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Lore East Empire


One Thousand Club

The eastern edge of the 2nd continent and home to the most Humans in the known world. It is separated from the rest of the continent by a long mountain range and hill country that acts as a natural barrier. It has a greek and roman style. Any persons, places, things, or events of note may go here so long as it came from a graded roleplay that was deemed acceptable to add to the canon for the East Empire.


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Current Situation
East Empire is currently at war with the neighboring See nation. Fae See nation has a vast military power advantage despite their fewer numbers. To further hinder Empire efforts, they also have a giant bug infestation along their southern border with the Fae as well. Suppliers of basic supplies, mercenaries, and adventurers are needed in large numbers. General acceptance of Fae has turned into open persecution and execution within the nation. Additionally, Humans from this nation are met with scorn by the other nations or indifference at best, seen as being starters of the war. The war risks dragging other nations into the conflict and reigniting a continental war after a 50 year peace.
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Country - East Empire

Formally known as the Otenzian Empire, the empire was created when the current ruling regime conquered the surrounding neighbor nations east of the Paizu Mountains several centuries prior. Since that time, the empire has rose to prominence in the 2nd continent as the greatest Human nation and one of the most advanced technologically in a mundane fashion. Ruled by an Emperor, the country is divided up into provinces that are governed by Emperor appointed governors and rule is enforced by Emperor appointed commanders that enforce national and governor interests within the province. Assisting the Emperor in running of the Empire, there is also a senate made up of senators that assist in the nation's legislation process. Senators are elected by the provinces they represent. Despite the public nature of the elections, the only winners tend to be those endorsed by the emperor or direct relatives of former senators.

The land of the empire is a wealth of resources and most especially precious metals they are able to procure from their numerous mines. They have a healthy and thriving slave trade that is fully legal. It helps drive the progress and productivity despite not being as advanced in magic like the See or the Duchy. The nation is very developed as it pertains to cleanliness, travel, hygiene, and sporting events.


Population - 5,900,000
This large country has the most Humans in the world. It also has a large beastman population although their total numbers are not known nor fully added to the census count. A fraction of Beastmen are free and considered citizens of the Empire, but they are a 2nd class treated lesser than all others. Fea are generally welcomed and encouraged to live in the nation despite few choosing to live there. The war has changed that stance toward Fae. Constructs are in abundance within the country. While most automatons from the old war have been decommissioned, there are still many that serve more peaceful purposes. Monsters in the nation can be quite dangerous at times but they are arguably fewer in number than most other places due to being the furthest from the West Coast were most find their way to shore.

Capital - Otenzel
A port city and part of the major trade route by sea and on land into Widersia, Otenzel is located on the southern east coast. The Emperor and Senate reside in the city. It is a city bathed in wealth and at the cutting edge or progress for the nation's various developments in daily life and civil engineering. The arena is just as much a draw as the many public bathes the city offers to all classes of society. It is the sort of city that could host a party even if its borders are shrinking from invasion.

Common in several major cities, especially in the Protectorate of Ryke, but also in the Empire, as well as smaller towns, a magical item known as Black Orb is in circulation. Possessed by the law enforcing body of the area, the black orb is used to determine criminals and monsters from normal travelers. Titles will appear on the black orbs surface when used. When a user places their hand on the orb, the titles that show will be specifically theirs. The titles shown will only be criminal titles or monster titles. No other titles will be shown. Monsters and criminals will be prevented entry into city or town and in some cases killed on the spot or hunted down with the discovery. Many towns and villages are protected by local squads of soldiers answering to a captain of some kind.

The vast eastern sea makes for great trade but also for the most piracy seen anywhere in the continent. East Empire has a very developed navy for the purposes of curbing some piracy as well as making sure they can trade with nations further west.

While the predominant forms of travel are on horses, ship, or carrier slaves, there is a another option: Portals. Magic portals cover the world. Most are hidden away in dungeons, deep forests, and treacherous mountains, but a few towns and all major cities have one. Portals allow for travel between any 2 portals instantly. However, they are limited in size, can act as borders between some nations, and can only warp and individual to another portal location they have already been to. Due to the constraints of its use and potential for abuse, most portals are heavily guarded. Black Orbs tend to be used on those passing through portals. Portal travel is not cheap, costing several Rykes per leg of the journey.

Major groups of individuals working together to influence events in the Empire and beyond are listed here. This is not a complete list, but can give a starting point to those interested in involving their characters in such things. Among those not listed, there are whispers of various criminal and monstrous groups as well:
  • Nobles: The ruling class of The Empire, as noted previously are Emperor, Senators, Governors, and to a degree the military. Although Senators are chosen by the people, the real choice mainly remains in the hands of the Emperor or by blood. Due to the empire being so large and being made up of many peoples and mixing cultures, the ruling class are equally diverse with the hand of an Emperor bringing all together. The strength of an Emperor can make or break the Empire and is a lifetime appointment. Depending on the position, it is more for prestige than for any actual ruling power though. Most officials are put in place by the emperor and made to follow and enforce his decrees. At present there are 32 Senators, 16 Governors and 16 commanders. There are 5-7 generals leading the east empire armies at any one time based on survivability and need.
  • Adventurer's Guild: The guild spans the globe but has country specific branches that answer to the rules and authorities therein. It is a place respected as the goto to request things done and have them done. The ranks of the guild are made up of warriors, mages, and many other talents from around the world. Just about any task that comes with a financial reward will get done. Due to their military might, they are closely monitored by the Noble factions. Their vast needs for equipment and supplies make the patron favorites with the Merchant's guild.
  • Merchant's Guild: Despite the wealth they bring to the nation, the Merchant's are not a particularly powerful faction in the nation. Their precious metals trade and slave trade are very well off. However, many of the advances the country has to trade with are not in high demand by other nations beyond their precious metals. The slave trade is still underground in most nations. Merchants are regularly squeezed by the noble class to assist in the latest war effort.
  • Church: The faction's power is on the rise and is one of the only factions not oppressively under the watch by the noble class.

Religion - Many
Most humans and even beastmen slaves worship one or more gods. the gods of the east empire tend to be from the Roman pantheon. It is so prevalent that those with no god or only 1 god are ridiculed publicly is foolish. It is one of the few nations where the church isn't directing them to crusade against another nation despite their present war situations. Although other factions don't actively interfere in the religions of the nation, the denominations and factions within the church are highly competitive with one another and actively poach members from each other when possible.

The Empire has its own paper currency called the Imperials (IMP's), but must use Ryke's coin currency the ryke anywhere beyond its borders. The Imperial changes with each new Emperor in order to have that ruler's face on it. The country's main export are slaves and mithril and orichalcum. Some of the best ship builders in the world also happen to make East Empire their home.

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The world is filled with hostile creatures and other antagonistic forces. Here are a few lists to hint at the types of creatures one might find in the wilderness of the world. While variations between monsters and their capabilities exist, most are Graded based on their overall capability. (list will grow over time...)


Animals - Grade F - Most animals from Earth are also present in Isekai Hell. They are as docile or hostile as usual. However, in addition to mundane animals, you also have their Giant versions. Badgers and hogs as big as horses. Snakes big enough to swallow men. Frogs that could treat wolves like flies. Giant spiders that make it a habit to feed on predatory feline beasts. Stupid and generally easier to slay than elephants, they are a common hunting target of human rangers and low level adventurers.

Bandits - Grade E - criminals occupy every land and prey on its resources. While some are more skilled than others, all are generally more capable than the average human to properly perform their job.

Slavers - Grade E - Roaming the hills and northlands of the country near the East Empire's border, human slavers and beastmen opportunists can be found hunting Beastmen planning to escape or new beastmen natives from the Republic to be slaves. Versed in a wide array of capture and subdual techniques, as well as magic if a caster is among them, they can be quite dangerous to the unsuspecting. Especially if they are allowed to put a slave crest on a would be capture.

Savages - Grade E - Religious cultists worshipping dark gods of blood and violence or simply beastmen purists that believe the proper beastman is one that indulges in his carnal urges as he pleases, these beastmen are extremely dangerous and kill, assault, and eat their victims as they please.

Undead [Zombies/Skeletons/Ghouls] - Grade E - undead of the monster tree. Not needing to sleep, breath, or in some cases feed, they are nearly inexhaustible enemies. Unfortunately, their corpse like bodies are still particularly meaty and still retain as much if not more power than the former beastmen. Something to watch out for is that it is never clear when an undead is truly dead...Zombies are slow moving meat puppets craving flesh. Skeletons are walking bones. Ghouls are like cunning zombies capable of moving quickly.

Soldier - Grade E - East Empire is a militaristic nation and its soldiers are numerous and well trained. While any peasant can hold a sword, only someone who has went through the Empire's military school may call themselves a soldier of the nation and serve in the armed forces. Generally prefer to specialize in a particular form of combat and work well in groups of soldiers.

Dire Beast - Grade D - Animals or beastmen that are overwhelmed with atmospheric mana or other tampering (like an abusive slaver). They are typically bigger and more monstrous in nature and appearance. They can have human level intellects and typically lead packs of lesser beasts. Dire Beastmen and Dire Wolves would be common examples of dire beasts.

Daemons - Grade C - a type of monstrous demon when a human handles more mana than they should. They take on a monstrous appearance and temperament. Barely any humanity remains and then tend to behave like monsters as they go on to kill and attack all around them. Generally physically stronger and more magically capable than host form.

Deep Goblins - [Monster] | Grade: B;
Deep goblins live deep within the earth, often seen at a depth of dwarven cities, often residing in places of complete darkness. They feast on the bugs or occasional travelers that happened to explore the depths. Living in a clan-like structure, often fight over the territory of other clans. Every now and then, they do tend to lead a sizeable raiding party. Though due to their light-sensitive eyes, they don't tend to raid above ground, or if they do, they will wait until nightfall and burrow underground. They often use the horn on their heads to impale a target in front of them. Most of the deep goblin's strength comes from their numbers.
Emperor of The Eastern Empire - Tiberian Valerius
The current emperor of the Eastern Empire; A middle-aged unmarried human. Formerly, he was a soldier who served during civil disputes among the provinces. Tiberian has since risen to power through political and military manoeuvring. The previous emperor, Tiberian's predecessor, mysteriously passed away as well.

Exempt from the ongoing war with the fae, Tiberian has presided over a peaceful and productive period in the Eastern Empire. He has yet to produce an heir and frequently leads his armies near the frontlines—to the dismay of his generals.

Artist - N/A | Contributed by Novama
Location - Zhaojun City
A city located in the Yang Province of the Eastern Empire, built with the architecture and aesthetics of [Western Empire] in mind. The city is particularly known for its great leisure district. [Baron Honda], a frequent visitor, is suspected of bearing shady connections with the leisure district and the underworld.
Artist - TBD | Contributed by Elvario
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