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Dream come true - One step into the game world - Vote Here

[C> Look around for a map (maybe a map like the ones that keep on getting filled up more as you explore more and if yes could it also show quest markers?)

Hmm... 3 different answers eh? I guess we need one more vote to decide

CellistCat606 said:
[C> Look around for a map (maybe a map like the ones that keep on getting filled up more as you explore more and if yes could it also show quest markers?)

Yeah I plan to make the maps for dungeons like that.
Selected answer: [A> Check the guide book

Goddess Minerva did tell us that we should take a look at the Guide Book if we have any questions, so I guess we should take a look at it.” You suggested.

Yeah, we can take a look about Lunaria points and Storyline unlock.” ShadowKnight said. “It might be inside this small pouch we both have.

You both looked at the pouch you both have, it is a small pouch with image of three different sections which is equipment, consumables, and others. There is images of some beginner equipment in the equipment section, some potion in the consumables section and a guidebook in the others section. Every section has 30 slots available, and there is a description of the guidebook as you touched the image of the guidebook.

Lunaria Guide Book


A guide book for Guardians from Goddess Minerva, it has all the information a Guardian might need.


Double tap to use the item.

Both of you double-tapped the image of the guidebook, and it popped out into a real sized book. You checked about the Lunaria points and started reading out loud. “Lunaria points are exchangeable with customable fashion items in the boutique of every town or to use as a currency for getting raw materials to improve secondary skills set in the secondary skill section, it can also be changed for useful item in the Lunaria Ponts Market or to upgrade your current house.

ShadowKnight nodded and read out about Storyline unlock. “Storyline unlock is a way of gaining experience while watching the wonders of this world, at the same time gaining Lunaria Points. You will be able to learn more about Lunaria if you unlock more storyline. This is not required and it is optional for the Guardians.

You and ShadowKnight both looked at each other. “So the storyline unlock is optional, but I guess we should go on and unlock more storylines to know more about this world.” You said.

You both now have the guide book in your hands, what should you do next?

[A> Take a look at your statistics

[b> Wear the equipments in the pouch and take a look at the equipments

[C> Learn more from the guidebook –write in-

Voting ends in 24 hours or when it reaches 3 votes.

Voting still available if next update is not published yet even if it reached 3 votes or 24 hours.
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