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Dream come true - One step into the game world - Vote Here

Selected answer: [C> Alisa

Alisa…” The sound of the girl when she calls your name is still ringing in your ears, the words from the girl just now still lingering in your mind. Where had you heard that voice before? That voice is so familiar yet distant, and it couldn’t be your imagination. Your heart pounded like crazy as you knew the answer will be unfolded once you reach.

The gust of wind finally stopped as the tunnel of teleport vortex disappeared, and you stood in another space of nothingness. You can tell that this space of nothingness is a small room, different from the space just now with no end. You looked around and saw another figure in front of you, a guy avatar as dazed and confused as you are. You never saw him before, but could tell that it is him. The ‘he’ that the girl spoke of, the ‘he’ that you loved so much that your heart was broken into thousands of pieces…


Alisa…? That is you, right…?” He spoke. “Weird, I never see you looking like that before but I somehow know that it is you. And that we know who each other are despite how different we look. It’s mysterious…

You know that he can tell your avatar is you, even though it is a new avatar he had never seen. And that he knows that you recognize him too. It is mysterious as of why you both know each other, it’s so… miraculous. What are his real name and his avatar name?

Real name:

1[A> Marco

1[b> Adrien

1[C> -write in-

In game name:

2[A> BladeWarrior

2[b> ShadowKnight

3[C> -write in-

Voting ends in 24 hours or when it reaches 3 votes.

Voting still available if next update is not published yet even if it reached 3 votes or 24 hours.
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[QUOTE="Sombra Arcana]For the luls of course! It's an RPG after all

i laughed when i see that name XDD

waiting for 1 more hour or 1 more vote then i will proceed to the next post
I'm making another new Quest Log thread and run both at the same time, preparing the things I need for my new thread
TsukikoMoon said:
i laughed when i see that name XDD
waiting for 1 more hour or 1 more vote then i will proceed to the next post
Like I said... You lol'd It's purpose was fulfilled
Selected answer: 1[C> Aaron, 2[b> ShadowKnight

Yeah Aaron, it’s me Alisa.” You said, smiling. “It’s really mysterious how this is happening. It’s miraculous.” You looked at him, it is really Aaron. Though his voice and looks are different, but there is no doubt. You started to feel like your dream is coming true, to be with Aaron and to be in a game world. That girl, she is making your impossible dream come true.

This is weird. We looked different and sound different. I was suddenly here looking like this, and then I saw you. Funny how our look matched, it’s like we are meant to be together.” Aaron said.

You blushed a little hearing his comment, looking at him. Did he said he was suddenly here looking like this? Does this mean he did not go through character creation, instead his look auto generated to something that matches your look that you chose? You looked up and saw a name on top of his head, ShadowKnight.

Last thing I remember was having my 16th birthday then I am here in this weird space.” Aaron continued.

Wait, what? The last thing Aaron remembers was on his 16th birthday?! This can’t be true, that was like, 10 years ago! Does that mean this Aaron came from 10 years ago? What in the world had happened? Your instinct tells you to not let Aaron know that you came from his future, and to not tell him anything that happens in the future. You need to convince him that you came here from the same timeline as him. You tried to remember what happened 10 years ago in Aaron’s birthday, what had happened that day?

[A> He received a mysterious gift

[b> A girl had confessed to him

[C> -write in-

Voting ends in 24 hours or when it reaches 3 votes.

Voting still available if next update is not published yet even if it reached 3 votes or 24 hours.
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Selected answer: [b> A girl had confessed to him

It finally hit you in the mind, 10 years ago in Aaron’s birthday. Yes, that day is the day this façade had started. You started the façade thinking it will only last for a short while, but it lasted for 10 whole years and became a permanent façade. That is the day your heart is broken to thousands of pieces. That is the day you had decided to conceal your feelings.

Aaron was looking up the moon at the garden after the birthday party before everyone left. You finally gathered up the courage to confess to him, you told yourself today is the day. Then you saw another girl approaching him, that girl is not his future bride. You looked as the girl confessed to him, and he rejected saying that he already have a crush on someone else. The girl had left, and Aaron saw you standing there. “A-Alisa…? You… saw?” Aaron asked as he saw you, scratching the back of his head.

Your courage to confess had been taken away after that scene. You decided to not confess on that day, afraid of being rejected like the girl just now and that you does not want to push your confession to Aaron and let him have a hard time knowing he had already received one. You decided to play it cool and started your façade, until next time you had mustered enough courage to confess again, you thought. “So… you have a crush eh, Aaron? I never knew about it. Well who is that lucky girl who took the heart of one of the most popular guy in school?” You just grinned cheekily at him, looking at him as he pointed his finger somewhere. Where did he point his finger to?

[A> Inside the house where the party held

[b> The direction he was facing when you first saw him in the garden

[C> Towards you

[D> -write in-

Voting ends in 24 hours or when it reaches 3 votes.

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Selected answer: [C> Towards you

Aaron pointed his finger towards you. “It’s… her.” You blinked a few times as you looked at Aaron, if it is you he would say it’s you instead of it’s her. You then found out that his eyes are not looking at you but something behind you. You turned around and saw a beautiful girl. Yes, the girl that would be his bride in the future. You looked at Aaron again, this time his finger is pointing towards that girl and looking at you.

Your heart had broken into thousands of pieces as you looked at Aaron, but still keeping your poker face on. Of course he would like someone as beautiful as that girl, he only sees you like a sister. You smiled despite being hurt, and offered to help him with his crush in the name of you are a girl and you knows what a girl would like. Since then, you had continued the façade without stopping.

The birthday party was coming to an end, and I was at the garden looking up at the moon.” Aaron said, snapping you back into present from your memories of 10 years ago. “And then here I am, looking at MoonlightMagica.” He giggles.

He was looking up at the moon… That means none of the confessions had happened yet, at least to him. “Well, I was wondering why you are looking at the moon when I found you. They told me to give you some of the snacks and then I saw you, looking up at the moon before… this, ShadowKnight.” That was not a lie, you just missed out the part that you wanted to confess to him after some friends wanted you to bring the snacks and everything that happened for 10 years after that.

The moon is the most beautiful thing ever and I could not stop staring at the moon.” Aaron said, smiling.

You looked at Aaron and the way he is looking at you now is like how he looked at the moon that time. The nostalgia of this situation is starting to get too much for you to bear. “Welcome to the world of game. I am the creator of this game and known as the goddess of this world. This game functions like a normal MMORPG, but it is way more realistic. This is a firsthand experience of an MMORPG in first person mode where you are inside the game.” The girl who spoke into your mind just now had started the introductions.

What is her name?

1[A> Freya

1[b> Luna

1[C> Minerva

1[D> -write in-

What is the name of this world?

2[A> Lunaria

2[b> Reimer

2[C> -write in-

Voting ends in 24 hours or when it reaches 3 votes.

Voting still available if next update is not published yet even if it reached 3 votes or 24 hours.

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