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Dream come true - One step into the game world - Vote Here


2[A> gold

3[A> Black Gloves with purple hue and red ribbon,

Grey Socks with red thingy over socks?

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yikes, did no one understand my meaning of the 2nd and 3rd option?

I means that you can select 5 places to put colors, replace the colors displayed with another color

Example for 1[A>


if i change the color as below:

2[A> Outfit color

black > black

gold > gold

red > purple

purple > black

blue > red

3[A> Socks & gloves color


Black > black

Purple > red

Blue > purple


Black > black

Grey > red


2[A> Outfit color

black > black

gold > gold

red > purple

purple > red

blue > white (or grey if white is not available)

3[A> Socks & gloves color


Black > black

Purple > red

Blue > purple


Black > black

Grey >red
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/1234.png.a5ce95866e065603794186155e887046.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121451" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/1234.png.a5ce95866e065603794186155e887046.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> This is my vote.



  • 1234.png
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Vote is closed

Selected Answer: 1[A>

For the colors I had made a dice to decide which of Sombra's or Derek's and the result is:


I will update the next post within 1 hour.
Selected answer: 1[A>

You have selected the first outfit although it is a little embarrassing since it reveals more of your skin but then you don’t mind much since it is still okay and that this is just an avatar you had created. Of course you would wear shorts instead of skirt for an MMORPG since it would be easier to move.


You are satisfied with your look and outfit and it is finally time to name yourself. A name for an MMORPG cannot be a realistic name in your own opinion and you always liked to use cool names and don’t like a name that is too cute. You liked your name to include the Moon and listed down a few names wondering which you would like to use, you could also use a different name.

[A> MoonlightMagica

[b> YamiXTsuki

[C> CrescentShadow

[D> -write in-

Voting ends in 24 hours or when it reaches 3 votes.

Voting still available if next update is not published yet even if it reached 3 votes or 24 hours.
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Selected answer: [A> MoonlightMagica

When you tap on the name tab, a virtual keyboard appeared right in front of you. You looked at the keyboard made of neon lights and started typing, entering the in game name MoonlightMagica. With that, your character creation is completed. There is a button to confirm your character creation, do you want to proceed?

[A> Confirm character creation

[b> Change something

[C> -write in-
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Selected answer: [A> Confirm character creation

You tried to tap on the confirm button, but pondered if this is the right thing to do just when your finger is a few inches away from the button. To create an avatar and confirm the character creation like this is something normal, like how you would normally do when you start a game. You knew you are here because you had jumped off a high rise building trying to end your life, and this is not a game. It might be one, but it might not be one too. You are afraid, afraid of what would happen. You want to shout out loud and ask what is happening right now. There should be someone out there right? It is not like you are alone, right? How are you in this space of nothingness at the first place? Why create an avatar? What will eventually happen?

You then hear a voice of a girl as if she spoke right into your mind, a very soothing and melodic voice. “There is nothing to be worried or afraid about, follow your instincts. Just one step away, one step away from making your dream come true. One step into the game world…

Are you making the right choice? What should you do? Should you listen to that girl?

[A> Proceed

[b> Ask questions –write the questions-

[C> This is a dream, wake up!

[D> -write in-

Voting ends in 24 hours or when it reaches 3 votes.

Voting still available if next update is not published yet even if it reached 3 votes or 24 hours.
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[b> Ask questions –write the questions-

1. Is the title of the game nearby?

2. Who is the other girl?

3. Is there anyone else here?

4. Is this all a dream?

5. Is this just a dress-up game?
-=-=((Probably not, but why not xD ))=-=-
Selected answer: [b> Ask questions

1. Is the title of the game nearby?

2. Who is the other girl?

3. Is there anyone else here?

4. Is this all a dream?

5. Is this just a dress-up game?

Questions, you should ask some questions. That’s right, you realized, you should ask some questions! Why are you just blindly creating an avatar without questioning the reason you are here in this space of nothingness? This is not normal at all, and you acted as if it is a normal thing to do when you see the character creation interface. What were you thinking trying to proceed without questioning anything?

You sort out what you wanted to ask in your mind, and you decided to open your mouth to talk for the first time. “Who are you? Is this all just a dream? Am I the only one here? I know this is supposed to be a game, but what kind of game is it, a dress up game? No, it’s most probably not a dress up game. What kind of game is this? What is the title of the game? What will happen if I proceed?” You asked the questions with a pause of a few seconds between them, your voice sounded different and it startled you a little, it sounded between mature and cute.

You then hear a soft giggle from the same voice that spoke into your mind, and it sounded like a sincere and innocent giggle to you and does not sound like some evil giggle. “You know the answer, follow your instinct. You know the answer by heart. But I will answer one of the questions anyway, he is here too. I will explain… everything… once you had… finished your avatar… [real name]…

Somehow, you don’t feel afraid anymore, that voice really does have a soothing effect. That girl trusts that you know the answer by heart, and your instinct tells you that she is on your side. She told you he is here, but who is he anyways? Your instinct tells you that you already know who you will be meeting. She knows your name, your real name. You had never mentioned your real name at all, but she knows your name. Her last sentence is a bit muffled, like she had just used all her energy just to speak to you. Of course, no one should be talking or chatting in a character creation interface at all, it is supposed to be a space for only you and your avatar. You decided to not be wavered by your thoughts and follow your heart, follow your instinct like what the girl told you to do. You finally tapped on the confirm button and felt an adrenaline rush as a gust of strong wind blows in your direction. Your surrounding changed into a tunnel of teleport vortex as you are being transported to somewhere else.


What is your real name?

[A> Mirabelle

[b> Melissa

[C> -write in-

Voting ends in 24 hours or when it reaches 3 votes.

Voting still available if next update is not published yet even if it reached 3 votes or 24 hours.
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