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Fandom Elder Scrolls - Akavir’s Rise OOC

Is our only escape plan to dig out way out? Because even if a tunnel is only a few feet below us, it'd probably take weeks (and that's being generous, not including the poor quality of the pickaxes and rest breaks needed) to pierce through and I doubt the slavers will remain ignorant for weeks.
Is our only escape plan to dig out way out? Because even if a tunnel is only a few feet below us, it'd probably take weeks (and that's being generous, not including the poor quality of the pickaxes and rest breaks needed) to pierce through and I doubt the slavers will remain ignorant for weeks.
Hehehe, no it isn’t, I got something else planned when everyone gets around to respond ;3
Oh thank goodness, I was worried we'd lose the game before even getting out of the start zone. Me and Dino need a collab post which, provided everything goes well, we should have ready to go in a few hours. Abigail's obviously... indisposed ATM so I'm relying on Brok to do the talking for the next few rounds.
I was just gonna bust through a wall...?
I doubt the slavers would have placed unbroken slaves into any sort of mine that could be easily broken out of. And as someone who used a pickaxe last summer to break through what was probably just 10 or so inches of rock, I can assure you - it'd take weeks.
Oh, ofc! Neither does Abi, she thinks it can be done in no time at all. I was more concerned that it was the ONLY way out in terms of the game itself, because if that was the case we're screwed. Luckily it looks like Shammy's got alternative exit routes.

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