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Fantasy Dragons in the West

Tepet Prospero

Magic Carpet Ride

Prospero launched the bolt in the air, letting it detonate harmlessly. He looks both enraged and disappointed. "Apologies your Admiralty, had I been swifter, we would have gotten him. I blame only myself." He said, taking the brunt of the blame for the disappointing hunt.

An arm goes around her waist, gently holding her to him as he flew up, a much slower pace then before. "That Anathema or Deathknight will likely return to complete it's mission. I'll be their to stop him next time. I will be better." He said, crackling with lightning like determination. Of course, on some level, that determination was merely an attempt to posture for the woman in his arms, to draw her closer to him.

Manipulation + Performance



Mnemon Vinh Yi

Vinh nods emphatically. "I'll go back to my room and get my armor, then I'll be ready to join in the hunt."

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