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Fantasy Emerald Grove Asylum

Jackson felt his efforts were working when suddenly the thing threw a piece of scrap at him, konking him on the head. He fell back against the wall, tired. He heard Micheal say something, but everything was getting cloudy. He was tired and exhausted. He'd rest for awhile. When he finally opened his eyes again, Chazz yawned. "Ugh. Yeah, sounds like a good plan I think. Oh, uh...By the way, Jacksons taking a nap. I'm Chazz, nice to meet you." He said extending a hand towards Micheal Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Magadude Magadude
He sees the new personality extending his hand. Micheal hesitates for a moment but then extending his own, shaking the hand of the new personality. "But before we do that, I need you to tell me what other personalities you have so I don't get confused in the future." To be honest, I'm just curious about how many personalities he has. WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
"Oh okay... I guess that makes sense. Well okay! I'm Chazz, and I'm pretty happy. You met Jackson, and he's uh...loud I guess. There's Dewie, I'm pretty sure he met you all too. He's fabulous, in his own words. I don't really know what he meant but that's what he says. Oh! There's also Judge, he helps us all deal with stuff. Mostly me, because I like talking to him. And then there's... Uh. Him. The last ones name is Zzahc. He's like me, but flip-flopped." Chazz turned his hands from side to side, like a wave. "I'm happy, he's angry. I like peace, he likes chaos. I like helping people and he likes hurting people. I don't like him that much really. He scares me. But other than him, everyone else is real swell!" He said turning from tentative to cheery. "Ever since we got here, we've all been able to do things. Weird stuff. I can tell if people aren't showing what they feel, and help them "feel" it. I dunno. If I'm happy I can make other people happy, which is really nice! Jackson can make things happen, like doors unlocking and other stuff. Dewie...huh. I forgot what he does. He can create illusions Chazz. Realistic illusions. "Oh yeah! Judge just reminded me that Dewie can do illusions on people. Make them real, like smells and touch and stuff like that! Judge can talk to us all, which before he used to have to "call us to his courtroom" to get us all talking together, it's like little rooms in our minds Y'know? We all have our little space to live in, and he connects us all. And of course....Zzahc can do stuff too. He acts smart and talks with people, learning about them. He's also really strong." Enhanced strength and brain activity Chazz. "Oh okay! Judge just said its "Enhanced brain activity and strength" that's what Zzahc has." Chazz looked like a child, pleased with himself. Chazz. This is important. Tell the boy that Zzahc is a psychopath. Tell him to not trust him if he should ever be let out. Do you hear me? Chazz tilted his head, and then nodded. " I hear you Judge. Judge says you shouldn't trust Zzahc. He's a "psychopath" whatever that is. He says it's real important to know that." Chazz said matter-of-factly. Magadude Magadude
Micheal listens to Chazz. "Okay, sorry if it seemed like a odd question. I'm not that familiar with different personalities. Anyways, on to the main task at hand." He points to the big monster behind him. "How do we get him on are side? By the way he was acting, I'm going to guess and say that he can't talk and can get easily angry. I don't know if any of the test that the people in here did on us made him into this or if this is a different creature entirely." WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
The beast groaned in relief when the mind pushing stopped and relaxed. Gently lifting its head and brushing it against the girl as she pet its head. It was a startling feeling and it had made Goliath twitch a little. But he had quickly gotten used to it and rather enjoyed the gentle gesture. It had been so long since anything but vicious actions and needles had touched his skin, so the gentle petting was soothing for him
FabulousTrash FabulousTrash WilliamDeen WilliamDeen Magadude Magadude boo. boo.
Well, at least Michael had stopped his thing, and October could feel his own emotions again. But his relief was short-lived, as it appeared he had angered the beast once more. October held his ground, however, stating that the beast with wide eyes. Was it wrong that he wanted it to hurt him? Was it wrong that he wanted that awful sensation of bone-shattering pain? It made October feel like he was in control when he controlled his own pain.

But the girl managed to calm the beast down. It lay with its head in her lap, like a kitten being petted. It was infuriating. October hadn't said they couldn't do that. Everyone was calming down, but October craved chaos. It made him feel normal, what with all the moving things he saw, and that buzzing voice in his ear. October turned to Chazz, who now looked like a giant insect. He heard them talking of his different personalities, and one caught his attention.

"Can you... Can you bring out Zzahc?" October clung to Chazz's arm in a pleading gesture. "He sounds fun. I think I'd like him."

WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
The strange man grabbed Chazzs arm and looked at him, begging him about Zzahc. Chazz widened his eyes. "Why would want to meet him? He's mean. And he wouldn't like you. He'd use you, and hurt you when he's done." Chazz looked down, his cheery demeanor turned sour. "It's like I said. He cares about himself and destroying things. Not nature, or peace or even people. Just fire, and disaster and blood. Those are the only things he understands." Chazz looked serious now, his childlike tone turning wiser, and gritty. Like a mask was lifting. He shook his head, his hair that was in a bun now falling in his eyes, ragged and free. He looked up at the man and smiled "oh, sorry. I dazed off for a little bit. I sometimes do that." Chazz furrowed his eyebrows and touched the mans chest. "You need to look inside yourself, and understand why things happen, and the how. You're trying too hard following the things you think you want." Chazz shook his head again, and looked back at the ground, becoming detached again. boo. boo.
Cecilia continued to pet the massive beast. Her hand was soft and it ran smoothly along the head of the beast. As she continued to tame it, she looked around, in time to see the kid with gloves fall. Perhaps he was worn out. While she would go check on him, she had to focus on the massive creature. Perhaps one of the others would be sane enough to check on michael
Chazz. Chazz. CHAZZ! Chazz jerked his head, coming out of his daze. "What? I wasn't paying attention." The judges voice echoed in his mind. Chazz, the boy has fallen down. You can help him. Chazz looked over and saw that Micheal has indeed fallen. "What should I do?" He said out loud, not realizing no one else could hear Judge. Sigh. Please help him up Chazz. He's weakened from using his calming power. Chazz got up and crawled over to Micheal. "Hey, do you need help?" He asked, extending a hand. Magadude Magadude
Cecilia continued to pet the massive beast. Her hand was soft and it ran smoothly along the head of the beast. As she continued to tame it, she looked around, in time to see the kid with gloves fall. Perhaps he was worn out. While she would go check on him, she had to focus on the massive creature. Perhaps one of the others would be sane enough to check on michael
Goliath continued to lay by the girl enjoying the petting as it relaxed with her. Goliath paid no attention to the others as he gently laid his head in her lap to keep her there so she wouldn't leave him
Micheal takes the extended hand of Chazz and uses it to get up. "Sorry about that. I usually use my ability on smaller objects so I didn't know using it so much on the ground would drain me that much." He says very tiredly. He walks over to a wall and leans on it so he doesn't use all of his energy to stand. "Just don't get that guy," points over to the creature, "angry again and I should be fine." WilliamDeen WilliamDeen Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
She had seen everything from the world beyond their own – a place similar to the asylum but dark, filled with a dense fog and silent aside from the spirits that roamed the halls. There were so many dead in this place which came as no surprise to her...she had been here for at least a year after the incident with her beloved. Among the sea of dead an inhuman breeze was blowing through the asylum's halls and she stood before the group inside the sizable room with that...monster. Karelyn's thin frame would approach the one known as Michael, the first subject in this hellhole. Her thing fingers would reach to touch his cheek but her hand would only phase through him. Unlike the spirits of this place, the living were nothing more than dark forms with white outlines and unfortunately her translucent milky form would simply phase through the young boy's form.

Karelyn then turned towards the beast, his human form was different from the others – he was completely black with no definitive features except his bright red eyes. A whisper would pass by her ear and cause her to turn quickly, she had gone through his many times and she hated it. Her corporeal form would be yanked from its place, as if being dragged by guards but at an inhuman rate screaming all the way back to her cell.

The redhead gasps sharply her limbs straining at their cuffs as she is finally awoken from her projection. Her complexion is close to that of the dead. The men in her room would undo her restraints and pick her weakened body from the bed and drag her down the hall towards a room she knows well – a cold metal room with claw marks and various dents inside of it. Karelyn knew what else came here – that juggernaut of a monstrosity known as Goliath. They took her here too to test her abilities, they would pump her with a cocktail of drugs to stimulate her latent telekinetic abilities. "Michael..." Karelyn's eyes would shut for just a moment as the thought of the boy crossed her mind; he looked so tired in the common room. There was a loud buzz that jolted her mind back to reality. From the floor rose a table with several items on it all varying form small to large. She knew the drill, she had to lift them with her mind – or try to.
Cecilia sighed softly, allowing the beast to rest its head in her lap. She continued to gently pet it as she looked around the room. It seemed the multi-personality person was helping out the glove kid, so that was good. She looked around for the kid that seemed to hallucinate alot and saw he was just around. All seemed quiet now. However, logic told Cecilia that something more was bound to happen. It was only a matter of time
Suddenly a bunch of guards stormed into the room and fired a tranquilizer the beast and forced everyone out of the room. Micheal was to tired to fight back or to even try to look if the others were fighting back. The next thing he knew, he was in a new room. This room, unlike the last one, wasn't padded. The room was big, bigger than the room he was in. Micheal looks around confused as he sees guards unarmed surrounding him. Then Micheal hears a voice he recognized on the spot. "Welcome test subjects. I hoped you got to know your fellow crazies since today you will be training with them. For group number 1," Micheal could almost hear a chuckle coming from his father as he spoke," you will be fighting these guards. Now before you do anything, know that these guards have prepared for all of your 'gifts'. Also, the Goliath has been put into a separate training room all together so you can't just sit back and let him do all of the work. Anyways, good luck and happy training." After he says that, one of the guards tries to take a swing at Micheal, but Micheal instinctively backs up, dodging the punch and falls on his ass in the process. FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving WilliamDeen WilliamDeen boo. boo.
Cecilia reached to her back, drawing the small knife that she had made earlier. She reformed it into a more balanced throwing knife, whipping it at the guard that charged Michaal. The knife embedded itself in the guard's neck, making him fall to the ground. Cecilia was a good shot when it came to projectiles considering when she was with her dad, she would go hunting with him
Micheal looks at the dead body. It was the only dead body other than his brother's he has seen. Micheal then gets up, still a little bit tired. "Thanks" he says to the girl who helped him. He gets into a defensive stance. My ability isn't really that helpful for combat, but I won't die here.
The guards are shocked at the death of one of their comrades but go back to focusing on the test subjects. They signed up for this. They knew the cost. One of the guards charges at the girl who just killed the guard, trying to get the drop on her. FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
Chazz didn't really know what to expect, especially when one of the guards charged forward to kick at him. CHAZZ! Dodge to your left! The Judge giving him instructions. He jumped to his left and back pedaled towards the wall, defensive. "Please, stop! I don't want to hurt you!" Chazz pleaded with the armored guard, but the man kept up the assault. Judge kept feeding him instructions and help, but the guard seemed faster. Eventually he was away from the group, and against the back wall, the guard still pursuing him. Duck! Judge shouted at him, but he was tired. The guard's roundhouse kick connected, sending Chazz to the floor. Pain shot through him, from the impact and attack. He tried crawling away, but the guard grabbed his right arm and lifted him up. "Can't fight can you? You fucking lunatic, dossiers say you must either be the sissy or the stupid hippie. So which one are you huh?" The guards voice was deepened through some kind of electronic speaker, now verbally assaulting him. Chazz was dazed, the man and Judge talking to him, he didn't know who to answer. Until a new voice started talking to him. Are you going to let this man keep abusing you Chazz? It was Zzahc, speaking to him. "What? No. I don't wanna hear you. Just go away." Chazz mumbled, miserable. The guard barked out a laugh and wrenched Chazz's arm behind his back. "Oh, you don't wanna hear me?! Well too fucking bad! I'm not going away anytime soon freak! Come on! Fight me you chickenshit!" The guard kept up the verbal and physical assault. It would be easy Chazz. Just let me handle him. I'll make the bad man go away. Zzahc's voice now turned almost seductive, trying to plead with Chazz. Chazz shook his head, tears starting to form from his eyes. "No no no! STOP! Just stop! I don't want to hear you! GO AWAY, GO AWAY!" Chazz was screaming, hysterical at both the men. The guard continued, wrenching Chazz's arm behind his back, until a sickening CRUNCH was heard. Chazz cried out in pain, pain from his arm, and the voices of the man, Zzahc and the Judge overwhelming him. The man dropped Chazz's now broken arm and stepped back. With a twist, he delivered another roundhouse kick, colliding with Chazz's left temple. Chazz was thrown against the ground again, dazed and incoherent. The man started walking towards him now, tightening his gloves in a threatening way. CHAZZ. CHAZZ. LISTEN TO ME! If you don't do something, this man will KILL YOU. Do you understand?! He will kill you! Do you want to die?? DO YOU WANT TO DIE?! Zzahc's words were becoming more frantic, more needy. Chazz couldn't move, he was helpless. "No. Please. I don't want to die." Tears were running down his face now. He knew what was going to happen. And he couldn't prevent it. Just give me control Chazz. I can help. I can get us out. Just let go. Just let me do my thing. Chazz was tired. Just so tired, he ignored Judge talking about order and law, he ignored the man, his hand outstretched, reaching for him. He focused only on Zzahc. "Okay. Just do it." He whispered.

The man picked up the test subject, hearing him whisper something, he pulled him up closer by his collar. "What did you just say, Chickenshit?" The guard held him out, waiting for an answer. The subject lifted his head, hatred burning in his eyes. "He wasn't talking to you fuckface!" Zzahc growled at the man, he grabbed the mans wrist and twisted it, breaking the mans hand. Shocked, he fell to his knees from the sudden pain. Zzahc now grabbed the man by his throat, and lifted him just like how he was treated. "This all would've been so much simpler if I was in control from the start, but noooo, what the Old Fart says goes." Zzahc rambled on about something, the guard struggling in his grasp. "Oh, I guess I should return the favor for all the shit you put us through, but I'm feeling hazy right now, so I'll just do this." Zzahc smiled and tightened his grasp on the man, squeezing until there was a cracking noise, and the man fell limp in his grasp. Tossing the body aside, he gripped his broken arm and pulled. "AHHHH!" Through the pain, he managed to straighten most of the bone. With all that done, he turned around to see how the ragtag bunch was doing.
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Oh, the chaos. October smiled as his arm was twisted around by a soldier who wanted him to move faster. The boy complied, the pain in his shoulder socket reviving him, until he was brought to a large room with the others. The beast had been taken away, which October was glad of, but there were now several men, facing the three people, that looked like they meant business. Words came from the loudspeakers, but October didn't seem to hear them as the men approached.

But by now, the serum that most October's abilities under check seemed to melt away. Immediately, small crystals began to form on his exposed arms, and poked holes through the back of his shirt. Plates of crystal spread over portions of his face, and his fingers became encased within spikes of the hard mineral. October plucked a particularly sharp crystal from his arm, stifling a cry of joyous pain as he did so. All this happened so quickly, that when a man came within range of October, the boy was able to hurl his crystal at him. It barrelled past the man's face, barely missing him, but he didn't seem fazed.

October frowned, upset as his poor throw, but was caught off guard as another man grabbed him from behind, an arm across his throat in an attempt to choke him out. The crystals on October's back, however, quickly shot out, impaling the man where he stood. October twisted sharply, breaking off most of the long crystals and so the man. He fell forward, a cry mixed with laughter of pleasure as he struggled to overcome the staggering pain.
Karelyn turne her head towards the opening door of the training room. The others walked in just as the table platform descends back into the belly of the metal beast. She had a strange device atop her head like the feelers of a cephalopod, the vectors entangled in her hair and affixed to her skin. They were monitoring her brain activity and taking notes on what triggered her bursts of power.

As the door closed, another opened and this one revealed armed guards who approached the group of young ones that were now trapped inside. Karelyn would turn to look at the group and she realized that Michael was among them – of course why would HE be spared these gruesome experiments. The skinny woman would turn towards the children and start to walk towards them, still feeling the effects of the drugs they had pumped into her system.

A man came up from behind Karelyn, wielding a baton and struck her on the back of her thigh and down she went with a cry of pain. Another armed man would move towards Michael and Lyn saw this and despite her pain she would call out to him with a hand outstretched towards him. The baton that came from the man's hand would fly out of his hand and then as his charge continued towards the teenage boy the man would be sent flying towards the metal wall.
Goliath groaned tiredly as he came to from the tranquilizer. Slowly standing up and looking around with a low growl. He was in a different room now. That he New for sure, but what was most confusing was that he was standing at the edge of a tree line to a big dense forest. It was sill roofed in which told him it wasn't a real one but he was still curious. Then the voice of the scientist came on and spoke. "Hello my pet. Did you miss me? Well guess what while your fiends play with some guards I'll let you play in these forests. Oh and there's plenty to kill don't worry about that. I let in a good amount of other inmates as well to give you something to do." The scientist said with a crazed chuckle before speaking once more. "Oh I almost forgot. We made a little serum to upgrade a part of your DNA and give you a new ability!!" He said with a loud squeal before Goliath was hit in the back of the neck with a big dart that immediately shot the serum into him. roaring in pain as he fell down the color of his skin started to rapidly change from one thing to the next as the scientist laughed happily. Soon the pain was gone and goliaths skin was changed to the designs of a white tiger
Then the worst of things could have happened. One of the prisoners let lose into the artificial jungle came out behind Goliath. Immediately frozen in fear as Goliath turned around and growled deeply as he walked over to the man. Then suddenly the man turned and ran which Goliath quickly followed into the woods before a lot of screaming from the man and roaring from Goliath came from the woods. Then a suddle sound of munching on meat and bone came making the scientist laugh happily as he left Goliath to hunt for the humans
Micheal was bracing for a hit when suddenly he heard someone call out his name. He opens his eyes to see the guard's baton fly out of his hand and then the guard went flying to a wall. What the...? Micheal starts to look around to see if he could get any clues about what just happened, and sees a girl on the floor with her hand outstretch to him. Who is she? Better question, why does she know my name? Questions for later, for now she saved me and now it's time for me to return the favor. Micheal takes off his gloves and looks for a object and finds the baton that went flying. He grabs it and imprints fear into it and throws it at the guard that was about to attack the girl again. Malice Queen Malice Queen
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It seemed like the group was making short work of the guards. Pity. They really should've brought some weapons besides batons. Zzahc looked on, amused by their efforts and judging each one. The youngest one seemed useless. His power wasn't very effective. The older male intrigued him. Seemed he liked the pain. And the way he impaled that guard.... Oh, it made him grin. The girls both displayed powers he could use to his advantage. He was distracted from his little show when a guard charged at him, swinging right and left. He dodged the man, disinterested. "You seem to have a death wish. Care to tell me more?" He inquired. "Shove it, freak!" The man kept swinging, acting like some kind of boxer. Zzahc kept twirling around the man, back stepping and dodging all the punches. Eventually he was out of breath, panting in front of the test subject. Zzahc had a little innocent smile on, twisting back and forth on his heels like a schoolboy with a secret. "Ok,ok,ok. I think it's my turn now." He brought up his left hand and shot it up, connecting with the mans chin. There was a snapping and cracking sound, and the guard fell, his head gazing upwards. Zzahc looked down at the man, and shook his hand loosely. "Aw dear. I guess it really isn't about the quantity of attacks. It's about the quality, you stupid piece of shit. Hahaha." He said bittersweet, in a childish tone. Turning back to the group, he started watching again, his eyes sparkling with malice.
Karelyn would be backing away from the guard that was about ready to hit her, an arm raised up to protect her head and face from the imminent beating. The next thing she knew the guard was on the ground cowering in fear, what a change of emotional states! Karelyn would look up towards Michael and give him a small smile and a nod of thanks. The red head would then rise from her place and limp her way towards the group – strength in numbers and all that!

She spent much of her astral projecting time wandering the asylum, opening doors to their cells and watching them for some time she wasn't even sure if they could even sense her. It was a bit creepy or it may seem that way to someone who isn't her, but when you are forced to use your powers you start to get bored waiting until they're done using you.

A shiver would run down Karelyn's spine as she felt eyes upon her...it wasn't the guards. It was that boy, well the one that looked sweet and kind. He didn't look kind anymore in fact, he seemed filled with hatred and sadism. Chazz, Zzahc, Dewie, Judge, and Jackson...the poor boy had so many personalities within him – it was no wonder why she couldn't see his face clearly in the darkworld (just what she calls the place she projects to).

It seemed like the wave of guards were over, at least for now that is. Karelyn's hands would move to the back of her right thigh and rub it. "Agh...D-Damn that's going to leave a mark.." she thought to herself before she would look at everyone. She hadn't spoken much since she got here but with recent turn of events it seems she has found her voice. "Is everyone alright?" she asked, looking at each one of them. The one known as October would catch her attention, mainly the way those crystals had grown like a second skin on his body it would have fascinated her...if she hadn't seen what he could do with those..

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