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Elaraal's Various Plot... Thingies


The Well of Bad Ideas

Hello, my lovelies!

Just like every other person on this site, I'm looking someone to create unforgettable stories with. Are you the one? Perhaps yes, perhaps not. Check out my requirements/plots and see for yourself!


  1. Please, be a good writer. That doesn't mean you have to produce novellas every time - that actually can be a detriment because monstrously long posts often break the flow of a roleplay if written in inappropriate situations - but your posts should always be well-crafted. I don't mean to sound like an elitist, but if I don't enjoy your prose, I won't be able to commit to the roleplay. I have tried in the past and everyone was disappointed in the end.
  2. Don't hound me for posts. It's okay to ask whether I haven't forgotten about you once in a while, but don't expect me to be glued to my computer and write with you 24/7. I work and I go to a university, plus I'm European so we probably aren't in the same timezone anyway. I usually post once every 1 - 3 days, depending on my workload and mood.
  3. English isn't my first language and while I'm proficient at it, I do make mistakes from time to time, especially when I'm tired. Bear it in mind. That being said, feel free to correct me on my mistakes, it's not insulting to me as I always seek to get better.
  4. I play as female characters almost exclusively, but if you have a good idea, you may be able to convince me to play a male for you. I do MxF and FxF with no preference between the two. All my plots can be both MxF or FxF unless stated otherwise.
  5. If you expect me to carry the story alone, please move along. I would have written a book if I wanted that. I like plotting and thinking of crazy plot twists, but I don't wanna be the only one doing it. Surprise me from time to time, take the initiative.
  6. I love romance, but I hate forced romance and/or extreme focus on this aspect of the roleplay. Romance should be an icing on the cake, not the whole cake. So if your only motivation for doing the story is to reach the point where the two enter a relationship, I'm not the person you're looking for. Seriously.
  7. Some plot candies: Drama, action, grimdark, characters trying to outsnark each other, forbidden relationships, comedy. Include those and I will love you forever.

If you're still here - and I hope you are - let's have a look at some of my plots. They're intentionally vague because I would like your input as well, but I do believe they serve the purpose of establishing what I want thematically. More plots incoming, but for now, I only have these.

Character A is probably what you'd call a guardian, someone who keeps the proverbial scales of universe in balance. They don't remember how they came to be or their motivations for doing so and frankly, they don't really care. What's important is that they possess a tremendous power and they will use it to preserve the fragile equilibrium between the forces of Light and Darkness. When a powerful family of Light dragon handlers is wiped out in one coordinated attack, resulting power vacuum threatens to shake the world in its foundations. For that reason, Character A descends upon the Earth to search for the Character B, the only surviving member of the bloodline and thus the only one who has the innate ability to communicate with dragons. The problem? They're a bastard, so they have no idea of the role they're supposed to play, absolutely no training and to top it off, they serve as a soldier in the army of one of the dark lords.

Character A comes from a bloodline of warlocks/witches. Because they're... not very popular, to put it lightly, they keep their existence a closely guarded secret. Character A is young, skillful for their age and a bit of a smartass, which is always a dangerous combination. When they try to summon a familiar (which is a part of the traditional rite of adulthood among the family), they tweak the ritual a bit to enhance its effectiveness and end up summoning Character B by accident. Needless to say, Character B, a denizen of the alternative reality where magic is commonplace, isn't very happy about the development. What is even worse than the fact they're bound together now, though, is the fact that the summoning process managed to tear a hole in the thread of reality and unimaginable horrors from the outer space are slowly beginning to seep through. It's up to our "heroes" to fix what has been broken.

Character A, a beloved prince/ss, is dead. Or at least, was dead until the grieving royal family paid a lot of gold to a sorcerer who resurrected them. The ritual went horribly wrong, though, and when the aristocrat opened their eyes again, there was a different soul in the body: a soul of a murderous demon with no memories who had somehow hijacked the process. After the sorcerer responsible for the mishap is executed, the king hires Character B, a famous exorcist, to deal with the situation and bring their beloved child back.

Character A is a barman/barmaid stuck in a dead end job. Their days are filled with nothing but boredom, work and occasional harassment from customers who can't behave themselves when drunk. That routine ends when Character B starts visiting their workplace. The two start chatting, they click immediately and soon enough, Character B is only coming there to hang out with Character A. Their blossoming relationship takes a dramatic turn, though, when Character A is randomly killed during a burglary... Only for Character B to bring them back to life as a vampire. With this action, Character A is unwillingly plunged into the dark world of vampire politics, violence and rivers of blood. How will they adjust to their new existence? Will they survive or will they waste their second chance?

Character A is an Elven diplomat who is attempting to improve somewhat shaky relations with humans. Out of political reasons, they hire a human bodyguard (Character B) and they travel together through human lands in order to prove that coexistence is not only possible, but also beneficial. They don't like each other because the prejudices they hold against each other still very much influence their interactions, however they're working towards a common goal and that is all that matters for now. What happens when they uncover a conspiracy threatening to plunge their countries into a potentially self-destructive war?

Character A is a treasure hunter who makes living finding priceless artifacts for people willing to shell out enough cash. They are famous for accepting any kind of job as long as it's at least tangentially related and finishing it without fail. One day, they receive a special request: their client wants them to capture a merman/mermaid for research purposes. Character A accepts, more out of curiosity than anything else, but it turns out they've bitten more than they could chew. Their boat is sunk and they're taken into captivity by Character B. They're about to be tried for their crime, however a local oracle marks them as the one they've been waiting for, the one who is destined to save their civilization from a mysterious disease.

Character A and Character B used to be childhood friends despite being from a completely different social class; while the former was a child of a minor noble, the latter was a child of a servant. Their friendship was very moving, however Character A's father decided that spending so much time with a lowborn wasn't healthy for his descendant, especially since they were getting a little too close for his tastes, and sold Character B into slavery. Character A was under the impression they were killed, so they never bothered to search for them. Meanwhile, a monster hunter noticed Character B's latent potential and bought them in order to teach them his ways. The training was gruesome and it may have stripped them of their humanity, but now they're one of the best hunters in the trade. Years later, Character A hires Character B without knowing their identity in order to get rid of a beast that has been massacring their subjects. How will they react? And what if the single beast is just a symptom of a bigger threat?

Character A and Character B are both detectives specializing in investigating supernatural crimes. One of them is a supernatural creature, the other a mere human with some cybernetic augmentations who was originally a member of a different department who was recruited after they accidentally discovered the world wasn't what it seemed to be on the first glance. Needless to say, the discovery was fairly traumatic and it involved a lot of dead loved ones. Because of that, Character B doesn't exactly enjoy the company of their colleagues, however they do acknowledge their usefulness. They prefer working alone, but when a new threat shows up in the city - someone who turns their victims into a gibbering mess through clearly magical means for unknown reasons - the two have to cooperate to solve the case together.

Character A is a minor god that has been forsaken from their pantheon for a crime they may or may not have committed. It doesn't really matter, the main point is that they're forced to roam the Earth until they find a redemption. The kicker? They don't know how to earn the redemption or even what counts as a redemption in the other gods' eyes. Certainly not random good deeds, they've tried that already. Many times. They've been here for centuries, since medieval times to present. Character B is one of the last worshipers Character A has and they are about to commit suicide. Character A doesn't feel like letting them do that - followers are a rare commodity nowadays - and saves them practically against their will. Against all odds, the two become very close and they decide to bring the old pantheon to their knees together.

Your character comes from a noble family. Her parents have been preparing her since birth that her fate was to marry a powerful man in order to seal a political alliance. She is not entirely happy with it, but she has accepted it. After all, what do her feelings mean in the scope of greater good? Not much. Anyway, the plan to get her engaged to an influential duke falls apart when her father is accused of forbidden sorcery and subsequently executed. The family loses all and most of its members are imprisoned. Your character reluctantly accepts the only way of escaping that fate; she agrees to marry a man the king has picked for her, a certain knight. He is a war hero, however he doesn't have a drop of noble blood, so it's a bit humiliating for her. The man looks like a decent person, however he neglects her, preferring the company of books and his friends to her own. When she finds out accidentally that her new husband is actually a wife, it becomes obvious this household holds more secrets than she has ever imagined.
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