHILL PILL?! HUH? YA EVER THINK ABOUT THAT?!" He shouted at the guy on the floor, and the chick that flipped him like a burger. boo. boo. FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Magadude Magadude
Micheal, feeling a bit more calm, removes his hands from his face after hearing a bunch of yelling, seeing the girl that was humming to herself flip over a guy. Then he heard even more yelling coming from the guy who was screaming his head off at the guards, now he was telling people to take a "chill pill". Suddenly, Micheal feels his gloves loosen to the point where he could remove them. He removes them and then touches the ground. I never tried this on the ground before. I hope it works. He then thinks calm thoughts and imprints it to the ground, hopefully making everyone in the room calm down. WilliamDeen WilliamDeen FabulousTrash FabulousTrash boo. boo.
Everything went silent for a moment as October crashed to the ground, having been unexpectedly flipped by the girl in the chair. Then the aound came back rushing in as he could feel the pain, but he didn't loathe it. In fact, he rather liked that feeling. His eyes closed in both pain and satisfaction, letting the dizziness that had overcome him pass.

October would have asked the girl to do it again had a strange feeling not come over him. He felt at peace and calm, like he was lounging in a hammock on a beautiful summer day. Had he ever done that in his life? He didn't think so, but that was what he imagined it like. A languid smile fixated itself on October's face as he lay on the floor. He craned his neck upwar finding the image of an upside-down boy that had been screaming. "Chill pill. I didn't take it, but I can feel it. Can you?" October looked down his body to the girl. "Can you?" The male looked back around, then seeing to the first time another boy, much younger than anyone here. He was crouching and touching the floor, a purposeful look on his face. October could also see that the raven he had struggled to keep in his room was perched on his head. "He's on your head now."

Magadude Magadude WilliamDeen WilliamDeen FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
Even without the calming sensation that ran through Cecilia's body, she didnt plan on flipping October again. She released a breath, releasing her grip on October's arm as she looked around. The kid that had been hitting the door stopped, and the boy in the corner was now out of said corner and touching the ground. As if he wernt odd enough.

She didnt say another word as she looked over to the rather rage happy guy who was shouting about taking a chill pill...or something. Dismissing him, she just went back to the chair, sitting back down and sighed.

Already she wasnt like this special time that the asylum granted them. She rather be back in her cell, sleeping. Hopefully whoever ran the asylum didnt plan to do anything else like this.

Jackson was on edge, until he wasn't. He felt his blood pressure lower, and a blanket of warm came over him. "Ohhh. That's nice." He said closing his eyes. He twitched for a second then opened them again. Dewie put his hands on his hips and flipped his hair. "Well,Well,Well. I feel preeety darn good, mm. Sorry if I freaked out or something before. That was good ol' Jackson. I'm Dewie, by the way." He said in a sassy manner, putting out one hand in a dainty handshake before realizing no one would take it. He put his hand back on his hip and felt pretty good. FabulousTrash FabulousTrash boo. boo. Magadude Magadude
Cecilia looked over as one of the guys introduced themselves, though, he mentioned two names. Logic told her that Dewie, or Jackson, or whoever, had multiple personalities. She bit her bottom lip slightly, watching as Dewie held his hand out for a handshake, but then withdrew it just as quickly. Shrugging, Cecilia turned away, looking around the room. There wasnt much metal in the room because of Cecilia, she knew that for a fact. The room itself was rather plain. It was large and spacious however, which she liked.

Getting off the chair, she began to pace around the outside of the room. She didnt really want to interact with the others in the room. She found no point in it and frankly, she didnt care about any of them at the moment. It wasnt like she wasnt thinking about anything more important, but she just didnt want to care. Plain and simple as that.
Micheal stops touching the ground and puts his glove back on when seeing that everyone is not screaming anymore, but before he did, one of them just got up and left the room. "So... I'm going to take a guess and say that you have multiple personality disorder." He says to the guy who has changed his personality. WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
Dewie gasped at the way the boy put it. "As if! It's more like sharing a room with a bunch of people, and having only one window to look out of. Kinda shovey sometimes." He said with a smirk. "We're one big happy family. Except sometimes we hate each other, and argue about the channels on the tv, and what to do.." Dewie sighed dramatically and put an arm over his head, as if in distress. He put his arm down and started walking around, looking over everyone. He started by the curly haired one. "Well look at you. Man who sees things, or people, I don't really know, and don't really care." He said stopping for a second to look down at him. "What I do know, however is that I would care to run my fingers through those locks of yours mmhm. Who wouldn't?" He asked with a laugh. He kept strutting around, now towards the first male. "So, here's what I propose to you all. We get out of this place, find a store to get some new accessories, because by God, these gowns are tacky and cheap. I'd like maybe a satin dress, with some sexy lace, NO! On second thought a suit, black and red seems so delectable now that I think about it." He rambled on, looking back at Curly. "Oh course, you'd probably look good with NOTHING on, but hey, that's my opinion." He said turning towards the younger one. "You scream "casual" perhaps jeans and a white shirt. Punk teen, and a few bracelets?" Dewie put his hand on his chin and thought. "Oh well, let's think about our attire later and focus on our first Buisness. Getting out of here. How's that sound my darlings?" He said sweetly, fluttering his eyes. Magadude Magadude FabulousTrash FabulousTrash boo. boo.
"I'd love to, if I had somewhere to go. I'm not going to talk about why I'm, but let's just say that because of it I have nowhere to go. Also, I'm pretty sure the guy behind all of this would think of pretty much everything before giving insane people powers. But before we go on with this conversation, how about we talk about names. My name is Micheal." Micheal says as he tries to get his fingers comfortable in the gloves. Before I even play with the idea of escaping, I need to know at least the names of these people. WilliamDeen WilliamDeen FabulousTrash FabulousTrash boo. boo.
Cecilia looked as she heard on of the guys propose that they escape. Speaking up for the first time, she spoke to Dewie

How exactly do you plan on getting out?

Her voice sounded quiet, but it was solid and audible all the same. Perhaps it was just the acoustics in the room. She stopped walking along the walls of the room, walking over to where Dewie and Michael were standing. She stood a tad bit further away from them as she couldnt really trust them. However, logic told her that they wanted the same thing just as bad as she did. To get the hell out of here

Magadude Magadude WilliamDeen WilliamDeen boo. boo.
Dewie smiled. Already having answered Mikey's little question, he turned to the woman. "Well, I figure we take on a couple of the guards, get their stuff, maybe take them hostage and see where that goes. Honestly, I haven't been planning that much. You want someone who wants a war, get ol'Jackie back out here. Perhaps if things get extra rough, the OTHER one might come out." Dewie laughed. "But HE won't be that inclined to care about you all. He'd throw you under the bus as soon as look at you. At least Jackson is all "No one left behind". He's a real sweetheart like that. OH! I just had a devilish idea." Dewie exclaimed, looking pleased with himself. "If we can get to the nurses offices or guards place, I could lift some keys and distract them with my charms. All you guys need to do is keep the guards tied up and in the fracas I'd get us some keys and out we go!" Dewie finished, crescendoing his voice and raising his hand in an "olé" fashion. boo. boo. FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Magadude Magadude
Goliath sat there in his normal position. On his knees with shackles around his wrists, ankles, tail and neck, a massive Steele
Muzzle over his jaws as he sat there in a sedated daze. Barely even hearing the announcement as he sat there chained up. Then the massive steel doors to his cell opened up his blurred vision only letting him see a few things as a doctor and about 10 fully armed guards walked in. The scientist smiled as he walked straight up to Goliath. "How is my handsome boy today hmmm?" He asked in a insane tone before chuckle and waving his hand towards the door which made about 5 guards push in a massive sort of platform on wheels. "You ready to go make some friends?" The scientist asked the beast as he walked over to a concole and pressed a button which made all the chains fall off dropping the big beast onto the cart with a crash before the doctor waved. "Comeon! Remove that damned muzzle!" He yelled in which the guards quickly complied by removing it then covering the still sedated beast with a big tarp. "Now in about 10 to 15 minuets you'll start to wake up to a different cell with some nice people in there ok!" The doctor said cheerfully before the guards started to push the massive cart out. Then the doctor had them push goliaths cart to where the meeting cells were and he started to look at who was in what cell before stopping on a particular one which made him smile. "Oh I think this will be quite fun! Put him in the one with the thought bender. I'd like to see if that boy can calm the beast." He said with a chuckle. Alarms suddenly started going off as they unlocked the doors and armed men stood at the ready facing into the cell in case anyone tried anything. Slowly the doors opened and the men yelled at the theee people inside to get back before 5 of them pushed the cart in making sure Goliath was still hidden under the tarp. "Now everyone is like you to play nice with your last social buddy alright!!" The doctor cooed from behind the wall of guards before chuckling. "Don't get to hurt." He said a little softer so they would still here it as the doors closed leaving the three with the tarped lump on the platform in the big room. It had been about 17 minuets since Goliath had been unchained and his breathing had deffinately increased. He was still in a daze and half asleep but it was all quickly starting to go away as his breathing could be seen by the others. It was still a complete mystery to the others what exactly was under the big black tarp. All they'd know was that it was alive..... and big.
Magadude Magadude FabulousTrash FabulousTrash WilliamDeen WilliamDeen boo. boo.
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"Should someone see what's under that tarp? Not it!" he says as he slowly backs up from the tarp. Just in case the thing underneath the tarp is hostile, he grabs one of his gloves but doesn't pull it off.
Cecilia just looked at the tarp and raised an eyebrow. Walking over to it, she scanned it over a few times. Hey, if this thing kills her, at least she'll be free of this damn place.

She reached over, quickly pulling tarp to see the massive beast just...lying there. She was going to question it further until she realized that there was metal in the cart. And that the guards have left it in the room

She had to wait for the giant beast to get off the cart first before she could try anythign

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Magadude Magadude WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
Dewie stood there while the woman threw the tarp off. It was a godamn monster. Holy shit. Dewie couldn't believe the size of it and his mind started racing. He felt the air in the room was shallow, his breaths unsteady. He found himself dropping to one knee, and his eyes closed.

He woke up again in his mindscape. All around him was his own slice of heaven, his theater. Costumes, mirrors and stage lights galore. He heard a banging noise and sighed. The Judge Has Called Court. He started walking to the edge of the stage, where his mindscape interacted with the others. Instead of rows of seats, there was just one large judges stand, against a big wall. To his left, he saw Chazz playing with some flowers, sitting in his little forest. To his right, Jackson was in his bar, drinking a beer and sitting on a stool. "Yo Dewie! Late to the party eh?!" Jackson yelled. Dewie ignored him and focused on the Judge. "So, any reason we're here?" He said looking annoyed. The Judge banged his gavel. "Court is now in session. We will wait for Zzahc." Dewie crossed his arms and waited, looking past Chazzs mindscape and seeing into the distance. A huge storm, cracked land and lightning comprised the zone. Out of it all, a dark figure walked to the edge of the courtroom. He had dark hair, looking like a negative of Chazz. He grinned at everyone and opened his arms. "Well. It's been quite a while since we've held court. Are we going to have some fun, or are you just wasting my time, old man?" He snapped at the Judge. The Judge banged his gavel and have a stern look. "You will behave yourself or I will hold you in contempt! Do we have an understanding?" He said, pointing his gavel at the man. Zzahc grimaced, remembering the last time he was held in contempt. He shook his head "Fine. I'll behave.....for now. Now, what is the Buisness at hand?" He said with a bored tone. The Judge looked around, addressing them all. "We are being held against our will. Experimented and tortured, it is unjust! We must find a way out, and bring these men to justice. And then possibly find actual psychiatric help." He finished. There was a collective groan at this, the prospect not favorable by anyone. "Aw come on now! We talked bout this before and said it was stupid!" Jackson said. "For once I agree with the walking sack of testosterone. I don't feel like being just a repressed memory." Dewie stated. Chazz sat on the ground, now only pretending to play with flowers. He didn't want to talk about stuff this serious. Zzahc looked around and grinned. "Looks like the jury came back and the verdicts out Judge. Motion denied." He grinned with a spark in his eyes. Now, if you're done trying to act righteous, there's the matter of the huge goddamn beast in the room.....Maybe... I could have some fun?" He said, testing the waters, almost playfully. The reaction was anonymous. "Eh." Chazz mumbled. "Ha! Are you crazy? Oh wait, no I take that back. You are." Dewie said dramatically. Jackson bellowed "Hell no! If anyone's fighting it's me!" He said smashing his beer on the floor of his bar. The Judge thought for a moment, then looked at Zzahc. "Motion denied." He said, banging his gavel. He looked at everyone now. "Motion to give control to Jackson, say I." "Me,me,me,me,me!" Dewie sang. "Hell yeah!" Jackson said. They all looked at Chazz now. He looked up, distracted. "Yeah. Seems right." He then went back to his flowers. Zzahc didn't answer. "Motion carried" the Judge said, banging his gavel. Jackson jumped up, jumping up and down, pumping his fist. "Yeah yeah yeah! Oh yeah! Time for a rumble!" He calmed down and smiled "See y'all later!" He said, closing his eyes.
The mindscapes disappeared, and suddenly he was kneeling back in the room. He got up confidently and dusted himself off. "Jackson's back, baby!" He grinned and got ready. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Magadude Magadude boo. boo. FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
As soon as the tarp was thrown off goliaths eyes shot open and it growled viciously as it slowly
Lifted its head up before bringing its hands to the platform then it's feet and slowly getting up. When the massive beast stood up tall it growled viciously and looked to the four humans it's burning hot breath sending visible waves of heat out of its mouth as its eyes darted around from one human to the next in a animalistic hunger. It's tail lifted up and whipped around behind it as it slowly stepped off the platform but immediately grabbed it when it heard a man yell and get into a fighting stance making the beast immediately roar viciously at him and threw the platform with unbelievable force at him barely missing him as it crashed into the wall blowing the thing to smitheriens as it roared viciously at the four people. Then the beast looked to the girl in the room and seemed to calm down a little. It was clear the beast had somewhat of a soft spot for the female gender. But it's eyes quickly shot back to the boys and it growled once more and got down like a gorilla. Standing on its knuckles of its massive hands and on its feet ready to attack if attacked first.
FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Magadude Magadude boo. boo. WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
Cecilia quickly ducked out of the way, moving back as the cart was thrown at the guy who was now Jackson again. She looked up and stared at the beast for a while, who looked back at her. It seemed to calm for a minute as it looked at her, but its attention returned to Jackson.

Cecilia looked to where the cart landed and seeing that it was in pieces, she quickly ran over to it, digging around in the rubble. All she needed was one piece of metal, small or large. She looked around for the metal brackets that held the wheels to the cart. To her happiness, she found one of them. The wheel had broken off in the crash. Picking it up, she could feel her fingers tingle.

The metal began to bend and contort, shrinking and stretching. It gleamed under the light as there was the flash of a blade. In a matter of seconds, Cecilia was holding a knife. Before anyone else could notice, she tucked it into her pants, pulling her shirt over to cover up the weapon and then walked back towards the other three.

WilliamDeen WilliamDeen Magadude Magadude Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
It had been an odd day for October. Not only was the raven acting odd, butthere were actual people interacting with him. And not not just any people, people that were like him. Even in his demented mind, October knew they were freaks of humanity. They would never be "normal" humans; no, they have been mutated. And Dewie was a straight-up flirt. October wasn't quite sure what to think of that, so he put it on the back burner as events began to unfold before him.

There had been a large lump underneath the tarp, and when the girl removed it, there had been a beast underneath. But that's not exactly what October saw. Instead, he saw a black blob, pulsating and growling in a gelatinous mess. It was awful, and October began to stumble backward.l He barely registered the fact that Dewie had been replaced with Jackson, and the crashing sound of the broken cart. "Get away..." His eyes darted to and fro. "Get it away from me!" October wasn't sure why he was so afraid, but he was. It reminded him of something, even more than the raven that flew circles around his head did.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

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