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Fantasy Emerald Grove Asylum

"I'm a fricking idiot" Jackson thought, looking at the creature stand up. It suddenly threw the table past him, metal flying everywhere. Suddenly he didn't feel as confident as before. "Maybe Zzahc should've taken control after all" he thought. He decided he would take a defensive stance, to counter whatever the creature did. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Jackson was tired of waiting. The Monster seemed to be looking around, confused. Whatever Michael was doing isn't effective. Picking up a leg from the thrown table, he raised it up "MOTHERFUCKER LETS DO THIS!" He screamed as he charged at the beast, a crazed look in his eyes, swinging the leg back and forth. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
"That's weird. It usually works. Unless he's already..." Micheal's eyes widen as he looks as what he thinks is Jackson, unless it's another angry personality, and finally realizes what's happening. "Jackson! Calm down! He has yet to attack anyone yet. If we show some type of hostility he will attack. If he wanted to he would have killed us all by now. So calm down. If we get this guy as a ally instead of a enemy he will be very useful to escaping." WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
Jackson heard Mike explain the situation, but he didn't care. If he stopped now he'd be in the open. Hell no. "We tried the calm way, and it was the wrong way! Now we try the strong way!" He said, putting emphasis on "strong". He stood in front of the monster now, taunting it. "Yo big, mean and ugly! I bet your momma was a sideshow attraction!" He was grinning now, the blood running to his head. The beast roared and smashed his hands down on the floor. Jackson slid between its legs, narrowly being crushed. He jumped on its back and swung the leg under its neck, then grabbing it with his other arm, he started pulling. He put his weight into it, trying to choke the creature. Magadude Magadude Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Cecilia watched as Dewie, or Jackson...whoever at this point, picked up a table leg, throwing it at the monster. She reached behind her, gripping the knife, but didnt draw. She watched the action unfold infront of her. She wasnt willing to get into a pointless fight and needed to see how the monster would react. Logic told her it would attack back, but she had to be sure

Magadude Magadude WilliamDeen WilliamDeen boo. boo.
Cecilia watched as Dewie, or Jackson...whoever at this point, picked up a table leg, throwing it at the monster. She reached behind her, gripping the knife, but didnt draw. She watched the action unfold infront of her. She wasnt willing to get into a pointless fight and needed to see how the monster would react. Logic told her it would attack back, but she had to be sure

Magadude Magadude WilliamDeen WilliamDeen boo. boo.
(Didn't throw it. I'm using it to strangle the beast.).
The beast immediately growled and caught the leg in an instance. Ripping it from his hand with a growl. He had been calming down until the man had tried to strike it and now he ripped the man off and slammed him against a wall with a vicious roar of rage and anger before he tossed the puny man across the room
Jackson heard Mike explain the situation, but he didn't care. If he stopped now he'd be in the open. Hell no. "We tried the calm way, and it was the wrong way! Now we try the strong way!" He said, putting emphasis on "strong". He stood in front of the monster now, taunting it. "Yo big, mean and ugly! I bet your momma was a sideshow attraction!" He was grinning now, the blood running to his head. The beast roared and smashed his hands down on the floor. Jackson slid between its legs, narrowly being crushed. He jumped on its back and swung the leg under its neck, then grabbing it with his other arm, he started pulling. He put his weight into it, trying to choke the creature. Magadude Magadude Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
(I'm sorry to sound rude but don't take control of my character like that)
Micheal sees the creature throwing Jackson like a rag doll and puts his hand back on the ground and focuses on peaceful emotions once again. Micheal searches his memories, trying to find a memory which was the most peaceful and happy time in his life. He comes across a memory of him and his brother playing in a park and their father come and took them out for ice cream. Other memories like this go though his mind. He finally releases his hand from the ground and says to everyone "Hopefully this works. If it does and it doesn't attack us, then I would suggest to let me take the lead and try to talk to this guy or girl. If not, then attack the thing."
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October remained paralyzed as he watched the battle unfold. Now, what were the people in this facility trying to accomplish, sending in a beast like that? To the boy, the monster still appeared as a black blob, something that destroyed everything in its path. Why send in something to destroy them? Unless... Now, October was a smart kid, despite what his deluded eyes saw. He could see the truth; he could only hope the others did as well, for all their sakes.

These men who were holding them here... They wanted a showcase. They wanted everyone to display what they could do when their lives were at risk. They were cornering them, the seemingly helpless kids, and watching them fight for their lives. For science.

Now, October was mad. Not crazy mad, although he probably still was, but emotionally mad. However messed up of a live he had had before, it had still been a lot. This wasn't a life; it was madness. And while October knew he could live with his own, he refused to be under someone else's.

October slowly for to his feet, suddenly woozy from whatever Michael was doing. Scenes and sounds suddenly invaded his mind, persuading him to be calm and happy. "Michael..." October leaned against the wall again, his head in his hands. "This is what they want... We all have to just stop..."

Magadude Magadude
Micheal hears one of the people in the room say his name and listens to him. After listening to what he said, Micheal sighs and says "I know... but what other options do we have, just sit back until we die." Micheal puts on his glove and looks at it while remembering the time he spent in the basement after being experimented on. "At the moment, all we can do is play their game and hope we play it better than they thought we could." Micheal then raises his head and looks over to the monster to see if what he did worked. boo. boo. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
The beasts breathing started to calm as it seemed to grow calmer every second. Soon it's massive breaths dulled to deep calm breathing as it came down onto its fists and hind legs like a gorilla while a soft growling like sound came with every breath out. The beast looked around the room slowly observing each person there
FabulousTrash FabulousTrash Magadude Magadude boo. boo. WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
Jackson felt like a truck hit him. His plan with the table leg was ineffective, and he was hurled like a baseball. He slumped against the wall, like a sack deflated. He heard the one guy and Mike talk a little bit about trying the calm way again. From the way the thing was acting now, seemed like he should've given it more time instead of just charging. He decided he'd just stay still and listen for once. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving boo. boo. Magadude Magadude
Micheal, after seeing the beast calming down, walks to the beast. "Okay, now that you have claim down, how about we talk, if you can talk of course? You can talk right?" Micheal says kind of nervously, trying not to anger the creature who could easily kill him where he stood. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
October was startled by how quickly everything wound down. Jackson finally decided to play it smart and stay down, while Michael had succeeded in calming the beast. Cecelia had remained in the back this whole time, a smart move. That meant her energy was probably the least worn out, and it so meant she had a cool head. The raven, during this whole episode, had been perched motionless in October's head, but now decided to take flight. It circled around the beast, then Cecelia. It didn't seem to like the latter very much, seeing how it cawed harshly in her ear.

"Guess we've all found our heads, right?" October spoke aloud to no one in particular, his legs still shaky as he walked from the corner he had been in. "Seeing as how we have accomplished nothing, I say we do something." October's voice was raising in pitch as his temper rose. He wasn't sure why, but he was angry. "And you," he added, pointing to Michael, "Don't try any more of your tricks on me. I have a few of my own up my sleeve."

Magadude Magadude WilliamDeen WilliamDeen Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
Micheal shrugs at, oh yeah, he still hasn't said his name yet, comment and says "I don't remember doing any tricks. It's not like I hid what I was doing." He brings his attention back to the beast, still waiting for a answer. boo. boo. Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
The beast was calm now as it looked around the room before settling its eyes on the man asking if it could speak. The only thing Goliath did was stare at him in silence before the man that had been in the corner started to get loud and angry again which immediately started to amp the beast up once more. Turning to him with a vicious growl as it stared down the loud man ready to pounce on him and eat as a couple small licks of flame came out of the beasts mouth. It was clear any yelling or angers people would set Goliath off quicker than you can say oh shit which this guy clearly did not understand yet. Goliath growled more as it started to reel back in preparation for one quick foul jump to crush its meal before it ate.
Magadude Magadude FabulousTrash FabulousTrash boo. boo. WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
It seemed Mike was trying to calm it down again when the crazy guy spoke up, and set the beast off again. It looked like it was going to tear some shit up. Jackson got to his feet with a grimace. "Don't you fucking move!" He yelled at the beast. He stretched his arms out, directing his focus on it. It had been awhile since he tried something like this. Something to do with his concentration affecting the things around him. Hopefully it worked on big gorilla creatures. "Fucking sit down! You feel sleepy! So very sleepy! You want to fall down and rest! That's it, just fall down!" He projected at the beast, staring hard at its head, he kept his arms pointed and he dropped to one knee, his strength wavering. Doors unlocked when he yelled at them, or thought hard about it, he didn't know which, so he did both. It also applied to the shit food they gave him, he was able to warm stuff up. His eyes were starting to water but he didn't lose focus, now not yelling, but simply talking to the creature, trying to make it stay in one spot and fall asleep. Magadude Magadude Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving boo. boo. FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
Cecilia just leaned against the wall, watching the action unfold. Mumbling to herself, she stood and walked over, standing between the shouting man flailing his arms around like an idiot and the beast. She looked at one and then the other, seeing if they would still try to rip eachother apart. She still had a grip on the knife and slowly, it was changing in her hand to something else.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
It seemed Mike was trying to calm it down again when the crazy guy spoke up, and set the beast off again. It looked like it was going to tear some shit up. Jackson got to his feet with a grimace. "Don't you fucking move!" He yelled at the beast. He stretched his arms out, directing his focus on it. It had been awhile since he tried something like this. Something to do with his concentration affecting the things around him. Hopefully it worked on big gorilla creatures. "Fucking sit down! You feel sleepy! So very sleepy! You want to fall down and rest! That's it, just fall down!" He projected at the beast, staring hard at its head, he kept his arms pointed and he dropped to one knee, his strength wavering. Doors unlocked when he yelled at them, or thought hard about it, he didn't know which, so he did both. It also applied to the shit food they gave him, he was able to warm stuff up. His eyes were starting to water but he didn't lose focus, now not yelling, but simply talking to the creature, trying to make it stay in one spot and fall asleep. Magadude Magadude Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving boo. boo. FabulousTrash FabulousTrash
Cecilia just leaned against the wall, watching the action unfold. Mumbling to herself, she stood and walked over, standing between the shouting man flailing his arms around like an idiot and the beast. She looked at one and then the other, seeing if they would still try to rip eachother apart. She still had a grip on the knife and slowly, it was changing in her hand to something else.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
The beast immediately growled in pain as it shook its head around and clawed at its head in pain while groans of agony escaped the beasts mouth. The forced thoughts of calmness were painful and aggravating unlike the last time he was calmed. Only getting more in raged the beast was about to leap on him before it stopped dead in its tracks as the girl got between it and the boy. Goliath Stared her down with a sort of calmness before groaning in some pain and laying down by her side. It's big head sitting at her feet as it slowly brought a hand to its head and held it, the forced memories still being pushed into its mind. Deciding to end its pain by hurting the boy a little. the beast casually picked up a peice of scrap from the platform it had been on and threw it at the boy that was hurting its head as a way to tell him to stop. Then the beast just laid there breathing deeply and calmly. Goliath was tired of the fighting for once, these punny humans weren't actually gonna take him on which was a disappointment. He figured If these people were to scared to stand up to the beast he'd wait till his next chance to tear someone's guts out. Though if any of them decided to get angry or piss him off he'll probably have a nice little snack
Magadude Magadude boo. boo.
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Cecilia sat down beside the massive beast, watching it cover its head and rubbing its head in agony. Gently, she reached her hand out and placed it on the beast's forehead, gently rubbing it. She hummed a lullaby she used to sing to her siblings when she was putting them to bed. As she hummed, she ignored everyone else in the room. As far as she was concerned, the only people in the room was Cecilia and the beast

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
What happened? He looked down at his hand to see it still gloved. It wasn't me. Then who was it? He looks around to see that Jackson had his arms out and tears in his eyes. Ooooooh, he did it. He walks towards Jackson and says "Whatever your doing, you can stop. The beast is asleep. I suggest we plan on something to say to it when it wakes up if we want him on are side." WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
"Ow" Micheal rubs his head after being hit by a piece of scrap. What happened? He looked down at his hand to see it still gloved. It wasn't me. Then who was it? He looks around to see that Jackson had his arms out and tears in his eyes. Ooooooh, he did it. He walks towards Jackson and says "Whatever your doing, you can stop. The beast is asleep. I suggest we plan on something to say to it when it wakes up if we want him on are side." WilliamDeen WilliamDeen
(No no he threw it at Jackson XD sorry if made that confusing)

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